Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2


At Jabbar's Trade Shop

The young Elf was a little startled by the swift response to her tapping at Jabbar's door.

~Alas it seems someone is awake at this moon-touched hour! Traders are hard working folk, much as my dear Mother used to be. No time to ponder too deeply on that now though...~

She took a step back from the door, and replied, "Please forgive my unexpected intrusion at this late hour Sir. My name is Aletia Moonborn, a humble employee of the Red Sands Inn. If he is awake or not disinclined, I bring word for Jabbar, and Jabbar alone, if he will see me."

~A few moments in front of a warm fire wouldn't hurt either.~

Jabbar shares a glance of intrigue with the others as he opens the door revealing a cloaked and sodden-wet elven lass with a black-stained longbow slung across her shoulder and two quivers by her side.

Jabbar: Regards the young high elf with a look of curiosity and pity as he states.
"I am Jabbar. Please come inside out of the rain, the streets are dangerous tonight." He states with a tone of plain concern and polite invitation.

Jabbar appears to in his late forties and thin, yet still evidently fit and strong. He is clearly Akhenaten by birth, with darkly tanned skin, well-weathered by the sun, and short-cropped grey hair and a beard. You note a pale scar across his jaw and cheekbone that carries on down the side of his neck and likely across his shoulder and down his back currently covered by his tunic. By the look of it the scar isn’t very old, perhaps a year or two at most? His eyes are clever & experienced, yet darkly intelligent.

The common room past the door appears to have a hearth, a small kitchen, a table, and enough chairs to sit six. It is also already cramped with a very interesting group of strangers.


Beside Jabbar stands a sour-looking sundered dwarf (4'10" tall) in a deeply soiled and unkempt bearskin cloak over a rough-worn leather tunic pulled open partway at the chest revealing a tattoo across his lower neck that looks like broken chain-links? You glimpse more chain-link tattoo's around his forearms as he stands with his arms crossed.

[Aletia: Make a Knowledge: Local Check to recognize the significance of those tattoo's]

The sundered dwarf has a warrior's build with the characteristically pale skin of his race within a mop of curled hair and beard grown wild and untrimmed, so black they look almost tinged with blue. His leather leggings are stuffed into tall moccasins strapped around his shins. At his waistband he carries a bone-handled hunting knife and horn-handled throwing axe. Despite the beard, you'd guess this dwarf to be barely an adult by dwarven standards (which is still younger than an elf of the same standard) but there's enough confidence behind his grey eyes to give you the impression he can take care of himself.


Behind them are another pair of dwarves, specifically mountain dwarves. Both a male and female. The male has
the look of a veteran mercenary, standing 4'9" with thick arms and shoulders built on the forge and exercised on the battlefield. This one hasn’t got the typical barrel gut of a dwarf his age, instead he’s thick like a tree, almost square. Other details are there, hinting at a deeper discipline. His beard is neat, short, little more than a heavy goatee. His hair too is cropped close – not the flamboyant Mohawks of a berserker, or the shaved skull of a thug, but a clear sign of a dwarf who appreciates neatness. Both are black, striated with grey.

His proud Dwarven face – complete with heavy square jaw, bold nose and dark brown eyes is bisected from hairline to chin by a ragged scar, worse even than Jabbar's and poorly healed. The skin to either side is ruffled and raised like a burn, almost like a fault in the skin. His left eye is almost closed; the socket little more than a deep pit with a dark jewel folded inside. His nose has been broken at least once, deviating sharply. Other shallow gashes, white lines and shirt creases, adorn his chin and right cheek. One thick calloused hand holds a massive dwarven war axe while the other carries a heavy steel shield.

*Note: There is evidence this dwarf typically wears heavy plate armor; although I can't remember at this point if he's currently wearing it?


The female dwarf, is
middle-aged with wise brown eyes dressed in plain grey robes carrying a heavy walking staff. Her once yellow hair, now mostly gray, is kept in two large braids that hang before her battered steel breastplate, clasped with heavy silver bands bearing a unique holy symbol.

