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D20 Modern: Quinton Stark III

Puppy Kicker

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Quinton Stark III is played by actor Scott Speedman. He is handsome, charming, rich, addicted to gambling, and very good at it. Quin's family is from New York and he's come down to Virginia, ostensibly to attend college far from his parents. In reality, he has some other things he'd like to investigate while he's down here.

Quinton Stark III (Charismatic Hero 1): CR 1; Medium-size human; HD 1d6; hp 6; Mas 10; Ment 12; Init +1; Spd 30; Defense 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 dex); BAB +0; Grap +0; Atk +0 melee (1d3 nonlethal, unarmed strike) or +1 missile (2d6, Ruger Service-Six); FS 5 x 5; Reach 5; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1; AP 1; Rep +3; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 15.
Occupation: Dilettante (gambling).
Skills: Bluff +6*, Diplomacy +6*, Disguise +6, Gamble +5*, Gather Information +6, Knowledge (pop culture) +4, Knowledge (streetwise) +4, Profession +6, Read/Write (English, Japanese, Italian), Speak (English, Japanese, Italian)
Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Windfall, Personal Firearm Proficiency.
Talents: Fast Talk*
Allegiances: Family
Backgrounds: Vow (3), Defeated (1)
Possessions: Wealth 15, BMW M3 containing (first aid kit, business suit), Ruger Service-Six, Laptop w/ Cell Modem, Deck of Cards, Cell Phone

Character Introduction: Quinton Stark III

Your BMW M3 takes the corners like a champ, even in this pouring rain. Good investment, if you do say so yourself, paid for with profits from a batch of finals. It looks hot. You tell yourself that’s why you bought it – for the girls. But it goes fast, and you know that sometimes it’s good to have something that will get you somewhere fast – or away from somewhere fast.


Like John. Uncle John wasn’t fast enough. He died in a very messy manner, splattered across a Manhattan street with a “suicide” note resting on his desk, 12 floors above his corpse. It wasn’t in his handwriting, even the cops knew that. And the last line, “I shouldn’t have crossed the Nickels” gave you your only hint who was responsible. The cops didn’t care and the case was closed within days. Suicide.

Uncle John had returned from a trip to the North Carolina Outer Banks shortly before his murder. He was worried and secretive, even with his favorite nephew, when he got back. Guess he got caught. Should have gone faster. Perhaps that’s why you chose William & Mary. Someday you may find out whodunit.


You arrive at the McDonalds a few minutes early and kick back the seat to relax and listen to the radio bump. You’re in no hurry to go in there. You need the extra credit to pass your Anthropological Study of Native American Cultures class, but you figure as long as you show the effort you’ll have no trouble getting a passing grade. Hell, you could talk yourself into a B without doing any homework in most classes. Professor Gallivan is a hard ass though. His classes used to be so much easier, but now he’s just a bit of a dick.

Enough thoughts about ugly old professors. You gaze at the photograph on your rear view mirror. Vanessa Steel. Daaaaaamn...


She took you for a fool, took you for a ride, and took you for a load of cash. You never lost like that, and you never enjoyed losing more. Vanessa was an incredible woman with the types of talents that you only dream of. There have been plenty of women in your bed since she turned you down, and plenty before. But that’s the one you will have. Oh yes.


Time to go. You sprint through the rain, thoroughly soaked by the time you slam through the doors of the Yorktown McDonalds. Meadow (she’s a cute enough girl who seems to think she’s a witch) and Professor Gallivan (hard ass) are here. Rebecca is, of course, not.

You’ve been waiting a while when Rebecca finally arrives, looking pretty hot. She comes to the table, carrying her backpack and purse and a soaked umbrella.

“Hi Professor Gallivan.” Oh, she’s totally macking on the old teacher. That’s disgusting.

“Have a seat, Ms. Michaels.”

“Thank you, Martin, I will.” She squeezes into a seat too close to Gallivan.

“Yorktown’s a bit out of the way, isn’t it, Prof?”

