Current Conversion Requests

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First Post
Looks good, and be happy to add a sidebar. :cool:
Thanks, I'm glad you like the idea, many of these classic creatures are ripe for re-imagining in specific Settings like what they've been doing in Pathfinder. Here's an updated version with corrections:
Grave Mists in the Ghostwalk Champaign: Grave Mists have no interests in feeding on ectoplasm, and therefore ignore ghosts (unless the ghost attacks them first), favoring the life force lingering upon corpses and the living.
A dead PC who was killed by a Grave Mist has their spirit blighted and raised as another grave mist as the Crate Spawn ability normally, The PC’s soul trapped within a befouled envelope of unlife, it cannot enter the veil to either manifest as a ghost or cross over until its cursed form is first destroyed. This does not include any future grave mists it creates, although should it have created other spawn before being destroyed and manifesting as a ghost, he loses control over them and turns against him and any living closest by. After being destroyed, should the spirit wish to manifest as a ghost, a saving throw (DC 15 fortitude) is required. Should the PC succeed he/she manifests normally, failure indicates the festering taint of the grave mist still remains, and the ghost’ appearance is always manifests in the gruesome category no matter what wounds the body sustained before death. A gentle repose spell cast by a 5th level spell caster purges the lingering blight from its ectoplasm allowing the ghost to appear the way it should.
A ghost PC slain by a grave mist on the other hand does not become another grave mist, instead the raw ectoplasm remains intact for 1d4 rounds undergoing a blighted metamorphosis into a new necroplasm (Ghostwalk p. 168). Not until the same necroplasm (the PC’s soul infested by blight and not any others it may have created itself) is destroyed and the imprisoned soul freely pass through the veil into the true afterlife, can the body of the PC be raised from the dead normally.
I have some ideas for the Ogre Slug as well :p


First Post
OH I had another request, any chance you could convert the Giant Pitcher Plant and Giant Venus Flytrap from the 1st ed Dragon Mag Creature Catalogues? Need some lesser dangerous plants, the Flaytrap is practically a lesser version of a Greenvise. Thanks:)


Monster Junkie
Absolutely! I've got a number of fey lined up in the Dragon queue for this month, but planned on a plant theme for March, so will probably hit them then.


First Post
Absolutely! I've got a number of fey lined up in the Dragon queue for this month, but planned on a plant theme for March, so will probably hit them then.

That's great to hear, while I'm at it I put together a small list of plant monsters you may consider with the issue #s attached, including the ones I already requested ;)

Killer Spruce (dragon 156)

Rekeihs (dragon 94)

Helborn, Giant Butterwort, Giant Rainbow Plant (dragon 167)

Cushion Fungus (dragon 172)

Pilfer Vine (dragon 101)

Explodestool, Bohun Tree, Giant Pitcher Plant, Giant Venus Flytrap (dragon 89)

If there are already conversions for any of these then just ignore it, I didn't know :( !


Shirokinukatsukami fan
I checked, and none of those seem to have been converted yet. (Although the Killer Spruce is a joke entry from an April Fool's issue, so its stats are a little... odd!)


First Post
I checked, and none of those seem to have been converted yet. (Although the Killer Spruce is a joke entry from an April Fool's issue, so its stats are a little... odd!)

Hey, you guys did convert the Blink Wholly Mammoth, the Pigeontoad, and the dreaded Death Sheep to name a few from that fun issue, so anythings possible :D I'm still waiting for the edible Jello Monster :lol: !


Monster Junkie
Oh yes, April always brings back the "Send in the clowns..." thread. We'll see if we can give the killer spruce and jell-o monster their due this year. :p

Don Ventresca

First Post
I feel like an ass. I didn't know this thread existed, just went thought what I think is the hole converting dragons thread, and asked for a Purple Dragon conversion so yeah. I'll request one here. Can someone please convert the Purple Dragon? I'd do anything I could to help....

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