• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D inspired (fake) movie titles...


First Post
Mickey Snake Eyes
Beverly Hills Paladin
Finding THAC0
Hot Ooze
Longswords of Glory
Pirates of Cliffport: Dead Man's Loot
Citizen's +5 Cane of Smiting

...Snakes on a Plane?

Ok, I'm out. This thread is hilarious :p .


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First Post
The Rocky Terrain Horror Illusion Show
Kiss of the Spider Queen
Cormyr Jones and the Multi-classed Rogues of the Failed Spot Checks for Artifacts
Cormyr Jones and the Return to the Temple of Horrendous Doom
Cormyr Jones and the Last Chapter of an Adventure Path


Staff member
A Beautiful Mindflayer

Nifft...check post #4 ;)

Mel Brooks' Campaign Background of the World, part 1

Lichapalooza 2008 DVD (featuring Undead performances by Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin, Kurt Cobain, The Beatles and many, many more!)

I, Scrye

The Locathah from the Black Lagoon

A D20 Modern PC in King Arthur's Court

Exotic Weapons Master of the Flying Guillotine

Midnight in the Garden of Diametrically Opposed Alignments

Geas Impossible


Staff member
Yuan-Ti on a Plane

Of Vermin and Humanoids

Conan the Multiclassed

D12 Angry Men

Along Came Polymorph

The Pink Displacer Beast

Scrye Kids

The Stacking of All Fear Effects

The Bardic Music Remains the Same

Scarlet Brotherhood of the Wolf(were)
Yes, Elminister
Bestow Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Seren Ity
Wandering Monster's Ball
Random Encounters of the Third Kind


First Post
Crouching Rakshasa, Hidden Pseudodragon
Red Dragon Orb Z
Strahd: Undead and loving it.
Warblade Script (ninja scroll :p)

crazypixie said:
Spelljammer Wars Episode I: The Incorporeal Menace
Spelljammer Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clone Spells
Spelljammer Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Gith
Spelljammer Wars Episode IV: A New Campaign
Spelljammer Wars Episode V: First Edition Strikes Back
Spelljammer Wars Episode VI: Return of the Paladin

My group did some 2e Gothic Earth (Masque of the Red Death) like this... each chapter was a mini campaign ran by a different DM. I claim credit Chapters 2 and 5.

Chapter I: The Menacing Phantom (the PCs investigate the serial killing of several members of a strange british religion known as the Red Eye. Psionicists.)
Chapter II: The Kreen Wars (interlude adventure, the party is sent by the Crown to investigate the slaughter of a british colony in Northern Africa)
Chapter III: Fall of the Red Eye (the story arc returns to the Red Eye investigations, the party witnesses the slaughter of the last remaining members (save one :p))
Chapter IV: Off to New Hope (the party tracks down the serial killer to New Hope, Mass. One of the PCs is revealed to be the long lost son of a powerful Red Eye)
Chapter V: The British Empire Strikes Back (where the brit army gets serious about squishing some bugs in the Sahara)
Chapter VI: Revenge of the Red Eye (Where the Red Eye PC and party finally put a stop to the Evil Lord of the Gith...yanki. Supposedly Episode Vi was going to be named "revenge of the jedi"... but GL decided that revenge wasn't very Jedi)

Ahh, it was a silly time. I miss those guys :p Nothing like using psionic thri-kreen against a party of "mundane investigators"!
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