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Cydra: the Early Years

the Jester

Okay, I'm rapidly catching both current Story Hour threads up... once I have done so (or am within a game or so of doing so), I'm going to either start a new thread or start posting in this one again. If I decide to follow immediately on the heels of the last update I'll prolly just keep this thread goin'... otherwise we'll just have to see. :)

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the Jester

New Thread

The next 'early years' related thing is going to be Delilah's Story. It starts with game present, then quickly flashes back to the ending sequence of this thread.

I will probably eventually resurrect this thread for the continuation of Dexter and Malford et. al.

the Jester

The Story Continues!

Where were we?

Oh, yeah, after the big fight...

The next thing that happened was the dispensation of justice, both high and low. Baron Malford took care of business. Both Vosh and Urdor, though undead, had ‘survived’ the fight, though in a state akin to unconsciousness. Urdor had been taken and Vosh recovered from the sea. Akakathan, too, had been taken prisoner by Dexter, Malford, Rajah, Lochenvare and their party.

Malford’s judgment was stern. The two undead abominations were both executed immediately.

Akakathan was a more difficult subject. He had not attacked the party, and had in fact tried to aid Sheila the Confessor while she was a captive of Farenth’s. Though he had traveled with the evil party, he had (he argued) been in a very untenable situation. Both Malford and Dexter could sympathize with that.

In the end, Malford put Akakathan effectively on probation and allowed him to live. Humbly, the merellin put himself at the Baron’s mercy; he would remain close at hand, for the nonce, so that Malford and his men might watch him closely.


5/1/97 O.L.G., 3 p.m., the Cathedral of Galador in Fuzia

Dexter walked away from the pulpit awed. His sermon- which preached in almost direct contravention of certain elements of church doctrine- had drawn thousands. He was shaken with the immensity of it: people were listening to him- to him!

It was the Voice.

He spoke with the Voice of Galador.

It was an immense responsibility, one that Dexter did not welcome. It was a challenge that he did not feel he could live up to. But it was driving him to try- to try to live up to his growing sense of integrity and morality.

There is no need to persecute other religions, he thought. People should be free to believe what they want. I know it. And the Voice had not contradicted him; when he had preached his fervent belief, the Voice had worked. It would not, he knew, if what he said was truly against Galador’s will.

Reports of the sermon naturally spread amongst the clergy like wildfire.


It was sometime around this period that Malford hired on a court wizard- a necromancer named Therena. Though he was later to regret it bitterly, he decided that he would bring a wizard who was adept in the schools opposite his to work for him. As an illusionist, he had no ability with necromancy, evocation or abjurations. She would fill in the gaps nicely!


5/22/97 O.L.G., 2 p.m., the plains of southern Thule

Moons are rare. One was directly over the south of Dorhaus when this happened.

Our heroes decided to travel to the city of Trinsian. None of them had been there before; that was reason enough. It was on this journey that they saw something fall from the moon. In the distance- directly beneath the moon- something struck, and there was a huge explosion of dust and a loud crack of noise.

How could a band of adventurers resist such a tempting target?

When they got within about two miles they could see the crater, and within a mile they could see something grey-brown within it. And when they got closer still, they realized that it was an egg.

“Oh, my,” whispered Malford.

“Pretty big omelet,” observed Lochenvare.

“What the hell is in that thing?” wondered Dexter.

“Whatever it is, it’s big,” observed Therena.

Indeed it was. The egg was nearly 80’ in diameter. The group speculated on whether it had really fallen from the moon. “We saw it,” insisted Malford. Even so, most of them find it hard to credit.

“Now we know what is on the moons,” Malford grinned. “Herds of whatever comes from that egg!”

Naturally, the group makes camp on the egg, taking care to light a fire.

Next Time: The gargantuan egg hatches!

the Jester

Our heroes at this stage of the game are:

Dexter Nadly (human priest 5/ex-psionicist 5) NG
Lochenvare (human fighter 5) N (Evil tendencies)
Therena (human necromancer 5) CG
Rajah (human psionicist 6) N- raised by tigers
Akkakathan (merellin priest 4/bard 5) NG
Malford the Magnificent (gnome thief/illusionist 6/6) CG

Very soon- next update, in fact- they will be joined (i.e. someone will be replaced by after dying) by:

Drelvin the Archer (elf fighter (archer kit) 1) CG

the Jester

The Gargantuan!

