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[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Recruiting Alternate Players


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That is very much were Father Rucker is, and that is his approach. He just chooses to use the terms Satan and demons cause these r terms that everyone understands. And it sort of conceals some of his true motives.

What you've stated pretty much sums Father Rucker up, I'm just afraid to state or make any direct references to the mythos OOC, at the risk of alienating other players.

Father Rucker is certainly aware that the popular concept of God and the spirit world, is probably a fable. In light of that, he wants to believe in God, but it is becoming more and more difficult in light of the things he has seen.

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I'm still having a hard time making a connection between ALL of this....and an Antartic expedition. The predisposition for facing the supernatural is still quite evident IMHO, and I still disagree with it highly. As in any game, jdeleski's layout for the game trumps whatever canon may be presented for use in rulebooks. Sorry, that's kind of how I feel.


First Post

That's VERY close to James Starkweather's reasoning for rejecting a priest on the trip! It's now up to Dallas to somehow convince our fearless leader to accept him on the expedition.

But in terms of Dallas' character, there will be a line of logic that weaves its way through our storyline. It will not be fully apparent, perhaps even to Dallas, until some time after everyone reaches the end of the earth.

Job (the tortured one).
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First Post

I have been reading over your game posts and I must say that you and your players are doing a WONDERFUL job! Very enjoyable! It makes me want to redouble my meager efforts in my own PBP games!

Well to the point.

Would you consider me as a possible player?

I believe that I can role-play well enough to keep my outside knowledge from effecting the game. And I have a nice idea for a character that could be introduce quickly (at the reception).
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Exploring Ptolus
Gomez said:

I have been reading over your game posts and I must say that you and your players are doing a WONDERFUL job! Very enjoyable! It makes me want to redouble my meager efforts in my own PBP games!

Well to the point.

Would you consider me as a possible player?

I believe that I can role-play well enough to keep my outside knowledge from effecting the game. And I have a nice idea for a character that could be introduce quickly (at the reception).

The more, the merrier I always say...wait, that's for sex! :confused: I'm sure you would be a welcome addition to the game...


First Post

I am really trying to understand you, and the problem you have with this supposed predisposition thing. You stated the following:

"The predisposition for facing the supernatural is still quite evident IMHO, and I still disagree with it highly. As in any game, jdeleski's layout for the game trumps whatever canon may be presented for use in rulebooks."

I'm really trying to figure out do you just have a problem with the assumption of facing the supernatural in COC or is it just this adventure. I am sorry, but to me COC has always been about the mythos, cults, and dying!!!!! So I'm really trying to figure your logic, I've never played a game of COC where the mythos did not play some part because its so integral to the genre. And what canons in what rulebooks are you speaking of!!!!!! I have the D20 rulebook which if I'm not mistaken we are using, and I have not found any such canons which state that characters can't do magic or psychic abilities until the eighth or whatever level!!!!!!! Nor should they be apart of new adventures. Taitzu where are these so called canons at, maybe I missed them :confused:.

In fact I think its just the opposite anyone who has played this game can attest to how difficult it is to keep a character alive so they can reach the fifth or sixth level. So my natural assumption would be, that the game system was designed so that even starting characters could have some knowledge of the mythos and some initial powers .....ahhhhh thats why the PC's are called INVESTIGATORS!!!!!!!!!! You can't be an investigator unless you have an awareness that certain things need to be looked into.

I say this respectfully, it appears as if you have decided unilaterally that this was going to be a game where none of the PC's had any mythos knowledge, but fortunately the sun doesnt revolve around anyone of us. Because to me, your inferance goes against the entire spirit of COC, which is about invetigating the supernatural. The Introduction of the COC D20 manual states the following on page 5 the 3rd paragraph:

"If a roleplaying game is like a film, then the players are the stars. the characters they portray are all HEROS INVESTIGATING THE SUPERNATURAL-WE CALL THEM INVESTIGATORS."

Actually this is in direct contrast to your own statements, we must not be playing the same game or using the same manual.

The game is not about ordinary people, nor weaklings, BUT ALL ABOUT HEROS!!!!!! Not investigating everyday life, not watching each other write verbous meaningless dialogue, but about investigating the SUPERNATURAL.

This isnt about Jdeleski trumping you and your house rules, this is about the GM adhereing to the rules and spirit of Call Of Cthulhu - which you have somehow misplaced.

As I see it I'm playing according to the rules!!!!!!!

Now to be honest maybe the module for the Mountains of Madness states that none of the investigators should have mythos knowledge, magic, or psychic abilities. And if it does it will be a first for this game.

You dont understand us because we choose to play by the rules, and I don't understand you because what you are asking us to do has no basis in the rules!!!!!

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I think taitzu's concern is more about how your character is really very different than the others. Every one else in the group is completely unaware of the supernatural, whether in the form of devils and demons or the Mythos. Your character, to put it simply, seems so far distanced from the rest of the party that it's hard to see him being allowed into the group. I think everybody else stuck very close to the spirit of the game being an Artic Expedition, rather than an Cthulu adventure. Father Rucker, on the other hand, is leaving his home to investigate the supernatural.


First Post

Thanks, I am in agreement with some of what you've stated, and now I finally understand. It has nothing to do with the rules at all then. I can except that. For a minute I thought I was doing something wrong. In other words some you don't want to play by the official rulebook, but according to your own house rules.

As I stated in a earlier post, no one informed me that all of the characters were supposed to be ordinary people, or alike. Please forgive me for breaking the unspoken house rule ;).

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The Shaman

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jdeleski said:
No doubt some of you have noticed that Taokan seems to lately be posting a number of duplicate or nonsense posts. There is a very logical reason as to why this is happening: Taokan is my RL daughter....
Awesome! :D

I look forward to introducing my little girl to gaming - that's still a few years away, however. First comes potty training... :\

The Shaman

First Post
Dallas4lr said:
In other words some you don't want to play by the official rulebook, but according to your own house rules....As I stated in a earlier post, no one informed me that all of the characters were supposed to be ordinary people, or alike.
Here is the list of roles that jdeleski asked us to fill at the start of the game:
jdeleski said:
- Cartographer/Surveyor - this role is currently being played by Taitzu52 (James Poole)
- Dog Handler/Sled Driver
- Electrician/Electrical Engineer
- Guide/polar Survival Expert - this role is currently being played by The Shaman (Francisco Guerini)
- Journalist - this role is currently being played by Morpheus (Martin Leblanc)
- Mechanic/Mechanical Engineer - this role is currently being played by Bobitron (Vittorio Liuzzi)
- Mining Engineer
- Outfitter (expert in cold climates)
- Photographer - this role is currently being played by Morpheus (Martin Leblanc)
- Pilot - this role is currently being played by Taokan (Camille Bardier)
- Physician - this role is currently being played by Eabha (Annie Mahoney)
- Radioman/Radio Engineer
- Scientist/Researchers, expecially experts (maxed knowledge skills in his/her specialty, or
someone who is well known as an authority in a field) in Archeaeology, biology, Chemistry, Geology, Glaciology, Meterology, Mineralogy, or Paleontology.
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