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D20 Modern: Meadow McLean

Puppy Kicker

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Meadow McLean is played by actress Robbin Tunney (Sarah from the movie "The Craft"). She is a young wicca and student of child psychology at the University of William & Mary. She's had some odd (some might say mystical) experiences in life and is currently struggling with both her grades and her sexuality.

Meadow McLean (Dedicated Hero 1): CR 1; Medium-size human; HD 1d6; hp 6; Mas 10; Init +0; Spd 30; Defense 11, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 class); BAB +0; Grap +0; Atk +0 melee (1d6, metal baton) +0 ranged (pepper spray); FS 5 x 5; Reach 5; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +4; AP 4; Rep +0; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14.
Occupation: Student (Knowledge [behavioral science], Perform [singing], Research).
Skills: Gamble +5, Investigate +3, Knowledge (behavioral science) +4, Listen +5, Perform (singing) +4, Psychoanalysis +5, Research +3, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Survival +5, Treat Injury +5, Read/Write (English, Spanish, Celtic), Speak (English, Spanish, Celtic)
Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Windfall, Sensitive.
Talents: Empathy
Allegiances: Wicca
Backgrounds: Romance (1)
Possessions: Wealth 7, Dodge Neon containing (change of clothes, road atlas), Day Pack containing (duct tape, road atlas, 3 pepper sprays, metal baton, digital audio recorder, flashlight)

Character Introduction: Meadow McLean

You’re a little distracted right now. Of course, that’s why you’re here in the first place, because you’ve been a “little distracted” this entire term and your grade in this class pretty much requires some extra credit. But really, you’d think a professor would be a little more understanding of the problems you’ve been going through.


Last Week:
“Hi, Meadow.”

“Uh… hi Jared.” Your eyes darted around. Escape path. “How’ve you been?”

“Good.” He was looking at her. A little suspicious. “Introduce me to your friend.”

“Uh… this is my…” You looked at Allison and then looked away. “This is my… friend. Alli.” Allison looked hurt. Of course.

“Yeah. Good to meet you, Alli.” Alli smiled and said hi. “Meadow and I used to date, y’know.”

Alli knew. “Oh really? How nice.”

“Yeah, it was good. Really good.” Jared stared at Allison a few seconds too long. “Anyway, good seeing you again, Meadow.”

You nodded. He walked away. When he was far enough away you wiped a tear off Alli’s cheek. You skipped class that afternoon - again.


You’re not a big fan of McDonalds, but their salads are pretty good. You can smell the death around you though, all these animals slaughtered so people can make themselves fatter. The rest of the people at the table are eating meat, of course.

There's Rebecca – nice enough, but a little too pretty-girl for you. She’s often trying to “help” you bring out your inner beauty. Of course, that involves selling you cosmetics.

Then Quin – handsome and charming and smart and manipulative. He’s hit on you a few times, but then, he’s hit on every woman in the class at least a few times. Usually successfully.

Professor Gallivan – intelligent and very troubled. His daughter died not long ago, but he kept teaching. You may not be a psychologist yet, but you know that’s not healthy.

The door opens and some guy comes in, orders some food.

“So you all want some extra credit.” You all nod. Professor Gallivan reaches under the table and rummages around in his satchel. He sets a small stone figurine on the table, shaped like a bear. You spit out a mouthful of salad and almost vomit as waves of nausea sweep across your body.


You were 16 when you last felt this nausea. Sitting in a circle with three other high school girls playing a little game of witchcraft. At least, it seemed like a game. All of you had your hands resting on the Ouija board, willing it to answer your secret questions about boys.

“Stop pushing it towards the A, Meadow. I don’t like Alan!” All the girls giggled.

“My turn! What will I be when I grow up?” At that point you really wondered. It was suddenly really cold in the room. You felt a little queasy.

The pointer moved. E -------- V --------- I ---------- L.

“Stop it, Anne!”

“I’m not doing it!” All four of you pulled your hands away from the board then. The pointer continued to move, faster and faster. E – V – I – L – E – V – I – L – E – V – I – L – E – V – I – L – E – V – I – L

You got sick, threw up all over the floor and the Ouija board. The other girls ran away. Nobody talked about it again.


“Are you alright, Meadow?”

You nod at the professor. “Just a little bad salad, thanks.” You’re not alright. You feel like you're going to puke.

“I found this on my dig in Mexico last year.”

“Mexico? They have a lot of bears down there?”

“Not really, Quin. Interesting, isn’t it? Anyway, we’re all going to find out a little something about this artifact. I’ve…. done…” Professor Gallivan rummages through his satchel and pulls some papers out. “…some research already…”

Another customer comes in. Professor Gallivan tosses the note-scrawled papers on the table. Time to get down to some research.


To read more about Meadow McLean as she is played in our "Tears in Hell" campaign, and to get an idea of how to play her in your own game, visit the "Tears in Hell" story hour.
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