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D&D Insider Platinum edition


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'm going for a more serious answer.

For $300 a year, I'd want something VERY customizable. Character builder with lots of easy homebrew things (including math changes), and a bunch of volunteers like they have to help moderate the forums to help write up the XML for moderately hard homebrew. (And a bigger dev team for the hardest homebrew and new rules still have a reasonable turn-around).

Ability for a DM to but together campaign homebrew and allow player access. Not just for character builder, but perhaps also compendium.

Lots of playtest articles. Everything major first goes through DDI beta before hitting Dragon or a book.

A set of web pages that are just open voting on what people want to see in Dragon / Dungeon. Sure useful for the editor, but even more useful for all the aspiring writers who want to submit an article. Asking what we want and then not publishing the results to get submissions is backwards.

I think that all of those are possible, with varying degrees of likely.

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First Post
For $300 a year I would want:

  1. An integrated and searchable CB, MB, Compendium (including rules), VTT campaign manager that is useable online and offline that WORKS...
  2. ...with automatic updates when a new article or errata is posted to add/update the content.
  3. A character visualizer.
  4. The ability for DM's to create homebrew feats, powers, paths, destinies etc. that can easily be exported to a file and shared with players and imported into their system.
  5. A domain for homebrew material to be hosted for free 24/7.
  6. Polls for what kind of content should be released for the following month with a solid release schedule.
  7. Server space to host your games online. Even if it was at a reasonable additional monthly cost would be fine with me.
  8. PDF character sheets that allow you customize them, like the original CB did.
  9. Character sheets that automatically format to fit all situational bonuses on the power cards in a readable font size.
  10. Is it to much to ask that the CB actually calculate things like the amount healed with a healing power including feats and implements or how many temps you get when you hit with an invigorating power? And powers that update when feats affect them?
  11. The option to print character sheets with full feat, path, and destiny text and not half finished blurbs that leave out important info that may or may not have been changed since the book published.
I think thats it.


First Post
(mostly) serious reply:

For $300, I would want or expect things like:

1) The VTT to work and to be 'preloaded' with all the content from that month's magazines - dungeon maps, creatures, etc.

2) Combat Simulator (REALLY tough to do, but if we're wishing) - - takes your characters from the character builder, and an encounter from the encounter builder, and just brute force runs it through a few thousand iterations of combat, and gives you a "Difficulty or TPK Index" - clearly it can't consider terrain and other variables (can it?), but it could take a rough shot at it.

3) Same day content - if I can read it online, it exists in the builder, compendium, etc.

4) Just MORE content - - realizing that's vague, have a standard like X adventures per Dungeon issue, and any extremely variant specific (Dark Sun, I'm looking at you and Eberron here) adventures don't count toward that X

5) Printable buildings/scenery a la Fat Dragon's AWESOME STUFF (Buy it now, seriousy!) that we can download and print/build that goes along with the adventures

6) Little Big Planet style community creation tools and network - lets us put things out there for others to play on the VTT if we choose

7) Option for micro-transactions for #6 - - if I want a dime for every time someone plays my adventure, WOTC charges 15 cents and credits me a dime.

8) Dedicated Rules Help Desk -- for $25/month, I should be able to call someone on a Sunday afternoon and resolve a rules dispute

Realizing this is asking a lot - - - I should be honest and say that it would have to probably be all of this and MORE for me to spend $300/yr. I'm not saying a smaller package wouldn't be worth it, only that it wouldn't be worth it to ME, since I only get to play 1x/month


How about a Netflix-style miniature service? You order all the D&D miniatures you need for your upcoming sessions, and mail them back in when you're finished.


First Post
- all tools currently under development are complete, and up to date with the latest releases within a month
- Windows Phone 7 character builder (a bit esoteric, but that's what I've got, and if you can come up with a phone UI, porting desktop Silverlight to Windows Phone 7 Silverlight isn't all that hard)
- high-quality Kindle-format versions of all 4e rulebooks (i.e. make sure all the tables fit right on a normal Kindle, not a DX; images look good in gray scale, hyperlinked table of contents and index) within a month of print release


First Post
How about a Netflix-style miniature service? You order all the D&D miniatures you need for your upcoming sessions, and mail them back in when you're finished.
This would be super awesome. Heck, in the right market you could probably set something like this up at your FLGS.

Now, for our Diamond Ultra Preferred members, instead of miniatures you get a local theater troupe who will come to your weekly game session and enact your battles in full costume. :cool:

Voidrunner's Codex

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