[Aletia: Make a Knowledge: Religion Check to recognize her holy symbol]

Of everyone inside, she appears to be the friendliest and most peaceful as she regards you with a warm smile.


Clearly not human, this one has a build that resembles a stout elf with ash gray skin; large, deep set jade eyes and even larger ears. His silvery-white hair is cut short on the front, but kept in a long braid at the back, reaching halfway down his back. He has thick eyebrows and a round beard on his bony face. Although his hair and beard have been grown for quite a while he is no more than twenty-five years old, and moves firmly with the fitness of youth. He has a calm, collected presence, and speaks with a rumbling baritone voice.

His choice of clothes is somewhere between elegant and practical for travel, never knowing what to expect next. It roughly consists of a pair of heavy boots, leather breeches, belt, shirt, a fine chain shirt, a vest, a coat, a well-loaded backpack, and a modest leather hat to keep off the sun. He also carries a sword sheath about the size of a long-knife on his back.

[Aletia: Make a Knowledge: Dungeoneering Check to recognize his race]


A small cloaked figure with a long rats tail stands beside the odd non-human stranger. Beneath his hood you glimpse large dark eyes and a whiskered snout, this can only be a rhat... a city rat most likely given the dark grey coloration of his fur.

[Aletia: What do you do? By no means does this group appear to be sociable and relaxing. They've clearly been through a hell of a day. All appear fatigued and tense (some more than others) and there is a general mood of stress and an attitude of perceived danger behind their eyes.]
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Aletia: A Nocturnal Gathering

Jabbar: Regards the young high elf with a look of curiosity and pity as he states. "I am Jabbar. Please come inside out of the rain, the streets are dangerous tonight." He states with a tone of plain concern and polite invitation.
Aletia nodded graciously before meeting the man's mysterious gaze again.

"No need for concern Jabbar, I traveled devoid of incident, cept for the drenching weather. The streets were quiet this night, and nobody bode me ill will."

Stepping into Jabbar's abode and softly closing the door behind her, she become somewhat unsettled by the rough assortment of folks within. She let her eyes dart to each and every one of them, yet never lingered long enough to be discomforting, direct, or socially awkward.

~More dwarves! Oh, and a strange one, no, make that two. What an interesting assembly of late night friends he keeps.~

Sadly, the links of chain marqued into the flesh of one of the rougher of the crew, meant nothing to her. The ink-scarred flesh did however look serious, much like the stouty fellow wearing them.

A lady, the only other one in the room, bore a symbol upon her breast which was most truly of significance. If only the young Elf had paid more attention to these things; yet when Vallio had spoken of religion, gods and faith, Aletia's mind usually meandered far away. She was Moonborn. She knew where her devotion lay, and never really paid much attention to the faith of others. Each to their own. In acknowledgement of the woman's softer demeanor though, Aletia gifted her a small and truthful smile.

Then the tension hit. The commonroom's air was thick as silt. Most of those before her seemed somewhat anxious and ill at ease. It was like she'd stepped into the middle of something, plotting perhaps, or simply come at the worst possible time. Jabbar however was polite, and didn't seem particularly frayed by the uninvited guest. She turned her eyes back to him, looking up into the face of man who oozed complexity, experience, and something akin to an unknown wisdom.

"Kind Mister Jabbar, as a new arrival in this land, I wish to prove to Master Burlock of my usefulness. This eve, he requested that I bring you news."

Aletia rubbed her slender fingers together, warming them and shaking off droplets of the night's damp air. Then she retracted a scroll from her pack and held it out for the man.

She wasn't sure what to say next, but given the current company it was likely she'd be sent on her way once this task was done.

~No! I need to open a door of mine own. Sew a seed of sorts.~

As she waited for him to take Burlock's message, she plucked up her courage.

"I hope that Master Burlock will soon learn that my usefulness far exceeds the task at hand. In fact, he encouraged me to speak with you, about connections, about..."

Her lips quivered a little, the grief still fresh as wheat-field dew.

"...to impart dark things which have stolen both friends and kin from my very hands. Alas, it is late kind Jabbar, all I ask is to share words with you on some future day, as I see you are no doubt busy and in fine company. Before I return to the Inn, is there anything you would have me tell Master Burlock in reply, be it verbal or written? It would honor me not to return empty handed."

