[D&D Next] Misfits of the Sharn Watch OOC


If I can join I'd like to know what classes are needed. If possible, I would like to play as a purified (follower of the Silver Flame), preferrably a cleric, although I could play any other class. I could also be an inquisitive (detective) of any class, and would like to be originally from Thrane

I'm sorry, I have no idea how I missed your previous post! :blush: Yes I'd be glad to have you. With that we have a full complement of 5 players, so assuming that everyone ends up playing, that's a full party. Yay! A cleric (or other class) of the Silver Flame is fine, in fact I already had some plans for the faith being part of the adventure! If you do play that character, I have a few things extra to tell you about No Man's Land (nothing huge, but they are details which might prove useful in the adventure) related to the Silver Flame.

In terms of classes, a cleric would be great right now, and so would a rogue. Other than that you have a fighter, a wizard, and a melee sorcerer, so you have magic and frontline combat pretty well covered.
[MENTION=62721]MortalPlague[/MENTION] and [MENTION=6681949]mcmillan[/MENTION]: I'm digging the character backgrounds!

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I'm sorry, I have no idea how I missed your previous post! :blush: Yes I'd be glad to have you. With that we have a full complement of 5 players, so assuming that everyone ends up playing, that's a full party. Yay! A cleric (or other class) of the Silver Flame is fine, in fact I already had some plans for the faith being part of the adventure! If you do play that character, I have a few things extra to tell you about No Man's Land (nothing huge, but they are details which might prove useful in the adventure) related to the Silver Flame.

In terms of classes, a cleric would be great right now, and so would a rogue. Other than that you have a fighter, a wizard, and a melee sorcerer, so you have magic and frontline combat pretty well covered.

[MENTION=62721]MortalPlague[/MENTION] and [MENTION=6681949]mcmillan[/MENTION]: I'm digging the character backgrounds!

I would love to play as a cleric, so I'll make one. As mentioned before, he will be a Flamer. Please tell me the extra information about No Man's Land related to the Flame, and thanks for letting me in! (I should just mention that English is not my first language. Therefore, I apologize for any unintended mistakes)

Li Shenron

@Li Shenron , I'm not definitely giving up on the wizard. My first preference is to play that wizard.

In terms of classes, a cleric would be great right now, and so would a rogue.

I would love to play as a cleric, so I'll make one.

Ok, so I'll go ahead with the Rogue.

Just in case you missed my previous notes: since [MENTION=61026]tuxgeo[/MENTION] 's Wizard already has trapfinding capabilities from the Thief background, my Rogue won't.

Is it possible to post the stats straight into the campaign pages, or should we send it to [MENTION=6693711]slobster[/MENTION] as a PM?


Is it possible to post the stats straight into the campaign pages, or should we send it to [MENTION=6693711]slobster[/MENTION] as a PM?

There should be an option in the campaign page on the top right to add a campaign wiki page. That will let you create a character sheet, and then you can edit the character roster page to include a link.

In retrospect it might have been easier to just use the Rogue's Gallery like normal, but the option was there in the campaign manager so I decided to give it a shot. Oh well, now three of the sheets are there already so we might as well stick with it!

nicolas: Glad to have you! Since No Man's Land has been essentially given up as a lost cause by the rest of the city, a cleric of the Silver Flame named Norrah Taros moved in a few years ago to extend the faith to those who need it most. She is a member of an ascetic sect of the Church, and so has survived there these past years without much contact with the rest of the faith, apparently surviving on the generosity of her congregation in a place where people struggle just to get enough to eat. You don't know much about her, but she must be a dedicated and holy soul to survive as she has, and perhaps could prove to be a source of information or even an ally as you explore No Man's Land in search of the fugitive.
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I'll create the cleric. I just wanted to know if I should create it with the current version of the playtest or wait until the new one is released and create it with it (according to Mike Mearls, it will be released at the end of October)


I'll create the cleric. I just wanted to know if I should create it with the current version of the playtest or wait until the new one is released and create it with it (according to Mike Mearls, it will be released at the end of October)

It's probably best to create it with the current playtest rules, then update it when the new packet comes out. I'm pleasantly surprised to see almost an entire party ready for action, and so pose to you guys the question: should we start up the in-character thread, knowing that the new packet is about to be released? Or should we just wait until it comes out?


It's probably best to create it with the current playtest rules, then update it when the new packet comes out. I'm pleasantly surprised to see almost an entire party ready for action, and so pose to you guys the question: should we start up the in-character thread, knowing that the new packet is about to be released? Or should we just wait until it comes out?

My vote would be to wait until the 5th character is posted, then start the IC thread. (We can retcon anything needed later after the next packet comes out.)

On a parallel topic: is there a good Eberron wiki or introductory page where I could brush up on the setting without buying the Guide book? I'm envious of the setting details of Taelvosh and Sheridan, at least, and I know that I have not provided any real background for Ortley. (Or should we work out his background during play?)

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