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D&D 3E/3.5 [D&D 3.5] Thread of Endless NPCs


First Post
You need lots of NPCs and you can only make few?
You want to check some ideas about random NPCs?
Maybe you would like to see how someone else would stat your own NPC concept?
Or maybe you have to show the world how awesome your NPCs are?!

This is the place to post!

Lets make a big thread with random NPCs!

  • You can post as many NPCs you want, any CR you want.
  • You can post the concept/background/idea of a NPC without stats.
  • You can stat a NPC based on a NPC idea someone else left without stats.
  • If you like the concept too much, you can post alternative stats for a NPC someone else has already made.

I will try to list the NPCs that are added on the first post.

Also to get this started I will post 1 NPC per day for the next month :p Starting today.

(Btw, is there a double-post policy? It would help to post 1 NPC/post, if thats ok)

Listed NPCS

Lord Malik The Red (Human Aristocrat 7) (High Gear)
by Beefermatic

Mosl (Kenku Rogue 5/Assassin 3) (NPC Gear)
by anest1s

Iago (Human Warlock 8) (PC Gear)
by Dandu

Krag (Human Barbarian 4/Fighter 2/Sorcerer 2/Dragon Disciple 4) (PC Gear)
by Dandu

Thinderella (Human Sorcerer 13) (NPC Gear)
by Dandu

Serenity (Human Sorcerer 13) (PC Gear)
by Dandu

B. M. Evilwizardington (Human Sorcerer 5/Incantarix 10/Spellguard of Silverymoon 5) (PC Gear)
by Dandu

Fistbeard Beardfist (Dwarf Strongarm Ranger 1/Passive Way Monk 2/Strongarm Ranger 2/Deepwarden 2/Fist of the Forest 3/Kensai 10) (PC Gear)
by Dandu
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First Post
Mosl works for the Assassins guild. He is the second in command. Usually he just instructs the newest members of the guild, but in special occasions he accepts missions too. Usually he is to attack first on big missions, to weaken the enemies just rounds before the Guildmaster Assassin hits to finish them. Other times he operates assassinations not ordered by the guild but by his personal interests. He usually hires thugs to help with those ''out of guild'' assassinations. He tries to keep those assassinations a secret from the guild.

Kenku Rogue 5 Assassin 3: Medium Humanoid (Kenku); CR 8; HD 8d6+16; hp 45; Init +8; Spd 30 Ft.; AC 19, touch 14, flat footed 15; Base Atk +5; Grp 5; Atk Claw +5 melee (1d3) or dagger +5 melee (1d4) or dagger +9 melee (1d4+1); Full Atk 2 claws +5 melee (1d3) or 2 daggers +3 melee or 2 daggers +7 ranged or dagger +9 ranged (1d4); Space 5ft; SQ Great Ally, low-light vision, Mimicry, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap sense +1, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Poison Use, +1 Save Against Poison ; SR 0; SA Sneak Attack +5d6, Death Attack (DC 17); AL NE; SV Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +2(+2 Resistance); Str 11, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8;
Spells (3/day DC 13) Feather Fall, True Strike, Obscuring Mist (1/day DC 14) Invisibility, Pass Without Trace;
Feats Improved Initiative, Two Weapon Fighting, Ability Focus (Death Attack) ;
Skills +10 Bluff (Cha), +3 Disable Device (Int), +10 Disguise (Cha), +15 Escape Artist (Dex), +15 Hide (Dex), +3 Knowledge (local) (Int), +8 Listen (Wis), +15 Move Silently (Dex), +5 Open Lock (Dex), +10 Search (Int), +5 Sense Motive (Wis), +8 Spot (Wis), +15 Tumble (Dex)
+1 Mithral Chain shirt (2100gp), Hat of Disguise (1800gp),
Black Feather Boots* (1080gp), Phylactery of The Assassins Will* +2 (1333gp), 4 shadow essence poison (1000gp), Healing Belt (750gp), Potion of Invisibility (300gp), Antitoxin (50gp), Potion of Shield of Faith +4 (600), 8 daggers (16gp), 2 alchemical silver daggers (42gp),2 Smokestick (40gp), 125gp items from assassins guild warehouse when needed (service worth 250gp), 40gp cash

Tactics: He approaches at 10 ft disguised as someone else after 3 rounds of observing the victim. Then he hits with a death attack, with a poisoned dagger on the surprise round. Regardless whether the death attack works, he casts invisibility and then tries to escape. If he manages to escape, he will cast pass without trace to avoid being tracked.

