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Cydra: the Early Years


First Post
Yeah, I have to agree. Malford is house! Already 2nd level illusionist? I may just be rusty on 2e (1e?) mechanics, but I remember wizards took a while to level up.

Keep it rockin'! It seemed really odd, btw, that level 1 characters took on a fireball wielding invoker and won.


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the Jester

Technik4 said:
It seemed really odd, btw, that level 1 characters took on a fireball wielding invoker and won.


Well, the fireball blasted the majority of the tavern, killing most of the people who weren't at the bar; the pcs were the people who were at the bar. :)

Tallarn, I find it interesting that there's a level disparity too- I forgot how quickly that happened. Malford advanced quickly because he got a lot of bonus xp for roleplaying, successful thievery, etc. Also, Chanti and Flipper didn't start out in the first game like most of the others, and until 3e I started everyone at first level.

the Jester

OK, OK... I get the message! LOL!

Updates coming in all three threads by the end of the week, prolly sooner- now that I'm (reasonably) settled in my new place I'll be back to my usual million-updates-per-month... :p


First Post
Just trying to make it easier to update Jester ;) Glad everything worked out with your trip (?), can't wait to see how Cydra is doing, past, present, and somewhere else in the present.


the Jester

Just A Quick Teaser Here, Too...

(Interestingly, the current update in To War Against Felenga is predominantly a behind the curtains look at how my old Greyhawk campaign ended and was reborn (eventually, sort of) as Cydra.

Just thought I'd mention that...)

Our villainous heroes go to Gorel.

Gorel is a jungle isle subjugated by the Forinthians (who isn't?) and mostly inhabited by elves. Within an hour of being dropped off by Captain Drake our heroes had definitely picked up on the fact that non-elves weren't really welcome there, and Vito reported that there were two main elvish peoples on the island.

"There are the Gorlistar," he told the others, "who are in this village, for instance. They're the more civilized coastal wood elves. Then there are the Grugach, who are rumored to be savages that cannibalize other elves."

"Hm," Lyr said, interested.

Of course, to become pirates- which seemed to be the group's main ambition at that moment- they needed a boat. So they set out to purchase a knarr, big enough and seaworthy enough for their pirating plans and small enough and riverworthy enough for an easy getaway and a hideout, once they found one.

"We can check upstream and inland," Galiger suggested.

The next few days were spent finding a boat and arranging to purchase it. Cheerily, they decided to christen it the Sea Hag after their first major adversary (the wizard in the bar hardly seems to count). Then it's upriver to explore around and look for a good spot to hide and perhaps some more coin to help hire on crew and buy supplies.

Meanwhile, a lonely Dexter was en route to Gorel himself, being shipped away by the Church of Galador to somewhere as out of the way as possible. To a rendezvous with destiny.

Next Time: What did happen next, anyway...? Oh yeah! More pcs die!!

the Jester

Up the River (Without a Paddle)

The party hires three sailors to help sail their knarr inland up the local river; after purchasing the boat, three is about all they can afford. They decide to try to avoid hiring the local elves, since they're really snotty. Then they waver, as Lyr brings up the fact that the locals know the territory.

They end up hiring one of the elves. His name is Urlah; he's a crack shot with a bow, which is one of the deciding factors. There's also a wanted gnome named Jorallivan, quick on his feet and a member of the weird old faith that espouses the eating of the hearts of defeated opponents. This is Lyr's religion, the cannabix faith, and one of the deciding factors in their hiring of Jorallivan. Galliger scowls at him; he thinks everyone should follow Bleak. Chanti scowls with him. The third sailor is a human named Plarentes; he's old and foul, bald, with a pegleg, eyepatch and parrot. As soon as they see him, they hire him. Clearly he's got what a band of pirates wants.

Finally, they hire on a halfling cook named Bilbo. He's an avowed athiest, so Galiger immediately sets out to convert him.

Malford, of course, is captain by acclamation; exactly how everyone agreed so easily to this is uncertain, but it went without a hitch. He appoints Galiger his first officer. They decide to leave in the morning; that evening, by luck, they fall into a job to retrieve a staff for a local Forinthian wizard from some scrags. And so, the next morning, the Sea Hag heads upstream.

By late afternoon they've long since left the friendlier coastal elvish territory behind and thick jungle is bushed all along the river. Insects buzz overhead; it's humid and hot. The water flows sluggishly against their rowing. Vido smokes a lot of weed, passing it around the party and the sailors. "This place is beautiful," he sighs, a huge smile plastered below his bloodshot eyes.

Then a green, scaly clawed arm emerges from the water, scrabbling for purchase on the side of the knarr. "Trolls!" cries the sharp-eyed Vido, whipping out his swords, and springs to the attack.

More green hands are coming up, bulky forms striking into the knarr, trying to board the vessel. Lyr hurls her harpoon, sticking one brutally in the gut, and Galiger whips his axe into another, but the press is getting nasty- there are at least three river trolls, maybe more!

Malford cries out as something happens to him. He feels some of his magic tear from his mind! I'm on that, he thinks, springing to the prow to seek the source of the strange attack. "Attack!" he cries, and the party and their hirelings rally. Then then gnome captain quaffs a potion of water breathing and dives from the deck of the Sea Hag into the river to engage the scrags on their own turf.

The battle is fierce, but our heroes are victorious without serious casualties. They retrieve the staff and get a reasonable amount of money (each of them walks away with 208 gp and 389 sp). Better yet, Malford succeeds in obtaining the device that stole one of his spells. It's a strange metal claw; he claims it and determines to study it and master its secrets.