Oh gosh. Oh gee. How could I forget!

Sheila the Confessor, rescued from Farenth- turned out to be a doppelganger. She attempted to kill Dexter but was foiled easily by the suspicious Lochenvar and Malford. They disposed of her handily.

Did Farenth still have the real Sheila? Had he ever had her? In fact, was the doppelganger the real one? If not, was she dead?

They had no real leads that they could think of. They could come up with nowhere to begin a search. They would never know. Or at least- not until the Second Coming of Dexter.

Anyway, back to the gargantuan egg.

Camping on it was an interesting choice. All right, I confess: it wasn’t the whole party that camped on the egg, it was just Therena. She was the one who started the fire, too. Her reasoning was, there was no reason to hold off; they couldn’t very well just leave this huge egg waiting to hatch in the middle of the Kingdom of Thule. Sure, it might have been rash; but she had her reasons.*

Needless to say, the egg started to hatch.

The thing that came out of it was bizarre in appearance and incredible in size. Lochenvare- a tall man- did not even come to the top of the huge beast’s foot. It had a strange head like a cross between a wolf and a lizard, with tough, leathery skin. Long floppy wings covered in egg goo hung from its back. It was probably 100’ high.

With a great roar, the baby gargantuan began to rampage.

Our heroes tried to stand against it, but they could not. It solved the question of what to do with Akakathan for them by stomping him into jelly with a single ponderous step. The blows they rained on it seemed to hardly scratch it. Therena, however, managed to keep out of its reach and fire lightning bolts to some small effect. Malford, too, attempted a similar strategy: fly above it and hit it with whatever missiles and magic he can muster.

It was far and away too little.

A few blows and Lochenvare was forced to retreat, barely clinging to consciousness. And when it flapped its huge wings it generated a massive wind that blew Malford away from it like a leaf in a gale. Our heroes were forced to flee away from it and regroup some distance away. They watched grimly as the monstrous baby rampaged away from them.

Observing the monster for a while, the party noted that it seems to be going along a fairly straight path. “It will probably end up in or around the city of Ogremoch,” mused Rajah.

“We have to intercept it,” Dexter said. “Think of the damage it could cause! It could kill hundreds!”

“How can we fight that thing?” sneers Lochenvare. Then he turns more thoughtful. “Catapults?”

Malford nods. “In part. What we need is to be able to hit it from a distance. Catapults, bows, spells, all things of that nature.”

“And if we alert Ogremoch, surely they will send what defenders they can to aid us.” Therena nods. “It is a good plan, my lord.”


5/23/97, 4 p.m., the walls of Ogremoch

The city had provided what defenders it could. But there were only a few of quality. Malford went in with a stoneskin cast upon him by a friendly mage; a warrior in plate male named Planthus agreed to stand by Lochenvare when it came time to keep it from engaging the archers on the walls. There was a dwarven priest named Urock

Among the archers was an elf named Drelvin. He was not a normal part of the city’s defense; he was a traveler. But he was willing to lend his bow to the cause.

When the gargantuan came, the archers and spell-slingers began firing at it. When it came closer, Lochenvare and Planthus moved along the walls to be ready to draw it away from the others. The plan worked perfectly, and Drelvin’s first proving was right here. His skill with a bow first entered legend with the battle against the gargantuan.

Afterwards, with the immense carcass outside the city covering several fields of farms, Malford immediately hired Drelvin on.


Later, back in Var, after accepting all the necessary accolades, our heroes began planning their next move.

With Dexter being dogged by the forces of Bleak, it seemed that a worthy quest might be to get a holy avenger to use against them. Now, granted that the paladin (Charlotte) had died, but there are more paladins out there.

In fact, the party had ascertained that the legendary pit fiend of Blendorag guarded the egg of a phoenix. Hatching it would gain the group a wish. A holy avenger would be just right to overcome a pit fiend and get the best thing that Malford and Rajah, at least, could think of. So Malford had done some research to track down a holy avenger’s location. What he had found was- a challenge. To put it mildly.

The holy avenger was in the lair of a dragon far to the north.

“How far?”

“We don’t have maps of the area,” Malford elaborated. “We can probably find some somewhere, but it’s pretty far.”

