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D20 Shadowrun

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You won`t find any official rules, only homebrew ones - but I can`t offer you any link.
A friend and myself are trying to make a D20 Modern Shadowrun, but it`s not far enough developed, and not online yet. (And it would be in an Englih/German Mix - English for rule terms we don`t know the German translation, and the rest in German because that`s our mother tongue - but since it took so long in Germany until the D&D 3.Edition was translated, we "learned" it in English)

Probably someone else will have more for you...

Mustrum Ridcully


First Post
You really only need three things added to d20 Modern to make it d20 Shadowrun:

1) The SR magic system (or an equivalent) and appropriate classes

2) Cyberware rules

3) The Matrix (whoa... :D )

The rest is really dependant on how much work you want to put into the system. You could throw out the current class/level system in favor of a more skill-based one... but I think it's not worth the effort. You can get the same SR flavor with classes, since it's really more dependent on the setting than the character's skill points.

Weapons are mostly going to be the d20M ones with some name adjustments, or you can try to convert the SR ones. I'd just pick up Ultramodern Firearms and run with those.


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Here is a mostly complete D20 conversion of Shadowrun. It's built on the Basic D20 model rather than the D20 Modern model though.

Also, George Chatzipetros, recently released a new Version of his D20 Cyberware rules for D20 modern. They have been fairly well received by the folks over at the Wizards D20 Modern Board, and can be found Here.

Shadowrun Man

First Post
ahhhhh, Shadowrun using the D20 system, why? I don't want to be mean but why the hell would you want to do that.

In shadowrun there is no such thing as classes so you are pretty much screwed for making class as far as I am concerned, but if you want to, go for it. But take into mind that in shadowrun you die pretty quickly when in a fire fight, corp skag or runner, both are easy to kill. Even high karma pool character can die from a bullet from a lowly new comer to the shadows, so you need a completely different damage system fot firearms, and melee weapons for that matter to. Like firearms set a fortitude save instead of dealing a dice damage, for example an assault rifle would use 2d8 + 10 fortitude save, only an idea though, this simulates how deadly firearms are in shadowrun. I got remend for this idea but didn't help that I started off my first few posts bagging on D20 Modern, but that beside the point. In this conversion there shouldn't really be any armor profiecencies except for advanced armor like light security and hardened military armor. Shadowrun use a skill system not a feat system, so conversion in my opinion is a bit difficult. The magic system is going to be non-advancian system, the Shadowrun magic system allows players to start of with a few powerful spell, or a bunch of moderately powerful spell and weak spells, it leaves the power level open ended. And mage are able to cast their spell an unlimited amount of times a day, but watch out for the drain though, that is the only draw-back, gut who said everything was free. No that I am done ranting, I am going to reiterate the question. Why convert Shadowrun to D20?

Ranger REG

Shadowrun Man said:

Why convert Shadowrun to D20?
To get d20 gamers interested in Shadowrun without having to learn an entirely new set of rules.

But if you don't want to use the Shadowrun IP then use a similar setting. It may not be as popular as the brand label setting but at least it will appeal to the huge d20 fanbase.

You want to make it deadly? By all means go ahead. Set reality level to Dangerous (Massive Damage Threshold = 10). Use weapon damage as DC. Do whatever it takes to conform (or tweak) the rules to the setting, not comforming the setting to the rules.


First Post
Shadowrun Man said:
ahhhhh, Shadowrun using the D20 system, why?

To play in the SR world but use d20 rules.
I've thought about the same with Vampire - the setting is great but for everything you need to roll several dice, and you only have d10's.

In shadowrun there is no such thing as classes so you are pretty much screwed for making class as far as I am concerned, but if you want to, go for it.

Well, the d20M classes are fairly general, and anyway we want to create a character that fits into the Shadowrun world, not into the Shadowrun rules (that's the whole point).

But take into mind that in shadowrun you die pretty quickly when in a fire fight, corp skag or runner, both are easy to kill.