[Knowledge Check Local (Tattoos) = 5. ]
[Knowledge Check Religion = 3.]
[Knowledge Check Dungeoneering = 18.]

[sblock=Aletia Stats]

ALETIA - Shining in the darkness

4 Sorceress Init 3, HP Max: 22 Current: 22, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Longbow +5 to hit / D8 damage (+1 point blank +1 with magic arrows)
Longsword +2 to hit / D8 damage

Familiar Crez (Tiny silver viper) Init 3, HP Max: 11 Current: 11, Speed 15ft
AC 19, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Poisonous Bite +2 to hit / D1 damage (+poison)
Abilities: Deliver touch spells, Alertness, Improved evasion, Spare spells, Empathic link


[Sblock=Results of Aletia's Knowledge Dungeoneering Check] Underfolk are descendants of Akhenatens who were forced to move underground about three thousand years ago. Over generations, these humans adapted to this strange world, filled with natural wonders and dangerous creatures. Most have not ventured to the surface in many centuries but they have never forgotten their origins above ground.

Because of the multitude of evil, predatory races and creatures underground Underfolk have become quick, stealthy, and survival-oriented. Although rather primitive and rustic when it comes to technology, Underfolk are adaptable and very clever. Underfolk have evolved an ability to blend into their surrounding terrain. Their skin has special pigmentation that can mimic the various rocky hues found in the underground, allowing them to seemingly disappear into a nearby wall.[/sblock]

[Aletia: Although you have never encountered an Underfolk before (few surface dwellers do), Vallio explained how they were discussed by the Moon-blooded as a potential ally against the Drow.]

Jabbar: Quickly shuts the door behind Aletia and gestures for her to stand near the hearth to warm up as he accepts the offered scroll, heeding her words with a raised brow of sympathy and curiosity as he remarks.
"I am sorry for your loss. The darkness of this land takes a heavy toll, even within the walls of this fair town. Mr. Burlock and I have faced many evils together. He is one of my oldest friends and partners." He states, breaking the wax seal in the process. His eyes glance across the ink as a deep frown of dismay and strange opportunity takes root in the roughness of his face.

"Tomorrow's contest has an interesting guest-list." He states holding up the list for all to see. "Two of these 'patrons' are known associates of the Black Network!"


[Everyone: What do you do?]
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Aust Thale

Aust sees Aletia...

~ What a way to end this evening...am I seeing things...~

Clearly elven. He knew if from her voice before he ever laid eyes on her. He had stepped away to wash up and relieve himself. When he returned, Jabbar was talking with a newcomer. Even soaking wet, he was instantly struck by her presence. She was...not like ordinary elves. She was not like ordinary anything. Certainly not the barmaids he was accustomed to. He was not present when she entered, so he was naturally curious how she came to be in their shop. The way this evening had gone, nothing in that regard was off of the table.

He instantly felt awkward. Self-conscious even. After all, he looked like death-warmed over. And based on the rhat's neurotic pity, he might well BE death-warmed over before the week was out. She was...exquisite. No way was she a smuggler. She wasn't dressed for the weather; that much was certain. Her wet clothes stuck to her skin, outlining her figure despite her cloak. Nope. No way. She wasn't anything that could hide anywhere, least of all plain sight. She wasn't about the Vul or the guards; none of their ilk could touch this.

He only caught parts of what she and Jabbar were discussing. Still self-conscious, Aust nearly tripped as he made his way behind the bar, finding a spare bottle of wine where it hadn't been before.

~ Well, hell. If I'd only have found this earlier....~

He found a clean cup. Heaven forbid he simply chug the wine from the bottle. There were ladies present! Dwarves didn't count. He took both to a spot at the bar close enough to eavesdrop but not to intrude. He needed a brief respite. If nothing else, the shallow act of seeing something as darn pretty as this elven lass, even soaked to the bone, made his predicament the least little bit better. Jabbar was discussing something with her. Aust heard one phrase clearly, and it shook him out of his blurred puppy-dog admiration of the attractive newcomer: "...patrons are known associates of the Black Network...."

