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Dark Prophecy (an "Of Sound Mind" Storyhour) - FINALE! 3/29/05


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This thread is reserved specifically for the last part of my Trinity Campaign. You will begin to note some overlap between it and another campaign I'm running sometime in the future: Ravenloft: Beyond the Mists

I've included a little background, as I have made a number of changes/additions to Kevin Kulp's splendid adventure. The setting is in Rokugan so the names of some of the big players had to change (I'll let you take some guesses:)). The PCs actually are members of the town, so it was an interesting twist in terms of DM'ing it. I found that it added more dimension to the game than if they had simply wandered into the town. The last little alteration I made was having the characters start off as commoners. It allowed them time to roleplay with their surroundings and built the realism of the events up in their mind before they actually got a "level" in a class. I've made a note of who the PCs are below. Well, I hope you guys enjoy!
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Tasonsuzu-name of village

Dramatis Personae

Doushi– Dragon who enslaved town nearly a century ago
Otsuge- Strange witch outcast

Ide Chuukun– Prefect
Jushou-Prefect’s wife
Hizune-Prefect’s first son, future leader of village
Ayame- Prefect’s Concubine
Jinqua –Son, angered by his lack of status, has great aspirations

Boroya– Owner of new mines
Kyogi-Younger son
Geretsu-Older son

Koyama-Ex miner, goat/chicken caretaker/Eta
Kirehana- Easing the pains of the dying/Eta, most beautiful girl in village
Sagara- boy who disappeared on the Wyrm Path

Hiroshi-Family leader of bell builders, married into Boroya’s family
Ito-Apprentice who has developed a weather vein craft

Musashi-Bodyguard to Boroya
Genji-Son is learning the trade; not interested in this b/c of people he is protecting

Nobutaka-Sake maker who uses copper sealant to make special tasting sake
Saburo-Son; into making his own experimentation of sake (Commoner/Rogue)

Ichiro-Family that grows rice on pond; takes care of the village's horses
Kanichi-Son who helps


Goto-Militia leader, devised a rotating order to guard duty for most of the village
Yatsen-Son (Commoner/Fighter)

Giyoshi-oldest of the militia members

Ide Yuske-Town elder; was a great Rokugani politician; offended someone, so he retired

Masamichi, Okiniro-Miners
Katasumi, Iriye, Yomiri-Daughters/Wives clean Chuukun's estate

Akira-Trapper/hunter who frequents the area

Asada-Second family that also builds bells and other copper products, run by a stern taskmaster
Tomosawa-Head of workers/security around the foundry

The Kamigishu: Shigemura the Wise, Tojo the Brave , Kamijawa the Swift, Onimusha the Dark, Hirohito the Great
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Chapter 1

“Hurry up,” Nobotaka snapped.

Saburo looked up from the frenzy of paperwork to see the face of his irate father staring down at him. He was supposed to have organized the inventory of Sake yesterday but got distracted sampling the goods. Like all of the children of the village he was a dutiful son, but Saburo liked to think it was because he admired and loved his father and not because he had been socially coerced.

“You know how important this is for us,” Nobotaka said trying to restrain his irritation. “With the Liberation Festival only a couple of weeks away, we have much to do and if Ide Chuukun decides that we are to supply the majority of the drink…well, you understand don’t you.” The last part was said as more of a statement than a question.

As Saburo organized the last of the scrolls, he bound them quickly and handed them to his father with a regal flourish. Nobotaka smiled and bowed. Saburo returned the bow with increased inclination and a longer duration.

“I’m sorry Saburo. I know how hard you have been working these past few days and I have only bad things to say to you. This is going to be a great step for our family if we can broker this deal and be the sole suppliers of sake for the Liberation Festival as long as our line continues.” Nobotaka’s eyes beamed when he spoke. The rich blue silk garb decorated with pearly white scroll work, he wore, was in honor of the clan that his line has served for their entire existence: the unicorn.

“Don’t worry father. Everyone knows that we make the best sake around,” Saburo said with a smile.

“It never hurts-“

“-to be prepared,” Saburo finished. “I know, I know.”

“Now Saburo, is that anyway to treat the master of the house?”

The boy rounded to see his mother walking into the greeting room with two heavy overcoats. She wore an impish grin which she did not even bother to hide.

“You are right mother. Forgive me; I should have spoken slower so that father would understand everything!”

Nobotaka’s face flushed as his wife and son roared with laughter.

