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D&D gamer group looking for DM (Sac/Natomas)

We are a Sacramento/Natomas gaming group, looking for someone to be our Dungeon Master for a 5th Edition campaign of Dungeons and Dragons. We're the four surviving members of a long-time group of players and DM's. There are a number of positives we bring to our game table that you, as our DM, can expect every time:
1. Eat like French Monarchs: Wine, craft beers, home-cooked cuisine, and desserts. This isn't Snickers and Soda in mom's basement. We have our own homes and apartments. You will be expected to bring something. No Cheetos, Funyuns, or anything like that. (I used to work at an Indian Restaurant and I often make Chai from scratch as a dessert drink. My cooking skills are not without competition in this group)
2. Highly Consistent: We rarely miss a day and have been playing for 4+ years. Cancelations are the result of planning rather than flakiness. It's rare that we're ill but it has been known to happen. If there's any doubt of commitment then please don't answer our ad.
3. Engaged and Energetic: We don't text, chat on the phone, watch TV, sleep or piss about when it's time to game. Though we do get off topic we're still present in a lively off-topic discussion. If you plan on running a very serious game we may not be the group for you, but we're always involved. No wall flowers in this group, nor are their petty challenges.

There are a number things that our future DM must be expected to handle, and do so with skill and aplomb. As a group, we have a set schedule and course of behaviors that have held us together. We read the materials, pay attention, and purchase the necessary products. When it comes to playing characters we never play the same characters twice, as we like to challenge our imagination and creativity, both as individuals and as a group.
1. Once per Week: Friday nights open from 6:30 to 12:00. This is our game night and that's set in stone. The hours may need to change slightly (meet at 7 until 11:30) or something along those lines but nothing drastic.
2. Intelligent and Creative: We're all fairly intelligent types who work very well as a group. Most RPG groups don't work so well together, which makes it easier to challenge them. We suffer from the opposite in that we work too well together and the game system or adventure suffers for it. We're not against home-brewed campaigns but we just like a little depth. Monster-of-the-week, railroading, hack-n-slash are not our cup of tea.
3. Resilient: Must be tolerant of epic ass-hattery, booze, and hookah (nicotine and herbal shisha only). We tend to get into character and argue with NPC monsters turning combats into comic strips. We understand that some DM's want a serious horror game like Ravenloft, but we'd rather have something like Ravenlostboys. Our games are more "Your Highness" than "Lord of the Rings."

As RPGs are a gaming venue, rather than just a simple game, there are entry-level requirements for members. In this day and age we can't expect that everyone feels or behaves the same or has the same set of circumstances governing their lives.
1. Mouth Breather: We do expect you to be intelligent but also socially adjusted. Eating with your mouth open, talking with your mouth full, et al, isn't going to cut it. This is not to say you're having a D&D session with Michael Caine, but we're just not slobs.
2. Hygiene Challenges: Take a shower, wash your clothes, brush your teeth, use shampoo (unless you shave your head then you're just wasting money at that point), don't show up to the game unclean. It's sad that I have to post this but such is the nature of people today. We wash our hands before eating and after using the loo (as Michael Caine would say).
3. No Guests or Hangers-On: Please don't bring children, babies, boyfriends, creature companions, girlfriends, family, pets, spirit guides, et al; to the game. We don't want your Uncle Bob sleeping on the couch while you DM. (Our Uncle Bob has his own place to stay and that's precisely where he is, unless of course he's out drinking but it's his life and he's old enough to take responsibility for his actions.)
If you like what you see you can contact me. Our group will establish correspondence and we'll meet as a local place for food and drinks, part of the process. We hope to meet you soon!


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