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[d20 Future] 22nd Century: Solar Odyssey to Hell. [FULL]


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Mission Expenses

Hum, well, I must admit it's the first time I wonder about putting wealth in common to buy something with the d20 M wealth system... :confused:

However, working for the SIA, you are not supposed to pay from your own pockets in the course of this mission. As such, renting some space will be paid by Sarteck Inc. Then, the total budget allowed by Sarteck Inc. is: Wealth bonus 36 (200,000 $). Of course, you are expected to spend wisely, not as wastrels...

Extra-Vehicular Activities Units

Yes, I didn't think of mentioning it, but the vacuum suits have a means of propulsion in space (sort of jetpack) allowing to maneuver in zero-G gravity. Range and autonomy is limited however (2 hours), and the thing is rather slow. So for medium or long distance trips, better to use the shuttle.

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Brendan Radley

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I finally got around to buying Brendan's equipment that he hasn't borrowed from the SIA (he bought everything on the list out of his own pocket except for weapons and armour), if any of it doesn't belong just let me know. :)


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Question for everybody!

Well, I did show the game to a friend who has often played PBEMs and didn't know about PBP. He said the thread looked nice because of the photos. However, he found it difficult to read because there was "no turns" (of play).

So my question is:

I have originally been thinking of running the game freely, so I post when it seems I should do it, based on what people posted. However, maybe things could be done better, what do you think? Anyone's comments on how he would like this game to be run? For instance: should there be "turns of play"?

Thanks to answer if you think the game could be improved in some way.

Vincent Collins

First Post
It seems fine as is, the only thing I can think of is to make sure to establish the location where all the characters are interacting, since some of the confusion seems to come from not being exactly sure where everyone is at any given time...

Jay Purr

First Post
So, combat => switch to turned-based interaction? I have added the "instant notification by email" feature to the three subscribed threads (Rogues Gallery, Talking the Talk, Playing the Game for Solar Odyssey]. But possibly Turanil can collect email addresses and send a notification that folks need to check the action within a certain time window in order to participate.


First Post
Well, it looks like this game is loosing success extremely quickly.

If any of you has lost interest in this game, please tell me, so I can recruit alternate players.

Maybe it's a complete failure, and I should stop it?

Fact is, Collins and Tobermory have asked to be the leaders of the team. So they should post regularly and tell: "so now we do that, and I roll the dice (online dice roller) for this or that, or let X rolls the dice", etc. Jay Purr wanted to do the bluff roll, but as he is the pilot, Collins said it was not his job. Okay, but since then neither Collins or Tobermory has rolled a dice, or said something like: "okay we wait two weeks", or "okay we fire a nuclear missile on Ashira_29", or what not. Letting Jay do it, and the story could have gone further.

I expect you all to take initiatives (even if to say: "okay now we enter the station by force", or "lets forget about that and lets get a look at Jupiter") or the game is going nowhere...


First Post
You've hit on part of it from my view. Any group this large needs a leader. That's obviously the captain. So that person controls a lot of the game flow. In other PbP games I've run, I've made the Captain an NPC. That way I can move action along when required. There is plenty of character play to be had, even if some of the strategic direction is handled by the GM. The Captain can always take advice from his trusted officers and will generally completely delegate some tasks (like "secure space at Ashria 29").

If Tobermory is agreeable, I'd suggest making his character NPC and let him take another role (perhaps 1st Officer or some such) Or you can create a "Mission Commander" to help provide direction.

You've done a lot of great work Turanil. You don't need to give up yet. Plus, I for one have trouble getting to EN World most of the time. It can be very fickle with access. You can always pop over to other boards (there are many).
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Liam Forbes

First Post
Most of my concerns have already been stated. But I'll repeat them for the record. One, the leaders aren't posting that much. Two, there is confusion of time/position of the characters. Three, going with the most logical assumptions from what has been posted, Liam is on the ship doing a shake down and hence unavailable to help on the station. Even if they are still on Earth, he has been told he will be going to the ship, and hence could only offer suggestions. Four, Fooling AI isn't exactly his baliwick, repair yes, fool no.
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