If he is forced to fight he uses obscuring mist or smokesticks to change his appearance (maybe to one of his enemies, to further the confusion) and will try to manage a death attack again. He will go next to a victim that is in the mist alone, and approach as a disguised friend...then he will whisper to him ''stay close to me''. Then he will start acting like he is expecting a sudden attack- but in fact he will be studying him.

If everything goes bad, he will drink his potion of invisibility and he will fly away.

In case of a ''personal mission'', he will use hired thugs to flank instead-and will not use poison as this can be detected by the guild. However he will still go for death attacks, and will try to escape if the situation turns against him. But in this case he will return to assassinate any surviving thug before they talk/ even though they probably don't know much anyway.

He uses the common daggers as thrown weapons to deliver death attacks- and he has only 8 as a reminder that by turn 4 he should be out of there. He has also a pair of silver daggers, in case he is ambushed by the warerats that oppose his guild lately.

Languages: Common, Kenku, Gnome, Halfling

Black Feather Boots (1080gp) (1/day fly CL1)
Phylactery of The Assassins Will
+2 (1333gp) (+2 resistance bonus on will saves)
Poisons are replaced at the end of each month by the guild.

http://serpentdreamscampaign.wikispaces.com/file/view/kenku5.jpg/178514493/kenku5.jpg <--signed version
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Lord Malik The Red

Lvl 7 Human Aristocrat
Ali: LN
HP: 35 (7d8+7 CON)
AC: 21 (+8 MW Full Plate, +2 Deflection, +1 Dex) <--if battle impending
17 is his base he wears only a mithral chain shirt (+4 AC) under his nobel's garb.
Touch AC: 13,
Flat Footed AC: 20 Full Plate, 16 Chain shirt.


Fort: 3 (Base +2, CON+1)
Ref: 3 (Base +2, DEX+1)
Will: 9 (Base +5, WIS+2, Iron Will +2)

BAB: 5

Attack: +7 Melee +1 Flaming Long Sword "Sword of the Red": 1d8+1+1 STR +1d6 Fire, Slashing (Crit 19-20/ x2)

Attack: +7 Ranged +1 Light Crossbow 1d8+1, Piercing (Crit 19-20/ x2, 80ft range)

Feats: Iron Will, Skill Focus: Diplomacy, Leadership, Negotiator

Skills: Appraise 2 (1 skill, 1 INT) Bluff 16 (10 Skill, +3 Headband, +3 CHA), Diplomacy 20 (10 Skill, +3 Headband, +2 Skill Focus, +2 Negotiator, +3 CHA) Gather Information 6 (5 Skill, 1 INT), Intimidate 16 (10 Skill, +3 Headband, +3 CHA), Knowledge History 2 (1 Skill, +1 INT), Listen 3(1 Skill, +2 WIS) Sense Motive 15 (10 Skill, +2 Negotiator, +2 WIS), Spot 3 (1 Skill, +2 WIS), Survival 3 (1 Skill, +2 WIS)

Gear: Mithral Chain Shirt, MW Full Plate Mail, 15000GP worth of various jewelry (all of which is subtle, like an amulet made of the rarest metal on earth or a one of a kind diamond, or a metor rock brooch, etc), Cape of the Mountebank, Bracelet of Friends (4 Elite Guards 2 lvl 7 Fighters, 1 lvl 7 Rogue, 1 lvl 7 Sorcerer), Ring of Protection +2, Circlet of Persuasion, Periapt of Wound Closure, Bronze Griffon of Power, Royal Clothing, Potion of Eagle's Splendor x2, Potion of Bulls Strength x2, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x2, Oil of Immolation, +1 Light Crossbow, +1 Flaming Longsword


Known as the Malik the Red to his allies and The Butcher of the North to his enemies, Malik is a formidible man in his ability to get the job done not by hacking the limbs off a person, but through deplomacy, negotiation, intimidation, deceit, and the power of position.

