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[d20 Modern / 4CtF] Windy City Mutants: Roster


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Here you can find characters and other selected information for my Windy City Mutants game. Please post only characters here - if you'd like to make comments or discuss the characters, please join us in the OOC thread.

IC thread can be found here <link coming soon>.

OOC thread can be found here.
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Stacy DuPries
Fast Hero, student (Computer use, Perform: Dance, Perform:Sing)

Appearance: Stacy and her sister Lana both stand 5 foot 3. They both have green eyes and lustrous shoulder length black hair. The twins have identical curvy figures, which are kept trim through soccer. Both are beautiful and easily capable of drawing stares, but Stacy is more comfortable with it then her sister, often wearing clothes that emphasize her figure to her best advantage. Physically identical the girls have distinct personalities.

Personality: Stacy is the more out going of the two girls, and often drags her more introverted sister to parties, and has convinced her to join the Soccer team to spend time together. If Lana is the duo’s sarcasm, then it is Stacy who is the kind hearted one who would help pretty much anyone, sometimes even to her own detriment. Stacy is outgoing and playful, often getting her sister to help her play pranks on her friends, often switching with her. Stacy relies on her more self-contained sibling for advice, and to be able to say no for her, to make sure no one takes too much advantage of her kind nature. Although she isn’t stupid, far from it, Stacy often gets her sister’s help with her schoolwork to spend time with her, and to get Lana to spend time with some of the more popular students. She is proud of her sister’s ability to stand up for herself and her sarcasm, but it also makes her feel sad and hurt at the same time. She cannot understand how Lana can be happy when she is so sarcastic, and wants to try and help her sister. She is a naturally kind person, and doesn’t put up with people making fun of anyone around her. Her friends know by now better then to do it, and have grown to accept her nature. She often invites whoever is around at the time to gatherings of the popular kids, be they nerds or drama kids or what have you. She can’t seem to leave anyone out.

Family: Stacy and Lana are the only children of Richard and Huyen DuPries. Both are working over fourteen hour days to make partner at their law firm, leaving the girls to their own devices after-school. Primarily their Grandmother, Ba, who tried to instill the virtues of kindness and self-reliance, raised them because of their parents’ habitual absence. Once a week a maid cleans their house, one that has been working for the DuPries family for over twenty years in one capacity or another. Being the Daddy’s girl that she is, Stacy has her dad wrapped around her finger, enough that he is seriously thinking about getting them a car for their birthday, to share, one of those cute little red Miata convertibles, because he is always away.

Allegiance: Lana, Good
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: black
Skin: lightly tanned

STR: 10
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 12 +1
INT: 12 +1
WIS: 10
CHA: 14 +2

Hit Dice: 1d8+1
HP: 9
Defense: 15 (16 against Melee)
Initiative: +2
BAB: 0
Melee: +0
Ranged: +2
Speed: 30’

FORT: +1
REFL: +3
WILL: +0

REP: 0
AP: 5
Wealth: 2d4+1+1

Unarmed: 1d3 non lethal

Class Abilities: Evasion

-Defensive Martial Arts (Their mother wanted to make sure her pretty daughters would be safe, so she enrolled them in a self defense class, although Lana didn’t pay attention, Stacy most certainly did)
-Simple Weapons Proficiency
-Trustworthy (skill emph. diplomacy)

Computer use: +3/2
Diplomacy (cross class): +7/2
-Current Events: +3/2
-Pop Culture: +4/3
-Dance: +5/3
-Sing: +5/3
Profession (spoiled): +4/4
Tumble: +5/3

Languages: English, French

-Backpack: 3lbs. DC 10
-Camera, Digital: 14
-Cell Phone: DC 9
-Computer Desktop: DC 22
-Formal Dress: 3lbs. DC 15
-Make-up: DC?
-MP3 player: DC?
-Pepper Spray: .5 lbs. DC 4
-Stuffed Animals: DC?

Super Powers (ranks/reductions/HrP cost):
Heightened Defense(Deflection): +2(only physical attacks)
(Heightened Defense, 4/2/2)
Impact Resistance: the first 2d6 Damage from impacts: falling, collisions, objects dropped on you, is negated
(Impact Resistance, 2/0/2)
Telekinesis: Effective strength 10(Minor Strength, Moderate Strength), range 25
(Telekinesis, 4/0/4)
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First Post
Lana DuPries
Smart Heroine 1
Student[Computer Use, Perform(Voice), Knowledge(Art)]

Lana is the sarcastic witty one of the identical twins. She is always mocking the conformity of the "Gap-Kids" at school which happen to be Stacy's friends. Tough exterior with a dry, sarcastic, know-it-all ish attitude, nobody at school really wants to get on Lana's bad side, but those who get to know the real Lana find that inside she's actually a shy, sweet dreamer type that lives within her own romantic imagination.

Where her sister is more of an athlete, Lana is more the studious type. She adores poetry and spends countless hours reading all kinds of books. Often her speech is an allusion to some poem she read or a quote from a book. She also plays violin and sings. Soccer is something she does so she can spend time with her sister, but she's not as good at it as Stacy is. She's a skater during the warm months and a boarder when the snow comes down.

