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D&D Guide

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Interesting opinion piece. I'm sure that stating that the Wizard a lowest-tier class is going to engender a lot of interest from some on the forums and look forward to watching their discussion with you. :)

I'm a little curious as to who the guide is intended for though. You're talking about classes starting from the very basics suitable for a beginner, but then mention specific subclasses as throwaway lines with no details.
- Some of those subclasses aren't just not present in the PHB, they aren't published as official content anywhere.

It also seems very heavily-focused on one out of the three pillars of the game for the tiering. - Is the GameTruth site mostly for video games and you believe that should the readers try out D&D, combat is likely to be their main focus?

Anthony cloak

First Post
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Autumn Bask

I think tiering base classes is incredibly deceptive. In many cases, it's the subclass that makes or breaks a classes power. And they also frequently alter the paradigm in which you'd be playing them. Also, as [MENTION=6802951]Cap'n Kobold[/MENTION] pointed out, this seems heavily weighted towards the combat pillar if you're placing Fighter in S tier, despite versatility being one of your criteria.

And as others have said, Wizard does not belong in bottom tier. The reason I feel particularly strongly about this is that, in all the campaigns I've been in (and all the ones I've heard stories of), nobody has played a Wizard except for me, and it's the only class I've currently played twice.

So, A. I can attest to Wizards being awesome. Their low health and the fact that their spells require positioning doesn't make them weak, it just means you need to be more thoughtful about your play (which works to the theme of the class, similar to how playing a Barbarian just lets you be so much more reckless).

And B. Stop discouraging people from playing Wizards! I personally rate (depending on the subclass) Bards, Clerics, and Druids higher (i.e. S tier), but that's because they have more out of combat versatility and healng. But Wizards are THE AoE combat class, because they have Fireball (plus a dozen other similar, just slightly different spells) and every freaking "wall" in the game.

I would put them at least on the same tier as a Fighter, and the two complement each other very well in combat.


41st lv DM
1) That's pretty weak as far as guides go.
You give a gloss over of the base classes & vaguely touch upon their subclasses/abilities.

2) While I fully agree that Warlocks are great, beyond EB focused spam, they are not user friendly for less experienced players. Based upon almost every (5e) warlock I've ever seen played, t's very easy to make a muddled mess & get frustrated by that tiny allotment of spell slots (even if they do recharge upon a short rest). This really needs to be stressed to would be Warlock players.

3) Wizards. :(
You clearly don't understand the class & thus shouldn't be writing a guide about it

Thank you all for your feedback. Your comments have not gone ignored and will only enhance my future projects. Thank you all for your time and I wish you each a great day.

Interesting opinion piece. I'm sure that stating that the Wizard a lowest-tier class is going to engender a lot of interest from some on the forums and look forward to watching their discussion with you. :)

I'm a little curious as to who the guide is intended for though. You're talking about classes starting from the very basics suitable for a beginner, but then mention specific subclasses as throwaway lines with no details.
- Some of those subclasses aren't just not present in the PHB, they aren't published as official content anywhere.

It also seems very heavily-focused on one out of the three pillars of the game for the tiering. - Is the GameTruth site mostly for video games and you believe that should the readers try out D&D, combat is likely to be their main focus?

Hey there! Sorry for the late reply, life has been busy. I love your screen name. Anywho, you are correct in assuming that this is a combat-oriented tier list. As ranking classes based on anything else seemed far too subjective, I chose combat as the focus for the article.

You are also correct in assuming that my placement of the wizard has ruffled a few feathers. However, my real hope here is to simply get people talking about Dungeons and Dragons. I would have loved to use more detail in the article, but I unfortunately only have so much time for these stories. At any rate, I hope you enjoyed the article and I greatly appreciate your feedback.

Have a great day, Cap'n!

I think tiering base classes is incredibly deceptive. In many cases, it's the subclass that makes or breaks a classes power. And they also frequently alter the paradigm in which you'd be playing them. Also, as [MENTION=6802951]Cap'n Kobold[/MENTION] pointed out, this seems heavily weighted towards the combat pillar if you're placing Fighter in S tier, despite versatility being one of your criteria.

And as others have said, Wizard does not belong in bottom tier. The reason I feel particularly strongly about this is that, in all the campaigns I've been in (and all the ones I've heard stories of), nobody has played a Wizard except for me, and it's the only class I've currently played twice.

So, A. I can attest to Wizards being awesome. Their low health and the fact that their spells require positioning doesn't make them weak, it just means you need to be more thoughtful about your play (which works to the theme of the class, similar to how playing a Barbarian just lets you be so much more reckless).

And B. Stop discouraging people from playing Wizards! I personally rate (depending on the subclass) Bards, Clerics, and Druids higher (i.e. S tier), but that's because they have more out of combat versatility and healng. But Wizards are THE AoE combat class, because they have Fireball (plus a dozen other similar, just slightly different spells) and every freaking "wall" in the game.

I would put them at least on the same tier as a Fighter, and the two complement each other very well in combat.

Hey, Autumn! Sorry for the late reply. You and Cap'n are both correct in assuming that this tier list is largely based on combat ability. As basing the tier list on anything else seemed far too subjective, I decided to make combat a large part of the article. However, in retrospect, I should have clarified this fact far more clearly within the list's preface. For that, I apologize.

At any rate, you are definitely not alone when comes to the wizard's ranking. The wizard seems to draw more fervent passion from players than any other. I think that alone attests to the class' abilities. That being said, in my opinion, the wizard is not as combat effective as I would prefer. Of course, my opinion is not law. I only hope to get more people talking about this great game.

Thank you for your feedback, Autumn. I wish you a great day.

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