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[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Recruiting Alternate Players


First Post
Bobitron said:
Thanks, Job. I'll check in from time to time. Maybe I can play again in the spring. Feel free to PM me over at GG if you want to talk about anything.
With Bobitron's departure, we have another opening for the expedition, and I'm re-opening my re-recruiting for this game. :D I'd like to keep a full set of players moving through the storyline since the player interactions are often half the fun.


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Vitus Lambert is loosely based on Xavier Mertz, whose picture I've also stolen. Dr. Mertz was actually a doctor of law, but he did go mad and die on the ice, so they'll have that in common. True, Dr. Mertz was suffering from Vitamin A poisoning after eating the livers of the remaining sled dogs, rather than the madness brought on by catching a glimpse through a momentary rent in the veil of reality, but still...

I've pieced him together to my satisfaction, but I haven't actually obtained the book yet (it's being shipped), so you might want to check it over extra carefully. Also, I'm not sure how to determine wealth, so I haven't even attempted to make an equipment list.
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First Post
Job Away

I am travelling on business this week and won't be able to post until this weekend. I'll do my best to wreak havoc when I return. :p



First Post
If theres still a open spot, I would like to play a Scientist/Researcher in Biology & chemistry.

With a Hobby on the occult.

I will wait to confirm if yo are searching for more players, to start character creation. Im

been lurking around the thread and this is a game i must be a par of, this is an Epic journey.


I see yo are using some nice formats one the charactersm from the character thread

http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=2393970#post2393970. could anyone link a

blueprint? then i save myself coding all from scratch :)
Done it myself :)



George Barrow was born in Mexico City 1895. Hes father a English teacher that fall in love with

Asunción Barros one of his students. At age 5 they went to live Deep into the jungle living

there to age 15, it was here he discovered his love to the living things, from the insects to

the big cats of the Mexican jungle.
He was send to a boarding school in Boston when he turned 16 living in this city the rest of his

life, dedicating himself to numerous studies in biology and biochemistry at the University.

The last five years of his life he had being studying the effects freezing on many kinds of

bacteria, how low could the metabolism of a cell go without being destroyed?. In what rate would

a biological entity decompose under certain environmental conditions? Was low temperatures a

beneficial factor for some specific kind of bacteria and fungus? He had many projects going on

and sample picking was one of the thing he used his free time at. He did a lot of travel to

Canada and Alaska searching for new and undiscovered microorganisms, chemical substances,

plants, animals, etc.

He had made it his mission to discover more antibiotics as the penicillin discovered by his

colleague Alexander Fleming in 1928. He had tried uncountable combinations of natural and

synthetic chemical mixtures on all kind of pathological bacteria he had in his hands. Making

this one of his main obsessions for the implications it could have for humanity.

In Boston he was part of a group of bachelors that enjoyed cigars and cognac in a gentlemen club

called 'questio physiologus et prodigium ' a.k.a. 'The searchers for the natural and unnatural'.

Not being rare, tales from the most doubtful sources, about Yetis, lake monsters, supernatural

beings and such things...
The old Bartholome, one of his clubb friends. Had a more excentric hobby. He studied the occult

and had a private library, with manuscripts of dead languages, pictures and photography of

ancient symbols, books of demonology.
Bartholome was a decendent of a Gypsy family that settled down hundreds of years ago and no

longer counted as a true Gypsy, he was obbsesdt with a family legend obsessed about ancient

rituals and guarding demons.
George always heard the stories out, but never believed them.

George had been contacted by a friend now living in New York. John Clinter told him about this

expedition being formed by Dr.moore and an other gentleman.
Dr. Moore was a colleague in science and very well known person for both John Clinter and George


George thought of this new opportunity to study samples almost non man had seen before, a few

days. Contacting his lawyer and employer at the sixth day to announce that he probably would be

traveling for an undetermined time, just like Darwin in his time, to maybe come back with a

great discovery.

He sat down to write.

Dr.George Barrow
Male Scientist Biology/chemistry

Defense: AC and saving throw (4)

Height: 5’ 7"
Weight: 154 lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: 35

Str: 10 (+0)
Dex: 10 (+0)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 19 (+4)
Wis: 15 (+2)
Cha: 14 (+2)

Hit Dice: = 21 [http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=314704
Hit Points = (6+2) + (4+2) + (4+2) + (4+2) = 26
AC = 10 + 0 (dex bonus) + 2 (defense bonus) = 12

Init: +4 (+0 Dex) = +4
Speed: 30 ft 
Current Sanity: 75
Max Sanity: 99 
20% sanity: 15

Fortitude Save = +4 base + 2 (Con bonus)
Reflex Save = +1base + 0 (Dex bonus)
Will Save = +4 base + 2 (Will bonus)

BAB: +2

Language: 	English (native)
		spanish (1 skill point)
		some dead language (1 skill point)