“A bit, Mr. Stark, but I wanted some privacy.”

“Privacy then, great. Well let’s get down to it.” You’re impatient to get this crap over with.

Rebecca nudges closer to Gallivan. “Yes, let’s get down to it.” Disgusting.

The door opens and some guy comes in, orders some food.

“So you all want some extra credit.” You all nod. Professor Gallivan reaches under the table and rummages around in his satchel. He sets a small stone figurine on the table, shaped like a bear. Yee ha, more boring anthropology crap. Suddenly, Meadow spits out a mouthful of salad and keels over.

“Are you alright, Meadow?” Professor Gallivan asks.

She nods at the professor. “Just a little bad salad, thanks.”

Gallivan nods and continues. “I found this on my dig in Mexico last year.”

“Mexico?” you say. “They have a lot of bears down there?”

“Not really, Quin. Interesting, isn’t it? Anyway, we’re all going to find out a little something about this artifact. I’ve…. done…” Professor Gallivan rummages through his satchel and pulls some papers out. “…some research already…”

Another customer comes in. You squirm uncomfortably. Rough looking guy. He doesn't look interested in your table though.

The Prof tosses the papers on the table and you deftly move your Diet Coke out of the way before it gets knocked over. Time to "show some effort."


To read more about Quinton Stark III as he is played in our "Tears in Hell" campaign, and to get an idea of how to play him in your own game, visit the "Tears in Hell" story hour.
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Puppy Kicker

First Post
The following is the character background presented by Quinton's owner.

Quinton Stark III Character Background

Quinton Stark III was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Born to an elite family in New York he was raised in the lap of luxury. Quinton went to the best schools, never wanted for anything, and has always known the right people.

Ever since he was young Quinton liked to take things from people and make them happy that they had lost it. His Uncle John Stark took the youngster under his wing teaching him all manner of games of chance and skill. Even in grammar school Quinton applied his uncle’s teachings to win money and things from his friends.

In middle school Quinton found billiards. The boy loved the game and excelled at it learning from his uncle tricks he would never teach to anyone. The games only escalated in intensity from there but Quinton learned that winning the game didn’t always let him get ahead. Losing to the right people could be beneficial as well.

With high school came games many people referred to as games of chance but Quinton knew better. The cards were random yes, but his opponents never stood a chance. Poker was his game of choice but in many seedy New York gambling halls he won cash in craps, roulette, and any other game he could get himself into. It was here that he learned of the opportunity presented just a few hours away in New Jersey called Atlantic City. With many different fake ID’s and barley present parents Quinton nearly raided Atlantic City winning and spending tens of thousands of dollars all before the age of 18.

Quinton however thinks of all this as trivial. His one crowning achievement is in a simple game of chance he played out over a night with a professor. The physics professor had a gambling problem and Quinton knew it so he learned where he played and in one night cleaned the man of all of his money down to his daughter’s college fund. Completely shattered and shamed the man begged Quinton to take mercy on him. Quinton told the professor that he could have all he had lost back if he helped him gain admittance into the dean of admissions office late that night. He did and Quinton stuck to his word. Quinton made back every cent selling finals to many of the wealthy students.

Quinton has moved from home just last year to attend William and Mary. He spends his days in class in and out of sleep and spends his nights in hidden gaming halls from Virginia Beach to Richmond. When he can’t find a game to involve himself in he can be found hustling in pool halls.




Defeat (1)
A few months ago Quinton was in a game of poker during which he was attempting to impress a woman he intended to bed, Vanessa Steel. After hours of playing he raised the stakes with a few of the players and lost utterly. Because of his boasting and bravado this made him look like a fool to the woman and all present. He has sworn to win her at all costs, at least for a night.

Vow (3)
Two years ago Quinton’s Uncle John was found dead on the streets outside his Manhattan penthouse having fallen twelve stories from his balcony. The police found little to no evidence of foul play but Quinton and his family know he was murdered. Quinton has vowed to find his uncle’s killer, but he knows not what he will do when he finds him or her.

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