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D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape - In Through the Out Door


Eurid accepts the offering with limited disgust. He's not uncomfortable handling dead things.

"Never laid ear on a New Orleans, no," he answers. "S'at Oerth? Toril? Well, no matter. We can check in at the Hall of Records. Nobody's better for finding a backwater berg than a taxman."

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First Post
The moment Shard set foot in the Jilted Planes, a feeling of unreality washed over her. Had she been here before? There was a cadence to the murmur of conversations around her, as if there were words underneath the words. As if the inn had a voice of its own, that spoke through the collective voices of everyone in it.

She didn't go to the bar. Instead she wandered out among the tables. Under her feet the floorboards whispered of patrons heavy and thin, of boots caked with mud from a thousand shores and worse. Every stain on the wood of the tabletops had a story that wanted, in its own little way, to be told.

Abruptly Shard stopped. Without knowing why, she looked around, towards where the stairs led up to the rooms overhead. Sitting there on the bottom step was a cat. An old, hoary tomcat with ragged fur and scarred ears and narrow, unimpressed eyes. They stared at each other for a spell, and then the tomcat blinked slowly...closing its eyes, then opening them again. His posture relaxed a bit, and he padded out towards the kitchen with just the tip of his tail flicking to and fro as he went.

Shard watched him go. She remembered disliking cats...they seemed so cold compared to dogs. But now she wanted to laugh at that beautiful, crotchety old man of a cat. It felt as if they'd had a conversation.

You there. This is my place.

Yes it is, but I am going to stay here for a while.

All right. Just stay out of my way. If you want food, it's in here.

Not so cold, really. Even kind of welcoming, if you understood it. Did she? Strange. She felt like she'd always hated the cats her father kept around to mouse. But now that didn't make any sense to her at all.

There was a cheer that went up from a table not far away, attracting Shard's attention. A group of men, well...loosely termed men...were seated around it playing some game of dice. Curious, she went over to watch them play. Gambling in taverns was a cosmic truth, she felt. Like praying in temples.

But what prayer were they chanting, these holy men? Each flip of a coin was a note, each roll of a dice a syllable. What would they say to whatever strange being watched over people such as this?

It never even occurred to her they might not like strangers ogling their table as they played.

goatunit said:
"Never laid ear on a New Orleans, no," he answers. "S'at Oerth? Toril? Well, no matter. We can check in at the Hall of Records. Nobody's better for finding a backwater berg than a taxman."

[section]Picayune frowned. Where in da hell I be? He ain't never 'eard of Nawlins?! The effigy took a good look around the bar, his eyes ghosting over the four-legged barmaid, the posey of malformed dead rats in his hand, and Eurid. His look fell at last on Shard, with that weird crystal poking out of her head. We ain't in Kansas no mo'." Picayune returned his attention to Eurid and prepared himself for the exertion of forming words.[/section]
[sblock=OOC]Casting message at Eurid. "Earth, dat one sounded right. Earth. Reckon if anyone knows how to get dere, it be de taxman, yessir. Guess some t'ings is u-ni-ver-sal. Taxes, hunh."[/sblock]


Queen of Everything
OOC: Oz and Lili have been here a week or so. Ideas on which Inn / area they'd be staying in?

Lili had stayed sitting on Oz's shoulder, observing, through the cup performance, the preacher, the clowns and the trek to the Jilted Planes. Some things scared her and some amused her but staying with Oz seemed the right thing to do. Now finally they were in the relative safety of the tavern and she could relax a little. The group scattered somewhat but Lili stayed at the table with Oz and Eurid and near Rusty waiting for their food and drink to arrive.

"So," she says to Eurid, "So sorry for getting distracted earlier and not answering you, there is just so much going on in the streets here! It's hard to stay focused with all the wonders. And dangers. You asked about Ozzy and myself, well, we are obviously not from here. We were wandering, well, actually, my mother sent me out into the world to wander and explore before I return home to my duties there. Poor Ozzy," she rolls her eyes at that and chuckles, "Well, he was a naughty boy, something about a tryst with some underage girl, so my mother made him accompany me on my journey as punishment. We were only planning on wandering in the FeyWild but we somehow ended up here and don't really know how to return. I am not certain we are trying very hard though to find our way back, we've been finding portions of Sigil very interesting. Though I cannot imagine growing up here. Have you traveled to many other places, since you have the easy means from here?"


"Don't know the dark on no Earth or Feywild," Eurid confesses to his companions. "But the multiverse is a sodding big place."

Asked about his adventures out of town, the paladin leans back in his chair and thinks a moment. He taps a finger on the edge of the table as he lists each of the places he's been.