His interest shifted suddenly and totally. His self-consciousness gave way to momentary clarity. "...the Black Network...."

All of a sudden, this white-hot beautiful elven girl was a whole lot more interesting in a whole lot less trivial ways.

Ersun, late newcomer

As Jabbar let the elf in Ersun relaxed himself. She was not exactly dressed for the weather, and was not really shy about it, which the underfolk found strange. Especially since she seemed eye-catching, the looks of others supported that assumption, so he thought it was strange for her to make the journey this late with such alertness outside. He thought she might've had a trick to her safety. Or maybe she was just too eager for a place and recognition. Maybe both.

He nodded with a faint smile at Aust as he came back.

He listened carefully to her words, trying to puzzle things together, and get an impression off her. He got up to take a closer look at the letter Jabbar showed. Reading the signature it came to him that he mentioned Kayote as a friend and probable ally, so that helped to get his head around. Although he was not sure what was the significance of the Black Network patrons and what that meant to Jabbar.

He turned to the elven lady.

"I am Ersun. May I?" and he softly touched the edge of her clothes while humming a quiet little spellsong to clean her clothes of water [Prestidigitation]. Then he steped to the side and watched curiously what the rest is going to say or do.

(Bardic Knowledge on Black Network: 18)

[SBLOCK=Results of Bardic Knowledge Check]Your knowledge on this topic is scattered, since under-dwellers rarely have anything to fear from the so-called Black Network. You are not aware of the specific history of the network or what it's actual hierarchy, ethos and methods are.

You are aware the network is composed of evil humanoids based out of Skull Mountain. Rumor has it Skull Mountain was once the home of a huge dwarven clan who lost their stronghold. You are also aware that large warbands from Skull Mountain can do unspeakable harm to innocent townships and caravans, yet typically it is smaller groups of trained scouts and assassins that give the network its reach and power. Agents of Skull Mountain are responsible for countless acts of sabotage, arson, murder, and many other dark deeds under orders from greater evils and more devious minds.

The Black Network disrupts the flow of trade around Skull Mountain (Which include Vulkh, The Elven Kingdom of Siellon, The Kingdom of Nefer, The Ahura Expanse and the Sezzara Wasteland) destabilizing local authorities and religious establishments. Their presence looms over the region like a black cloud, always threatening to bring chaos and war. Neighboring Elves in particular are the networks worse sworn-enemies.[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Burrai Steelborn

At the knock of the door Burrai had taken up his axe and shield from their place beside the door and stepped to one side even before he really questioned who was calling on Jabbar. Old soldier habits died hard – clearing a space with the doorway in clear view, corner checked and to his back – and if those habits didn’t embed themselves deeply, something sharp often did. Burrai was too old and experienced for those habits not to have taken hold.

Jabbar seemed unperturbed, as though this night of strange and eclectic visitors was mundane. Expected. He opened the door and welcomed a waif out of the rain and dark. She was an elf, with the long, fragile body and those limbs that seemed thin enough to break in the wind. Like all elves, he supposed. The bow on her back looked well-crafted and cared for – though he worked in steel, he still knew good weaponsmithing regardless of material.

When Aletia defined herself as a messenger, and Jabbar installed her in front of the modesty warmth of the hearth, Burrai relaxed. Clearly there was a natural trust here, and Burrai’s nerves were too dulled from the evening to maintain unneccesary suspicion. He slipped his axe and shield into their clips and leaned back on the wall. He retrieved his pipe from his pouch and began thumbing a ball of fresh tobacco inside.

At the mention of the Black Network, Burrai realised he hadn’t really been listening and jerked upright. Jabbar was flourishing a sheaf of paper, talking of patrons and guests. He scowled, confused, and glanced at Elloral. She scowled too, but in distaste. He stalked over and with and open handed gesture of “may I?” took the paper from Jabbar’s large hands.