They chewed the idea over. Rajah tried to get some help from the faerie dragon Jovius, but he wanted no part in slaying a green. The quest is kind of at the R&D stage, if you will.

Before they get to it, Dexter faces his greatest moral trial.

Next Time: The greatest moral trial of Dexter!

*Therena was initially an npc, but was taken over by Charlotte’s old player after she died in the big battle immediately preceding these events.

the Jester

Dexter's Greatest Moral Crisis!

Dexter’s greatest moral crisis ever- one that later troubled him throughout his entire life and beyond- involved a child.

Traveling across Thule, a pilgrim, he was asked for help by a peasant family. There was something dreadfully wrong with their baby.

She was a year old, yet somehow a terrible demon had taken possession of her. She taunted Dexter with the fact that, long before, he had given his soul to Bleak. He could not be saved. He had, in effect, made a contract. There was no escaping.

Dexter tried his best to resolve the demon’s dilemma, but he couldn’t. The demon lied to him, claiming that he could not drive it forth without killing the child; and Dexter believed it.

“If you do not kill me,” taunted the demon, “I will lie here by day, but at night we shall creep out and murder.”

“If you do not kill me,” it laughed, “I will twist my parents’ love into hate, and they will serve the darkness.”

“If you do not kill me,” it whispered, “I will kill all you hold dear.”

And, for the greater good, Dexter killed her.

The demon laughed and spat blood as the staff of combat crashed down and slew the child that bore it, casting it back into the Abyss. The horrified parents could do nothing but weep. Dexter tried to console them, then walked away without looking back. As if he could see.

It was probably a little easier, being blind.

Next Time: Dexter has a strange dream! Enter Pandos the Mute!

the Jester

As the months went by, Rajah continued working with the revolutionaries of Wotan, seeking to overthrow his uncle and gain his rightful place as Emperor of Wotan. Using Var as a base (until he can claim his throne), he plotted with General Rygarh and Unso via trump.

Malford’s family, including his cousin, Threepio Bargeld “the Fine”, moved to the castle. Threepio, an envoy, was to be a short-lived (literally) party member. He was good with words and a master of persuasion, but he could not take much punishment.

One night in the late summer, Dexter had a terrifying dream. In it an ancient copy of the Galadron- one of the earliest copies extant- was taken by forces of evil and darkness to a terrible place piled with heads and skulls, and it was burnt. A relic of the Light was cast, forever, into the darkness.

Some research indicated that there was a very old copy of the Galadron in the city of Mirsa, to the north, so our heroes began preparing to depart for the city. Before they left, however, a stranger named Tchall Noolyn arrived. Tchall was an elf from Ketzia, the fairy land. He was an agent of the Elf-King, and he brought word of more trouble: Dexter’s sermon of a few months past had led to his denouncement by the church.

“Great,” he groaned.

“Don’t worry,” said Malford, “you have my protection.”

The party- now bolstered by Drelvin, Threepio and Tchall (who called himself Cyrcess while with non-druids) set off for Mirsa, hacking through gnolls along the way.

Then they fell victim to a terrible trick. A faerie named Tickerwicker lured them to a rockslide ambush near where a stream tumbled through a rocky pool. A terrible assassin imp leapt out, slashing with a razor blade and leaving Drelvin apparently dead! The others destroyed it, between Therena’s vampiric touch and Cyrcess’ backstab. Tickerwicker then further tricked the party into swimming into where (he claimed) the imp’s lair was.

“There’s a long tunnel,” he claimed. “There’s an air-filled tunnel at the end. Swim to it and you will find his treasure.”

Tchall/Cyrcess took a huge gulp of air and dove down, swimming deep down the side of the river. He found the entrance to the tunnel; surfaced to grab more air; and then began swimming with strong kicks towards the air-filled tunnel. His infravision helped a little, but it was hard to make out much in the cold waters of the tunnel.

His chest began to tighten as his air started to run low, and still there was no chamber.

Tchall reached the back of the tunnel. It was full of water. His chest was pounding.

He lied, he thought.

Swimming back down the tunnel, Tchall began to see spots. His last thought was, He’s not a faerie.

Tchall drowned.

Meanwhile, on dry land Therena was examining the archer’s body. “He’s alive,” she announced, “just in some sort of coma. The imp must have used some kind of poison on him.”

She turned just in time, as Tickerwicker came at her with a dagger.

