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Staff member
Like I said- you are where I used to be. I said "f***" and its derivatives as often as some people said "like" or "uh"- work at it and you'll be able to rid yourself of that flargindingle habit.

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Dannyalcatraz said:
Like I said- you are where I used to be. I said "f***" and its derivatives as often as some people said "like" or "uh"- work at it and you'll be able to rid yourself of that flargindingle habit.

Copy that- I suppose it means that there is hopef for my foul mouth :)


Creature Cataloguer
Harmon said:
Problem with a lot of these is that I am so comfortable with speaking in swear words that its second nature. Like trying to never say the word "and" or "the" or something along those lines. Its ingrained and that is my real issue- breaking that cycle.

Thanks for the suggestions, I hope this helps more then just me. Again, thank you. :)

if you use f--- and s--- as much as you use "the" and "and", you might just be in trouble. ;)


BOZ said:
if you use f--- and s--- as much as you use "the" and "and", you might just be in trouble. ;)

I worked with a guy like that.

Much like Dannyalcatraz describes, it basically replaced his "um" and "uh"... any time he had to pause to think while talking, he'd fill in the space. He didn't even realise he was doing it most of the time.



Hypersmurf said:
I worked with a guy like that.

Much like Dannyalcatraz describes, it basically replaced his "um" and "uh"... any time he had to pause to think while talking, he'd fill in the space. He didn't even realise he was doing it most of the time.


I had a friend in HS like that, too. He was so casual about it, other people hardly even noticed. It was kind of wierd when he did it infront of my parents and they didn't even notice.

Anyway, I found that ranting like Yosemite Sam was a fun replacement.

Razzan-fraggle grappin-sackin! Flibber-de-packin!

Templetroll said:
Rodgrigo, you proved that you can effect a change in how you speak but you went back to swearing. What is it about foul language that fulfills a need in you? I'm just interested.

At the time? Mostly because I hadn't done it long enough to break the habit -- stopping was mostly a function of will and concentration. Plus, I was in college and it annoyed my roommate. :p

I have enough self-control to curb it when I'm in inappropriate surroundings, usually. I can be grandma-safe when its called for.


First Post
Hypersmurf said:
Are you able to get the support of friends and family on this one?

If so, ask them to pick you up on it every time you swear without realising it. The bounty of fifty cents per word will give them an incentive to play the game, and you an incentive to think before you speak :)

One of my co-workers currently does this... though she has change value for the degree of the curse. She's actually gotten much better, and now just comes into our offices and writes on the white board "WTF" really huge and then says what she needs :lol: Her way of getting it out when needed without saying it.


First Post
One thing that helped me stop cursing when i be came a teacher is to wear a rubber band and snap my tounge when i cursed, after two welts, it hurt to speak so i just stoped cursing.

Voidrunner's Codex

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