He read quickly, scratching at his beard with one scarred hand, pipe jutting unlit from the corner of his mouth. Due to the abundance of capitalisation, this was certainly something regular, renowned enough to have gathered titles for activities and roles. He raised one eyebrow, further creasing the seam of scars running down his face, meeting Jabbar’s eyes and then Bill’s

“Kong again.” He rumbled. “Didn’t expect to be seeing his name again so soon. And this Koyote, Jabbar – the very same?” The old smuggler nodded, and Burrai looked back at the paper, lips pursed in thought. “And two of these others are known to you, you say? Hmmmm…….I’m a little confused as to what’s at play here. Mr Burlock we wished to speak to, but how has he become entwined with two members of our…ahem...mutual adversaries to invite them to this ‘challenge’?”

He handed the paper back, thoughts tumbling and locking together, pieces on his mental board moving around each other. “This clearly seems like an opportunity of some kind; a confluence of allies and enemies like this can always be exploited. But I’m afraid to say I’m in the dark as to the setting: This ‘challenge’. What’s at play here?” He glanced between Jabbar and the elf, Aletia, looking for more information. Knowledge was the grease of all great strategic machinery, and rarely could you have too much.


Aletia: Hands off!

Silver beams of soft moonlight had heralded Aletia’s arrival into the world. Through no choice of her own, her very being had been bestowed with both gifts, and oddities. She didn’t really think twice about night time activity. Hell, the young Elf was completely nocturnal when she had half a choice in the matter. A night sky overhead was better, be they the best of times... or the worst. Today was very much the latter. Grief. Loss. An unsteady future. An assemblage of hard facts she could hardly begin to chew. The icing on top was that terrible premonition which refused to fade away.

Now she found herself amongst the most unusual strangers. Aletia was pretty used to eyes upon her; be it the mere curiosity of passers by, or those who dared to flirt, charm or simply seek reason to behold her grace or more physical assets just a touch longer.

All this was nothing new. It didn’t mean there weren’t rules though. Rules of engagement with a wild, somewhat naive, heart-breaking and youthful wielder of arrows and charm.

Jabbar: "Tomorrow's contest has an interesting guest-list." He states holding up the list for all to see. "Two of these 'patrons' are known associates of the Black Network!"

She stayed still and quiet as Jabbar announced the news, and used the opportunity to take note of the team’s reactions. They were a team right? It didn’t seem like usual late night drinks or a little gambling going on here. How much did they know? One would presume they would know far more than her…surely... or maybe not?

As a young Elven man entered the room, and made a mild fool of himself, Aletia smiled.

~An Elf! Almost unrecognisable with that disheveled thing going on. Some days are better than others for all of us. This bodes well none the less.~

~A ssstrange sscent, and still no mouse?~

Even from within the confines of the backpack, it was hard for Aletia’s familiar to not notice. The one she'd presumed to be Underfolk, based purely on her dear mentor’s words, was a race she’d never before seen. Her eyes lingered on him a moment. Perhaps a little too long.

Rule one. Strangers don’t touch, not unless they are invited, which was quite a rarity to be honest. Groping hands. Unwanted touches. Close proximity. These things brought out the darkness in her, the very dark that held her Moon oh so high and oh so lonely.

Ersun: He softly touched the edge of her clothes while humming a quiet little spellsong to clean her clothes of water [Prestidigitation].

The dweller of underground realms was humming something incomprehensible! He was reaching out to touch her!

[Spellcraft check to identify spell = 12. Fail.]

“NO!” the young Elven lass called out, bluntly and with nowhere near the politeness she’d gifted upon them thus far.

[Reflex Save to avoid touch = 14. Pass.]

She quick-stepped it backwards, one hand on the sodden silk of her dress, pulling it out of reach, the other firmly planted on something behind her back, over her shoulder, something long and sharp. The wall near the doorway was the end of her retreat. At worst, even though outnumbered, she’d have an escape route.

~How dare he! Without explanation! Without being so chival as to ask first! Who knows what soiled mischief this thing intends to sew! And there I was being respectful, respectful enough to drop the disguise that got me here in one piece.~

“What be your purpose Mister? Where I come from, we have something called manners. I fairly urge your apology!” she demanded from the Underfolk with eyes narrowing, a defensive stance, and perhaps a little quivering of voice.

