• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Crossfire *Finished Rip Antny*


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The cabby dropped Randy and Tony at the front steps of St. Morrus memorial Hospital, an orderly came out with a wheel chair for Randy.

Tony patted Randy's shoulder.

" I think you’ll be safer with me outa your hair Starsky, look me up when your feeling better."

Randy tried to get out of the wheelchair, but the orderly was a big man and wasn’t letting him go anywhere.
He shouted after Tony.

" You damn fool he's gonna kill you, at least get my partner Ray Simmons to take you to a safe house."

Tony chuckled as he turned to walk away.
" The police station in a major metropolitan city wasn't safe enough, you’re out of your mind if you think I’m going to call another cop to keep me safe."

Tony hailed a cab from the sidewalk, turning one last time to face Randy before getting in.

" Sayonara Columbo, see you at the next policeman’s ball. Keep your dance card open eh?"

Randy flipped him the bird, as he was taken inside the hospital.

Tony arrived at his destination, paid the cabby and crept up the driveway of his brother’s house. He didn’t get along with his brother’s wife normally, she would have a fit if she saw what he was about to do.

Tony's brother was a shoe salesman to the public, and an arms dealer from hell to certain private sectors. He kept a serious arsenal in a stash spot below his garage, and the key was hidden under a fake piece of dog poop in the back yard.

He never understood why his brother Carmine had married Ginger, she was a suburban college girl from Indiana with a degree in childcare. She was habitually unemployed, and had a gambling habit along with her penchant for young Latino boys.

Tony had used some of his free time to take a few choice pictures of one of Ginger’s rendezvous, but his brother had shrugged and told Tony to loose the evidence.

They didn’t have any children, just a big German shepherd name Vance.
No reasons he could think of to stay with someone who was unfaithful, but what did he know. Tony hadn't felt that way about anyone for a long time.

He popped the door to the garage, and crawled on his belly across the garage floor. Inching under his brothers 72 mustang, he flipped the catch release on a hidden alcove in the floor.

Several black metal barrels glinted under Tony’s pocket flashlight; he grabbed a few handguns and some ammo leaving the big guns where they were.

Tony was never a believer in large firearms, he was always well within 30' or less from his target. A Browning High Power or a Sig Suaer p223 was accurate at that range, and both had clips large enough for any sustained fire fight he may find himself in.

His favorite though was the Colt Commander he usually carried, it was 10mm which was enough to stop most targets. The big chrome handgun had assisted him through a few tight spots, and the heft it gave in his shoulder holster was like a security blanket to Tony.

The handguns he had taken from his brother were sufficient enough for what he had in mind, a VP70z with a 30 round clip and auto capability.
And a 4inch .357 revolver made by Smith and Wesson.

Tony had the feeling that his killer had found some way to track him, as he had shown up at the Hospital and the Police station both within hours of his arrival. He had to get an advantage of some kind, and home turf was all he could think off.

He left his brother’s house and headed for the docks, hoping he still had some pull with some old friends.
He would need their help if this was gonna work...
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The salty air and fishy smell made Zelaknia wriggle his nose in disgust, it reminded him of the Aboleth and their scum warriors back home.

T'pau Rey hung lightly by his side, sending waves of energy which translated into mental pictures.
He could see the target loading and cleaning some pistols, the background was a warehouse full of fish and other sea denizens.

Zelaknia felt that he was close, he could see a small group of buildings over in the distance. His target was inside of one of them, of that he was sure.

He double-checked that all of his weapons were primed and ready to go, he had quite the arsenal about him. 3 handguns, 2 submachineguns, an assault rifle borrowed from the swat team and some assorted hand grenades.

Everything checked as ready, the sky was getting dark and that made Zelaknia comfortable. He would wait until darkness and spring his trap then, he could only succeed since failure was not an option.

Tony heard the horn of a trawler, it blew 2 long clear notes. That meant his hunter had shown up on the docks. A shore bell in the first warehouse rang 4 short rings, giving Tony the signal he had been waiting for.

He got up and moved to the loft stairs, whistling an old shoremans tune that signaled his friends to get ready. They had rigged the entire warehouse into one big trap, hopefully they would be able to surprise their enemy.

Zelaknia scaled the sides of the warehouse, another trick provided by the blade at his side. He came to an open window hatch, and lowered himself into the rafters.

The building was dark but moonlight filtered through the window, providing him with plenty of light to see by. A few dockworkers sat by the entrance smoking pipes and conversing between one another.

Zelaknia levitated down to the floor, and crouched behind a couple of crates.
He willed the blade to give him sight, and was rewarded with a picture of his prey snoozing comfortably in a hammock. He felt his presence behind him, and turned to see a room with the door slightly ajar.

