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D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape - In Through the Out Door


If Rusty's "face" could move, it would have a blank expression at the moment. After a very long pause, Rusty finally says, "I...dent...if...y?" and points at the book.

A raspy chuckle leaves the floating spellbook, which nods sagely as if he were in on the joke with Rusty. "Right you are, you rusty bucket. Such pedestrian spells really are better suited to one's apprentices. Ah hah! A double entendre! I am Shandrizar," The downward bob of his paper head indicates he might be simulating a bow. Seeing the blank expression on Rusty's face persist, the spellbook elaborates.

"You may know me as Shandrizar the All-Seeing? Eponymous Archmage of the All-Seeing Circlet? No? Ah! Maybe you know it as Shandrizar's True Seeing? No? Hmm." Whoever this disguised arcanist was they were good at keeping a poker face. Judging by the slot behind the face mask he assumed was for a phylactery, Shandrizar wondered if he was conversing with a transmuter by correspondence or perhaps a master necromancer whose soul was bound to the object. Hopefully it wasn't another illusionist; that would be too much!

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Of the reality of satisfaction and vengeance, Eurid says, "I believe you'll learn otherwise." He is content to leave it at that, however, as Shard approaches.

"Oi, chit. Grub's getting cold." He gestures to the feast laid out on the table.


A raspy chuckle leaves the floating spellbook, which nods sagely as if he were in on the joke with Rusty. "Right you are, you rusty bucket. Such pedestrian spells really are better suited to one's apprentices. Ah hah! A double entendre! I am Shandrizar," The downward bob of his paper head indicates he might be simulating a bow. Seeing the blank expression on Rusty's face persist, the spellbook elaborates.

"You may know me as Shandrizar the All-Seeing? Eponymous Archmage of the All-Seeing Circlet? No? Ah! Maybe you know it as Shandrizar's True Seeing? No? Hmm." Whoever this disguised arcanist was they were good at keeping a poker face. Judging by the slot behind the face mask he assumed was for a phylactery, Shandrizar wondered if he was conversing with a transmuter by correspondence or perhaps a master necromancer whose soul was bound to the object. Hopefully it wasn't another illusionist; that would be too much!

"Shand...ri...zar?" Rusty points at itself again, "We are Rusty!" That particular phrase had obviously become its favorite since it said it with a certain gusto and without any of the pauses evident in its normal speech patterns.

[section]Picayune exited Shard fully, and shuddered with relief. The penetrative thing he'd seen inside Shard had put tendrils of ownership throughout her being, right down to her very marrow. Like cancer. He was glad to be clear of it. He wondered how Shard stood being constantly impaled by such an omnipresent and all-powerful entity. Shi-it. No wonder she cranky. I's cranky, too, if'n I hadta put up wit dat...whate'er da naffin' hell dat was. He thought back to the vision of the moon hatching he'd seen, the unspeakable black serpent, weeping stars, and the cloying cat spirits circling 'round and 'round. And shuddered anew.

Shard rebuked him. He'd expected it. But now he understood. Now he knew, knew her. He'd seen. At a loss for words, he did what any self-respecting musician would do. He picked up his trombone and blew beauty through its tubes.[/section]

Sail Away, Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee. At about 1:19 minutes in.

Charisma (Performance)[roll0]


"Shand...ri...zar?" Rusty points at itself again, "We are Rusty!" That particular phrase had obviously become its favorite since it said it with a certain gusto and without any of the pauses evident in its normal speech patterns.
The floating compendium of spells scrunches up his face, for a moment appearing like wrinkled paper, but gradually his expression softens when he realizes Rusty is playing its persona to the hilt. Or *thinks* he realizes. "Well sure a bit of metal grease and vinegar would go a long way... Ah, haha, you nearly had me. I suppose we *are* a bit rusty!"

Certain he can beat this arcanist-in-hiding at its own game, Shandrizar float about to Rusty's side, descending as if his non-existent body were assuming a seated position. "Just as I can be the All-Seeing, the Scryer Supreme, and Shandrizar all at once, so too can Rusty have multiple designations. A multiplicity of appellations, as it were, to suit your different context. You are, after all, an assemblage of parts, are you not?" The spellbook waggles papery eyebrows, thinking he has tricked Rusty.


Rusty, thoroughly perplexed, repeats, "Parts?" It rearranges its arms to become a scimitar and shield, then seems rather surprised at itself for having done so.

"Parts!" it exclaims enthusiastically.


Queen of Everything
He puts both hands on the table. He's wearing some outlandish floral shirt, and his brow is heavy over his staring eyes, both shining with sweat. He nods definitely. "Summertime," he says, and cracks a grin, looking more than a little crazed, "and the living is easy." He points a finger at the pixie. "Where on God's green Earth did a pretty little lady like you learn that song around here?" He spreads his arms and looks around, as if meaning the whole of the planes.

Lili regards the man, though not much as he is by far not the oddest thing she's seen since being brought here. "Oh, I am sorry Sir but that music was, well, is, not coming from me. We think it's a spirit but he insists he is not a ghost. But what is this green Earth you speak of and who is the God that owns it? My own land is very green and I just love it." She looks to him curiously, after all, her adventure was all about learning.
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First Post
"--that's an astute question," he starts to answer, but at that moment another song begins to play, and another hush falls over the Jilted Planes.

The man in the Hawaiian shirt pulls up a chair from a neighbouring table and sits down, as if his legs lack the strength to carry him. He leans in and whispers to Liliana, smoke and whiskey on his breath. "Who is he? How'd you find him?"


Rusty, thoroughly perplexed, repeats, "Parts?" It rearranges its arms to become a scimitar and shield, then seems rather surprised at itself for having done so.

"Parts!" it exclaims enthusiastically.
Shandrizar raises his papery brows somewhat amused at what he assumes is a cunning facade by some brilliant wizard. "Precisely. Though I wouldn't pull those out for dinner cutlery, as they're better suited for hacking things to death. Everything has a context, you agree? Now, for example, we are in a Lower Ward tavern in Sigil. In this context, we ...adapt... to our surroundings. I myself went to bed last night in the form of a man enjoying a nice draught of anise liquor, and today awoke as a spellbook. I've wisely decided to leave off my more colorful titles, because I suspect most of the oafs here wouldn't take a talking book seriously. Similarly, Rusty always has a context, and that context can change. Eh...I'm not talking over your head, or face-mask as it were, am I?" He adds that last part sardonically, hoping to get the goat of the wizard he suspects Rusty of being.

OOC: I am having a flashback to talking with Nordom in Planescape: Torment! Anyone remember how it evolved with your conversations?
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Rusty reconfigures its arms back into arms. It takes several moments to process what the flying, talking book is saying and then finally says, in a slightly forlorn voice, "We...are...alone. We...are...lost...from...Primus."

Voidrunner's Codex

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