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D&D 4th Edition, H Series, Online Game


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What;s more important

The things each of us need to be thinking of is our combat integration. We got a glimpse of what our characters can do today. So lets figure out a few things.

1] using initiative and delays to go in order to compliment and stack powers and skills. If you pretend for a moment that 4e is like a game of MTG, each of us is a summoned creature with certain powers and interrupts. We need to figure out which powers each of us need to use to compliment or stack bonuses to buff the whole party or massively penalize the enemy. I think our classes lean towards buffing. So..regardless of initiative, we use the delay option if necessary to act in the proper order. I submit that the warrior types need to go last, because my effects all give you guys bonuses and or potentially weaken an enemy while you close the range to melee. This will have to be looked at.

2] We need to establish a party leader who will "direct traffic" during a battle. Normally I would nominate the Warlord, but he's an NPC. So it should either be the paladin or myself. No offense, but a paladin is NOT going to follow the lead of a 1/2 orc barbarian. This leader needs to be able to have the party follow targeting directions so that everyone is working towards the same goal during a fight. Otherwise, I am afraid that our party has the potential of roleplaying ourselves into 4 "solo" battles during each encounter. Along with this, we need to agree on a priority list of targets during an encounter. For example: We will always kill enemies in the following order when possible - mages, clerics, archers, tanks, and lurkers, minions last.

3]ASAP I think each of us should get a xbow to take one ranged shot at ranged enemies like mages or clerics, then drop them to go full melee. This lets us get off a volley hopefully during the surprise round, but at least while we are closing the distance to melee range. 5 1d8 xbow hit will put a serious crimp in a mage's day in round one, I can then use my first attack to finish him off and get back to supporting you warriors whle you struggle vs the enemy tanks and lurkers.

4] We need to establish how we treat treasure. You can go with any way you want, my character's monetary needs are limited, however I will make a suggestion just so that it doesn't become an issue during the game. I propose that ALL found items (gold, magic, art, etc) become party owned. Even if this means an item is found that only one member of our party can use or even has interest in. Then at the end of the adventure (not the session) we can tally the value of all treasure, divy it up into shares, and negotiate on a fair and even basis on possession of special items. Maybe I want the new mace plus 2 we find. Its worth 3000 gold. My share of found treasure is 3450 gold in value. I negotiate to take the mace and 450 gold. Everyone else would do the same. If there are unclaimed magic or art items, they get liquidated and the resulting gold split so that everyone walks away with relatively equal VALUE if not actual money.

5] I was in a very successful group in for a long campaign covering multiple adventures, which sounds like what Eryiedes is envisioning. One of the things we did was draw up a list of items and equipment that each player wanted as they progressed that would allow them to flesh out and maximize their characters abilities. A special sword, a certain ring, that cloak, etc. We always put a share of treasure into a group fund and took turns using that money to obtain an item off our lists. As long as everyone acts in good faith and doesn't get ridiculous with their list, it should work out fine. For example, I would like some chainmail or some other means of bringing up my AC. Im sure Mordoc wants a magic weapon, maybe the paladin wants a special shield, etc.

Give these things some thought and get back to me. here or at lendinghm at yahoo dot com


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First Post
All good consideration.....we will discuss them in dimdim...perhaps tommorrow.

I would love it if the team would trot to the gaming area and add you "piece" for Douven's wife....it would be better in your "own" words....just read it and add your stank to it please.

I will be in maptools online at about 2pm on till about 5.

Peace & Light (and blackblades)


First Post
Very nice addition Ftr....I can see that our adventure thread will be probably like our interest thread.....with a lotta entries and a lotta views!

On a side note I have remade both of the first 2(1) random wilderness encounter maps and will have the level 1 completed again by 2am or earlier
Mapping may go so fast now that i have decided to try mapping the entire village of winterhaven....gods know there is enough map area for it....but is there enough memory allotted without boosting my cache?
(Guess I'll find out!)
I enjoyed the test tonight.....should really rock in a few sessions when the macros are flowing easlier....reminds me I must check my e-mail for stuff...not sure what to do with it all but thats what dimdim is for!
I may play a game of 2142 before I log off and just go maptool crazy.
I will be in thread for 15 or so.
Maptools will be up on ANY given day around 2pm est (usually...until a lot of the mapping is taken care of at any rate) with dimdim probably up towards the pm of the day unless req'd sooner in maptools of course.
Appologies if I babbled a bit on mic tonight.
May even try an hour or two sooner than next friday if all can meet for it....who knows.



First Post
Hello all, I apologize once again for earlier had a few family problems to sort out with the fiance ending with me just barely getting out of the dog house haha. I've got maptools up and running I will gladly try to play with you all though if you have already begun and or are not willing to put up with my unreliability lately I wholeheartedly understand ;).


