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[d20 Future] Resourse Ideas

Alaska Roberts

First Post
Ok, same plan as the last thread of this name, with new really tough rules!!!! Post Ideas! Any d20 future ideas, places, ships, NPC's, planets, stations, things that go boom, you get the idea. All I ask is that you try and keep them somewhat neutral so they can be dropped into any campaign. :confused:

Let's get the ball rolling, so when this hits the shelves we have a ton of resourse material.


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Alaska Roberts

First Post
Quicksilver Station

This ancient space station was constructed over 200 years ago, once the prize station in the area, it was the mecha of trade. As with all things, trade lines moved, colonists moved farther out, and Quicksilver was a lost cause. Purchased 70 years ago by Silnin Waystar, an elvin pilot and engineer, he turned Quicksilver into one of the sectors most reputable repair and upgrade stations. With a crew of over 100 engineers and more parts than you can shake a stick at, if Silnin doesnt have it, it probably doesnt exist, or he's already sold out. With his Towing service and emergency teams, he helps stranded crews and his wallet. His services aren't cheap, in fact most of his parts come from resuced merchant ships or deals he made with captains to get parts in return for his services. But if you need help, and there is no other choice, send out a call for Quicksilver. You may owe him for life, but hey, at least you'll have one.
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Shandust Robotic Consortium.

Robert Shandust is the founder, owner, and president of a robots and droids production multinational. Well, "was" is a better term, since he died of old age some 12 years ago. However, nobody knows, since he was (at his instigation) immediately replaced by a droid made to his likeliness at the head of the company. Then, all employees were slowly and discreetly replaced by androids nearly indistinguishable from humans. Furthermore, the company has secret facilities on a barren planet, where it continues to manufacture robots and droids. The Robert Shandust droid really appears like the original, and even his personnality has been reproduced perfectly. However, all of these droids remain machines, none of them is sentient.

What purpose do these droids serve is a complete mystery. Maybe the aging Robert Shandust saw this as a way to survive as a machine. In any case the robots are now continuing to run and expand the company. All the benefits are used to devellop this secret base on the barren planet. Maybe they are trying to create the first civilization of machines... who would know if they were discovered? The problem however, is that in digging the planet's soil, they inadvertantly discovered an Alien artifact (some sort of starship as it superficially appears). Now they are unsure what to do about it, since nothing in their programm was implemented so they should know what to do should such a thing happen. Currently they are indecise, and have resumed their normal work. The alien artifact is kept under good watch, and the robots need better technology to perform analysis. They don't want to open it without knowing what would happen if doing it "blindly".

Alaska Roberts

First Post
The Memphis Colony

The Memphis Colony

This small colony on the outer part of the system, is a strange bunch. With a little over 15,000 colonists, its small by comparsion to most colonys, but it host one of the most lively night lifes in the known galaxy. The Church of the King rules the planet and colony uses more energy than most space stations, lit up bright enough to see from space, it draws its crowds in by the droves to its casinos and clubs. Almost all the colonists work in the entertainment business in one sort or another. This holo boards surround the planet and space far greater than the naturals orbit of the planet. Looking for a good time? Want a great place to forget a few days, or weeks, try The Memphis Colony on for size. Just dont forget to bring allot of credits!!!!!!



The planat Karanth was sealed off by the Imperium about a decade ago, after the planet was rocked by massive political unrest. The govenor was assasinated, as was his succesor, but both by different groups. Mass organisations from every political persuasion imagineable began to fight it out in the streets of this hive world, prompting massive migration off world. The only thing that those who stayed behind greed upon was their hatred of the Imperium. Given a choice between orbital bombardment or a massive, and inevitably incrdibly bloody pacification exercise, the Imperial forces chose containment. Now the only people who land are a small number of political radicals, the occasional mercenary and gun smugglers in ships fast enough to outrun the fairly heavy blockade. but for those who do, the profits availabe can be staggering.

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