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D&D 4th Edition, H Series, Online Game


First Post
I'd be happy to join a game online with you - assuming there is still room!

My email address is rtaylor1976 (at) ymail (dot) com.

Please let me know,

Taren Nighteyes

PS Love the Real Genius quote in your sig :)

You are the FIRST person that EVER understood that quote!!!

Yes there is still room.....you officially make our fourth.

We have all four players but if anyone asks between now and thursday-friday....I will still accept a few more.

Glad to have you aboard....character submissions in thread for now.

Any queries or questions may be asked here.

Peace & Light (and "whatever you do Kent, STOP PLAYING WITH YOURSELF!"......Kent; "It IS god.")
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First Post
I will generate my character in the Character Builder app, and then pass it along to the DM / Eryiedes.

So how are we running this, just play by post?


yes...PBP....our players are pretty spread out....we are the only two that share zipcodes.

As for Character Builder, that will be fine.
Never used it but was curious.

Are a bit more curious about possible mapping software as not all of us have the adventures to that end...so it may become an issue...but that comment was aimed at everybody and shouldn't have been included in a quote post....it just sprang to mind.

I will be lurking.

Peace & Light


First Post
What timezones will this have to keep to?

Characterwise I'm thinking Goliath something. Maybe shaman, warlord. Paladin's always good, but perhaps too... paladin.


First Post
Timezone and other such things were just on my mind.
Now that we have four players I will send everyone an e-mail reminding people that we need to all meet here in realtime here to dicuss a few particulars.

Days and Times available.
Session lengths.
Mapping considerations.
Plus any other fine tuning thats needs to be worked out.

I haven't slept yet so I will be a tad slow today getting those out today but they should be recieved by one and all by dinner time....(Canada, eastern std time)

So far I have had no one claim they wanted to be a paladin yet but even if they did...that should not stop you from playing whatever you want to play as.....every party needs a healer and a paladin can fill that role ....especially if no one decides to pick cleric!

So one Warlord npc....and one Paladin PC.

Sounds like a good start.

I have to walk my puppy and run some errands....I will check back momentarily.

Peace & Light

Taren Nighteyes

First Post
OK - look forward to the email. 4+ players and 1 NPC?

I've never done combat through a PBP - that will be interesting. I've used Maptools for both maps and chat/play.

I was thinking of either Cleric or Fighter....or something from the recently released PHB 3 (if approved).

Will you allow the use of the Divine Power sourcebook?

I own none of the modules you've referenced, so this should be a brand new experience for me :)

And, another quote:

"Look, it was hot and I was hungry, okay?" - Kent (naked with a bowl full of Jell-O)


First Post
OK - look forward to the email. 4+ players and 1 NPC?

I've never done combat through a PBP - that will be interesting. I've used Maptools for both maps and chat/play.

I was thinking of either Cleric or Fighter....or something from the recently released PHB 3 (if approved).

Will you allow the use of the Divine Power sourcebook?

I own none of the modules you've referenced, so this should be a brand new experience for me :)

And, another quote:

"Look, it was hot and I was hungry, okay?" - Kent (naked with a bowl full of Jell-O)

PHB3 is fine.....I haven't seen it or divine power yet but I see no problem as long as you understand you may need to type up the particulars of a "new" attack power as they are introduced to play at least the first few times.

Cleric or Fighter is fine....we have an npc Warlord and most likely a pc Paladin, perhaps even of goliath persuasion.

I will download maptools now and have a look at it.

The H series are basically as new as 4e....not too suprised you have not heard of it...but you have never heard of the "Against the Giants" module series and the "Vault of the Drow" series.....wow.....well they are pretty old modules that date back to the beginning to D&D but I thought everyone who played D&D knew about those 2 series.
Well, I guess its true what they say...you're never too old to learn something new!
I will be lingering for a while so If you have any questions, I should have a prompt responce for you.....just checking out that new Eberron Tomb freebie adventure on the home page.

Peace & Light (and "God, Jerry is a good friend of mine and if you don't say anything.....I'm just gonna have to go in then.")
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First Post
If we decide to go with map tools.....what build version should we all have....I was just looking at what's there and there's more types than you can shake a stick at.
Some are real...some are demos only.....some are for hex (which I do need for GURPS but for our purposes, don't do much).....and they are ALL pretty particular about what build model they link to so, to those of y'all that have map tool experience...now's your time to holla.....I am all ears.

The game rooms here have the dice roller built into them right?
We don't need dice tools do we?

It has a mic feature....to bad my mic is crap.

Peace & Light (and "IT WORKED, FANTASTIC....NOW IF WE CAN ONLY KEEP IT FROM EXPLODING!!!"...."Uhhhh....Wang, you were just kidding about the exploding part, right?.....Wang?.....H-hello?")
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Lord Zardoz

Play by post is new to me, but I am willing to give it a shot.

I have a Dwarven Fighter (Battle Rager), a Half Elf Warlock, or a Half Orc Barbarian that I can use. I am most interested in the Barbarian or Warlock, but I am going to wait until I have a better idea of what the other players will have handy to decide which I will use.



First Post
I would be glad to join in on this if possible I can make a character with the demo version of character builder that is if were starting at level 1. Any certain classes you need? Also what all would I need to have to be able to do this? I have a good idea on the basic d&d rules just wondering if I would need anything to be able to do this.


First Post
Play by post is new to me, but I am willing to give it a shot.

I have a Dwarven Fighter (Battle Rager), a Half Elf Warlock, or a Half Orc Barbarian that I can use. I am most interested in the Barbarian or Warlock, but I am going to wait until I have a better idea of what the other players will have handy to decide which I will use.


PBP is new to me too.
I have tried 5 sites.....of all of them.....THIS is further than I have ever gotten with any of them.
Had no alternative when local group broke up.
Any of those sound good to....near as I can tell no one has made mention of any save a possible fighter....never specified build type.
We have for certain a warlord npc
A possible paladin or shaman pc.....
your selections and I believe Taryn made mention of a fighter or cleric.
Only one of us has yet to weight in on choices and if I am correct he is still waiting for his copies of gaming books to arrive....didn't specify when...if worst comes to worst, we (I) can create him one based upon what he would like to be and he can come up with his background but as far as that goes he seems eager to play.
I will send E-mails after dinner.....I was gonna do it before but I am running late.

I will be lurking.

Peace & Light (and poutine)

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