“One day I’m going to get a new family and leave you both behind,” Nobotaka threatened.

“Doubtful any other woman would have you Nobotaka-sama,” Akiko retorted.

“Good point,” he said with smirk before grabbing his family in a bear hug and heading out the door.

“Saburo, hurry up and bring the inventory,” Nobotaka called back from the chilly exterior of his home.

“Goodbye mother,” Saburo said as he bowed.

“Bring your father home at a reasonable hour Saburo!”

The boy smiled as he ran after his father. He loved the cold crisp air of the mountain and the snow that blanketed the village. It was perfect and pure as it blanketed “Tasonsuzu.” Today is going to be a good day.

This is awful, Saburo thought.

“This is a true tragedy that will affect us all,” Ide Chuukun intoned with solemnity. The Prefect of Tasonsuzu opened the meeting with well enough intentions by starting out with the Liberation Festival preparations, but once the discussion on who would have the honor of ringing the Wyrm Call came up, things rapidly deteriorated.

Those few merchants who lived outside of Tasonsuzu would never; for a second, have believed the history of such a small and seemingly irrelevant copper mining community. For its past was filled with the stuff of legends. Nearly a century ago, the village was much grander than it was today and was under the control of an evil Kami known as Doushi. The great God enslaved the people and forced them to work in the mines under the guard of his evil Oni. Then one day, five great heroes banded together to overcome Doushi. Their names were never forgotten and were engraved upon the bell that stands in the center of the village as a testament to the freedom the men had granted. There was Shigemura the Wise, Tojo the Brave, Kamijawa the Swift, Onimusha the Dark, and Hirohito the Great. These five men battled the Oni all the way up the mountain to Doushi’s lair and then in an apocalyptic battle destroyed the Kami and sent his spirit back to the Shadowlands forever…at least that is the way the stories went. Every year since, the great copper bell that was constructed on that day was to ring proudly and a celebration was to ensue to glorify the men and women of Tasonsuzu’s proud heritage. Ringing the Wyrm Call was a tremendous honor, given to a child who had shown exceptional community service over the year. The fact that a man was found dead there was not a good omen.

Okiniro’s body was discovered there a few days after the last Village Meeting. He had been missing for several days by that point. The guards said that he was lying near the great bell itself, with a bottle of shattered sake lying next to him. Most people knew that he was a heavy drinker and had been for sometime. Which made his death that much more suspicious. Many believed that the spirits that possess a man when he drank finally laid claim to their most dutiful servant, others believed that the cold must have stolen his breath, but one man changed everyone’s opinion: Boroya. Yes, the wily merchant who married a local girl and then seized control of the village’s economy by purchasing every available mine. His greed knew no limits and now his scheming had become personal. He was a peddler of lies; not even a man of noble stature. But his money began to buy him that kind of power within Tasonsuzu and he was fast becoming accustomed to being right.

“This tragedy no doubt WILL affect us all when we consume a potential dangerous mixture Nobutaka will provide at the festival,” Boroya bellowed across the crowded room.

Nobutaka instantly jumped to his feet. “What are you saying,” he yelled back incredulously.

“Only this: a man sampled of your wares and now he is dead,” Boroya said as a small smile curled the corners of his mouth. The man continued before Nobutaka could retort:

“Perhaps we need new leadership in this area. I have been speaking to my contacts in Kawa Nemui and they have assured me that the amount of sake Nobutaka-san will make can be matched by their own product. We needn’t fear a thing and the festival can continue with no delay.”

“But my family has supplied at least some part of the Festival for nearly 7 generations” Nobutaka said, his voice quivering on the edge of fury.

“Times change,” Boroya replied flatly.

“Gentlemen, gentlemen,” Ide Chuukun interjected smoothly. “Now is not the time for rash words or action. We must prepare a proper Ceremony of Passage for Okiniro-dono and help his family through this time of difficulty. The Festival will proceed as planned. I must arrange for the Eta to prepare the body. I will think on this matter and have a decision soon. The rest of the arrangements we have made are satisfactory. Thank you all for coming.”

Saburo watched as Ide Chuukun whisked himself out of the room before the massive throng of people could block his escape. His father’s eyes were transfixed upon Boroya as the man left, his two spoiled and evil children trailing behind him like lapdogs.

Very well Boroya. If it is war you want, then war you shall have!


