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D&D Miniatures - Thumbs up or down?

What do you think of the D&D Miniatures?

  • Thumbs up - I like them!

    Votes: 182 68.2%
  • Thumbs down - I don't like them!

    Votes: 37 13.9%
  • Thumbs sideways - I don't care!

    Votes: 48 18.0%

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i like the durability

i like the fact they are D&D related and exactly like the MM in stats and appearance.

i dislike the collectable nature of random packs.

i dislike the price for such cheezy plastic.

can you tell i've filled out the consumer cards with each pack i bought? ;)

overall i gave them a 2 out of 5.


Ivan Alias
Though I still prefer to use our groups vast collection of painted figs, the new D&D minis are good for the few monsters I haven't been able to find miniatures for. The quality is better that I thought it would be.

The new minis have caused me to alter a house rule I have. The policy was that the PCs get a one time 500xp award for bringing a painted miniature of their character. I've decided to disallow prepainted minis for that now.


Registered User
There just not made for me.

I'm not playing the squirmish games. I'm not trying to collect them. I can do a quick paint job on a mini and come up with a better result. If I take my time painting a mini, I come up with something WAY better. Given all the mini lines that I like, I've yet to have a problem finding a particular monster/character mini. And last, I don't like plastic minis.

So thumbs down from me. I'm obviously not their target audience.


First Post
Big thumbs up from me.

TiQuinn said:
There just not made for me.

I'm not playing the squirmish games. I'm not trying to collect them. I can do a quick paint job on a mini and come up with a better result. If I take my time painting a mini, I come up with something WAY better. Given all the mini lines that I like, I've yet to have a problem finding a particular monster/character mini. And last, I don't like plastic minis.

So thumbs down from me. I'm obviously not their target audience.

I can understand that - you certainly aren't. They are great for me. I love the metal minis and think they are better, but then they are also 8-20 times more expensive, so of COURSE they are better. That can't be a criticism.

I can paint better than some of the paint jobs and it is always better when you do it yourself, but NOBODY has time to paint 100 minis and do a good job. I still have my metal minis, which I am still painting, but over 25 years I've only had time to paint about 40-50 out of 125. Now I can buy 100 in a pinch and they are all painted and ready to go out of the box. So I get the best of both - I have lots of painted plastic monster minis to go with my carefully painted metal minis.

I think they are a great supplement to my metal minis - I could NEVER paint that many minis anyway and I don't use the metal ones until they are painted. They are also way cheap, allowing me to get 10 times as many as I could if I bought only metal figures.


First Post
Well they get a thumbs up from me.
They are much better than I can do.
Even with the randomness they come in a much wider variety than I am willing to look thru at walls and walls of metal mini's to purchase the same.


First Post
KB9JMQ said:
Well they get a thumbs up from me.
They are much better than I can do.
Even with the randomness they come in a much wider variety than I am willing to look thru at walls and walls of metal mini's to purchase the same.

That's another good point about the "randomness" - I am too busy these days to search through endless lists of minis and select them one by one. With random, I can just select the box, put in how many boxes I want, and order. No muss, no fuss.


Slumbering in Tsar
I didn't want to like them.
I don't like random packaging.

And yet, I give them a thumbs up because I really *do* like them.


First Post
DaveMage said:
I didn't want to like them.
I don't like random packaging.

And yet, I give them a thumbs up because I really *do* like them.

Give in... give in to the DARK side... Yes... that's it... let me complete your training...

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