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[D20M+Mecha Crusade] Project Phoenix 2033


30 Years ago they came...
They Bombed our Cities...
They Smashed our Defences...
They Obliterated our Military...
They Slaughtered our People...
They Murdered our Civilisation...

They Messed with the Wrong Species...

In 2008 human history changed forever. In the middle of a July afternoon, and without any warning whatsoever, the Aleerin Imperium invaded.
We were simply not prepared for the ferocity of the attack. Our cities were devastated as the Aleerin simply dropped bomb after bomb onto them. Even out most powerful weapons, nuclear missiles, were useless against their orbiting ships.
The orbital bombardment continued unabated for two months. Long after our capability to fight had been destroyed the attacks continued. Finally, after over a billion had been killed, the aliens landed troops. Another one billion would be killed before the human race was "pacified".

Humanity was no longer the dominant species of the planet.

It is now 2038 and thirty years of living under the harsh rule of alien conquerors has taken its toll. Decades of abuse and exploitation by the Aleerin have beaten any desire for freedom out of the human race. Or so the Aleerins believe.
A whole generation has been raised under the heel of alien oppression. A whole generation raised amongst the ruins of human civilisation. A whole generation raised on the stories of a time when humans and humans alone inhabited the earth.
A generation that has vowed that human freedom will be regained at any cost.

The Resistance has only been active for around 10 years. In that short time however, it has accomplished much. A worldwide network has been set up connecting groups across the globe. Weapons and equipment have been gathered. Some of it has been stolen from the Aleerin but most has been salvaged from ruined military bases and cities.
Our most powerful weapon against the Aleerin is secrecy. They have to find out about the true threat we pose to them.
Our second greatest weapon is Plasteel.

Dr. Henry Ford Zimmerman invented Plasteel in 2008. The process used to create it was perfected just days before the Aleerin attack began. Dr. Zimmerman was putting the finishing touches to a report outlining the possible uses of this new wonder material on July 28. The next day he was dead. A victim of the first Aleerin attack, Zimmerman never delivered his report.
Zimmerman's lab remained hidden the rubble of Toronto until 2033. A resistance cell looking for supplies found it. It wasn't long before that word of the discovery spread throughout the resistance community. It was a small team of engineers that was working on reverse engineering Aleerin technology that was most interested in Plasteel.
The material combined several properties of both steel and plastic. A 6mm thick sheet of plasteel was as light and flexible as plastic but was as strong and had the stopping power of a six-inch thick armour plate of titanium.
Combined with Aleerin power source technology and weaponry, the first Mechanoid Assault Vehicle was built.

History & Timeline
2008 The Aleerin Invasion
July: July 29th, a date that will live on in infamy. Without warning, the Aleerin Imperium begins orbital bombardment of Earth's cities. With now way to defend ourselves we are helpless against the onslaught from space. Over the next two months over 1 billion people are killed worldwide.
Sep: As summer draws to a close in the northern hemisphere, Aleerin landing craft touchdown across the globe. What resistance they meet is sporadic and ineffective. With superior technology they quickly eliminate the remaining defenders but the killing doesn't stop there. As if trying to prove some point, the Aleerin execute over 1 billion civilians over the course of year. By the time the Aleerins finally consider Earth conquered, the human race is a battered and beaten shell of its former self.

2009-2028 The Long Night
The period between the conquest of Earth and forming of the Resistance is a period of chaos and suffering. Over the course of twenty years, a further 1 billion are killed or shipped off world. Those taken from the Earth are destined for mining outposts or industrial worlds across the Imperium. They are the luck Ones.
Massive industrial complexes are built and huge mining operations are begun. During the exploitation of Earth's resources, no thought is given for the environment.

2029 The Birth of the Resistance
May: By now the Earth is a polluted world. Endless wastelands and wildernesses are punctuated only by the decaying ruins of human cities and the Aleerins installations. Most humans manage to just survive in the wastelands and the ruins. They are thankful that they are not put to work in the ConZones. The ConZones (or Controlled Zones to give them their full name) are the huge mining and industrial complexes built by the Aleerin to plunder Earths resources. Inside each are hundreds, sometimes thousands of human beings forced to work in horrendous conditions. They are treated like slaves. After all if one dies, there are always plenty of other humans outside the zones to take its place. It is in the environment that Richard Frost grows up. Frost is but one of many human slaves put to work by the Aleerin. Born into captivity he gains intimate knowledge on how the Aleerin think. After seeing a friend cruelly beaten to death before his eyes he lashes out, killing the Aleerin in question. Hijacking an atmospheric shuttle he and several other escapees flee into the wilderness. There they come across one of the many small villages that have arisen during the occupation. Unknown to the inhabitants, their community is built on top of an old military base. Frost manages to persuade the villagers to help him in his fight for freedom. The first vestige of a Resistance is born.

2030-2033 The Fight Continues
2030: The first few years are hard for the Resistance. They face defeat many times at the hands of the Aleerin thanks mainly to their superior technology. Even this does not stop the Resistance from spreading. Slowly it spreads across the continent. First by land and then by sea. A breakthrough in communication is made when Resistance techs are able to break the encryption codes on the satellite network put in place years earlier by the Aleerin. Using the aliens own comm-sats they are soon able to communicate anywhere on the world, totally undetected. During this period of growth, most of the Resistance efforts are small scale. Most operations deal with getting more supplies and hardware for the cause. A Resistance cell in Australia begins to make regular breakthroughs in reverse engineering Aleerin technology. Until Project Phoenix, their biggest breakthrough was replicating Aleerin micro-fusion power supplies. In 2033, one of the few Canadian cells is exploring the ruins of Toronto. Their haul is pretty small; most of the city was flattened by orbital bombardment. However, one area on the edge of the city is marginally less damaged then the rest. At the heart of this region is the site of a high-tech research institute. Here they find Dr. Zimmerman's lab and uncover Plasteel.

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