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Crossed Paths, Part III

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Marcus of the Roma.

Marcus pauses at the start of the rickety bridge.

"Any ideas as to where that goes?" he says, jerking his chin in the direction of the tunnel leading off to the right.

"Sorry, stupid question," he adds before anyone can respond. "Anyone interested in seeing what lies down some of these other passages? More than likely its not going to be pleasent ..nothing down here is .. but as we don't really know where we are supposed to look, it may pay to be check the odd nocks and crannies."

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“I agree Marcus, lets take a quick look in these passages but then head on down again to the Sphinx. I do not know if this also applies to a sphinx but a woman does not like to wait.”


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The party first tries the right wood and rope bridge. This takes them into a dark narrow stone hallway, which quickly opens again into another underground cave with another rope and wood bridge. Again it seems pretty sturdy. As the party walks over it, several large bats swoop around them, but don't attack. Mendicus becomes a bit spooked, but holds onto Brioc's pack and everyone makes it over alright.

This leads into another stone tunnel with comes out into rectangular room, about 30 x 40 feet. Set before the Eastern wall is a large basin, with water in it. Behind these is a floor to ceiling black curtain.

To the west is a well-kept stone statue of a large hiddeous man, with a skull for a face. He is very muscular, and his eyes glint in the dim light. The statue is flanked by two iron braziers. These are lit and let out a flickering light over the room.


Marcus of the Roma.

Marcus slows to a halt before the entrance to the room.

"Is that the same demon that poped up through the floor? Its ugly enough.

"Octar, do you want the left side, Tullius the right? I'll go first and try and spot any unpleasent surprises before we step on them. Dhormium, can you back me up? Ehldannis, Brioc and Mendicus, can you take the van?"

Marcus goes over the formation in his head. Marcus is not all that keen on being at the pointy end if things get ugly, but someone needs to watch the footing. An triangle of four in front of a block. It should give us resonable position.

"Or any other suggestions?"

ooc: I'd like to get some form of standard formation. Anyone have any other ideas? Do we need the thief at point, or would we be better with someone with a bit more grunt. Perhaps we should do this ooc as well.

Thomas Hobbes

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That configuration sounds good to me; Octar will defer to Tullius in these manners if he says anything, but trusts Marcus well enough to follow his orders.

Octar dislikes the place immensely. "Let's smash it," he says, referring to the statue. "Or better yet, toss it down after the priest."


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~Dhormium walks to Marcus and claps him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry Marcus, I’ve got your back in these caves. Lets proceed.”

~Dhormium looks at Mendicus~ “Mendicus, could you keep an eye out for Grassius?” ~Then he locks his eyes on Grassius and speaks his dwarven tongue as he points at Mendicus~ “Grassus, stay with Mendicus

ooc: Can dhormium see a religous meaning in the statue? knowledge religeon +6


Marcus of the Roma.

A shudder goes down Marcus's spine at Octar's suggestion.

"I don't like it either Octar. It would be most satisfying to hurl the whole lot down into the pit. But I think we should tread softly and stay focused on what we have come to do. We have enough enemies as it is without stirring up more trouble. We haven't seen the last of Sergius I suspect.

"Lets get in there, check the room, then move on. Stay alive everyone."

Assuming no objections, Marcus moves into the room, eyes peeled for traps and trusting his companions to keep theirs peeled for other nastiness.

ooc: I think Grassius is with the villagers.

Inez Hull

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ooc: I'm assuming Ehldannis has had the chance to re-memorise spells during our stay in the village.

Ehldannis mumbles a few arcane phrases and then scans the room with glowing green eyes [casts Detect Magic]. If anything of note can be seen he relays it to his friends. Once the room is "secured" he will make a methodical search of the walls and statue.


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Tullius keeps a close eye out for trouble. "Be careful Marcus, somebody has been here recently to light those braziers ... he could still be around."


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Grassus stayed in the village. The statue is different than the one that rose from the ground in the room with all the bodies. Closer examination does reveal that its eyes are made of large turquise gems, probably worth several hundred gps, each.

Ehldannis detects magic from the braziers flanking the statue. It is a minor to moderate abjuration. behind the mirror in the East wall, Ehldannis finds a stairway leading down. He finds no secret doors.

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