A brief scuffle later, and she overcame him. But Cyrcess never returned. With a shudder, Therena abandoned the wait after almost two hours. This was a bad place, she thought fervently. I bet those two creatures were working together.*

The party soon moved on. When they finally arrived in Mirsa they found the ancient text in no danger at all. Puzzled, Dexter sat down to pray.

Next Time: Some divine guidance- and Dexter’s Warden!

*Indeed they were! A faux faerie and an assassin imp, in case you’re curious. This was one of the most messed-up encounters I’ve ever run.

the Jester

Hahaha... the fact that these games were 11 years ago really shows sometimes. I totally jumped the gun. As I review my notes, I realized that there were about a game and a half left of encounters before the party reached Mirsa... some of which have repercussions that are very important elements in the campaign. Nonetheless, they did reach Mirsa, and so I will leave that post as-is. Think of the next one as filling in missing stuff from the 'recent past'. :)

the Jester

Old Man Malford

10/21/97 O.L.G., on the road to Mirsa, Dorhaus

A few things happened before the party’s aforementioned arrival in Mirsa. There was of course the incident with the faux faerie, which we have already discussed. The party met up with Unell Nutcrusher, a female dwarf, and helped her avenge herself on the man who had abused and assaulted her.

The party gained a new member after word arrived that the King of Fuzia wished to speak to Dexter. Thanks to Rajah’s trump-maker Unso, the party was able to return to Fuzia, knowing that they would be able to trump back to Unso.

The group found the news the king delivered to them daunting. “The Bishop of Fuzia and I both support and believe in you,” King Verrion II said uncomfortably. “But the Church has exerted a great deal of pressure on us. Although we aren’t going to turn you over to them, we did agree to place a warden with you.”

Rajah snorted, “That’s ridiculous. You just have to talk to them-” (this to Dexter) “-and they’ll turn to your side.”

“A... ‘warden’?” Dexter asked, dumbfounded. Rajah’s right. When I use the Voice, I speak as Galador. Everyone who hears me knows it!

“Yes,” the king replied. “Pandos the Mute.”

It made a lot more sense all of a sudden. Pandos the Mute was a paladin who could neither speak nor hear. Thus, he should have been immune to the effects of the Voice.

“Very well,” Dexter nodded. “I accept this.”

The others looked at him. “Is that wise?” asked Rajah.

Dexter nodded.

“Are you sure?” asked Lochenvare.

Dexter nodded again, hiding a smile.

The party trumped back to Unso.


10/28/97 O.L.G.

Further along in their journey they encountered a burial mound and intrepidly investigated it. Unfortunately, they disturbed a ghost and a banshee, and the banshee wailed- immediately slaying both Unell Nutcrusher and Threepio Bargeld, Malford’s cousin! Malford, Rajah, Therena and Dexter blasted at the undead. Dexter’s sunmotes destroyed the banshee, but the ghost’s deadly aging attack was taking its toll- on Malford. His hair was going grey, his muscles weak. He could feel the creak in his joints. He couldn’t believe it. With terrible fascination, he watched as his body shriveled up more and more as the ghost touched him.

Then the radiance of Galador blazed forth from Dexter, blinding the ghost; and Rajah unleashed his psionic roar at it. It cringed, and then Pandos the Mute stepped in silently, swinging his bastard sword through its spectral body. It writhed in agony; Therena fired a volley of magic missiles, and it was gone.

Malford collapsed, wheezing. The others stared at him. His face was lined with wrinkles, his hair thin and white. His suddenly knobby hands groaned with arthritis.

Suddenly he was Old Man Malford.

Next Time: What book? Oh, that book.

the Jester

Current Party Lineup:

Lochenvare (human fighter 5; NE; wields a trident whose head is constructed of peryton horns)
Rajah (human psionicist 6; N; focused on body-enhancing powers)
Pandos the Mute (human paladin 4; LG; deaf and mute, Warden of Dexter)
Old Man Malford (gnome thief/illusionist 7/6; CG; prematurely aged)
Dexter Naddly (human cleric of Galador 5; NG; blind, but able to speak with the Voice of God)
Therena (necromancer 6; CG; Malford's court wizard)
Drelvin the Archer (fighter 3; CG; archer kit from Complete Elves' HB or whatever it was called)

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