While in town returning the wizard's staff the group runs across Dexter. "Dex!" cries the Dread Pirate Malford. "What happened to you?" -for he can see the hideous scarring on Dexter's forehead, relic of when the Inquisition branded him. Dexter tells his tale, very subdued in tone, and Galiger's face darkens.

"So you turned to the Light," he sneers. "Just remember who you already gave your soul to! Galador can't save you, and if you don't turn back to the Darkness you're surely doomed!" He stalks off, as angry as he's ever been. After all, Dex was his first convert; that he should turn to Galador so easily chafes hard.

Nonetheless, Dex is welcomed back by Malford; and though Chanti and Galiger keep shooting evil looks his way and making snide remarks, there doesn't seem to be any violence imminent. So it is that out heroes decide to head back upriver after Malford and Vido learn a spell or two from the wizard they aided, and thence try to seek the legendary Old Man Rhumy, an ancient elf said to be over 25,000 years old who lives with tigers. Lyr first has a birthday party, getting the party roaring drunk and, with Vido's aid, extremely high.

Then it's upriver again...

Next Time: Okay, so it'll be a couple more updates, but pc deaths are just around the corner! Next time, our heroes are Captured By Grugach!

By the way, we're at game 9 by this point in the story hour...

the Jester

Captured by Grugach

(I'm going to try very hard to remember to use the past tense in this story hour, since it's not 'current' at all- not even close! This update was almost exactly ten years ago, real time- we played it out on November 1st, 1993. Quite a while back. In game terms, this was the year 97 O.L.G., and game 'present' is 368 O.L.G. Past tense. Right, then.)

"Bleak! Bleak!
On earth and on sea
You are my favorite deity!"

With a cheer, the party finished singing along with Chanti's sea chanty. Most of the Sea Hag's crew had sung along, but a few abstained. Galiger took mental notes on who these were; he was planning some sacrifices. The knarr glided through the water almost silently, then abruptly fell victim to a barrage of wild gnome darts. A fierce battle broke out, ended by our heroes' flight down the river, shaken and bleeding from the gnomish assault. "We should maybe try something a little less obvious," remarked Urick, the wizard the group had picked up during the Coral Caves adventure. Flipper nods in agreement.

So the group decided to try their luck at finding a hiding spot by marching through the jungles along the river searching for a good hideout from which to conduct piracy. They left their crew and the ship in Doraps, the town they'd sailed upriver from, paying the crew a couple of months wages in advance and promising more if they served faithfully.

So it was that our heroes, five days out, fell into a grugach trap and were caged by the wild elves. Unfortunate, really, but that damn entangle and a bit of overwhelming wild elf numbers, and there you have it. Disarmed, bound, thrown in tough bamboo cages and thence ignored, our heroes pondered a dismal fate- after all, the grugach were cannibals at that time. Or at least, that was the rumor. (Still is, really.)

"It's fortunate that I'm here," Malford grinned, searching out a few long splinters of wood to use as probes. Then he waited until dark. When at last all the grugach in the area were asleep he set to work on the lock.

Chanti cracked her knuckles. "I'd like to kill all of them," she whispered.

"I just want to get out of here," Urick said.

"Gotcha!" Malford smirked as the lock disengaged. Very quietly they swung the cage open and crept out, then started moving away from the grugach village. They made it less than a mile before pursuit began. Horns sounded behind them, answered by more somewhere to the left of them...

The party rushed as quickly as they could back towards Doraps, wild elves wild in pursuite behind them. They ran through most of the night, sometimes having to stop to hack their way through thickets and find ways around bogs.

Then, as if things couldn't get worse, with the grugach hot on their heels, the party ran into gnomes. Who knows- could even be the same gnomes that attacked their boat, wild-looking with dark hair usually in dreadlocks. But instead of things getting worse, they got better- the gnomes too were adversaries of the grugach! (Man, do those elves like anyone?)

There was no battle; the grugach remained at bay while the more charismatic members of the group (especially Malford) talked the gnomes into allowing the party to seek refuge with them until the grugach let them be. "The grugach do not like anyone who isn't grugach," says one of the wild gnomes, nodding sagely. "They eat you." He extends his hand. "I am Gepp." They talk late into the night, and when they leave in the morning Gepp joins them...

Next Time: Death comes knocking!

the Jester

The Death of ...

The party moved on, desperate to reach Doraps and (hopefully) their ship. They were still two days away. Vido had just moved to the river to see if he could fish something up, and indeed he did.

Before he even had a chance to react* Vido's being dragged into the water. Something rushed up at him, some kind of water spider! His left arm gropes for a weapon but its fangs are already in his chest, pumping lethal venom into him. He starts convulsing, his vision growing dim as he sees the others attacking, trying to save him...

Everything goes black for Vido.

The others lash out in anger and dismay. They were only a moment away, but the great spider that is dragging their dead friend into the water got the drop on Vido... Arrows, spells from Urick, more; the creature falters and dies, but another is darting from the water! The battle rages for a few brief moments more, and the spider darts in at prey of its own, finding Flipper and sinking its fangs into her leg. She twists away, staggering, falls to her knees; another of the party has fallen!

The spider dies, pierced by Lyr's harpoon. With a groan, the remaining members of the party look on the ruin of two of their friends. Almost, they despair; but then they rally, Lyr and Malford both restoring the determination of the others. Urick shudders as Vido's chest and Flipper's leg purple and swell even in death, as if the poison could reach into the afterlife.

*In all fairness, I figured the various pcs would go off to the river by themselves at intervals (nature calls, whatever) and rolled randomly to see who it was going to encounter. Then I told Vido to roll for surprise. He was surprised; it attacked, hit, he failed his save... never even got to act.

Next Time: To Yafall!

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