20 years ago in a campaign against a rival nation, he was noted for his bravery, ferocity on the battlefield, and ruthlessness. Sacrificing over 60% of his own men in order to deal a deathblow against the enemy nation, slaughtering the opposing army to a man. The losses on both sides granted him his title of: 'The Red' in reference to the blood he's spilled over the years, and he has a reputation for being entirely without mercy to those that wrong him; that and for being able to get things done no matter the circumstances.

It is for this very reason that he ascended to the ranks of high nobility. As such, his men are some of the most highly trained in the nation, whether it be for espionage or combat.

Tall, late-middle aged, dark skinned and eyed, broad of shoulders and adorned in dark colored fineries of blood red, black and deep purple, he has an intimidating visage before one even speaks to him. Even in his age he's kept much of the muscle and fierceness of his youth. His eyes seem to look through you, as if he is looking directly into your soul, and he always seems to sit in a position of authority. Calm, and cool even in the most heated of arguments, or the most heinous of situations, he handles it all with logic, and decisiveness. A deep gash runs across the side of his right cheek, an old scar from a failed assassination attempt many years ago.

He is pragmatic in battle, knowing his strengths and weaknesses, he will always start combat by attempting to back away, direct men, and use a potion of Aid; after this he will continue to stay away from the enemy as much as possible, directing men, using ranged weapons, staying under the cover of his retainers (elite guards, 10 lvl 5 Fighters), and will use any tactical advantage he can, making great use of his surroundings at any given time, and always making use of walls, ranged weapons, cover, and concealment. If pressed into Melee, he lashes out with startling power, relying on his flaming longsword and ring of protection to protect him. Depending on the scenario, he will also rely heavily on his plate armor or Mithral shirt.

He is never without his ring of protection or his sword which he brings with him even to the bath.

Though he frowns upon outright cowardice, he sees no reason to forfeit his life for a disagreement, or a fools errand. He is a devious man, and is happy to fall back, regroup, gather reenforcements, bide his time, even feign defeat and friendship only to study his opponent, find weaknesses, and attack again (or counter attack) at the most opportune (inopportune for his enemy) moment.

In order to escape he will use his men to his advantage as much as possible. If this fails to overwhelm or disorient his opponents, he will immediately use his 'Cape of the Mountebank' to Dimension Door away, and follow it up by using his Bronze Griffon of Power to safely fly him out of the area.

He will always attempt diplomacy before attacking, and will always try to find a peaceful solution before resorting to violence, but if he is pressed into taking violent actions, he believes in the 'Total War' mentality. That is: build such a massive force and attack the enemy with such force and at such a magnitude that the enemy cannot put up resistance. He is rarely without his cohort, and his minions for this reason.

If one man attack him, he will attack them with 100.

If he decides to attack an enemy, especially on a large scale, he will not relent until every trace of his enemy is gone, women, children, burial sites, castles, everything, either destroyed to dust, or converted, brick by brick by the original populace into new buildings, and a scar is left upon the memory so deep that those who witnessed it will never try and rise against him.

That said however, he routinely uses assassins to kill targets while they sleep if he has gleaned that they are becoming a threat. In these cases, he always uses 3rd party assassins, hired by 4th party thugs, this is done in case the plan goes pear shaped it will not be apparent that it was him.

Though his reputation is a brutal one, to his subjects he is anything but. He is a man blessed with a huge reservoir of natural charm, guile, and wit. Often he is seen entering common bars, conversing with the townsfolk, joking with them, drinking with them, and asking frankly what they would like improved. He is also a man of solid justice, he makes every effort to prove the innocence of the convicted and attempts to put personal feeling aside, but onto those that overstep his kindness for weakness, he casts cruel and horrible punishments, sending people to be hobbled and work in mines for the rest of their lives or to have their bodies covered in fruit juice, covered in ants, and crucified on the roads outside of town, without a second thought.

Deep down, as much as he may try to be a good man, his heart is cold and hard. To the point that he skirts the edges of Lawful Evil in most occasions.

It should also be noted that his high diplomacy, and sense motive checks make him an excellent bull:):):):):) detector, and will routinely allow people to build up stories just to crash it down upon them. Lying to him is a big mistake. Most people he catches lying to him are sent to the mines or executed.
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First Post

Nice concept! I think he is evil though :p
Btw I noticed he has too much gear for his level. Is it because he is noble?


Lol...now I can't list them according to their CR :p

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