Lana is protective of her sister and will kick anybody's butt who tries to take unfair advantage of Stacy's good nature. There is a dark side to Lana and she has a devilish streak for vengeance. God help the man who would dare lay a hand on Stacy.

Physically identical to her twin sister Stacy, Lana prefers though to wear her hair up with chopsticks or any kind of interesting hair accessory stuck in it. Occassionally sprays on some temporary hair dye to give her hair an added kick and make her more distinct from Stacey. She dresses in rather comfortable, sort of unique clothing that's easy to skate in.

Allegiance: Her sister, herself, good
Age: 15
Gender: female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: black
Skin: lightly tanned

STR: 10
DEX: 14
CON: 12
INT: 14
WIS: 12
CHA: 10

Hit Dice: 1d6 + 1
HP: 7
Defense: 12(13)
Initiative: +2
BAB: +0
Melee: +0
Ranged: +2
Speed: 30’

FORT: +1
REFL: +2
WILL: +2

REP: +1
AP: 5

Taser +2 (+10), 1d4 + 1d6 rnds paralysis (FORT DC 15), 5’
Pepper Spray +2 (+10), 1d4 rnds blindness (FORT DC 15), 5’

Class Abilities: Savant(Computer Use)

Super Powers (ranks/reductions/HrP cost): None yet but Telepathy first and then telekinetics later with a force attack. For her I'm planning on concentrating on her mental abilities. Something bioelectric dealing with computer interfacing at the rate of neuron fire.

Feats: Skill Emphasis(Computer Use), Skill Emphasis(Intimidate)

Balance +4 / 4
Computer Use +11(+15) / 4
Craft(Visual Art) +4 / 2
Craft(Writing) +5 / 3
Disable Device +6 / 4
Intimidate +5 / 4
Jump +2/4
- Art +6 / 3
- Behavioral Sciences +3 / 1
- Current Events +3 / 1
- History +3 / 1
- Popular Culture +3 / 1
- Stringed Instrument +1 / 2
- Voice +2 / 2
Profession(Writer) +2 / 1
Repair +3 / 1
Research +3 / 1
Search +3 / 1
Sense Motive +3 /4

Languages: English, Vietnamese, French

Pepper spray (2) 1 lbs (0.5 each), DC 5
Taser 2 lbs, DC 7
Digital camera 0.5 lbs, DC 14
Cell phone – DC 9
Computer, notebook (4 upgrades) 5 lbs, DC 31, +4 to computer use
Cellular modem 1 lbs, DC 6
Flashlight, penlight 0.5 lbs, DC 3
Backpack, 3lbs, DC 10
Leather Motorcycle Jacket, 4lbs, DC 10
Skateboard 3lb, DC ?
Snowboard 3lb, DC ?

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I aim to misbehave
Lorenzo ‘Zo’ Reynolds
Charismatic 1
Athlete [Balance, Drive, Tumble]

Lorenzo Reynolds is a senior at high school, sliding his way though. Slacker, the authorities say, but the kids all love him. He’s friendly, thoughtful, and a heck of a lot of fun to be around. Tall (at 6’2, 225lbs), athletic (but without the attitude), and good looking (without actually acting like it), Zo mixes with all of the clique’s equally and no one really resents him for it.

His parents are still married and both carry full time jobs. His mother is a real estate agent and his father is a stock broker in downtown Chicago. Zo fell into an easy part time job as a salesman/product testor at the CompUSA on the magnificient mile. Zo drives an old Monte Carlo that is in excellent shape to work and to school. Zo is an only child living on the outskirts of Oak Grove (on the eastern side) in Chicago and attends Lincoln High – and loves every minute of it.

Allegiance: Good, family, friends, school (subject to change)
Age: 18
Gender: male
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 225 lbs
Eyes: Royal blue
Hair: Dark brown
Skin: Tanned

STR: 12 +1
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 15 +2

Hit Dice: 1d6
HP: 6
Defense: 12
Initiative: +2
BAB: +0
Melee: +1
Ranged: +2
Speed: 30’

FORT: +1
REFL: +3
WILL: +0

REP: +2
AP: 5
Wealth: 2d4 + 1

Brawl:+2 melee [+1 Str, +1 Competence] 1d6+1 dmg

Class Abilities:Fast-Talk

Unknown:Perhaps enhanced Str, Dex, and Luck Powers

FEATS: Heroic Surge, Brawl [from Athlete], Dodge

Balance +2 [1 rank]
Bluff +6 [4 ranks]
Diplomacy +6 [4 ranks]
Drive +3 [1 rank]
Gather Information +6 [4 ranks]
- Business +1 [1 rank]
- Current Events +2 [2 ranks]
- Pop Culture +4 [4 ranks]
- Streetwise +2 [2 ranks]
Perform (sing) +3 [1 rank]
Tumble +6 [4 ranks]

cell phone
more pending

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Macario Murphy
Tough Hero 1
Student[Computer Use, Knowledge(Earth & Life Sciences), Research]

My dear, sweet Macario,

I write you this letter in the hopes of one day having the courage to give it to you. Others look at you and see a scrawny, black kid with sad brown eyes a little too big for your face. I see a wonderful, beautiful, intelligent son. I've told you as much before, I suppose, but never more. Because I am a coward.

