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Danger Magnet Magazine: the fanzine for Hollow Earth Expedition/Ubiquity System games


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(X-posted from Circvs Maximvs) So, the cat's outta the bag over at RPG.net, so I'm now officially allowed to talk about this. I don't have a specific contribution in this issue, but I'm pulling my weight as a copy editor, editing stuff like crazy -- it's truly been a labor of love. Without further ado...

Danger Magnet Magazine, coming to GenCon'08!!

Danger Magnet is a fan-created-and-published magazine (or "fanzine"), whose first issue will be released as a PDF preview (free!) on its companion website on Tuesday, August 12th 2008.

Danger Magnet will be dedicated to pulp/pulp fantasy/pulp sci-fi roleplaying games in general, but more specifically geared towards games utilizing Exile Game Studio's Ubiquity System**, the storytelling/cinematic action engine that powers the 2007 ENnie Award winning Hollow Earth Expedition RPG (HEX) and its 2008 ENnie-nominated supplement Secrets of the Surface World, the upcoming Desolation RPG by Greymalkin Studios (a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting, set for release at GenCon'08), and Fantastic World RPG by Battlefield Press (a "fantastic" or alternate-history Victorian setting, set for release in October 2008).

All the material for the fanzine is written by fans, for fans, with all production and layout being performed by… well… fans!

The first issue will include the following:

  • "Tools of the Trade" by Colin Chapman, the well-known and respected RPG writer, whose credits include contributions to Firefly Games' "Faery's Tale Deluxe", Morrigan Press' "Talislanta", and (of course) Exile Game Studio's Hollow Earth Expedition and Secrets of the Surface World. "Tools" will be a series that examines the apparel equipment of various professions and famous personages of the Pulp Era -- the first article will deal with a certain part-time Professor of Archaeology and History who has a reputation as a two-fisted treasure hunter.
  • What's a fanzine without new additions to the Beastie-ary? "The Tomb Beetle" by Shawn Hilton introduces a particularly dangerous and gruesome critter that can be used for adventures in the Hollow Earth, the surface world, or even at your aunt's funeral wake (yes, this is an actual plot seed!).
  • "The Twelve Talismans of Tal'Theus" by Nestor Rodriguez features twelve ancient and mysterious amulets of power, rumored to be of Atlantean origin, that provide the GM with an excellent "MacGuffin" for his adventures, or can help to beef up the bad guys, or put some serious power into the hands of the PCs.
  • And last but not least: "2000 Miles to the Surface!" by Mike Demchak, an all-new adventure in five acts, inspired by the films of Ray Harryhausen, set in a pulpy Central America in 1936, featuring a denizen of the Hollow Earth bent on wreaking havoc and destruction upon the surface world.
These are just some of the articles and features you'll see in Danger Magnet #1, and we've already got enough material for easily two to three more issues, and we're going to be coming to YOU to help us get this fanzine up and off the ground!

General plan for successive issues: each issue of Danger Magnet will have an adventure with some heft to it. We're looking at something that will be between 4-8 hours or more. When we increase the page count, we hope to have both a long and a short adventure in each issue.

Each article in Danger Magnet that deals with in-game material (articles on famous people, places, contraptions, critters, gods, and just about anything else) will come with three plot seeds at the end of each article. Our intention is that we give you some fun, interesting, and exciting material that you can use in your campaign, and then help you take the next step and show three ways to use the information right off the bat.

Stay tuned for more details, including a cover preview and artwork!

** This is solely a fan-based and fan-produced product, with limited permission granted by Exile Game Studio for use of certain portions of their copyrighted material.

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Issue #1 of Danger Magnet! (a fan-made magazine for Hollow Earth Expedition) has been released.

The first issue is free, and you can download it here. There is also some setting material in there for Desolation, a post-apocalyptic fantasy game that also uses HEX's Ubiquity System.

Issue # 2 will be published or around mid-November (assuming we hit the donations goal).

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A thank you to the several hundred unique downloads we've had for Danger Magnet #1 so far, and to those folks who've donated towards the publication of #2 (sometime in early to mid-November).

If you have any feedback or input, by all means let us know!

John Aynge

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The response has been better than we had ever imagined, and I want thank every single person who has checked out our first issue.

Our energy is soaring and the work on our 2nd issue has already begun, and a few articles are already completed. Get ready to go SOUTH in our next issue.


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We're doing a "soft" launch of the next Danger Magnet! issue, a "Halloween special", in which we'll be adding articles to it over the next month until the issue is complete -- this is more of a special issue as opposed to a regular issue (next regular issue is due out in December), but this way we're getting content out now as opposed to holding it all and releasing it.

Here's the cover and the link:



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