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Dammit! +ve covid test

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Thomas Shey

So, the first line, definitely. The second... not so much.

There's TONS of medicines that are used for things other than their original intent (called "off-label" use). Ivermectin just isn't one of them.

Yeah. I take erythromycin as a motility agent. According to my doctor, its actually better for that than as an antibiotic. Its just not worth it to a lot of pharmacology companies to do the necessary work to get many drugs added as officially of use for additional purposes.

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Thomas Shey

Some folks conflate "makes me feel better while suffering a cold" with "cure the cold". Sure, take a stimulant and some sugar, and you'll feel better - that doesn't mean the impact of the infection on your body is any less, or will resolve any more quickly.

Yeah, its easy for people to confuse treating symptoms with treating the infection.


Guide of Modos
Medical misinformation
I can see the trend here; suggestions that might land a forum-user in the hospital or cause him/her to have side-effects are verboten. That's a good idea, because we'd like everyone to be able to use ENWorld for a safe community and gaming ideas, without worrying about misinformation. As such, I will not be recommending, as I am not a medical professional, this treatment that causes blood clots or heart inflammation, and has been found to be distributed in contaminated vials.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
I can see the trend here; suggestions that might land a forum-user in the hospital or cause him/her to have side-effects are verboten.
This is at best a misrepresentation. It appears to me, rather, that verboten are suggestions which are potentially dangerous and not medically documented to be effective (especially ones which have been extensively tested, and the subject of hype in social and traditional media).

As such, I will not be recommending, as I am not a medical professional, this treatment that causes blood clots or heart inflammation, and has been found to be distributed in contaminated vials.

This is grotesque.


Staff member
I can see the trend here; suggestions that might land a forum-user in the hospital or cause him/her to have side-effects are verboten. That's a good idea, because we'd like everyone to be able to use ENWorld for a safe community and gaming ideas, without worrying about misinformation. As such, I will not be recommending, as I am not a medical professional, this treatment that causes blood clots or heart inflammation, and has been found to be distributed in contaminated vials.
Mod Note:

Implying that the C19 vaccines are somehow more dangerous than the illness they treat or are no different than treatments NOT approved for C19 is gaslighting, and will ALSO get you booted.

1) All pharmaceutical products have side effects. ALL of them, right down to aspirin and birth control pills. For the worst potential side effects, prescribing guidelines are provided to avoid them, including which medications should not be taken at the same time, or who should not be taking the medication at all.

2) There is always a risk of improper packaging, storing, distribution or administration. Ditto tampering.

3) the rate of blood clotting or heart inflammation from any of the COVID vaccines is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE lower than that same risk from COVID itself, and there is work being done to reduce those risks in terms of possible reformulation, dosing recommendations, and screening for those at the greatest risks for those side effects.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I am really, really f***king disappointed in this thread. All I was after was basic empathy and maybe some commiserations. Instead we have people trying to peddle medical misinformation, arguing about science and politics, trying to win points off each other.

I’m closing this thread. If there’s one thing worse than suffering from covid it’s suffering from covid and not knowing when you get a notification to open the thread about it whether it will be somebody wishing you well or somebody trying to harm you.

All you had to say was “get well soon”. Or move on and do something else.

Disappointment doesn’t even come close. There are people in this thread who should be deeply ashamed of themselves.

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