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(Cydra) Communing with Orbius Visionary, Epic Divine Oracle

Hey Jester,

I will post my Communes/Contact other Planes/Sendings/whatever here and I look forward to getting some answers.

For those of you just stopping by to take a look at the tread, Orbius Visioary is a Divine Oracle (arcane) of unsurpassed power in Jester's Cydra world.

I'll start with a couple of COPs, and check accuracy via Commune for every 2 COPs. Maybe you should reference each commune response before the answer to the question. (example:

Question 1: Will we be successful in our mission
1) (True) Unlikely . . .

Ok, here goes . .

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Divinations - Rd 1

Before each COP, I cast Amazing Intelligence upon myself to avoid going INSANE!!!! I get 11 questions per COP and 23 per Commune. Again, the Commune is just used to verify the COPs.

Q1: Will asking you questions about Asmodius alert him, either directly or indirectly, to our plot against him?

(If the answer is Yes, skip to Q12)

Q2: How many Epic Spells can Asmodius cast each day?

Q3: What other Epic Spells, besides Scry Strike, can Asmodius cast?

Q4: How sincere is the Adversary in helping us with our attempt on Asmodius?

Q5: Does Asmodius, or his mortal band of henchman, have any way to pierce my Mind Blank spell?

Q6: Where is Asmodius likely to be when we strke?

Q7: What types of energy does Asmodius have the least resistance to?

Q8: What types of creatures are we likely to find when we strike Asmodius?

Q9: What secondary targets should we take action against, or manipulate, to increase our odds against Asmodius?

Q10: Is the Adversary hoping that we will destroy ourselves in the fight against Asmodius?

Q11: Will the Adversary look to quickly strike against us during, or after, our fight with Asmodius?

(End first COP)

Q12: What form of non-native creature should I disguise ourselves as in order to blend in with the crowd on Averous(place where we are going to see the games)?

Q13: What is the nature of the distraction that will be created for us?

Q14: Where in the Arena are we likely to be when the distraction is created?

Q15: How will we travel from the games, to our target, when the time comes?

Q16: What is the best ally for us to call upon for direct aid in upcoming efforts?

Q17: What is the name of the most powerful Good being, that I can call thru a Gate, who is willing aid us in our strike? (***OoC – it can be up to 42 HD***)

Q18: What plane is this creature from?

Q19: Will Marius the Chronomancer know when we make our move?

Q20: Will Marius the Chronomancer come to the aid of our enemy when we attack?

Q21: Will Estelias aid us to return the favor of our successful destruction of her simulacrum?

Q22: What is best cover for us to adopt while in Hell to stay out of trouble?

Bonus Commune Question: Bocob, take all my knowledge!

the Jester

Angel of Adventure said:
Q1: Will asking you questions about Asmodius alert him, either directly or indirectly, to our plot against him?

A1 (False) No.

--Rolled a 99 for veracity- damn, isn't that the luck. :eek: You won't find this out til after the CoP, so we'll continue along...

Q2: How many Epic Spells can Asmodius cast each day?

A2 (True) Four.

Q3: What other Epic Spells, besides Scry Strike, can Asmodius cast?

A3 (True) Hundreds.

Q4: How sincere is the Adversary in helping us with our attempt on Asmodius?

A4 (True) Unknown.

Q5: Does Asmodius, or his mortal band of henchman, have any way to pierce my Mind Blank spell?

A5 (True) Yes.

Q6: Where is Asmodius likely to be when we strke?

A6 (True) Malsheem. (Gimme a Knowledge (planes) check on this, DC 23.)

Q7: What types of energy does Asmodius have the least resistance to?

A7 (True) Electricity.

Q8: What types of creatures are we likely to find when we strike Asmodius?

A8 (True) Devils.

Q9: What secondary targets should we take action against, or manipulate, to increase our odds against Asmodius?

A9 (True) Contact Other Plane.

Q10: Is the Adversary hoping that we will destroy ourselves in the fight against Asmodius?

A10 (True) Unknown.

Q11: Will the Adversary look to quickly strike against us during, or after, our fight with Asmodius?

A11 (True) Doubtful.


That's the first one- I guess you cast both CoPs before the commune, so the other follows...

the Jester

Angel of Adventure said:
Q12: What form of non-native creature should I disguise ourselves as in order to blend in with the crowd on Averous(place where we are going to see the games)?

A12 (True) Anything.

Q13: What is the nature of the distraction that will be created for us?

A13 (True) Legalistic.

Q14: Where in the Arena are we likely to be when the distraction is created?

A14 (True) Unpredictable.

Q15: How will we travel from the games, to our target, when the time comes?

A15 (True) Portal.

