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Custom Invocations


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Hey, folks. New here. Thought I’d throw down with this. I never liked using stock all the way. Gotta customize. Feedback?:

Custom Invocations

Eldritch Essence Invocations


  • Hellblast: Any metal on subject rapidly heats, causing 1d4 damage.

  • Bolt of Wounding: Eldritch Blast deals wounding of 1hp/round until heal at DC equal to 10 + CHA bonus.

  • Vampiric Bolt: Eldritch Blast operates as Vampiric Touch.

  • Planar Blast: Turns Eldritch Blast into a planar rift that causes paralysis of the limbs by planar disjunction. 1d6 +1 plus 1 per 5 levels damage to DEX. Save vs. Fort to negate.

Eldritch Shape Invocations


  • Abyssal Trickster: Corkscrewing Eldritch Blast strikes at target’s flank, reducing target’s AC by 2 on a failed save vs. reflex.

  • Dark Current: Eldritch Blast pierces targets as the spell Lightning Bolt.

  • Fiendish Fate: Blast causes 1d6 damage to 1d8 HD of creatures within 20’ of target who are within chosen alignment pole (chaos/law/evil/good/neutral).

  • Lingering Doom: Blast effect lingers, doing half as many dice of damage as previous round per round, for 1 round every 4 levels. Each round a save vs. spell resistance is made at a cumulative -1. Any successful save negates further rounds of damage.

Other Invocations


  • Spirit Cloak: Allows rebuke undead 3Xday, save based on CHA.

  • Abyssal Steed: call forth a mount that will fight for you (1d4 bite/1d6 stomp/1d8 sonic attack). 1 hour per level. HD as per best Summon Monster spell available at caster’s level. 1d4 point of damage to caster if mount destroyed, and cannot use power again until following day.

  • Baneful Cloak: Attacks of any kind deliver half of Eldritch Blast damage to attacker. 1 hour per level duration.

  • Gaze of Madness: As spell Confusion, but with 1 hour per 5 levels duration.
Give creds if you want to use them.

P.S.: DM is always right... ;)
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They all seem preetty good to me except for the "other" invocations. They just seemed a little off "warlock" flavor.



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Thanks for your reply. I was beginning to think I'd drop this thread into a black hole!

I understand what you mean, although it seems to me that if a warlock can produce a charm invocation, then confusion shouldn't be too far off the ballpark. But it's all so indeterminate. They aren't going to have more solid rules for invocations until 2006, so I've come up with this general and loose philosophy about invocation creation:

The Warlock’s primary schools/spheres of power seem to be Transmutation, Illusion/Shadow, and Necromancy, and to a lesser degree Conjuration and Enchantment, and adapting such spells and powers to the Warlock class seems to coincide with the general feel of the class. Many Evocation effects should be modified into Eldritch Essence invocations. Least invocations can duplicate up to 2nd level spells without any limit on usage. Lesser invocations can duplicate up to 4th level spells without usage limits, and Greater invocations up to 6th level spells. Dark invocations can duplicate up to 8th level spells, though it is indeterminate whether this implies unlimited usage. Daily usage limits can be employed to reduce or increase the category of the invocation. For instance, Vampiric Blast could be made a Lesser invocation by reducing its daily usage from unlimited to “equal to player’s CHA bonus” or simply setting it to some random single digit number, usually between 1 and 5. Modulating damage according to the number of dice of the player’s Eldritch Blast is also a good way to estimate proper categorization of invocations. No invocation should immulate a class ability, such as Detect Magic or damage reduction. Most invocations should be primarily selfish in nature, either causing damage and distress to enemies or defending and aiding the Warlock directly. Some spells may be altered to fit the Warlock pattern by centering the area of effect on the Warlock and adding an additional fiendish quality: this tactic can be seen in the Least invocation Miasmic Cloud. These are guidelines gleaned from the set of official invocations. There are no hard and fast rules. The primary consideration is game balance.


Hi Mageslayer!

Welcome to the boards. :)

Spirit Cloak doesn't seem to fit. And doesn't it violate the rule about not emulating class abilities?

I don't understand what you mean by "alignment pole" There are 9 alignments, but only 5 poles?

With lingering doom; do you mean a caster level check vs SR, or saving throw?


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Mageslayer said:
The Warlock’s primary schools/spheres of power seem to be Transmutation, Illusion/Shadow, and Necromancy, and to a lesser degree Conjuration and Enchantment, and adapting such spells and powers to the Warlock class seems to coincide with the general feel of the class. Many Evocation effects should be modified into Eldritch Essence invocations. Least invocations can duplicate up to 2nd level spells without any limit on usage. Lesser invocations can duplicate up to 4th level spells without usage limits, and Greater invocations up to 6th level spells. Dark invocations can duplicate up to 8th level spells, though it is indeterminate whether this implies unlimited usage. Daily usage limits can be employed to reduce or increase the category of the invocation. For instance, Vampiric Blast could be made a Lesser invocation by reducing its daily usage from unlimited to “equal to player’s CHA bonus” or simply setting it to some random single digit number, usually between 1 and 5. Modulating damage according to the number of dice of the player’s Eldritch Blast is also a good way to estimate proper categorization of invocations. No invocation should immulate a class ability, such as Detect Magic or damage reduction. Most invocations should be primarily selfish in nature, either causing damage and distress to enemies or defending and aiding the Warlock directly. Some spells may be altered to fit the Warlock pattern by centering the area of effect on the Warlock and adding an additional fiendish quality: this tactic can be seen in the Least invocation Miasmic Cloud. These are guidelines gleaned from the set of official invocations. There are no hard and fast rules. The primary consideration is game balance.

