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D&D 5E Curse of Strahd spoiler-filled general discussion


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I ran this campaign March-December last year. Here are my thoughts:

1) I was really, really hoping they'd take the opportunity to get rid of the stupid joke names on the crypts beneath Castle Ravenloft. Horror has room for humor--may even require it--but it has to be the right kind of humor. Humor to lighten the mood, not destroy it. Those joke names literally belong on tombstones outside Disney's haunted mansion.

Correct, although some are worse than others. Mostly though, I tweaked and/or said then with a "Barovian Accent", and it wasn't a big deal.

2) Did I miss something, or did the adventure never reveal who stole the champagne "seed" from the winery? The mad druids have one. Baba Lyssaga has one. But the third, the one for which the wereraven who owns the place blames his son? I never saw any talk of where it actually ended up, or who took it.

Correct - as written, the PC's can only find two of the three missing gems. If they really care, you can make something up for the third one. But chances are, you'll be lucky if the PC's make it a priority to find even two gems - in my game, they found two, but the second (in the Hut) was more through doing other stuff not actively chasing it down.

3) The Amber Temple. No. Just... No. There are some cool ideas there, but the implication that the vestiges trapped within are the mysterious Dark Powers, the beings who made the pact with Strahd and tore Barovia off into its own demiplane? No. Leaving aside the fact that the Dark Powers should never be defined--it ruins the mystique--there is nothing about the vestiges to suggest they're powerful enough to accomplish something like that. It doesn't work, on either an in-game or meta level. (Also, I really dislike the "disposable lich NPC around every corner" trope we see in so many D&D adventures, but that's a separate issue.)

Well, my players got a lot of fun out of the Amber Temple, including multiple PC's being temped by and taking on at least one vestige - one even (later) became an evil NPC in league with Strahd. So from a "did it add value" point of view, the Amber Temple was pretty good (and a welcome change of pace, in terms of venue and location). The exact nature of the back-story etc, is up to us as DM to decide, in terms of how much you reveal, and also how much the players really care to try and find out. We all just took it at face value, a creepy place with some tough fight(s), and it was good.

4) I haven't run the numbers, but I'm a bit concerned that Strahd--for all his cool powers, and all the great ways he can/should be run--may not do enough damage for his CR. That's just a nitpick, though.

I used someone's slight "power up" version of Strahd, but to be honest it wasn't a big deal either way. When they first met him it was pure talk, then a few times early on he didn't stick around long if it came to blows and after a while it was getting to be a bit of a joke how quickly they could "nova" him and force him to back off (with some minions stepping in, if not already there). Once they got the the castle, it was all on and his Lair actions as well as his knowledge of the castle mean it's up to you as DM to make sure that Strahd meets and fights on his own terms, where he is very tough. This includes having multiple allies on his side, because just him vs the PC's is never going to work out well.

So in my game, Strahd first ambushed them when they went to the Throne Room which was where the Sword was - Strahd had Rahadin with him, and also a PC turn-cloak; I killed two PC's (carried one off), and TPK was only saved through the other 3 PC's running away (my players all know how I operate - it's up to them to avoid an imminent TPK, not me). The PC's them took their time exploring the upper levels, destroyed the Heart, took out Rahadin, and so on. When they finally got their big shown-down, Strahd still had multiple allies arrive just as the PC's attacked - his Brides, rat swarms, and so on. And I was very sure to make good use of hit and run tactics, get out of sunlight effects, and so on. I killed just one PC, almost one or two others, but eventually the PC's prevailed in a fight that took a whole session. It all boiled down to me, as DM, being sure I understood how to keep Strahd alive, and make sure it never became multiple PC's vs just him.

Very much like a game of chess, really, where Strahd is the King.

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Best campaign I've ever run. Didn't do much in the amber temple, but they went everywhere else. Strahd did last long once they finally battled. Eh.


Running this now as a Castlevania mash up. The players are about to meet Donavich and Doru. How did Donavich get his vampire son locked away in the understory and why hasn't he dug himself out?


Also, Strahd send Doru to torment his father, not suck his blood. It's entirely possible Doru let his father lock him in the cellar.


Thanks. The church session went very well.

So plot modifications include the following and talking with some fellow DMs might get my creative juices flowing, so please share your thoughts.

This is set in the Castlevania time line after Lament and before CV3. Dracula was "visiting foreign lands" after Lament and didn't start his war on humanity until Lisa, his wife and Alucard's mother, had been wrongly burned at the stake.

Dracula encountered Madam Eva outside of Barovia. (I'm not using the sister of Strahd note.) She fortold to Dracula that he would find the reincarnation of Elisabetha's soul trapped in Barovia, the domain of a powerful vampire lord, Strahd who's power is equal to his own.

Dracula makes a trail of victims for the vampire hunting Belmont clan to follow him into Barovia. His intention is to manipulate them into weakening or slaying Strahd.

He arrives ahead of them in the village of Barovia and finds Lisa (who replaces Irena) is bitten by Strahd. He takes her and hides her away with him somewhere in Barovia. I'm thinking Amber Temple.

The players arive in the village where Castlevania like skeletons and zombies sent by Strahd are punishing the town for hiding Lisa and searching for her. They meet Strahd who has just killed Ismark's father. Strahd leaves on his Nightmare and Ismark explains to the players that his adopted sister who was being visited by Strahd is now missing. Lisa looks strikingly similar to the female player character who is an adopted member of the Belmont clan. (Please brainstorm with me on where I can take that.)

Dracula has informed powerful witches in the land on how to summon a great demon of chaos that will be able to attack Strahd. They wish to over throw Strahd. Once summoned, Dracula will convince the demon to instead possess the heart of the castle. This will change castle Ravenloft into the castle of chaos that is the eternal Castlevania. Please tell me what you think would be good for getting the players involved with the witches and how they can get these details revealed to them.

Here are some things we can discuss I'd like to change.

In Vallaki there is the evil sherif with the demon arm. What can I do with him? Without Irena in the story he seems even more blind and his motivations awkward.

The Abbot is supposed to be the Dr. Frankenstein of this story. I like the mongrel folk, but I don't like the idea that he really believes making a bride of the monster for Strahd will fix Strahd. What can I do with him? I do like that he's a corrupted angel. Frankenstein has always been about making life without God's permission. I'd like this character to be deeper than the hard to believe motivation. I like that Strahd is responsible for his corruption.

Strahd must be motivated to engage the players. Perhaps he becomes infatuated with the character that looked like Lisa? Perhaps he enlists them to find her? Perhaps he sends them after the witches that wish to over throw him?

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Um... Normally would he be mad or is he mad because he's cast this spell on himself?

How am I supposed to role play this important character when I know only what Wikipedia tells me about him?

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