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Chapter 2

“I guess it didn’t go as well as you would have hoped,” Akiko said with a sigh of resignation. She glanced over to the study, where Nobutaka had locked himself away ever since he got home.

“Don’t worry mother, things have a way of working themselves out,” Saburo said prophetically.

Akiko eyed her son and smiled.

It was starting to get very cold. Saburo had forgotten how long he had been in the main plaza, near the Wyrm Call, but even the alcohol wasn’t helping him. He had brought many variations of sake, and sampled them all many times over. Which might have explained the humor in everything he saw. What a sight I must be! Sitting in the middle of the plaza with a tray of sake. Let them say what they like about me, for it is the spirits who speak through me now and none can say this is of my doing. I will prove to that jackal Boroya that no harm can come to those who drink of our sake!

Many people were giving Saburo odd looks for good reason. It wasn’t everyday that one saw a drunkard in plain sight singing badly at the top of his lungs. However; it would be dishonorable to accuse such a man of debauchery as he was clearly possessed by spirits and what he did was not of his choosing. This social loophole made for a very interesting interaction between the village and Saburo. Many wanted to accuse of him depravity but none could do so and so they looked harder away from the scene than they intending; forcing Saburo to sing all that much louder. Giyoshi, a local militia man getting on in his years had been watching Saburo for nearly the entire day. He said nothing, but kept an eye out on him while he patrolled the area. Eventually, the older man approached with his naginata slung over his shoulder. The man gently interrupted Saburo during one of his drinking ballads.


“Oh why it is my good friend Giyoshi, how may I be of service,” Saburo slurred and nearly falling over as he turned to face the man.

“How are you feeling Saburo,” Giyoshi asked.

“Why fantastic. The spirits course through my veins and no harm can come to me. My father’s sake is wondrous indeed!”

The older man leaned closer, so that none but Saburo could hear.

“I understand what you are doing and your point has been proven,” the older man whispered. “If you stay at this any longer, you will dishonor yourself and your father. Come, and let me help you home.”

Saburo’s dulled senses sharpened instantly at the thought. He could bear many things, but dishonoring his father would be a fate worse than death. All he had desired was to help him. Help his father unmask the treacherous Boroya. Giyoshi is wise. Perhaps I should head his advice.

Saburo nodded and began to pack up his things. He wrapped everything but a single sake bottle and presented it to Giyoshi with a deep bow.

“You honor me Saburo, but I could not accept such a generous gift. How do I know it is truly from you and not from the spirits,” he asked as he bowed slightly and gently pushed the bottle back at Saburo. “When you have returned from your journey I would be honored if you would grace me with such a gift.”

Saburo bowed deeper still in a vain attempt to hide his flushed face. He hoped no one overheard the exchange and felt foolish for the gesture he had just made.

During the walk back, Saburo could feel the eyes of Tasonsuzu upon him. Judge all you want. It only served to improve his posture and correct his wobbling stance. By the end, he refused help from Giyoshi altogether. He bowed slightly as his mother greeted the men at the door and tried in vain to invite Giyoshi in for tea. She began to apologize profusely for any disorder her son had caused, when Saburo stumbled into his room. He heard the pleasant exchange between the two for only a few moments before sleep overtook him…

Everyone was watching him. He could not fail at his task. Quickly now, he must find a way to open the door…then he realized that they were not watching him, but after him! They were not instructing him, they wanted to tear him limb from limb…and here they came.

Quickly! He must get the door open! He must…but there was no time, none, and now he was running, slower than he should and they were right behind him and he could hear them, smell the, the thunder of feet on stairs and sour tang of unwashed bodies, and now he heard the howls of unnatural joy as they pulled down one of his friends whom he outraced and they are now after him, and oh thank the Kami, there was a window. He was out it and up the side of the wall before they could reach him. Safe.
Now a cold wind whips in his face as he realized he was hundreds of feet up the side of a tower. His fingers were starting to burn from gripping the narrow ledge, but they were down below, leaning out the window so that he could only climb up. And then, at long last, he could see the lip of the roof above. The sun was setting, copper in the night sky, and his father was standing silhouetted against the sky.

“Do you need help, child? I could help you. But you have to choose. There are always choices. Yours will be in being a good child, someone who will make me proud.” Saburo felt Nobutaka’s hand close over his, warm and strong, as he began to pull him up the side. “Respect my wishes and do what you are told, and the world will be yours. If not, well…”

And then he just let go. Just like that.

