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D&D 5E D&D Crossovers


I had an AD&D greyhawk campaign make a side trip to "Celtic World" to use the two linked Celtic themed C modules To Find a King and Llewyllyn's Bane. Later the very evil party got sucked into Ravenloft for years of campaigning there.

In 3e hombrewing with multiple DMs starting in the Banewarrens we set Ptolus in a post-apocalypse future of Greyhawk so the old gods were the Greyhawk ones and Ptolus was where Greyhawk used to be on a super deep inner sea/Lake of Bottomless Depths, and the Vladaam evil family's crest was that of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Eberron was neat so we started to seed out some elements from there so it could be the past before the Last War with the development of the warforged and House Arcanis. Not a full meshing but a bunch to go on and see. Later Freeport from Green Ronin got pulled in as well.

I like mashing up settings, my current one is similar, mostly a mashup of Golarion and Ptolus with a few other elements thrown in.

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I had an AD&D greyhawk campaign make a side trip to "Celtic World" to use the two linked Celtic themed C modules To Find a King and Llewyllyn's Bane. Later the very evil party got sucked into Ravenloft for years of campaigning there.

In 3e hombrewing with multiple DMs starting in the Banewarrens we set Ptolus in a post-apocalypse future of Greyhawk so the old gods were the Greyhawk ones and Ptolus was where Greyhawk used to be on a super deep inner sea/Lake of Bottomless Depths, and the Vladaam evil family's crest was that of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Eberron was neat so we started to seed out some elements from there so it could be the past before the Last War with the development of the warforged and House Arcanis. Not a full meshing but a bunch to go on and see. Later Freeport from Green Ronin got pulled in as well.

I like mashing up settings, my current one is similar, mostly a mashup of Golarion and Ptolus with a few other elements thrown in.
Nice way to subtly fuse it all together. All I've done is let Forgotten Realms characters end up in places like Ravnica, Innistrad, or Amonkhet. I may have to step my game up!

D&D and Teath1808 (Steampunk 7th Sea). The castillans were the heroes who saved the day, when they defeated Avalonen queen, a puppet of the craftmason lodges, ruled by secret vampire clans who created religious schism to hurt Vatican Church, the greatest support of the vampire-hunter groups. In the end Castilla and Avalon are united by marriage, suffering the tall poppy syndrome by the rest of nations.

Spelljammer with arcanepunk (magic technology) and races from d20 Future (and other sci-fi franchises), but also other franchises, for example transformers ( as vehicles from Kaladesh, the Magic: the Gathering world).

* My favorite homebred mash up is mixing World of Darkness, Ravenloft and Kult: lost divinity. The demiplane is big as a planet (and a "mirror universe" where the monsters live) with noir-punk technology, created to be the prison of the titans who lost a old titanomachy war and their souls are reincarnated without remmemring their past... and the prisioner are the lictors, a fat lord feys... but what if the prisoners are the true prisons the cage was made for?


* My favorite homebred mash up is mixing World of Darkness, Ravenloft and Kult: lost divinity. The demiplane is big as a planet (and a "mirror universe" where the monsters live) with noir-punk technology, created to be the prison of the titans who lost a old titanomachy war and their souls are reincarnated without remmemring their past... and the prisioner are the lictors, a fat lord feys... but what if the prisoners are the true prisons the cage was made for?

I added a little Kult into my Carrion Crown game. I had a holy book of the undead goddess describe how the afterlife is all Hell where your soul is tortured to remove your memories before reincarnation with your soul energy being siphoned off to power the gods and planes. Her advocacy was to step off the afterlife Hell reincarnation treadmill by going undead.


Lost in Dark Sun
Sadly, the only D&D settings crossover I’ve experienced was when my old DM mixed a heavily modified version of both Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Curse of Strahd together.

We went from Faerun, got sent to Barovia, and escaped back to Faerun.
A few sessions later, we learned of this one organization in Waterdeep (whose name I cannot recall) that was dimension hoppin back and forth between the Forgotten Realms and Eberron.
Having experienced Barovia however, none of the PCs were too keen to get involved in m:tg-style planeswalking, so we chose to accept a different mission and instead took down this “deathstorm” cult headquartered on this nearby island.

It wasn’t that we were scared of getting sent back into Barovia again . . . Instead, we were all terrified of stumbling into the ancient void dragon we had accidentally encountered nosing around in Ravenloft.
The guy playing the Tieflings War Cleric was absolutely convinced that the void dragon was Nicol Bolas making a cameo appearance.
He truly believed that if the party left Faerun again, we would almost certainly meet Nicol Bolas again.


I mostly homebrew so my crossovers are not so much from one published campaign to another, but often stealing bits of other games to place in the campaign. For example, I have a desert region that has the various factions for the mass combat fantasy game WarGods Aegyptus. I have stolen the coven and organizational structure for wizards from Ars Magica.


Nice! So much creativity and cool crossover ideas.

My group was tasked as Level one for a supposedly mundane job of finding a magic tablet which was somehow summoning weird creatures (MTG creatures) to the area. They met a rival adventuring group and broke the tablet, sending the pieces across the multiverse. The rival group each got hit with a piece and vanished. After, Mordenkainen showed up to reveal the tablet held a Planeswalker's spark (prototype of Ixalan's Immortal Sun) and the pieces bleed magic which could cause all sorts of strange reactions...and the players were bathed in it. Their chance to keep the raw magic from doing gods knows what to them is to use a piece which remained to travel the multiverse and collect the shards to reform the tablet and pull the chaotic magic back into it.

It' a lot of fun for me to create crossover ideas and I wanted to share them, which was why I began my patreon.

Not literal crossovers, but duing my current campaign I have used significant chunks of:

Jurassic Park
Mysterious Island (the sequel to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea)
The Voyage of Doctor Doolittle
Doctor Who

As well as the usual generic fantasy stuff.

I've had Daleks and Xenomorphs in Traveller, and Dracula in Star Trek RPG.

Voidrunner's Codex

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