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Custom Demon lord


First Post
If you are a player in my campaign please stay out of this thread, as it will ruin things and make your character death swift and terrible.

That being said, I've been working on statting out a demon lord for a coming epic (not epic as in the ELH) confrontation in my game. He's the culmination of many months worth of adventures and I want to make him fearsome and memorable.

Short background:
The demon Al'Muresh invaded the material plane bent on conquering and destroying nations as he saw fit. He got pretty far in his goals, and only the desperate act of forging feathers of one thousand angels into a blade produced a weapon capable of harming him. He was slain in a titanic battle, and all that was left of him was the armor he wore. Time passed, and people forgot what happened and what his armor was. His armor was found by a group of adventurous folk who discovered it was sentient. A series of unfortunate events occured and the demon merged with the paladin of the group and subsumed his personality. The demon left to restore his former glory and to return to his machinations including the destruction of many more kingdoms once again.

The party has found the Blade of Angels, and will be going into battle with the goal of capturing the demon and hopefully freeing the paladin before completely destroying the fiend for a final time.

So, here he is in semi polished state-

Large Outsider
Hit Dice: 22d10+ 110= 320 hp (max)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 40ft, Flight 50ft (good)
Armor Class: 40 (10+ 14 natural +14 armor +3 dex -1 size) Touch 13, Flatfooted 38
Base Attack/ Grapple: +22/ 34
Attack: Blighter +36 melee (d12+18 +2d6 unholy +dc 20 fort sv), or claw +30 melee (d6+8)
Full Attack: Blighter melee +36/31/26/21 (d12+18 + 2d6 unholy + dc 20 fort sv), Blighter Flurry +34/34/29/24/19
Natural Weapons- 2x claw +30 melee (d6+8), gore +28 melee (d8+12), and bite (d8+4)
Space/ Reach: 10ft/ 5ft
Special Attacks: Smite Good 4x day, SLAs, Deadly Touch, Intimidating Strike, Driving Attack,
Special Qualities: SR 32, DR 3-, DR 15/ holy epic cold iron, Regeneration 15, Critical weakness, Immunity to fire, ability damage, death effects, disease, poison, energy drain, fear,
Resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, Unleashed Rage, Aura of Despair, Black Flame Aura
Saves: Fort +20, Ref +17, Will +17
Abilities: STR 26, DEX 18, CON 20, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 20
Skills: Bluff +27, Concentration +28, Intimidate + 29, Knowledge: Arcana +27, Planes +27, Religion +27, Listen +27, Sense Motive +27, Spell Craft +27, Spot +27, Tumble +29
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bullrush, Combat Expertise, Whirlwind Attack, Slashing Flurry, Intimidating Strike, Driving Attack, Multi Attack, Rapid Strike
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: ??
Alignment: CE
Advancement: Character Class
Level Adjustment: -

Al'Muresh is a powerful unique demon, known for his near invulnerability and the devastation he leaves in his wake. His appearance is that of a fully armored minotaur with great blood red bat like wings, savage fangs and cruel claws. He is covered in black fur and dull grey armor. His horns drip blood continuously as if he only moments ago gored someone to a messy end and a black flame crackles around him burning those who dare to get near to him. He is thought to have been slain millennia ago during a titanic battle for the domination of several ancient kingdoms.


Al'Muresh is a devastating opponent in melee, and enjoys toying with those who would dare attack him. He uses his punishing blows to utmost efficiency, demoralizing opponents and sending them flying when appropriate.

Aura of Despair- Like a blackguard, Al'Muresh projects an aura of despair around himself. Enemies within 20 feet of Al'Muresh take a -2 penalty on all saving throws.

Black Flame Aura- Those standing within 10 feet of Al'Muresh take 3d6 damage per round from the unholy flame which surrounds him.

Blight- The axe that Al'Muresh wields is extremely potent. Each successful hit forces the target to make a Fort save DC 20, or be sickened for d4 rounds. Further, Critical hits deal 2d10 unholy damage instead of 2d6 and unleash a single target Blasphemy on that which was struck. The caster level of this special Blasphemy is 15.

Critical Weakness- Al'Muresh is nigh invulnerable to most forms of attack, the only known weakness he has and which can kill him is the artifact known as the Blade of Angels which was specifically forged to slay him.

Deadly Touch- Al'Muresh can inflict wounds with a mere touch, doing up to 110 damage split up any way he chooses per day

Driving Attack- As a standard action, Al'Muresh can initiate a bull rush with a special melee attack. If it hits, and deals damage the bullrush is triggered. Al'Muresh does not move with his target.

Intimidating Strike- As a standard action, Al'Muresh can choose to intimidate his opponents with a special melee attack and gains a bonus on the check equal to an amount of his base attack bonus which he sacrifices in the attack. The target must make a will save as per the intimidation rules. Failed saves incur the shaken status on the target for the duration of combat.

Regeneration- All forms of attack deal subdual damage to Al'Muresh except the Blade of Angels.

Smite Good- 4 times per day Al'Muresh can smite good targets, adding 4 to his attack and dealing 22 extra damage on a successful hit.

Unleashed Rage- Wounds that manage to inflict damage on Al'Muresh only fuel the punishment which will befall the transgressor. For every 5 points of damage inflicted on Al'Muresh he gains a +1 strength bonus, up to a maximum strength of 52. The next successful attack he deals unleashes the stored energy on his target.

Spell Like Abilities- At will- Greater Teleport, Darkness, Unholy Aura
3x- day- Desecrate, Poison, Contagion, Unholy Blight, Unhallow,
1x day- Destruction, Summon Monster IX- Demons only, Horrid Wilting, Blasphemy

Blight- +6 Blasphemous Sickening Great Axe
The Bulwark of Al'Muresh- +2 Adamantine Definitive Harness (AU armor which grants 12 armor bonus and +3 max dex bonus)

Designer notes:

As you can see I haven't figured a CR for him as he is at the moment. I'm guessing he'll come in around 18- 20. I could use some help figuring that one out. I know the feats aren't right but ignore that for now please. The feats are a reflection of the demon merging with the paladin who was a dex based combatant (gestalt character) and the paladin influencing the demon to an extent.

The basic creature started as an advanced half fiend minotaur, with what were going to be blackguard/paladin of slaughter levels with some stuff from the Relentless and Siphon Templates of the Book of Templates thrown in.

I decided to drop the character class ideas and just keep the abilities I liked. I know he's a major combat brute, but the party does have the Blade of Angels which is an artifact specifically created to combat him. It'll be giving them help and coupled with them being gestalt characters I think I've got a difficult challenge here for them but not something that's totally impossible.

So what do you folks think about him? Is he too blah? Other Comments? Suggestions? Critique? Help pegging the CR?

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