Saburo’s arms cartwheel out as he began to fall back down, down to those who awaited him. He felt himself tumbling through the air.

Saburo awoke with a scream. His bedding drenched in sweat, he sat rocking back and forth in a ball, trying to will the images away.


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Chapter 3

A soft scratching came at Saburo’s door, followed by the soothing voice of his mother.

“Saburo-san, it is time for dinner.”

He immediately went to work striping the bedding, changing his clothes and washing his hands and face in the basin underneath his window. When he had finished, he took a deep breath and emerged into the common room.

His father was already seated, serving himself an assortment of rice and fish. His attention shifted to the boy as Saburo entered the room.

“Saburo, how are you feeling,” the man asked.

“Alright father, thank you for asking,” Saburo replied.

“A brave or a foolish thing you did today…though I am having trouble deciding which one it is,” the man said with mock gravity.

Saburo was in no mood for his father’s chiding this evening. Normally he would jump at the opportunity to verbally spar with the man, but not tonight.

“Father, have you noticed anything strange recently,” Saburo said, his voice barely above a whisper.

The playful mood left Nobutaka immediately when he saw his son’s face.

“No, why do you ask Saburo?”

“I just had this terrible dream…it’s nothing I’m sure. Just shook me up is all.”

“With that much sake in you, I don’t doubt it,” Nobutaka said with a roar of laughter.

Saburo smiled and began to chuckle. Maybe he’s right. It’s all in my head I’m sure.

Over dinner Nobutaka reminded his son of the responsiblilities they still had to the Festival despite the recent incident with Boroya. Saburo was to complete the order of 10 gallons in the next week, while Nobutaka attempted to salvage their reputation on the eyes of the Prefect. Saburo didn’t mind, he was most calm during the distilling process. Many said the Samurai were in a state of true enlightment while they practiced their sword kata, but Saburo was at his best when made his father proud.

He worked all through the night, pausing only once during the early evening to visit his friend Jin-qua. Jin-qua had an interesting position in the hierarchy of the town. He was the son of the Prefect Chuukun, but as the woman he had bedded was a concubine he had no rights or privileges from such a birth. This upset him to no end. True; Prefect Ide Chuukun took monetary responsibility for his concubine Ayame and his son Jin-qua…but that was all. Jin-qua felt he was a ghost in the town with no ability to advance himself past his station. Many people politely disregarded him; the fact that they were so nice about it made it even more infuriating for the young man. The two men discussed much over tea: politics, the economy, and how Jin-qua managed to break his leg in a race against Geretsu. Of course, his version of the story was a little more flattering than what Saburo had heard from Ren and Yatsen who had actually witnessed it, but he let his friend weave the story nonetheless.

“So there I was about to cross the finish line and that bastard Geretsu tripped me, sending me sprawling head first into a fallen tree,” Jin-qua alleged while waving his hands about. “I still won though!”

“I bet you did. Tell me, Jin-qua, have you been having any strange dreams recently,” Saburo asked.

Jin-qua’s flashy smile faded visibly under the question.

“Why,” the man inquired suspiciously.

“I had this dream today…well more like a nightmare. It was so real. I died in it.”

“I had a bad dream today as well. I’d rather not talk about it, but it was similarly disturbing. I’m not really sure what it all means, but the voice in the dream scared me as well,” Jin-qua said.

“Well I’ve taken up much of your time I see. You will have to regale me with more of your stories some other time. There is work to be done,” Saburo said trying to sound somewhat cheerful.

“I’m sure I will find more trouble to get myself into before you see me next,” Jin-qua promised with a grin.

“Until next time.”

Saburo awoke with a start. He had passed out early the next morning from working so hard. It seemed as though he had only sat down for a moment before falling victim to the warm embrace of slumber. The nightmare had returned once again. This time the dream was even more vivid than the last. Saburo looked up at the sky; the sun was suspended high in the heavens. Oh no, I overslept!

Rushing out of the distillery, Saburo ran to his room and attempted to change clothing in a frenzy of motion that threatened to entangle him in wool. Hopping up and down, he made his way to the front door with one pant leg on, while he battled furiously with the other.

“Saburo, the gift for Ren’s family is on the floor next to you…I suggest you run the entire way if you are going to make it in time for lunch,” his mother said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

How could I have forgotten?! Ren invited me yesterday evening after I got home from Jin-qua’s house. I mean she even did it in front of my parents! By the Fortunes, this is bad.