First Post
Hello all, I apologize once again for earlier had a few family problems to sort out with the fiance ending with me just barely getting out of the dog house haha. I've got maptools up and running I will gladly try to play with you all though if you have already begun and or are not willing to put up with my unreliability lately I wholeheartedly understand ;).

Don't be silly....software and "hardware" problems are perfectly understandable.
Maptools is up and going....thats awesome....as I said...from about 2pm-ish est and it will be up while i get mapping done....I am easier to reach there than in thread.
(I am getting spoiled by all the RT messages versus the refresh version here)
We may even have a game up before next friday if we can all manage it but it wasn't discussed at all....(I am just psyched and want to mention it next time)
You will enjoy yourself I think...a few good laughs in a short little fight....that took nearly an hour and a half (with a bit of macro expiramentation and programming included)
Promises to be fun.

Peace & Light


First Post
Almost forgot....

To Thedeathndecay.....goto the gaming action and read the progress....then add your part.....you were not there for the "random encounter" but you are in the party....my next entry can not happen until everyone makes a contribution....3 more to go!

Peace & Light (and "odds bodkins"....wtf does that mean anyway....a person is dating a hunchback?)


First Post
The story in the adventure thread looks pretty good. I'm trying to come up with my part without, er, misrepresenting everyones characters. Hmm...

You both got Gorshak down alright. As a goliath he's a little... rough around the edges and as a warrior of kord its more about the fight. But deep down he's still a paladin with all the oaths, promises and loyalty the training instills. Protect the innocent and all that (normal paladinness), but do it actively by hunting down and kicking the hells out of pretty much everyone (Kord). As such, bringing up the critical failure is a fantastic way to humble/irritate him.

Now... Quinn. Is Quinn more of a big picture guy? I get that he'll be more the voice of wisdom and experience, because he's gone through all this before. Would he react to things more with raised eyebrows and disapproving glances?

Mardok. What would his primary focus be? Tough bugger who takes pride in his 'work', right?

Eh, can I have a copy of the background things or whatever it is. Can't be having what *I* write have someone say/respond with something that the proper character wouldn't and potential muck up their plan.

Lord Zardoz

As far as Ftr's thoughts regarding combat:

- I have 2 Hand Axes which will be thrown at targets if I am unable to get in close to combat.
- While the Paladin may be averse to listening to a Half Orc, I am more familiar with the rule set then the rest of you as far as I can tell. In general I am not adverse to taking suggestions, but I am not sure we should restrict combat advise to one person.

- In terms of our party's combat potential, here is a birds eye view of what we are capable of.

- Paladin (Defender): High HP. Can mark targets to encourage opponents to go after him, but mark is only useful if he keeps trying to kill said target. Probably has the best on average to hit roll (assuming 20 Str and using a sword with a +3 proficiency bonus to hit). Can provide healing with lay on hands, but this uses up the Paladins own healing surges.

- Warlord (Leader): Leader classes are usually implemented with support in mind. Warlords are effective secondary melee support. Commanders Strike in particular is handy if the Warlord's to hit bonus is weaker then other characters to hit bonus. Vipers Strike will punish targets trying to shift out of melee. Can provide healing.

- Cleric (Leader): Another support class, but has more ranged at will powers. The Deva has an ability which can grant +1d6 to a roll, and as observed yesterday the cleric has many powers which can grant an attack bonus. Can also provide healing.

- Barbarian (Striker): Striker classes tend to hit for the most damage. Barbarians are designed to be highly mobile and lightly armoured, with above average hp. Mardok in particular has an at Will that will hit for 1d12+1d6+4 damage, and can be used in a charge (usually you can only use a Basic Melee Attack when charging). The other one will let me shift prior to making an attack, and can push enemies. I forgot that I have a class feature which will grant me my Con modifier in temp hp (2 temp hp) whenver I drop someone. My attack bonus is almost certainly weaker then the Goliaths. I use an axe which only has a +2 proficiency bonus, and I have 18 Str.

Based on what I know of the characters, I expect that I will try to stay near the Paladin or Warlord in combat, and attempt to set up flanking attacks. Being able to shift through occupied spaces, I shouldn't have any problems getting out of melee if I get into trouble. The Paladin is going to be able to dictate a great deal about the fights by marking opponents. With healing available from 3 characters we should be a highly durable group.

Regarding map tools, I figured out how to set up Macros, and how to create customized stat sets for the players. I will make my macro set available as soon as we figure out an optimal way to do so. I already have macro's for basic melee and ranged attacks and my at will powers. I will have more soon enough.



First Post

I agree on almost everything you said. I think we should allow the Paladin to be our "combat Leader" unless he either doesn't want to (why would he play a paladin if he didn't?) or can't for some reason. His ability to mark and some of his future abilities I looked at can really be perfect in a synergistic approach. He could Mark and use his powers to force a main badie to face him and allow the rest of us to whittle down the rest of the baddies and then attack the main enemy with AoO and wolf pack tactics.