The Drow warrior smirked with delight as he drew T'pau Rey from it's sheath, the blade purred as they advanced upon Tony's position. It had tasted Tony's blood, but it really wished to devour his soul.

The door opened without a sound, as he padded silently inside. The target was not moving, and his chest rose and fell as would a sleeping mans.
Zelaknia advanced with caution, and rose up in striking form before Tony.

The Drow warrior realized a little to late that his prey’s eyes were open, and that he was smiling. Tony fired almost point blank into Zelaknia's torso, the little 4-inch revolver lifted him up and sent him flying back into the wall.

A throng of men rushed into the room and threw fishing nets over the Drow warrior’s prone body, ensnaring him in a large tangle of thread.
They hooked the mess of nets to a hoist, and sent him into the air were he dangled like a bizarre yo yo.

Black blood dripped from the strange mans chest, were one of the bullets had made it past his tactical vest. The wound seemed shallow though, and Tony paid it little heed. After all this was the man who had stuck a sword into his shoulder, so why should he provide him with any quarter?

Tony waved his men out of the room, and sat back down on the hammock.
He leveled the little revolver at his captive and spoke.

" So tell me, who sold you my contract? Was it Mr. Hong?"

Zelaknia moaned as he felt his ribs had cracked when he had been shot.
He spit a gob of bloody mucus on the floor.

" If I remember my language tutoring I believe the proper reply is get stuffed."

Tony looked at him with amusement.

" I don’t really care who your working for, they should get the message when I send them your guts in a tube sock."

Zelaknia coughed a rasping cough that turned into a giggle.

" And you plan on doing the cutting yourself I suppose?"

Tony smiled.

" Naw we got a machine for that, in fact we have machines for just about anything. The one you’re going in shortly is used to fillet yellow fins, a dockhand fell into it once. It skinned him and then bisected him, and then it steamed his organs until they fell out of him. After that it beheaded him, and wrapped all the unnecessary parts up in a neat little plastic tube sock."

Tony paused.

" You know the fellas and I, were kinda interested to see your insides. Being that you bleed black blood and all."

Zelaknia Smiled coldly.

" Are you sure that’s what you want? Just to see what I’m made of?"
The Drow warrior paused, and gave Tony a look that gave him chills.

" Then let me oblige you, in ways that you could never imagine."
Zelaknias eyes rolled back into his head, and a gurgling noise came from his throat. He vomited a black stringy substance onto the floor below him, it began to eat through the netting that held him suspended.

Tony whistled and his friends came back into the room, armed with a variety of fishing knives and a few machetes.

" When he hits the floor cut him up, well chum the harbor with him."

The Drow warrior began to chant, blue tendrils of energy reached out from his hands and touched down in the black mess on the floor.

The black goo bubbled and spat, it smelled of fowl rot and gore. Then with a pop, millions of tiny spiders the size of a dime scuttled from the mess.
They headed towards the group of men, who stood there watching in horror as they engulfed the first man and skeletized him in seconds.

Zelaknia screamed his laughter, as the spiders began to grow. They would continue to grow for everyman the consumed, until they were the size of small cars. Then they would burst and a million more spiders would be born each with the same insatiable hunger as the ones before them.

The sword had spoken into his mind, using him to cast the spell. It had called it Lolths Boon, and the spell was now written in Zelaknias subconscious.
He shifted slightly and his bonds broke, sending him to the floor were he landed with the grace of a cat.

Tony fired his revolver at the Drow, but he sidestepped every shot with an unnatural quickness. Zelaknia turned and began to approach him as a frightened dockworker tried to cut him with a machete.

The man screamed horribly as his chest was penetrated by the evil blade held in Zelaknias hand. And Tony almost screamed himself when he saw the man turn to ash and explode violently all over the room.

Tony began to panic as he ran towards a window to escape the black man who hunted him. Zelaknia drew a pistol from his belt and fired a round into Tony’s leg, tripping him and sending him sprawling.

The group of men had been unsuccessfully trying to stomp the spiders into the floor, and two more of them had ended up skeletons. The spiders had been reduced in number, but were now the size of small dogs.

Zelaknia spoke to them in his native tongue, telling them to halt their advance. He then dropped the pistol he had shot Tony with, and approached the group of men sword drawn and at the ready.

" Show me human scum! Show me how you fight, come and take my life if you can!"

The men looked at one another, and then the glowing blade that the enemy held out to them like a beckoning hand. As one they screamed and charged him, blades brandished and muscles taught.
The Drow warrior smiled as they came like Roth to the slaughter, his blood sang the killing song as he engaged the men with certainty.


