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Fayden: You step towards the rider, a swing and a good solid hit. You drop the rider.

Riders: The female rider a ways back in the entanglement finally makes one strength check, and pushes half her movement speed. The two fresh riders move into range and fire at you. One misses, and the other hits for 5 damage.


Fayden: You successfully mount the horse, and ride northwest at full speed. The rider in the brush becomes re-entangled.

Riders: The rider stuck in the brush fails her strength check. The two riders in persuit move. The one on the "outside" takes a double move to get in front of you. The other rider loads and fires his crossbow (19 rolled to hit, 6 damage).

You pass out while your mount is still spurred forward, your dog following at your heals.

(next post will involve both players finally)


The Cellar
A 45x50 stone underground store-room with multiple storage spaces and various implements. There is a staircase leading up.

Both: You've been unconcious for who knows how long. Your wounds appear to have mostly healed, though it looks like the injury has only been treated by mundane means. You can vaguely remember being waked up to be fed a few times, but you've spent most of this time bound and knocked out. There are welts and bruises to prove that your trip was not confortable.


[sblock=Lucidus]Lucidus: You are in a 10 foot room that appears to have been a storage vault of some-sort, but it was converted into a prompt jail-cell. Your equipment is missing, and you are alone. You have recovered all of the damage dealt to you during the previous encounter. Your memory is a bit hazy, and your terribly hungry, but you can clearly remember being attacked, stabbed, and kidnapped. The door in front of you is a simple wooden one, and you think that the lock is nothing more complicated than an ordinary house-lock. In the distance you hear something like a loud dog barking. There is very little light to work with in here.[/sblock]

[sblock=Fayden]Fayden: You wake up to hearing spike barking, though you have been hearing it for hours now. Your injuries have healed, but you still feel incredibly sore in the spots where you took the two bolts. When you come to, you find that spike is not in the room with, but rather on the other side of a wall.

You realize now that you've been taken captive, and apparently spike has as well. Your clothing is covered in your own blood, and it would seem they stripped you of most of your equipment. You are in a 10 foot by 10 foot room covered in soft hay. The door leads out to the east, and looks to be bolted shut from the other side. There is very little light to work with in here.[/sblock]


First Post
Lucidus quickly scans the room for a suitable lock-pick. If he cannot find anything he makes a lock-picking attempt on the door.

"Would someone please shut that dog up!"


Lucidus: After digging through your room thorughly, you find a long stiff piece of wire that might make for a suitable lockpick. It won't work as well as a normal lockpick, but it will reduce the penalty to lock-picking by 1.

After working the lock for quite a while (2 minutes) you manage to finally unlock the simple mechanism. You open the door slowly to peer into the dark room. The only light sources in the room are two candles set into brass fixtures at the north end of the room just in front of the staircase.

The ground here is stone, and slightly damp. You have to move carefully because there are numerous crates, boxes, barrels, and urns throughout this storage room. With the faint light, you can barely make out the glimmer of brass door handles on two doors slightly north of your room, and one to the south.


Exiting your cell...


The Staircase...
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First Post
I quietly say, "Friend, can you let me out, so we can make our escape together? You'd find me and my dog worthwhile allies."

If he doesn't let me out, I wait until dawn and prepare two produce flame spells. If he lets me out, I get Spike out and quiet him.


First Post
I whisper "If it'll help us get the heck outta here. Just make sure that dog of yours stays quiet."

I attempt to open the door to the stranger's cell. "You look pretty badly wounded, are you going to be ok?"


Lucidus: You have a bit of trouble navigating the room in the dim lighting, but eventually you manage to figure out the mechanism on the bolted door and get it open.

Fayden: The man in front of you doesn't look to be in perfect shape himself, though his wound seems a bit lighter. You can barely make out the rest of the room from here, though Spike's barking seems to be coming from behind the door at the opposite side of the room.

Voidrunner's Codex

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