Your ideal role is the hammer to his anvil. Anything he pins in place (or forces to attack only him) you smash with flanking attacks. Your high damage and his ability to tank will quickly demolish a badie 2 to 3 times your level. This also takes advantage of any FRENZY type of abilities you may have. You will have the ability to pick your spot (just dont get cut off) in the fight to start a vicious raging cycle that mows down the enemy leader's crew.

The Warlord, as an NPC, will be useful but is not a PC and will be subject to less effective play simply due to the DM having to track a million other things. He should be on what ever side of the paladin you are not, to save him from lurkers and backstabbers. His powers can also potentially funnel enemies into danger zones that we can set up by positioning that provoke multiple AoO. This will become very important later when some of my spells can create prolonged area of effect damage if enemies can be forced into them.

The rogue is our alternate striker and should be set loose like to move and strike at will. I dont know his exact skill set, but I would guess that he has the ability set to move long distances, flank distracted enemies and do massive damage with his attacks. If we can find a way for him to do this relatively safely, he could move in a nd out of the melee like a yoyo making a kill each time.

My role would be to help target ranged attackers early, then move up directly behind or next to the paladin (once my AC can be buffed significantly). Form there I can heal to keep the party fresh and help crush minions with AoE spells.

As far as giving advice, thats what the mic is for. As far as Im concerned, feel free to throw it out ther where you think its important. I am not very familiar with 4e and it will certainly show, so I will depend on you and the others to keep me from screwing up too badly.

I was really pleased with how things went in our practice combat. We ahd some screw ups, but overall, I think our players will be able to get along and work together. We should be able to tear it up. What this party is going to be like by fifth level...WOW!!! Just monstrous. Huge opportunities for role playing. Every PC has great racial hooks to play on IC and yours and the paladin will especially being what most humans would call "monsters". City adventures will be "fun". I can't wait for the first time a human parent has to thank Mardok for saving his child!!!! Or someone gets healed and wakes up to find a "giant" leaning over him with his massive hands on his body. This is going to get rich. And don't get me started on being a glowing, blue skinned dude in the worlds all too familiar with demon and devil attacks. You just know someone is going to try to exorcise or turn me. The eladrin is is the only one with a "normal" appearance. Were going to have to send him into town alone just so everyone doesnt think theyre being raided by a bunch of demons fresh from the abyss.

I think we need to increase ASAP your and the Rogues weapons to make your strike more deadly. Then we need to beef up my and the paladin's armor. If we can find something that will let the rogue go ninja for us, that would be awesome. He would be our death from out of nowhere, literally killing off enemies while the rest of the party confronts them and stalls with negotiations before the steel comes out or have him start killing just as we allow ourselves to be seen. The enemy will lose ranged support or spellcasters so fast...


You are spot on right. If you need a character comparison, I imagine Quinn to be a similar personality and role to John, the Martian Manhunter from Justice League cartoons (yes I still watch cartoons!). He's very much the focused and reserved cerebral type. His emotions are not missing, just subject to an overriding sense of purpose and too intelligent and wise to allow them to let them get out of control. BTW, I love your character, he has sop many plot hooks. I'll expect some great role play fromthis guy. lol
Your and LZ's characters are going to have a chance to really ham up the "outsider in society" roles to the hilt. its going to be great.

sorry this went on...I write because I don't talk so much....so you guys get it all!


Lord Zardoz

Mardok. What would his primary focus be? Tough bugger who takes pride in his 'work', right?

When it comes to roleplaying, I tend to be less serious about it then others. I have found that it does not matter if I am playing an NPC or a PC, the characters all tend to be somewhat crazy / act like lunatics.

I am not inclined to try too hard at this time to come up with a detailed back story for my character, but I am able to supply a loose set of notes or tendencies. If Eryedies asks me directly for a backstory, I may have a few ideas.

- Highly competitive, and will generally attempt to prove he can run faster, hit harder, jump higher, lift more or otherwise prove he is better then those around him. Obsessed with proving he is superior.

- Mardok is more likely to fail while attempting to do something difficult then admit that it would be too difficult. It does not matter if it is jumping across a chasm, or attempting to kill something.

- Terrible table manners. He will grab food from the table and eat it directly, and not bother with a plate or fork.

- Heavy scars on his hands due to the time he found a wolf in his camp eating his food. He walked up and took his food from the mouth of the wolf..

- His only pickup line is "Your pretty enough. Do you wish to mate". He does not get many women.

- Mardok will punch out your horse if he thinks it is giving him a 'look'.

- Mardok has occasionally gotten into legal trouble as a result of saying things like "Hmm.. Nice belt. Can I have it?" to passers by (while attempting Intimidation). Mardok will never actually attack someone to steal from them, but he does believe that if you are weak enough to give into that kind of implied threat, you do not deserve to keep your stuff. He will respect someone who tells him to :):):):) off.

- Having said that, if someone is forceful or aggressive with him, he will do his level best to end their life.


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