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D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape - In Through the Out Door


There's no obvious answer to the trombone's sudden blare-- which seems to come from nowhere to everyone but Shard-- but there's a faint thump and a rustling noise from further up the hall. What was it again? Fifth room on the left?

The lizardman gets onto his feet, holding onto his hat. The old woman waves him on, and they move to go past the party, the other way, toward the sounds of the street.

Oz looks back down the hall to the commotion from downstairs. "Barstle told us to head to his friend, we press on yes?"

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"Yes!" Graydon snarled, hitching up his torn trouser-leg long enough to wind a strip of clean cloth around and around his calf injury. "And be quick about it, more may show at any moment and these damnable insects seem to somehow shrug off magical assaults like they were rain-droplets! Rusty, please come and offer me a non-pointy arm to lean on? It's time for us to go."

He hunched a few steps forward experimentally to grab up his knife again, and found he could manage to move with a pronounced limp- and then pointed to the door mentioned by the bartender previously. "That one, hurry!"


Rusty obediently moves to assist Graydon, reconfiguring its arms back into arms on the way.

Rusty looks at Graydon's wound, fascinated, "You...are...damaged?"


Queen of Everything
Lili and her dragon fly right up to the aforementioned door. She extends her dainty hand, balls up her fist and knocks as hard as she can. "Hello Mr. Bix? We are in need of your immediate assistance!" Bangbangbang.
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Shard looks over towards the horn blare, hears the thump, and remembers the instructions.

Time to go. We can't be tied down here. This disruption is too intense. It will attract...attention.

She can see the ghost plunge through a door, and waves her arm to attract the attention of the others with her.

"This way! Hurry!"

And she heads the charge to what she hopes is Bix, and whatever salvation the innkeeper was offering them in directing them to him.


The floating spellbook quips to Rusty as he bobs by thru the air, "Well, he is a prime, so... "

Not one day, not even one hour had gone by since his problematic transmogrification into his current form, and already Shandrizar had been face-to-face, well cover-to-face, with a yugoloth. Whatever was happening here, safety was in numbers...and then Shandrizar would need to gauge whether this ragtag band could help get into his tower. It seemed likely that in his absence its sundry magical defenses had been activated. And in his present state lacking spells...it made the orrery tower downright dangerous.

"Say, Conjurer, that's a good throwing arm you have there. If you ever can't earn a wage working illusion tricks for halflings, you may have a future in knife throwing." Shandrizar teases Graydon, but truthfully wonders just who this young mage is to have left his homeworld to venture the planes.


First Post
Leaning heavily on Rusty, Graydon nodded to the useful automaton. "Yes, and it interferes with one of my movement-parts. It can be repaired, but avoiding more damage holds greater importance now. Over this way, now." He guided the way over to where Lili was already taking initiative to get their contact's attention, moving in time with Shard- and glances over to her with a questioning look. "I don't know what your skills are, but do you have any way of slowing whatever will come to investigate? We don't seem to be too sneaky a bunch."

Snorting at Shandrizar's comment, he just HAD to respond to that. "Better than following your example and diving headlong into the fray, wouldn't you say? I've never seen a Magic-Myself-Missile before, but it's undeniably effective. Not certain I want to memorize that one personally, mind..." He'd started to wonder just what precisely Shandrizar was, as well; he may have the jargon of a magic-user down perfectly, but his tactics were undoubtedly some sort of fighting-man. Was he one type who just thought he was the other? Well, that's something to worry about after they were safe.

OOC: Hey [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION]- just out of curiosity, you SURE you want to tell a Transformers-inspired character that my guy's a Prime? There's just so much that can be played with there... :devil:


A panel opens on Rusty's arm, just above the wrist and a nozzle attached to Rusty's inner fluid circulation network emerges. A fine, misty spray comes out of the nozzle, which Rusty applies to Graydon's wound.

OOC: Cure Wounds - [roll0]


First Post
"Ah-ooh! That's AMAZING." This 'Rusty' device not only was able to follow instructions, but initiate its own actions... was it learning? Its construction kept being more and more remarkable. Honestly, he was beginning to worry it would achieve self-awareness before he could get it inspected and disassembled; he wasn't about to sacrifice a sapient being for knowledge, so hopefully that wouldn't come up before it was too late.

Still, his calf was so much better now! Well, having his bandage-wrap healed into the skin wasn't exactly pleasant, but his foot could support his weight again with only a slight burning. A massive improvement by any measure! "Thank you, Rusty, that was a great help."


While the floating spellbook had to admit charging headlong was not, perhaps, the best of ideas, he wasn't about to let his archmageliness be brow-beaten by a common illusionist, even one to whom he happened to be bound as a common familiar. "Magic-Myself-Missile, hah, good one. I didn't realize that lettering in cheap comedy was part of your College of Illusion's course of study. Certainly explains why your grease spell didn't do much more than butter that mezzoloth like a lobster!"

After Rusty applies a spray of mist to Graydon's calf, the papery face of the spell book quirks his brow in disgust. Telepathically to Graydon: Ah, dear Conjurer, you do know that as a modron - at least of some shape or form - everything Rusty emits is biological in nature, right? He darts his eyes down meaningfully to the spray settling against the wound, healing it partially.

Voidrunner's Codex

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