First Post
Tony lay on the floor in pain, clutching at his calf to try and slow the blood flow. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye, and turned to see two large spiders scuttling towards him with fangs dripping saliva.

He drew the VP70z and fired a small burst at them, they were both turned into yellow gobs of puss in an instant. Tony winced at the recoil from his gun, the wound on his calf was bleeding badly.

The world swam as he tried to stand up, but his will was stronger and he used the window sill next to him to pull himself up. He was standing now, but everything seemed doubled.

Across the room a battle raged, as blades flashed violently to and fro. The men were not fairing well against Zelaknia's glowing steel and superfast reflexes. There had been a dozen to begin with, but now only three stood against his arcane might.

The one man in front kept up with a determined assault, bringing his machete to bear time and time again. The metal on his blade however was beginning to show wear from clashing against the sorcerous blade of the Drow warrior.

The other two men were circling to his sides in hopes of flanking him, but the drow seemed to be one step ahead of them every time. The man on his right was disemboweled with a stroke from his sword, and the one on the left was knocked flat with a sweeping kick.

Before the man could regain his feet, three large spiders had ripped his head from his shoulders. They rolled it on the floor between them, playing with it like a toy.

The last man standing brought his machete up in an overhead block, hoping to deflect the dark blade once more. The ruinous steele bit into the machete, cleaving it and the man beneath it in twain.

Zelaknia shouted his joy and turned to address Tony, but all he found was a blood trail going out the window. The Drows cheers turned to curses, as he sheathed his sword and took the rifle from his back.

The assault rifle he had pilfered from the swat van, was sleek and black with a top mounted scope. It had words printed on the side that he could not decipher, but no matter it operated much the same way as the AK47 he had trained with.

He moved to the window, and began searching for his prey. The human target could not have gotten very far, Zelaknia reasoned with himself.
He would reacquire him again shortly, and then the fun could begin.

Tony limped from cover to cover, until he was a good ways from the building. He then ripped his shirt into pieces and made a makeshift tourniquet, tightening it until he couldn’t take it anymore.

His vision swam as the blood loss began to effect him, he shivered as he began to feel the chill hand of death grasp him.

Getting up from his hiding spot, he limped across the way to the next set of crates. Wood splintered above his head as a bullet hit the crate, Tony hit the deck hard and began to slip into unconsciousness.
His last memory before blacking out was the flash of red and blue lights in the distance…..

Randy stood on the bow of the police interceptor, the bandages on his ribs were tight and he ached from the beating he had taken. His right eye had swollen up, and he would need some dental work.

The shoreline was visible now and he could see the outlines of the wharf buildings, he brought a pair of binoculars up to his eyes and spotted Tony’s prone form on the dock.

“ Dispatch this is officer #5278, need assistance at the north beach marina. Send medics and backup ASAP.”

His radio crackled and sqwuaked.

“ Ten Four 78, meds and backup inbound.”

Randy glanced back at the men that he had recruited, they were what was left of the tactical squad.
He hadn’t had to argue with them, they wanted some payback for their brothers.

In another 30 seconds he would be on shore, his ribs ached in anticipation.


Herder of monkies
Good stuff man, I'll be sure to stay tuned for more.

I like the edginess that you have in your writing; a good, clean, rawness that kinda grabs you by the throat like a strong cup of coffee in the morning. And you seem to honestly be enjoying writing the story, which is a good thing. Keep it up.


First Post
Cant wait to see what you and the others have in store. You are blessed with an awesome group, I know alot of people who would kill to game with you guys! The three story hours I read are all by members of your group, are you sure you guys are from this planet? Incredible stuff!


First Post
Zelaknia levitated down to the ground, as his 8 legged friends followed down the side of the wall. The riflescope gave him an open field of vision on the approaching police boat, he fired three short bursts at it and took down two of the tactical officers before it jammed.
He threw the rifle to the ground and drew an MP5 machine gun he had slung on his back, he was running out of guns but that didn’t matter T'pau Rey was more than a match for any of these human scum.

Randy had barely regained control of the interceptor, both the driver and one of the other tactical officers had been killed. That left randy and one other officer, this was not gonna be easy.
They grabbed the dead officer’s machine guns and pulled up to the dock, jumping out without tying the boat up.
They made their way down to a bunch of crates, taking cover behind them and checking their weapons. The tactical officer advance in a duck walk, Randy followed in similar fashion his knees protesting as he went.
He finally came upon the prone form of Tony, there was a lot of blood coming from his calf. Randy put pressure on the makeshift tourniquet that Tony had tied to his leg, but the blood seemed to press against his hand trying to get out.