As Aletia had moved back to immediate safety, she’d missed something. One of the rough n’ tough dwarves, one with a rather discomforting scar, had spoken.

Burrai:“This clearly seems like an opportunity of some kind; a confluence of allies and enemies like this can always be exploited. But I’m afraid to say I’m in the dark as to the setting: This ‘challenge’. What’s at play here?” He glanced between Jabbar and the elf, Aletia, looking for more information. Knowledge was the grease of all great strategic machinery, and rarely could you have too much.

Her gaze moved to Jabbar, softening somewhat, as she said,
“Jabbar, I can not proclaim to know your allegiance with Master Burlock well, nor in detail. If you have queries, make them known, and I will ask of Kayote for answers first thing in the morn. I will say this, though, that Master Burlock is no fool on this matter. In one eve I’ve come to naught but confidence, in whatever plans he may lay. I dare say, this message truly must mean far more to you, than it would to me, his humble servant.”

~Cats and snakes do not escape the bag so easily!~

Then her eyes shot back to the one who emitted the smell that her tiny viper seemed so interested in. It was clear for all to see, she was anxious yet prepared, and in order to seek her assistance, they would need to do better. Much better. This feisty young thing demanded respect.

[sblock=Aletia Stats]

ALETIA - Shining in the darkness

4 Sorceress Init 3, HP Max: 22 Current: 22, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Longbow +5 to hit / D8 damage (+1 point blank +1 with magic arrows)
Longsword +2 to hit / D8 damage

Familiar Crez (Tiny silver viper) Init 3, HP Max: 11 Current: 11, Speed 15ft
AC 19, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Poisonous Bite +2 to hit / D1 damage (+poison)
Abilities: Deliver touch spells, Alertness, Improved evasion, Spare spells, Empathic link
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Ersun, blink and smile

Ersun at first just blinks a few at the reaction of the young elf, then steps back, smiles kindly and seriously. “I did not mean to startle to you, I apologize.” he nods his head a little and puts his hand to his stomach, and underfolk bowlike gesture of meaning no harm. His kind is very traditional, although usually in the Theocracy more so than the tribals like him, but due to his frequent travels he sometimes encountered circles where such helps. “I merely wished to dry your clothes.” On the other hand, he reminds himself of different cultures, different people, and different situations, he can expect little similarity to underground cultures here.

“It is of little work to me, in case you require it, but you may stay as you are if you wish so.” he adds sincerely. He keeps the amusement out of his tone, as such can often come across as rude and arrogant, but he does find such reaction humorous.

He glances a little at his own wet boots, and realizes he could’ve cleaned those too when he came inside to keep Jabbar’s place clean, although it would’ve been little more than a gesture as the others’ footwear weren’t drier. He lets the thought go and focuses on the happenings with the letter. He reminds himself to keep a slight awareness on the elf lady, as women do not take ignoring well in his experience, and by his first impression she is no different. That, and he did offer his service.


At Jabbar's Trade Shop

Jabbar: -Looks between Aletia and Burrai- "It's a long story about Kayote, but trust me when I say he is, and always will be, a staunch ally against our mutual enemy. The Burlock's suffered a great deal making enemies of the Black Network. They are now marked-for-death with a huge price on their heads. The Red Sands Inn is their sanctuary and they dare not leave for fear of their lives."

"The Burlock's used to have a large fortune but their trade enterprise has long since collapsed after years in seclusion. 'The Contest' earns income to support the Inn yes, but Kayote's real purpose was to draw agents of the Black Network into a trap." - Sighs - "Part of me wants to commend the old pirate for luring them here. Unfortunately I'm not convinced his plan will work."

"Our only advantage is how they may not expect we know who they are, but I know enough about Ozzen Spellstrife and Houlgrim Hillstone to know it's risky to go after them, even within town walls. Agents, assassins and informants of the network already live among us. Kayote knows this from bitter experience. This trap of his could actually be a trap for us." Jabbar states with a tight jaw.

[Everyone: What do you do?]