Can be done in d20, if you want to. I don't know whether that's part of the SR world or the SR rules, though.

In this conversion there shouldn't really be any armor profiecencies except for advanced armor like light security and hardened military armor.

Again, rules matters.

Shadowrun use a skill system not a feat system, so conversion in my opinion is a bit difficult.

Noone said it would be easy, but that should be possible (look what they did when they advanced AD&D 2e to D&D 3e....)

The magic system is going to be non-advancian system, the Shadowrun magic system allows players to start of with a few powerful spell, or a bunch of moderately powerful spell and weak spells, it leaves the power level open ended.

Personally, I'd change that: I like my RPG's with a power curve that starts low but increases steadily.

And mage are able to cast their spell an unlimited amount of times a day, but watch out for the drain though, that is the only draw-back, gut who said everything was free.

Fine, they use that in Call of Cthulu, too.

No that I am done ranting, I am going to reiterate the question. Why convert Shadowrun to D20?

Then I'm going to reiterate the answer: to play in a Shadowrun setting, but with d20 rules.


First Post
Shadowrun Man said:
ahhhhh, Shadowrun using the D20 system, why? I don't want to be mean but why the hell would you want to do that.
The main reason for me to be interested in this is that my players hated the Shadowrun rules, combat in particular. In an effort to be "gritty" and more realistic, the mechanics have become complex to the point where they are often unwieldy.

That said, after looking at all the various "conversions", what we have decided on is simply playing d20 Modern in a Shadowrun-style campaign setting. We investigated the Digital Burn stuff, but it doesn't seem to be really well executed. Particularly the Hacker advanced class -- it's just not quite there (this assessment comes primarily from my player who's interested in a Decker-style character).

We're going to adopt many of the rules from the aforementioned CYD20 rules (large PDF). We're particularly interested in the alternate armor rules. We're going to playtest the cyberware & bioware, as well as "hacker" rules and extended vehicle rules.

So, why convert? Well, because SR rules are complicated (and I've played SR since version 1). Why not actually *convert*? Because the rules in d20 Modern work well, and are open for extension. Thus, the compromise: pick a milieu, and a rule-set, and let the hilarity ensue.



First Post
Shadowrun Man said:
ahhhhh, Shadowrun using the D20 system, why? I don't want to be mean but why the hell would you want to do that.;

Because Shadowrun was a good game with a bad system.

In shadowrun there is no such thing as classes so you are pretty much screwed for making class as far as I am concerned, but if you want to, go for it.

Sure there were classes--street mage, jacker, merc, shaman, company man, and a dozen more--they all equate to d20 Modern advanced classes. Call them somethng other than classes if you want, but don't kid yourself by saying they didn't serve the purpose of classes.

But take into mind that in shadowrun you die pretty quickly when in a fire fight, corp skag or runner, both are easy to kill. Even high karma pool character can die from a bullet from a lowly new comer to the shadows, so you need a completely different damage system fot firearms, and melee weapons for that matter to.

All of that, plus most of what you go on to say, are all about game mechanics, none of which are vital to the setting. If you were to sit down and explain to a new player what Shadowrun is about, I doubt it would occur to you to go into how many bullets it takes to kill a character. Separate form from content.

The magic system is going to be non-advancian system, the Shadowrun magic system allows players to start of with a few powerful spell, or a bunch of moderately powerful spell and weak spells, it leaves the power level open ended.

Yeah, that was one of the poorer game mechanics. Like allowing a wizard to be as good with a certain type of firearm as any merc, but then trying say that's balanced by the fact that the merc is somehow compensated by being able to use other types of firearms as well.

And mage are able to cast their spell an unlimited amount of times a day, but watch out for the drain though, that is the only draw-back, gut who said everything was free.

It's not too hard to incorporate rules for fatigue. It's work, but it's far from impossible to incorporate.

No that I am done ranting, I am going to reiterate the question. Why convert Shadowrun to D20?

Because d20 is a better system to plug the Shadowrun setting into, and also because more players today are familiar with it.
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