" Damn he must have hit the artery, Dispatch what’s the ETA on the medivac?!"

Tony never heard the reply as gunfire drowned out the mike on his shoulder.
The tactical officer returned fire at whoever was shooting at them, ducking back as the crate they were hiding behind was shredded further by small arms fire.
Randy hazarded a look, and was immediately forced to duck back. He had time to see however the small black shapes that scuttled along the dock towards them.

" We have incoming, and we need to get the civilian to safety." Randy yelled over the machine gun chatter.

The tactical officer nodded and pulled a couple of smoke grenades off of his vest, ticking of the seconds on his right hand. He lobbed the grenade over the crate and he and randy made a break for the dock carrying Tony between them. Bullets followed them but did not find thier mark, and then all of the sudden the gunfire stopped.

The smoke from the grenades billowed up around them and obscured thier vision, the tactical officer put Tony's legs down and trained his gun sites on the crate where they had been. Randy winced as the machine gun sounded a short burst, and then again when the officer continued firing. Randy looked back and grimaced in horror as a wall of black furry legs came over the crate, he laid Tony down and began firing as well scattering puss globules everywhere as the spiders died.

Tony swore and dropped his weapon, grabbing Tony up and dragging him along as quickly as he could. Their weapons were not stemming the black tide, and the tactical officer paid the price shortly after that as the arachnids engulfed him.

Randy was about to loose hope when he heard the thump of chopper blades, the smoke was blown out into the bay revealing hundreds of thousands of spiders rushing towards them. The police choppers opened up side doors and tactical officers from the 383rd, began firing into the mass and dropping down other officers to help Randy with Tony's body.

Zelaknia screamed a vile curse at the helicopters as they floated in on the wind, they were going to prevent him from acquiring his target. He felt energy well up inside him as his hate grew, it was released from him in a ball of fire from his hands. The ball streaked out from him and impacted the nearest chopper, reducing it to a smoking pile of ash as it crashed down into the docks.
"They want a war ill bring it to them!"


First Post
Randy's radio crackled to life.

"All birds take evasive action, subject has anti air of some sort."

Randy looked up into the sky and watched, as one of the tactical choppers careened into the dock not more than a hundred yards from him. It was engulfed in fire, and the rotor had separated and was currently smashing its way threw several crates and a dock loader.

"What in gods name...."

A second ball of fire raced out from Zelaknias position and impacted the tail rotor of the lead tactical chopper, sending it into a wild spin. The other choppers started to move out of the way, but one of them was slow to react.
The spinning command chopper collided with his wingman, the resulting explosion caused the other pilots to try to take evasive maneuvers. One by one the choppers went down like dominoes, some colliding with others and one of them having it's rotor removed by debris.

Randy cursed as he threw Tony over his shoulder and ran like hell for the nearest cover, flames and molten metal rained down upon them making the docks look like they had been transported to hell.

Zelaknia strode through the burning wreckage with impunity, he laughed as he watched his former minions shriek and curl up into tiny balls of burning flesh.
He was invincible now the sword had told him so, and he felt the eldritch power coursing through him and it made him believe.

More of the Tactical officers fired at him and the bullets melted away as they neared him, then the officers themselves burst into flames like so much kindling. The Drow warrior roared his delight, and fire began to spread everywhere.

Zelaknia spied his target lying prone next to his police officer friend, his pace quickened as he began to realize his purpose was about to be fulfilled.
He smiled to himself, he would finish these two off and then he would return home and address the matron mother.

Randy looked up and saw the Drow coming, he drew his service revolver and emptied it into Zelaknia. The bullets became liquid about a foot away from him, and Randy could now feel the heat he was generating. The dark warrior walked up and solidly slid the sword home in Randy's gut, letting him and the sword fall to the ground as he rose his arms to the sky.

" Now this world will know my might, now you all shall bow to me!"

A very familiar voice came to his ears just then.

" You forget something their Wally?"

Zelaknia looked down upon Tony, and saw the muzzle flash as Tony's Colt sent death his way. The bullet impacted Zelaknias forehead with a sickening crunch, sending his brains out the back of his skull forcefully. The Drows corpse took a few steps back and then crumpled to the dock floor, blood flowed copiously from the hole in its head.

" Ain’t nothing without your fancy pigsticker eh punk!"

Tony looked over to where randy lay with the blade sticking out of his back.

" Should have stayed in the hospital dude, damn thats looks painful!"

Red and blue lights flashed in the background as Tony's vision began to fade, for a moment he thought he saw someone dressed in white standing over Randy.

"Oh well better place anyway..."

Tony happily passed into oblivion.

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