Meele Attack: +2 
Range Attack: +2 

Skill Points: 4*(12 per lvl)= 48
7*12= 84 *GM rule
left = 5

Animal Empathy 		(untrained) (Cha +2) = 2
Appraise: 		(untrained) (Int +4) = 4
Balance: 		(untrained) 2+(dex +0) = 2
Bluff: 			(untrained) (Cha +2) = 2
Climb: 			(untrained) (str +0) = 0
*Concentration: 	(trained)   3+(Wis +3) = 6
Craft:			(untrained) (Int +4) = 4
Cthulhu Mythos 		(untrained) (no ability modifier) = 
Demolitions: 		(untrained) (int +4) = 4
*Diplomacy: 		(trained)   5+(Cha +2) = 7
Disable Device: 	(untrained) (int +4) = 4
Disguise: 		(untrained) (Cha +2) = 2
Drive: 			(untrained) 2+(dex +0) = 2
Escape Artist: 		(untrained) 2+(Dex +0) = 2
Forgery: 		(untrained) (Int +4) = 4
*Gather Information: 	(trained)   7+(Cha +2) = 9
Handle Animal: 		(untrained) (Cha +2) = 2
*Heal: 			(trained)   2+(wis +2) = 4
*Hide: 			(trained)   4+(dex +0) = 4
Innuendo: 		(untrained) (Wis +2) = 2
Intimidate: 		(untrained) (Cha +2) = 2
Jump: 			(untrained) (str +0) = 0
*Knowledge [biology] 	(untrained) 7+(Int +4) = 11
*Knowledge [chemistry] 	(untrained) 7+(Int +4) = 11
*Knowledge [occult] 	(untrained) 7+(Int +4) = 11
Listen: 		(untrained) (Wis +2) = 2
Move Silently: 		(untrained) (Dex +2) = 2
Open Lock: 		(untrained) (Dex +2) = 2
Operate Heavy Machinery:(untrained) (Dex +2) = 2
Performance: 		(untrained) (Cha +2) = 2
Pilot: 			(untrained) (Dex +2) = 2
Psychic Focus: 		(untrained) (Wis +2) = 2
Psychoanalysis: 	(untrained) (Wis +2) = 2
Read Lips: 		(untrained) (Int +4) = 4
Repair: 		(untrained) (int +4) = 4
*Research: 		(trained)   7+(Int +4) = 11
Ride: 			(untrained) (Dex +2) = 2
*Search: 		(trained)   7+(Int +4) = 11
*Sense Motive: 		(untrained) 3+(Wis +2) = 5
Sleight of Hand: 	(untrained) (Dex +0) = 0
Speak Other Language: 	(trained)   2+(Int +4) = 6
Spellcraft: 		(untrained) (Int +4) = 4
*Spot: 			(trained)   5+(Wis +2) = 7
Swim: 			(untrained) (str +0) = 0
Tumble: 		(untrained) (dex +0) = 0
Use Rope: 		(untrained) (dex +0) = 0
Wilderness Lore: 	(untrained) (Wis +2) = 2


Meticulous: +2 bonus on all Forgery checks and Search checks.
Decipher Script:  (Int +4). Trained Only. 
Studious: +2 bonus on all Decipher Script checks and Research checks.
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First Post

Your character will fit in perfectly! Welcome to the expedition! I'll edit the opening thread to close the recruitment, but I haven't yet had a chance to perform a thorough review of his stats and background, and I'll take the time to do that tomorrow night.

I apologize to everyone for the delay in my responses. After returning from my business trip during the week, my wife dragged me through the horrors of the malls to perform my Christmas shopping duties Friday night, all of Saturday, and most of today. Fortunately we're about done, so I should be able to pick up the pace this week.

Job (the tortured one).
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First Post
Watus said:
I've pieced Dr. Vitus X. Lambert together to my satisfaction, but I haven't actually obtained the book yet (it's being shipped), so you might want to check it over extra carefully. Also, I'm not sure how to determine wealth, so I haven't even attempted to make an equipment list.

I've completed my review of Dr. Lambert's character sheet. I could find no errors in any of your statistics, but I do have a general comment about his skills. You've chosen to split Dr. Lambert's abilities between that of a physician and an explorer/hunter, and this maps well to your character's background, but in doing so you are of course moderating his overall abilities. It is also unusual for a physician to be an offensive in nature since they have generally dedicated their lives to healing, but this does fit within your background writeup.

This is workable, and I see no reason to change it if you're happy with this balancing of abilities, but it does leave some gaps, particularly in the areas of his physician skills. As an example, if he is called upon to research a unique specimen, or to tap into his limited biological knowledge (compared to his medicine skill and athletic abilities), he would be at a disadvantage. He also is not very diplomatic or charismatic, thus his bedside manner leaves something to be desired. :eek: It suggests that he's a gruff doctor, very blunt in telling patients of their problems, leaving research to others more suited to indoor studies.

As to his wealth, if I accept the average scores on die rolls, he would have $12,000 in savings and $6,000 in yearly income (when he's practicing, that is).

Job (the tortured one).
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First Post
Anatomist said:
Does it exists a SRD web site for CoC rules and equipment?

No, unfortunately, there is no SRD for CoC. However, that being said, I will guide all players through the campaign, outlining your options, therefore if you're familiar with d20 combat mechanics, you should be fine. I would recommend getting the d20 CoC book via ebay (it's actually one of my favorite d20 manuals), but it's not an absolute necessity for playing in this game.


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