Q16: What is the best ally for us to call upon for direct aid in upcoming efforts?

A16 (False) Prayzose.

Q17: What is the name of the most powerful Good being, that I can call thru a Gate, who is willing aid us in our strike? (***OoC – it can be up to 42 HD***)

A17 (True) Impossible.

Q18: What plane is this creature from?

Do you want to change this question? I assume so... Remember that this occurs before you know whether your answers are true or false.

Q19: Will Marius the Chronomancer know when we make our move?

A19 (False) Yes.

Q20: Will Marius the Chronomancer come to the aid of our enemy when we attack?
A20 (True) Very unlikely.

Q21: Will Estelias aid us to return the favor of our successful destruction of her simulacrum?

A21 (True) Not in this.

Q22: What is best cover for us to adopt while in Hell to stay out of trouble?

A22 (True) Spectators.

Per Question 18

Change it to -

What was the name of the entity I contacted with my first Contact other Plane?
(Knowledge Planes, Arcana, Geography all @ 30, so maybe be nice and include some extra info? If true, I will Marius' Moment the skill check and get a 50 total. :) Especially want to know creature type, general alignment per race, and relationship to Asmodius.)

(Don't forget to roll twice on these, as I get the more favorable answer. If you didn't before, well . . . ?)

Knowledge Geography - 39

Per Orbius/Lester prep -

Create a simulacrum (SimOrb - 3, has the option to name himself later) and give him pieces of both Lester and Orbius (hair, maybe skin?, and I'll make sure all other party members do the same.) in case a Resurection is necessary. These will be kept in a safe place at the ToEG, Halls of Healing, and w/King Malford. SimOrb will offer to keep Reina safe with him, under a Protection from Scry, Non Detection, etc.

LaRon LeBrek (High Priest of ToEG) is given Lester's final will, naming LaRon permanent Steward of the ToEG until L returns. L will give a big sermon about how you must worship the message (Elements/Adventure), not the Messanger.

Sending to Estelias -

Orbius here. Leaving for dangerous mission. Contact SimOrbius-3 if I don't Send within a week. Aid us then, if possible, repay our favor.

Commune II

Cast on the Plane of Cydra, if possible . . .

Commune II

Q1: Am I communing with Bocob?

Q2: Does Asmodius know about our scheme yet?

Q3: Will he be likely to know within the day? (If Q2 was yes, sub Q3*, listed at bottom of this commune?)

Q4: Will he be likely to know within 2 days? (If Q2 was yes, sub Q4*, listed at bottom of this commune?)

Q5: Will he be likely to know within 4 days? (If Q2 was yes, sub Q5*, listed at bottom of this commune?)

Q6: Will (__please fill in name, or just skip the name if I didn't get it___), the entity I first COPed, tell Asmodius directly of our plan?

Q7: Will _____, the entity I first COPed, tell someone else who will tell Asmodius about our plan?

Q8: Can we entice ____, the entity I first COPed, to keep our secret through diplomacy?

Q9: Will the Leshae that Sybele offended aligned with Asmodius in anyway?

Q10: Is it likely that there will a strike against the ToEG before, or during, our attack against Asmodius?

Q11: If we are successful against Asmodius, should we expect immediate retaliation?

Q12: Are we likely to encounter the Ruby Fist sometime before our strike against Asmodius?

Q13: Will the Ruby Fist have advance alert about our disguises?

Q14: If we do see the Ruby Fist and don’t engage them, are they likely to be with Asmodius when we strike?

Q15: If Asmodius know immediately if we engage the Ruby Fist?

Q16: Will Horbin be the primary target if we encounter the Ruby Fist?

Q17: Are the Ruby Fist currently aware that our party is on Averus?

Q18: Is Asmodius immune to Disintegration effects?

Q19: Will a Mordenkain’s Disjunction negate Epic Spell effects that Asmodius has on him?

Q20: Will the Wand of Days be especially useful against Asmodius?

Q21: Is Asmodius immune to a Trap the Soul spell?

Q22: Will Asmodius have some way of resisting the crushing power of Inoeke’s charge attack?

Q23: Without any aid of spells or other beneficial stuff, how likely am I to be able to pierce Asmodius’ resistance to spells? (My effective level for most spells is 21).

Q3*: Is anyone in the Ruby Fist likely to have a Mord’s Disjuntion packed?

Q4* Will a Bestowed Anti-Magic Field on Asmodius keep him from casting Epic Level spells?

Q5* Will an Anti-Magic Shield protect me from Asmodius’ Epic magics?

the Jester

Angel of Adventure said:
What was the name of the entity I contacted with my first Contact other Plane?
(Knowledge Planes, Arcana, Geography all @ 30, so maybe be nice and include some extra info? If true, I will Marius' Moment the skill check and get a 50 total. :) Especially want to know creature type, general alignment per race, and relationship to Asmodius.)

