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d20 Modern Fanzine


First Post
Greetings One And All!

As some of you may have undoubtedly noticed by now, as most of you frequent either the WoTC d20 Modern Board, or the d20 Modern Yahoo Group, there is a new Fanzine coming soon to a website near you

At any rate, I must first introduce the Fanzine Staff:

Vince "Kalan" Kingston - The PR guy. Please address any and all issues/submissions to valandria@telus.net. This account runs pretty much 24 hours a day, and is checked regularly between the hours of 6am - 9pm MDT. If you haven't received a response within 24 hours, panic, it means I've died

John "Jc3" Corbett - Will be our lead layout designer. He has kindly donated his time and PC to this endeavour.

Ku - Don't really know what he's doing yet, as he's kept unusually quiet during our meetings Seriously, he's helped us hash out much of the direction that this 'zine will be heading.

And last, but certainly not least...

Rob "The Other Nice Man" Kenny - Has graciously donated webspace, brainpower, and board space for this venture. Rob has already given us many good ideas for this upcoming, and future issues.

So that's us Let's hear it for the design team!

Seriously though...

The purpose of this particular Forum is to announce both the features of the magazine, as well as obtaining feedback from you, our (or at least will be) loyal readers as to what you all would like to see in it.

Over the coming days, I will be posting teasers as to what will be in the new Fanzine...but I will only be posting on this forum. So if you want to know wassup in Modern Living keep an eye here, as this will be the first place to see anything

Suffice it to say, that it :

1) Looks really cool! Jc3 has done some amazing work on the layouts thus far! And we've managed to snag some talented artists to lend us their talents in getting some really cool looking artwork!

2) We are going to have lots of new (some not so new) information for use in your d20 Modern Campaigns Some of the information to be included is: A "Creature Feature" type column, brought to you by Mr. Tom Hendy, Shadow Hunter; "Field Test", bringing you new items to throw at your PC's; "Your Dream Car"...And lots more

We're also going to be including an adventure in this first issue, but that's a secret for now

But I have rambled on long enough. Please, we are still accepting submissions (we're especially looking for fiction submissions!), so if you would like to submit, please email me for our guidelines (such as they are...basically any "rules" type submissions must be OGC, and artwork/fiction submissions must be completely original (to a point, very little now days is original), basically send it in, we'll look at it, and let you know!)

Should there be any questions, please feel free to post on http://www.wirepaladin.co.uk , or email myself at the above address

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