The boy raced down the path at a dead run. He nearly tripped a few times, but did make it to the house in record time. Ren’s parents were caretakers of the horses of the village; a great honor. Horses were praised as noble creatures for the Unicorn Clan and to have the responsibility to care for them was seen as a dignified position in the hierarchy of the clan. They were a little distance from the village itself, making his timely arrival that much more difficult.

As Saburo rounded the bend, he could see Ren chasing after one of her horses. A beautiful mare named Blaze. She would try to approach it, but every time she would do so the horse would flee from her grasp. This continued for some time, until Saburo finally arrived.

“Sorry I’m late Ren,” he said trying to regain his breath.

“Finally decided to show up huh,” Ren chided.

“I overslept. What are you doing,” Saburo replied in an attempt to change the conversations direction quickly.

“Blaze got out of the stables and doesn’t seem to want to go back.”

“Maybe I can help,” Saburo declared.

Always remain calm. Control your breathing. Don’t let them think you are a threat.

Saburo approached slowly, allowing his hands to brush over the mare’s face before gently patting it down. He slowly turned towards Ren as he patted down Blaze and whispered comforting sounds to her. Ren handed him the harness and with a quick fluid motion, Saburo ensnared the horse. She immediately reared up and tried to escape, but it was futile with both Saburo and Ren holding the harness. Eventually after a few bucks, Blaze gave up and allowed herself to be lead back to the stables.

“What’s that,” Saburo asked as he pointed to a spot on Blaze’s forehead.

It was a small scratch in the direct center of the horse’s head with blood caked over the wound.

“Must have gotten a nick when she escaped this morning,” Ren said with a hint of irritation in her voice.

“You mean to tell me that you have been at this all morning?”

The look Ren gave Saburo could have cut steel. Recovering quickly, Saburo attempted to smooth things over with his already annoyed host.

“I just got luck is all. I’m sure you tired her out, making my job easy. Why don’t we check the other horses to see that they are OK.”

The two childhood friends inspected the remainder of the horses and found them all to be healthy, without any evidence of laceration. Strange.

The remainder of the evening went well. Saburo was extremely polite and tried not impose any of his views on his gracious hosts. Ren’s irritation was lost as soon as dinner began. It was a great time. Saburo excused himself for the night and was on his way home with his lantern in hand when he paused halfway to ponder something that he was bothering him. I forgot the gift! In his exuberance to please both Ren and her parents, he had forgotten to give them the gift his mother had carefully wrapped. It was an exquisite sake bottle she had made herself. Muttering curses to himself, Saburo began to trudge back to his house. I’ll just give it to them tomorrow. One more day won’t hurt. Thankfully when he arrived home, his parents were both asleep; allowing him to smuggle the gift into his room undetected. He fell asleep as soon as his face hit the pillow.

The nightmare came upon him almost immediately once again, he was at the part when his father was about to release him and send him hurtling towards his doom when something shook him awake.

“Saburo, get up!”

Bleary-eyed, he opened his eyes to see his father shaking him and Yatsen kneeling in the corner of his room. Both men had somber looks upon their faces. What is Yatsen doing here at this hour?

“Son, there has been an accident…it’s Ren…her-“

Saburo didn’t hear the rest; his fear blocked out all other voices. Fortunes, no…


First Post
Piratecat said:
For the love of God, don't touch the hor--

Dang. Too late.

This is great!

Hahahahaha!!! Yeah, I really felt sorry for my Players, which is why I had to reduce the horse encounter from 2 to 1 psionically enhanced animal. Glad you like it PC, I hope that I haven't butchered the adventure with all these modifications;)


Butchered? You kidding? I love what it seems you're doing. It stopped being "my" adventure when it left my hands. The more people customize it, the happier I am.


First Post
Piratecat said:
Butchered? You kidding? I love what it seems you're doing. It stopped being "my" adventure when it left my hands. The more people customize it, the happier I am.

Thanks again Piratecat! For the most part, I left the overarching plot arc as is...I had to modify a few key points (which I'm sure you will catch) in order to preserve the "realism" of using the setting of this Rokugani village. I won't go into detail on what it was I did exactly now; instead I'll force you to keep reading to find out! :cool:

Suffice it to say that with only two PC's, beginning at 0th level I had to reduce a few of the challenges you had set up early on in the game until they appropriately "leveled" themselves. I must admit I did borrow a fabulous idea from the "Small Beginnings" storyhour to set the stage and put the heroes on even turf with "Copperdeath" and his flunkies...


