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D20 Future Black Ops


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Below is the player information for a short, mid-level game I plan on running in the near-future. Tossed it up here for you all to enjoy and/or groan!

You’re part of a team of Aleerin Black Ops, tasked with not just keeping the status quo in a galactic power struggle, but also advancing the standpoint of the Aleerin race. You operate outside the law, doing what is necessary, when it is necessary. You could be called upon a moment’s notice, sent anywhere in the galaxy, and asked to do things that most people would shun. You do it willingly though – not because someone has to do it, but rather, because it will ultimately benefit your species. You are a true patriot.

You’re a highly trained individual, with access to all kinds of cutting edge technology. You are well-paid, well-equipped, and well-motivated. Due to your species’ innate cybernetic adaptability, you are able to gain beneficial cybernetics based upon the specific parameters of each mission. One mission might call for you to pilot an ultralight shuttle, while the next might require proficiency with huge mechas – and you’re able to do it all through the wonders of cybernetics.

Since you are a Black Ops group, you will report directly to General Novell, head of the military intelligence division. Unfortunately, since Aleer is governed by a mostly democratic-style government, you will be also report – occasionally – to a Military Overview Committee, headed by Ambassador Vash Greel, and staffed mostly by civilians. Don’t worry though; they don’t know you’re Black Ops. They just think you’re Special Forces.

One draw back to the Military Overview Committee is that they can “request” missions. It’s a request if anyone on the committee, except Ambassador Vash Greel, suggests it. If the Ambassador suggests it, consider it an order. However, receive confirmation from General Novell before proceeding – regardless. You are not someone’s personal hit squad – you’re an entire species’ personal hit squad.

Hope you enjoyed this.

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Peterson said:
Below is the player information for a short, mid-level game I plan on running in the near-future. Tossed it up here for you all to enjoy and/or groan!

I like it. When do we get details??


First Post
What sort of details are you looking for?

In my "To Play" folder, I have a homemade galaxy map, and few "mission" notes, but that's really as far as I got to take it before other things popped up on the radar.

Still...I'd be interested in tossing down ideas with other readers if there's a desire for it.


Old Drew Id

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d20 Away Team

This is very similar to a side campaign we are putting together in the Medallions group, except we are calling it "d20 Away Team." (This sounds like it has the same dark tone that ours has, a.k.a. using d20 Future with CoC Sanity rules...) I am very interested to see this develop.


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Old Drew ID!

Hey man, nice of you to drop in - please point ledded in this direction, I'm sure he'd love to compare notes. ;)

Well, the beauty of using the Aleerin species is that you can merely swap any cybernetics that you don't need for ones that you do from mission to mission. Of course, there is a slight recovery phase, but all in all, that's not so bad.

I basically was inspired by Warlord Ralts' "meat-grinder" campaign idea (D20 Future Fun, located somewhere on these boards), but thought it was a bit too forced, too high-powered for my players. Hence, Black Ops.

I'll approach more of this later this weekend - it's getting late and the wife is calling me to bed.

Best of luck, man....If I know ledded - and I may a bit - you'll need it.



Some time in the near future I'll also start a campaign like this. This campaign was inspired by the Ghost in the Shell anime so the PCs will start as modified Bioreplica androids (their bodies are 98% non-organic) (w00t! Full borgs!)


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I believe that I may be able to scan the galaxy map in, but ya got to remember - I suck at drawing (my stickmen have three arms and four legs normally) and it's large - up too about 2'x3' when laid-out.

I think all told there was 12 planets, 4 astroid belts, around 108 "dead" planets, numerous moons, and about 20 space stations, all spread out across a few star systems.

Space Travel - especially FTL travel - was a pain in the arse. True, with Cyronic Technology and Genetic Engineering, most people never cared that the trips took decades from one side of the galaxy to the other, but those bred for special purpose - like Black Ops - did.

Jump Gate Technology is actually pretty commonplace nowadays, and when coupled with the newest engines, one can actually cross the galaxy within a decade. However, such engines are expensive, although travelling the Jump Gate isn't so bad, and only properous companies and governments regularly combine the two technologies. Still, the travellers must basically rely on the kindness of others, since Jump Gates normally require a small tariff to make use of, and the operators of the Jump Gates (depending on where you are, and who you are) may not be in the mood to allow you access.

Oddly enough - or perhaps not so strange - one of the more difficult missions involved the Aleerin Black Ops Team to steal a prototype Jump Drive....which was of course already installed on a ship and heavily guarded.

Anyway, to quickly restate: I will scan the galaxy map if there is really a desire for it, but it's not really worth it in my - and my players' - opinion. It's overly large, overly complicated, and not well-crafted in any sense of the word. :\



Herder of monkies
Sweet. This does sound like the "Away Team" concept that OldDrewId and I have been discussing, and I hope we get around to. I finally did, BTW, give d20 Future a read and despite a few thin areas, I like it quite a bit. Considering the breadth of genre they tried to include, they did a pretty good job with it.

Let us know if you get anything more. I've been laying out an outline for a 1st person narrative that describes our version of "the galaxy as we know it". I'm looking forward to it after reading some of the stuff that you, CBaize's and of course Warlord Ralts has been posting up. I'm also looking forward to players having to make a sanity check just when they *see* a new xenomorphic sentient for the first time, much more so when it manifests a toothy pseudopod and sucks their buddy's face off :] .


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Ledded, my dear friend...

I don't think you understand just *how much* D20 Future goodies I have partially completed, fully completed, or barely outlined. I'd say it's my hobby, but my wife has decided that my day job is my hobby - this borders on obsession.

While I agree D20 Future stretches thin in parts (sometimes transparently so), I also agree that it is a fine book. Now, if we can just see more details! (hint, hint WotC, Game Mechanics, RPGObjects, Blue Devil, UKGPublishing, etc etc etc)

In fact, I'll be tossing up a thread or two in the near-future to address some things I felt was over-looked or mis-thought. I strayed off-topic, sorry.

ledded, as always (and this extends to everyone really), if you need brainstorming help, or just a wall to bounce ideas off of, I'm always ready, willing, and available (email in sig). - no sick jokes, please. Yes, that meant you Baize.

Oh - and even though it's not D20 Future Black Ops as I intended, there will be a storyhour soon that hits very close to what I originally intended. Too bad the Aleerin are Copyrighted, eh?

Thanks again for reading folks - I'm sure there will be more on this, or other goodies in the near-future.


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