A (True) Mounla.

You've never heard the name before, but a number of references on ancient explorers' maps that you've seen have cities with names that start with 'Moun', and you suspect that 'Mounla' is probably a deity from a far-off culture. From the context of the maps, you think it is probably a god of civilization or cities.

Sending to Estelias -

Orbius here. Leaving for dangerous mission. Contact SimOrbius-3 if I don't Send within a week. Aid us then, if possible, repay our favor.

Her reply: Don't miss caster gathering. Suspect temporal manipulation will become big issue unless prevented. Regretfully too busy to aid personally. Big fleet causing big trouble.

the Jester

Angel of Adventure said:
Cast on the Plane of Cydra, if possible . . .

Actually, those five days I referred to are spent in Hell, waiting tensely for the word go. I'm assuming this doesn't change the fact that you're using this commune.

Q1: Am I communing with Bocob?


Q2: Does Asmodius know about our scheme yet?


Q3: Will he be likely to know within the day?

Q4: Will he be likely to know within 2 days?

Q5: Will he be likely to know within 4 days?

(These three I'll hold off on answering- assuming that the 'uncertain' response above might change your questions. Let me know on these.)

Q6: Will (__please fill in name, or just skip the name if I didn't get it___), the entity I first COPed, tell Asmodius directly of our plan?


Q7: Will _____, the entity I first COPed, tell someone else who will tell Asmodius about our plan?


Q8: Can we entice ____, the entity I first COPed, to keep our secret through diplomacy?

(Again, I assume you'll change this question.)

Q9: Will the Leshae that Sybele offended aligned with Asmodius in anyway?


Q10: Is it likely that there will a strike against the ToEG before, or during, our attack against Asmodius?


Q11: If we are successful against Asmodius, should we expect immediate retaliation?


Q12: Are we likely to encounter the Ruby Fist sometime before our strike against Asmodius?


Q13: Will the Ruby Fist have advance alert about our disguises?


Q14: If we do see the Ruby Fist and don’t engage them, are they likely to be with Asmodius when we strike?


Q15: If Asmodius know immediately if we engage the Ruby Fist?


Q16: Will Horbin be the primary target if we encounter the Ruby Fist?


Q17: Are the Ruby Fist currently aware that our party is on Averus?


Q18: Is Asmodius immune to Disintegration effects?


Q19: Will a Mordenkain’s Disjunction negate Epic Spell effects that Asmodius has on him?


Q20: Will the Wand of Days be especially useful against Asmodius?


Q21: Is Asmodius immune to a Trap the Soul spell?


Q22: Will Asmodius have some way of resisting the crushing power of Inoeke’s charge attack?


Q23: Without any aid of spells or other beneficial stuff, how likely am I to be able to pierce Asmodius’ resistance to spells? (My effective level for most spells is 21).



Let me know about the other remaining questions. Hope everyone else is peeking in here to aid their planning! :D

New Questions

Q3*: Is anyone in the Ruby Fist likely to have a Mord’s Disjuntion packed?

Q4* Will a Bestowed Anti-Magic Field on Asmodius keep him from casting Epic Level spells?

Q5* Will an Anti-Magic Shield protect me from Asmodius’ Epic magics?

Q8* Can anyone in the Ruby Fist pierce my Mind Blank?

I will also cast a Vision of The Ruby Rod of Asmodius. I've seen it once before, when casting a Vision on the Phoneix Egg. Caster Level Check - 16 + 23 = 39 (DC = 25)

I'll assume that his concludes my first day of Communing, et al. I have the party Mind Blanked and Prot vs. Scryed (Extended - lasts 46 hrs). I'll post another Commune a bit later once my mind has absorbed what I have seen . . . :uhoh:

the Jester

Sorry this took so long- the boards were closed when I tried earlier. :(

Angel of Adventure said:
New Questions

Q3*: Is anyone in the Ruby Fist likely to have a Mord’s Disjuntion packed?


Q4* Will a Bestowed Anti-Magic Field on Asmodius keep him from casting Epic Level spells?


Q5* Will an Anti-Magic Shield protect me from Asmodius’ Epic magics?


Q8* Can anyone in the Ruby Fist pierce my Mind Blank?


I will also cast a Vision of The Ruby Rod of Asmodius.

You see a scarlet rod fashioned of a single length of ruby, slowly spinning on a background like black silk. An even darker aura seems to pulse slowly from it. Then, suddenly, a pair of burning orange eyes blazes out of the darkness at you, and your vision ends.

Voidrunner's Codex

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