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Chapter 4

“What do you mean,” Saburo demanded. His voice must have been louder than he intended, for Yatsen seemed embarrassed by his lack of control and disrespect for his own father.

“Ren’s father is dead,” Nobutaka said sadly.

“Whaa-how,” Saburo asked frantically.

“We think it was a wild animal,” Yatsen interjected from his seat in the corner of the room.

Saburo had known Yatsen as long as he had known Ren and Jin-qua. They had all grown up together and collectively bonded. All of them looked out for one another and helped each other when they could. This must have been Yatsen’s way of helping Saburo; telling him the truth and not allowing the rumors of what would happen slowly eat away at his spirit.

“We suspect this happened not too long ago,” Yatsen continued. “It must have been after you left though. My father and I received the alarm from Kenichi when he went to go check on his father in the stables. He tends to check the horses at night personally before he goes to bed. When he did not return promptly, Iriye grew anxious and sent Kenichi to investigate. He found his body badly mutilated in the barn. Apparently there was a struggle of sorts as he was tangled up in a harness and a horse escaped. The Eta who are now preparing the body have instructed my father that only an animal as large as a bear could have made those wounds on a man the size of Ichiro. As soon as I was allowed to take my leave, I came here. Men are still at the house now and Ide Chukuun-dono is issuing a curfew for the next few days until this bear can be found. I suspect that both Ren and Iriye will need some help over the next few days as well, but I will be helping my father patrolling the countryside. It would be nice of you to go and help them in whatever you can.”

“Father, I have nearly comp-“ Saburo blurted out.

Nobutaka held up his hand. “Go.”

Within moments Saburo had packed up most of his belongings, his eyes only resting moments upon the sake bottle he had intended to give Ichiro this past night. How silly and disgracing it would be to bring it along now. Ripping his thoughts from the porcelain jug, he hurried towards Ren’s home.

After depositing his things in the house and paying his respects to Iriye, he went to find Ren in the stables. Giyoshi was outside, as he volunteered to keep an eye out on the family until the Ceremony of Passage was completed for Ichiro and Kenichi ascended to head of the household officially. Saburo found Ren quickly enough. She was stroking Blaze’s face whilst weeping.

“Ren, I…I’m so sorry.”

She forced a smile.

“At least he tried to fight it off as best he could. I know Blaze here tried to help him,” she said.

The horse whinnied as if to answer her.

“Any trouble catching him this time,” Saburo joked.

“Not this time, Saburo.”

“Come one, we should go inside and get some rest.”

Saburo gently reached out touch her shoulders and Ren broke down into tears. He held her as she sobbed against his chest. Let it out Ren, let it out.

The next day, Saburo waited for no one to begin helping. He knew very little about horses, but had had some experience with Jin-qua in the past. He brushed down all eight and walked them personally for about a mile before turning them loose in the pasture. Saburo wasn’t sure, but he thought he caught Giyoshi smirking in the background as he patrolled the area. Everything was going very well until Saburo reached Blaze. When he went to wipe the horse down, he noticed that the horse was dirtier than he expected. Reaching down to clean off her flank, Saburo saw blood on Blaze’s hooves. Poor Ren. She thought the horse was trying to protect her father when it was probably just scared out of its mind. No doubt it trampled Ichiro’s body. A good thing he had already past by that time. Ren doesn’t need to know, she has enough to worry about already.

As he was about to place Blaze back in her stall, he heard something. A child’s laughter…but wrong. His eyes scanned the stable and found nothing. I must be going crazy. The giggle came again, only this time the sound came at him from all direction filling his mind with fear. Saburo’s head snapped back and forth, straining to find the source. Suddenly he was thrown backwards into one of the stalls. The breath blasted from his body as he impacted into the hard wooden door. Damnit, I spooked the horse!

You scare no one human! The voice filled his mind.

It was then he realized that Blaze was staring directly at him. She intentionally threw me into the wall! The mare’s eyes began to glow bright red and crimson tendrils shot out at Saburo, holding him fast in their embrace. Blaze’s bared her teeth, showing the row upon row of fangs filling her mouth. Her jaw began to open…too wide! Bone and sinew popped as the horse’s mouth underwent a hideous transformation in front of him. Its jaws grew and grew until its maw was half his size.

Know that I am your master now, slave!

Saburo screamed as Blaze closed for the kill.

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