And I've always been that way, even when I met your father. I know you never knew him, and that it hurts you that he left us, but it was hard for him to stay with us.

You should've seen him that day, handsome as the devil in his army uniform. He walked into the diner I worked at and swept me off my feet. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I couldn't get him out of my head. And so we got married only a couple months later. One thing you gotta understand is, he wanted better for us. The two bedroom flat we live in would kill him if he knew we were here. Living in the poorest area in Windy City would break his heart if he knew. That's why he signed up for that government project. They promised him a big paycheque and a promotion. We wanted a better life. It was a no-brainer for us. But I guess it shouldn't have been.

He didn't talk much about what they did to him, wasn't allowed to, really. All he let me know was that they were working on ways to make a better soldier by looking at animal behaviours. He left for a weekend to work on the project. He came back a changed man. There was hurt in his eyes, like inside he'd aged a lifetime in those three days. What was worse, was that the project had been a failure. He didn't say it in words, but I got the feeling.

He was real mad when he found out I was pregnant with you. He ranted and raved about how careless we'd been, and I didn't understand. He said he couldn't bear the fact that there might be complications with you because of the project.

He left then, told me he needed to think, but left me with enough money to live good. He promised he'd send more, but that trickled away after a few months. There's nothing would keep Ricardo from seeing you... I know he's dead.

You were fine for most of your life, a precocious boy who loved to read and play and make friends. I thanked the Lord I had it so good. But something changed when you were 12. Your skin started to shed and it would get all rough and scaly and you were in horrible pain all the time. You say the pain went away, but I know you still feel it from time to time. And now you've withdrawn back into yourself. Your grades have dropped drastically, and your principal has reported that you've skipped school on more than one occaision. I know why. The looks the others give you when your dead skin starts flaking off is too much for you. The bullies pick on you time and again. You have no friends. I even know where you go - to the library to bury your head in books or a computer screen. What are you looking for? What's in the library that'll help you? A cure for your condition, when we've gone to every medical expert I could afford? But you won't say.

I want to tell you that there's hope, that you aren't gonna be like this forever, but I can't. I don't think they know how to do that, or they would have already. I know I'm not as smart or as rich as some are. Lord, I wish I was. But you just have to remember two things. You're my son and I love you.

Allegiance(s): none.
Age: 15
Gender: male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Skin: brown

STR: 10
DEX: 14
CON: 13
INT: 14
WIS: 11
CHA: 10

Hit Dice: 1d10 + 1 (CON) + 1 (TOUGH)
HP: 12
Defense: 13
Initiative: +2
BAB: +0
Melee: +0
Ranged: +2
Speed: 30’

FORT: +4
REFL: +2
WILL: +0

REP: +0
AP: 5

fists 1d3 nonlethal damage,

Class Abilities: Robust
Super Powers (ranks/reductions/HrP cost): None.

Feats: Dodge, Great Fortitude

Climb +2/2
Computer Use +6 / 4
Intimidate +4 / 4
- Current Events +4 / 2
- Earth & Life Sciences +6/ 4
- Streetwise +4/ 2
Research +4 / 2

Languages: English, Spanish.

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Linh Tran
Dedicated Hero 1
Emergency Services (Drive, Treat Injury)

Originally from Southern California, Linh went away to college and attended Evanston University on a full ride scholarship. She'd intended to be a doctor, but decided she didn't have what it took to go to school for another six to eight years. Instead she enrolled in EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) training. She completed her training at the top of her class, and was hired at the Houston Street Station. She's become quite the ambulance driver, as well as first responder.

Linh currently resides in a failry middle-class neighborhood on the Westside. Her only close friends are her co-workers, and she has no current love interest - or, to her dismay, any prospects. She still keeps in touch with her parents and younger brother in California, usually calling them at least once a week.

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1
Weight: 95 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin: Fair Asian

STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 14 (+2)
CON: 10 (0)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 12 (+1)

Hit Dice: 1d6
HP: 6
Defense: 13 (10+2 Dex+1 Class)
Initiative: +2
BAB: 0
Melee: 0
Ranged: +2
Speed: 30’

FORT: +1
REFL: +2
WILL: +3

REP: +1
AP: 5
Wealth: 2d4 + 2 Occupation + 1 Profession

Unarmed: +0, 1d3 non-lethal.

Class Abilities: Talent (Dedicated 1) - Healing Knack.

-Medical Expert
-Simple Weapons Proficiency

-Pharmaceutical: +6/3
Drive: +6/4
-Current Events: +2/1
-Earth and Life Sciences: +5/4
-Physical Sciences: +4/3
-Streetwise: +3/2
Profession: +4/2
Treat Injury: +11/4

Languages: English, Vietnamese.

Equipment: 1998 Honda Civic (used), surgical kits and first aid kits (one each in car and in home at all times), computer. She has access to more medical supplies when on the job.

Powers: Mostly defensive energy use with a mild energy attack. Theme not yet determined.
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