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D&D Phycology


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Jack of all Trades feat.

I too feel that way, in many ways.

I don't understand the question. Is it what would I choose to be, given the options available to a D&D character (for example, wizard)? Or is it what would the real-world me look like in D&D terms (for example, Exp3 with Skill Focus {Profession: attorney})?

It makes a big difference.

Many of my friends often consider me a Paladin in nature and character (in game terms), but they are very wrong in that respect. I am really and would be in such a world far more a Ranger who does not give a flying possum s#&! about the law at all, in comparison to Justice.

But in such a world I would probably prefer to be a Cleric/Wizard, with my previous investigative abilities intact. So I would still also prefer to be part Ranger. which is one of the big problems to me with D&D. Classes are not really classes at all, but professions, and over the course of his life a man can do many things, and probably should. So the idea of just being one thing your whole life is rather silly to me as a professional idea (even in a Medieval World), and a game confusion with the idea of class where in such a world one might be a peasant his whole life. But peasant would be his class, not his profession, he could still work, as long as he could escape his feudal home, as a soldier, a priest, a scribe (if he could learn to read and write), a merchant, any number of things. In that case then I would be part Cleric, part Ranger, part Bard, part Wizard, and part Merchant or Businessman, Vadder and Explorer, and probably a proto-scientist. Possibly also some kind of professor or instructor or researcher eventually. Maybe not all at the same time, but certainly over the course of my life, assuming I lived that long. Life would be a lot harder and more dangerous in such a world.

As to ability scores, there is nothing really comparable in the real world, so I couldn't guess in reality. But overall my strength is probably a little above average (and I work out as much as I can and keep in shape), my wisdom and intelligence are probably above average too (I hope, but as everybody who knows anything about wisdom knows, you can never really be wise enough and you're never even close to being as wise as you think you are). My charisma is about average I reckon (my appearance is okay and I get along with most everybody usually), my dexterity is extremely limited due to previous injuries and wounds, so it would probably be low in comparison. Certainly low compared to my younger days. I'm pretty tough, but also pretty beat up in some ways, so my constitution would depend on what I was facing. My willpower is still pretty strong though. I've had a lot of experience though which makes me clever I think, and so I prefer laying ambushes to getting caught in them, so my constitution would mean less in importance to me than my cunning and ability to defeat enemies, problems, and dangerous situations by forethought and planning.

In real life I am now a writer and inventor. Mt previous background is in business brokerage, security, law enforcement (investigations), science, psychology and criminal psychology, and teaching. I plan, after retiring, and after my kids are married to become an Orthodox priest, something I've wanted to be since I was a very young man. But never really felt the time was right.

In a D&D world I would probably most miss science and technology.
In a D&D world as a cleric and wizard I would not only study theology and magic, but try to create and master science and technology. Especially things like physics and chemistry.
I would probably use magic and my studies of God to help me invent science, if it did not exist. If it did in a primitive form then I would experiment in physics, chemistry and biology.

I don't know what kinda algae I would be though.
Hanging moss? (that's a little inside joke folks)

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First Post
JustKim said:
This is the score a majority of people give themselves in the "stat yourself" thread. It takes a lot of humility to concede that you might be 1 point away from human perfection.

"Human perfection" in straight 3d6 terms, anyway. In 3E-land, something above an 18 is far more feasible, thanks to level-based stat bumps. ;)

When I've taken IQ tests, I wind up with a score in the 140-145 range, which is in the 99th percentile (though I acknowledge that such tests are by no means a perfect measure of intelligence).

The Wisdom of 8 that I gave myself may be a reach, however. :D And, I'd like to point out that I'm only a 22-point buy (assuming that I bumped Int at 4th level...)


First Post
Neutral Good
Halfling (Tolkienesque)
Cleric of Pelor

Strength 8, Dexterity 14, Constitution 14, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Charisma 12

Principle Skills: Heal and Diplomacy

Playing Style: Role-player/Storyteller/World-builder

Fighting Style: Mace and Shield (and enjoying combat more than any Tolkienesque halfling role-player/storyteller/world-builder has a right to).

In real life, I am a small town general surgeon who dislikes shoes and interpersonal conflict.



First Post
Sorry I was'nt clear. It's what the real you would be.(preferably using character classes).
e.g. A person who loves nature and is/was in the army might be a ranger. or a martial-artist who's a preacher might be a sacred fist with perform-oratory and knowledge-religion or maybe you just took fencing in college or taught yourself by watching LotR over and over.But read the personality section on the classes too. The only differance between a fighter and a wizard is that one PREFERS brain over brawn and visa versa and if you prefer brain over brawn you would naturally put more effort into learning than exercising and would therefore have more Int. than Str..So your mentality has a lot to do with it. Does that help?
And yes I misspelled the title.Sorry :heh: .


First Post
JustKim said:
This is the score a majority of people give themselves in the "stat yourself" thread. It takes a lot of humility to concede that you might be 1 point away from human perfection.
Let's face it, the majority of people on a gaming messageboard are geeks, and geeks are supposed to be smart.

But in D&D, Intelligence bonus determines how many foreign language you know; so you can reverse that to determine your D&D Int based on your linguistic skills. It puts me at 13, I know one foreign language but I'm not good enough to have successfully learned another. :p


First Post
Sorry I wasn't clear. It's what the real you would be

Please state your race,alignment,classes,ability scores,main skills,and fighting/playing style

Well, now that I more fully understand I can clarify a bit. As far as race goes, I'm just not as fast as I used to be. Injuries and age and all that. I'd probably have to send in a substitute for anything over 100 meters.

As for alignment I generally prefer north to south, but east to west will do in a pinch. I guess I've hit about every point on the compass though, at one time or another. So I'm kinda flexible depending on circumstances.

As for ability scores I'll have to get back to ya. Until they plant me I guess I'm still leveling up. At least some parts are. That's the rumor anyway.

I have wicked flying nunchuck and lyger drawing skills.

And usually I play mostly fair and all, but if a real bareknuckle fight breaks out I can still hold my own with most fellas. Course I'm not past cheating either if something hard and useful is nearby.

And yes I misspelled the title.Sorry.

I wouldn't worry about that at all. One man's phy is another man's pho-phum.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Sadly enough I am thinking that I would be:

Lawful Good Half Elven Cleric with some Monk thrown in.

Stats - nothing really interesting: Str 10 int 12 Wis 12 Dex 12 Con 11 Chr 11


First Post
More than likely, I'd be

Human Commoner 1
Str 9, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 9

I happen to be below human farmer standards on strength and constitution. I'm within the average range for the rest.

I don't have delusions of excellence.

Voidrunner's Codex

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