Aletia: Overstep

Ersun: “I did not mean to startle to you, I apologize.”
“I merely wished to dry your clothes.”
“It is of little work to me, in case you require it, but you may stay as you are if you wish so.”

Aletia's hand retreated from the hilt of her back-strapped sword, returning to her side as the strangest of Jabbar's crew spoke words of apology. The seriousness on her pale and flawless face dissolved. Her eyes once again became bright jewels of green, and her lips upturned a little in a diffusing smile.

"Forgive me Sir, I act hastily and on instinct. Since the passing of my mentor and life's love, and arriving in this land, my heart swells with such fear that I can barely trust that which is unknown. I did not mean to be rude, your kind... I must say... I have never laid eyes on before. As for my clothes, please do not worry yourself. My journey has been long-winded, so the weather I've come to accept as yet another of time's little challenges."

Nodding respectfully in reply, the young elf moved closer to the warmth of Jabbar's hearth, and paid attention to the words of the smuggler and the jewel-eyed short one.

Jabbar: -Looks between Aletia and Burrai- "It's a long story about Kayote, but trust me when I say he is, and always will be, a staunch ally against our mutual enemy. The Burlock's suffered a great deal making enemies of the Black Network. They are now marked-for-death with a huge price on their heads. The Red Sands Inn is their sanctuary and they dare not leave for fear of their lives."

"The Burlock's used to have a large fortune but their trade enterprise has long since collapsed after years in seclusion. 'The Contest' earns income to support the Inn yes, but Kayote's real purpose was to draw agents of the Black Network into a trap." - Sighs - "Part of me wants to commend the old pirate for luring them here. Unfortunately I'm not convinced his plan will work."

"Our only advantage is how they may not expect we know who they are, but I know enough about Ozzen Spellstrife and Houlgrim Hillstone to know it's risky to go after them, even within town walls. Agents, assassins and informants of the network already live among us. Kayote knows this from bitter experience. This trap of his could actually be a trap for us." Jabbar states with a tight jaw.

~Master Burlock's trust of Jabbar is true. Ah ha! Traps. And there I was half thinking this was all about coin. They do not leave the Inn? Interesting. This is where I will find purpose with the man, as an anonymous, often disguised newcomer, who can assist like this in the exchange of words and collection of intelligence. It does sound like Kayote, in his illness and growing impatience, has laid a plot that may turn upon him... us... all.~

Aletia looked up to Jabbar, considering his confirmation and freshly laid fears.

"It be not my place to make decisions for our friends at the Red Sands Inn, but your words do not instill confidence either. If as you say, my Master may have bitten off more than he might chew this time around, I wonder if we might seek to assist him? These colleagues of yours..." She looked to Jabbar's guests. "... perhaps whilst the contest is in progress, we can keep our eyes on the exits, watch for unscrupulous activities, and if need be intervene."

There was a shrug as she finished the suggestion. A moment of self-doubt. Was she treading on toes?

~It would be harmless right? To just post lookouts. Question is, do I let Kayote know. Umm, he would take it as overstepping one's mark, and it might prick his ego like a lance to the side.~

Opportunity abounded here also. Names she did not know. People within a web of terror that maybe, just maybe, might one day lead to her to some form of justice.

"Who is this Kong you speak of?" She asked the dwarf. "Sounds like you have a history there." Piece by piece she planned to know who these people were. All of them.

Then she looked to Jabbar once more, and inquired as to the names he had spoken.
"What do we know of this Ozzen and Houlgrim? At worst, I'd like to understand a little about these key guests, so I can know perhaps what to look out for."

[sblock=Aletia Stats]

ALETIA - Shining in the darkness

4 Sorceress Init 3, HP Max: 22 Current: 22, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Longbow +5 to hit / D8 damage (+1 point blank +1 with magic arrows)
Longsword +2 to hit / D8 damage

Familiar Crez (Tiny silver viper) Init 3, HP Max: 11 Current: 11, Speed 15ft
AC 19, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Poisonous Bite +2 to hit / D1 damage (+poison)
Abilities: Deliver touch spells, Alertness, Improved evasion, Spare spells, Empathic link
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Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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