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D&D Reference in Snake Eyes Movie

So yesterday I watched the Snake Eyes movie. Though I thought the casting was all great, they were ultimately wasted on the movie. I can't claim to have great taste in movies, but I would not recommend it. Anyway, in it there was a moment when Scarlett was talking about the Baroness "being active in conflicts from Zanzibar to Barovia."

I doubt it's anything more than a throwaway line, but it was still neat. The chances of the long-proposed and long-suffering "Hasbroverse" ever coming to fruition seems slim-to-none.

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Heh! One of the better lines was the Baroness looking around at all the mess, saying "Ef this!" and just getting out of dodge.

Maybe Ana Decobray was really Lydia Petrovna all along?

Oh man, and here I thought I was on to something!

I keep meaning to go back and read those old G.I. Joe comics. It could certainly be a call back to the adventure or just as easily an instance of different people coming up with similar made-up European names.

If I were to ever run the new G.I. Joe RPG, I totally want to introduce Count Strahd as an antagonist.

More like a Marvel GI Joe Comics reference: Borovia. :) (Ish #61-66: Really good storyline, though.)

ETA: But that's not to say Larry Hama wasn't aware of the Hickmans or their work.


Aspiring Trickster Mentor
I keep meaning to go back and read those old G.I. Joe comics. It could certainly be a call back to the adventure or just as easily an instance of different people coming up with similar made-up European names.

If I were to ever run the new G.I. Joe RPG, I totally want to introduce Count Strahd as an antagonist.

Oh, man: The Borovia Arc would make a great adventure seed: you've got what starts as a standard rescue mission-in-hostile-territory, it goes pear-shaped when the hostage is already released, there's colorful NPC's (White Clown, Magda, Cobra Commander), a circus (!), the party gets split: one gets out and the rest get left behind, the team back home thinks the escapee betrayed the team...you've got all sorts of opportunities for role play.

I'd think GI Joe: Special Missions would be absolutely perfect to mine for adventure ideas; most of those only focused on 4-6 characters and were self contained. Maybe the first twenty-five issues or so of the main comic, too. "Silent Interlude" is a dungeon-crawl on its own!

Edit: grammar
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The actors were great, the movie...well...it was a movie.

Spoilers follow...

Ironically, I eneded up liking Storm Shadow a LOT more than Snake Eyes...but I felt the way they made him change it up at the end wasn't all that logical, nor how the entire clan decided to...well...won't go that far into spoilers, but it didn't make much sense to me considering what Storm Shadow had done.


I frequently found myself rooting against Snake Eyes. As for Stormshadow, yeah, he seemed in the right. It made little sense that they kicked him out over a single act clouded by (justifiable) anger, but forgave the guy that nearly got everyone killed enough to give him a fancy suit. I think earlier in the film, Stormshadow showed a certain inflexibility, but it still seemed an extreme response considering that Arashikage had nearly been destroyed.

The actors were great, the movie...well...it was a movie.

Spoilers follow...

Ironically, I eneded up liking Storm Shadow a LOT more than Snake Eyes...but I felt the way they made him change it up at the end wasn't all that logical, nor how the entire clan decided to...well...won't go that far into spoilers, but it didn't make much sense to me considering what Storm Shadow had done.

Man, ever realize what they should have done with a movie years after they did it. For me, it is Snake Eyes (Gi Joe character). It's stupidly easy to do. You Treat him like a horror movie slasher that's completely in the right.

You start with Cobra detonating a nuke where it takes out a bunch of Gi Joes. So you don't use some of the big ones, use Major Blud as the head big bad. You keep the military squad multi-ethnic so you don't know which one Snake Eyes is.

Then you flash forward to six months later, Cobra is preparing their plan for world domination when suddenly, they start dying in mysterious and horrific ways. This cranks up the tension and we always see it from Cobra's perspective.

We even keep seeing a Timber Wolf from time to time as a ghostly apparition that may or may not be real.
Major Blud tries to be "the last girl standing" and does well enough that it slows down Snake Eyes, but ultimately he is stopped and the world is saved.

The final scene is Snake eyes walking away in full ninja garb.
We never see him speak
We never see his face.

This overall idea can be done fairly cheap and it would nail the character, plus leaves future episodes to show off characters like Storm Shadow, Zartan, etc as they try to stop the silent killer of Cobra.

The problem with an origins story for Snake-eyes is the same thing we've seen before - so much of what made the character cool was the mystery, not knowing what's under the mask. It's the same reason (well, one of the many reasons) why Rob Zombie's Halloween remake wasn't as good as the original.

Major Blud would make for a great villain!

Man, ever realize what they should have done with a movie years after they did it. For me, it is Snake Eyes (Gi Joe character). It's stupidly easy to do. You Treat him like a horror movie slasher that's completely in the right.

You start with Cobra detonating a nuke where it takes out a bunch of Gi Joes. So you don't use some of the big ones, use Major Blud as the head big bad. You keep the military squad multi-ethnic so you don't know which one Snake Eyes is.

Then you flash forward to six months later, Cobra is preparing their plan for world domination when suddenly, they start dying in mysterious and horrific ways. This cranks up the tension and we always see it from Cobra's perspective.

We even keep seeing a Timber Wolf from time to time as a ghostly apparition that may or may not be real.
Major Blud tries to be "the last girl standing" and does well enough that it slows down Snake Eyes, but ultimately he is stopped and the world is saved.

The final scene is Snake eyes walking away in full ninja garb.
We never see him speak
We never see his face.

This overall idea can be done fairly cheap and it would nail the character, plus leaves future episodes to show off characters like Storm Shadow, Zartan, etc as they try to stop the silent killer of Cobra.

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