"Let's see..." he starts. "Been to a few Quasies on faction business--Ash and Salt, specifically. I've delivered deaders to their families on Toril, Krynn, Oerth, and a few other Primes. Spent a week in Gehenna once. Brief excursion to Pandemonium. Several layers of the Abyss. Been to Bytopia twice, fittingly enough..."

"Other than that, most of my out-of-town business has been along the Great Ring. I know the Gate Towns pretty good."


First Post
Passing over the lack of a direct answer (it's suspicious, but Barstle came close enough for Graydon's purposes), he nodded thoughtfully. "I heard there were people like that around here, to be sure. But when everyone around here is just passing through, that must make for a lot of faces to remember- Is that how you travel, these days? Let everyone bring their stories and the occasional trinket to you? No doubt it's a lot safer." The wizard carefully tried to avoid the fancier parts of his vocabulary, so as better to fit in with his assumed persona; it's safe enough to be himself when nobody knows what that means, but there's damned few lands at home that don't have issue with a Glantrese mage. Best to pretend another nationality, as best he could- though that didn't mean to pretend to not be a wizard, of course. That's almost certainly more trouble than it's worth!

"Is there anyplace in specific you're missing at present? A seasoned traveler like yourself must have seen some of the best of what's out there." If the barman's held to this place and feeling antsy, he'd probably be a useful- and exceedingly unreliable- contact to have. At least the Harmony guard doesn't seem to be concerned about his behavior so far?


First Post
OOC: @Queenie @Fenris I'll say you would probably stayed mostly in the Clerk's Ward. Some apparently affluent young strangers offered you rooms at a place called the Civic Festhall, some sort of grand art gallery, opera house, and seemingly some kind of school, all rolled into one. It was so full of shops and cafes that at first you thought it was the whole of the city.

(Got carried away... ;))

The small crowd doesn't seem to mind the presence of another spectator. Indeed, a few of them are quite happy to ogle back at the beautiful woman in their midst. Indeed, compared to the onlookers watching the game, to say nothing of the players gathered around the table, Shard is perhaps the least strange stranger present.

On one side, by far the largest part of the crowd, are several burly men and women, muscular arms tanned with the fire of the forge, still wearing the leather aprons of the day. They're standing behind a large metal cube, propped up on an orchard crate and a wooden stool, facing the table. The front of the box is a wide frog-like mouth, two flat eyes like saucers, and an expression of great perspicacity.

A colourful spread of large, dog-eared cards is laid out in front of the modron, for all to see. The cube-shaped creature reaches out with hinged, metallic fingers-- not so different from Rusty's, in fact-- and scoops up the pot one-handed, whereupon it begins quickly piling the coins into neat little stacks of copper and silver. You notice the thing doesn't seem to have any legs underneath it.

A Harmonium guard is his neighbour, who seems to be in an amiable temper despite the dwindling number of coins strewn by his right hand-- a dark-skinned human who, oddly, seems to have two helmets, both the one on his head and one sitting on the table beside him.

Straight across the table the lucky cube, a wizard leans back in his chair, the wide brim of his pointed hat pulled over his lengthy beard. His hand dangles to the floor, still loosely clutching a tumbler of amber liquid. Occasionally, he snores. A tiny, hideous little fiend, which one would assume is the man's familiar, dances anxiously from foot to foot, clutching its horns and tail in dismay at the terrible hand laid out in front of it.

One of the modron's opponents suddenly pushes his chair back and staggers away through the crowd, cursing in oaths both unfamiliar to Shard and yet blasphemous to her on some subconscious level.

"I Win Again. I Believe That Would Make It This Unit's-- I Mean, My Deal," says the modron. It smooths the cards on the table into a perfectly straight stack, although it seemingly barely did more than wave its hand over them. It picks them up, takes the small brick of cards between both hands and bends it just so-- then it stops. "Unless You Will Insist Again That I Not Deal?"

The guardsman nods with mock solemnity, and chuckles.

"Sigh. Fine." The modron adjusts itself with its other hand. Its tungsten-coloured eyes stop on Shard, as the newcomer. It thrusts the deck of cards at her. "Will You Please Shuffle These, Madame? These Sore Losers Maintain That I Am Incapable Of Producing The Desired Randomness."

The wizard's quasit engulfs a hunk of bread from its master's demolished dinner-plate. "We say you cheat!" the demon snarls, spewing crumbs across the table.

"And I Say That To Play Well Is The Object Of Any Game. Will You Do Me The Honour, My Good Woman?"

The modron continues to hold out the cards, its arm quite motionless.
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Rusty's attention is diverted toward the far table and starts moving in that direction, slowly at first then with greater urgency. Finally, it sees the modron and an odd squeal emanates from its torso.

"We are Rusty! We are Rusty! We are Rusty!" It shouts excitedly, pointing at the modron.

Voidrunner's Codex

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