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Cthulhu monster creations?


Yeah, the thing is is says it can grow *2* new heads at every quarter HP milestone, so ie if it had 100hps, it grows 2 new heads at 75, 50 (bloodied), and 25.

personally to me, that sounds incredibly powerful... I mean for a melee character that HAD to be within reach of me I could potentially kill him/her in just one round because I made six basica attacks against him that all hit. I personally wouldn't do this though - that's a little bit crazy.

I'll have to see if any of the delve chars my players make have powers that stun or daze and if they have enough potentail there I'll let it be - otherwise maybe I'll make a house rule of rolls of 19-20 and you 'cut' off a head/tentacle... only to have 2 grow back at the HP milestones.

The encounter also says that failed attempts to close the portal result in monsters coming out of the portal... I'm actually envisioning those crawler-like things like in Cloverfield, haha. Of course nothing special to take out, but still a consideration. We'll see how they do against my made-up Cthulhu scion/aspect/avatar

EDIT: What also confuses me about the Hydra Fury attack power is that it doesn't address whether or not I can attack multiple people. for example; it says I can use any combination of bite or acid volley; so I initially roll on the nearest target to me and I hit with Hydra Fury - does that mean I can attack Everyone? Am I making an attack roll for every person I decide to attack? If I rolled against one person and succeeded with Hydra Fury I wouldn't want to focus fire on that one person because, well, I don't want to kill him in one round, lol.

I guess what i'm asking is: Is this Hydra Fury power really just one attack roll, (head count) damage rolls? And is it only against one person? If it can be against multiple people does that mean I'm rollilng attack rolls for each person I target?

You know what? I re-read the attack power and it does say make six basic attacks which seems to imply six seperate attack rolls so that answers my question. Reading comprehension FTW!

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David Jose
You know what? I re-read the attack power and it does say make six basic attacks which seems to imply six seperate attack rolls so that answers my question. Reading comprehension FTW!

  • One initiative roll for the entire hydra.
  • On the hydra's turn it can use Hydra Fury to make 6-x attacks.
  • It can choose 6-x targets and rolls one attack roll for each of those 6-x basic attacks.
  • You should also pay attention to the the fact that Acid Spit is a ranged attack which can provoke opportunity attacks.

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