Good job with the guidelines. Vampiric blast should use only half the characters eldricth blast dice since it is ranged instead of touch. Also what cheiromancer said. Other than that good work.



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Thanks for the input, everyone. I'll be playtesting some of this stuff in the weeks ahead. My DM has graciously allowed us to play in a world of my own construction, the details of which I'd be happy to share in another thread. I plan on using many of the ideas here in that campaign.

Now to answer some questions:

Spirit Cloak -- What I meant by "class abilities" were Warlock class abilities, not the class abilities of other classes. It would be redundant to make Detect Magic or damage reduction an invocation, for example. It would also weaken the purpose behind them as class abilities. I think Spirit Cloak can work, because Warlocks are often the agents and creatures of mighty evil powers (some of which could be semi or fully divine). It makes sense to me that some of them might be given the power to rebuke the undead, as evil clerics do.

Alignment Poles -- Alignments poles are alignment components that are diametrically opposed to one another. Evil - Good, Chaotic - Lawful. And I threw in Neutral because it is a component of the alignment spectrum and is opposed to all of the rest. The term "alignement pole" is used in other work, the titles of which I can't remember. I didn't come up with it, though. ;)

Saves in Lingering Doom -- I wasn't clear, to state the obvious. All my Eldritch Blast-effecting invocations start with the standard save vs. SR that you get with any Eldritch Blast -- not an additional save on top of that for Eldritch Blast, but the same save. The subsequent saves in Lingering Doom are all Fort saves. Sorry for the confusion. In my invocations, usually it is only the first save that might be for SR. Most of the others are Fort, Will, or Ref, unless it is duplicating a spell. In that case, the subsequent saves are as the spell, unless the invocation states otherwise.

Vampiric Blast -- I wrote it that way because it has exactly the same damage progression as Eldritch Blast, and the ranged attack gives it an extra fiendish quality, as per my guidelines. However, I see your point. I don't know if it makes the power unbalanced, but the player can't touch it until 11th level at the earliest -- where other spell casters are starting into 6th level spells. Vampiric Touch is only 3rd level. I won't know if it's appropriate until I play it out, I guess...

Here are some new invocations to look at:

Eldritch Essence Invocations


  • Mantle of Misfortune: Eldritch Blast causes victim to become clumsy in its wake. There is a 20% chance the victim will fall prone in the next round if a save vs. Reflex is not made. Saves during subsequent strikes in the same encounter (i.e. if the player has maintained visual or auditory contact within the last turn) are made at a cumulative -1 Reflex penalty and increase the chance to fall prone by 5%. Victim must fail save vs. spell resistance on each strike for this ability to become active in that round.

  • Haunting Doom: Eldritch Blast re-attacks on miss. Number of re-attacks equal to CHA bonus. Requires full attack and concentration.
  • Wrath of Dagon: Eldritch Blast triggers Hold Person as the spell.
  • Curse of the Tomb: Eldritch Blast triggers Innervation as the spell. Number of times per day equal to CHA bonus.

  • Hideous Wound: Eldritch Blast recurs upon magical or divine healings of less than 7th level. This recurrence attacks healer, or if a healing potion is used, the victim is assaulted once again. Both are affected as if struck by a fresh Eldritch Blast from the player. The effect lasts 1 day per 4 levels of the player.

Eldritch Shape Invocations


  • Abyssal Trickster: Corkscrewing Eldritch Blast strikes at target’s flank, reducing target’s AC by 2 on a failed save vs. reflex.

  • Cloak of Horrors: Player becomes a walking dynamo of forces. Every attack by the player (melee or otherwise) sheds a blast of one die from his total Eldritch Blast attack. This blast assaults a random enemy creature. For instance, a warlock with an Eldritch Blast of 7d6 will shed for 7 rounds, doing 1d6 damage to one random enemy each time. An attack is rolled for each die of damage. Victims must be a known threat to the player, such as (but not limited to) an assailant or a member of an assailant’s party.
  • Pool of Darkness: turns Eldritch Blast into a puddle of energy that sinks to the ground and spreads to 5’ per die of Eldritch Blast damage. A number of creatures equal to the player’s CHA bonus can be affected by the slick when they tread upon it. This releases a full Eldritch Blast against each victim. The effect lasts for as many turns as the player’s CHA bonus. This power can be exploited a number of times per day equal to the player’s CHA bonus.
Other Invocations


  • Cloak of the Hydra: Mirror Image as spell.
  • Black Horror: As Phantasmal Assailants (CA, p. 89).

  • Fiendish Snare: As Shadow Binding (CA, p. 88). Number of uses per day equal to CHA bonus +1 per level above 6th.


  • Sable Hand: As Telekinesis.
  • Shade of Horror: Shadow Conjuration as the spell. Number of uses per day equal to CHA bonus +1 per level above 11th.
  • Shade of Malice: Shadow Evocation as the spell. Number of uses per day equal to CHA bonus +1 per level above 11th.


  • Blight of Tarsus: Kill 1 square mile of vegetation and non-sentient animal life per 4 levels. All conscious intelligent creatures sickened for 1d4 turns
  • Greater Shade of Horror: Greater Shadow Conjuration as the spell. Number of uses per day equal to CHA bonus +1 per level above 16th.
  • Greater Shade of Malice: Greater Shadow Evocation as the spell. Number of uses per day equal to CHA bonus +1 per level above 16th.
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