• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Dark Prophecy (an "Of Sound Mind" Storyhour) - FINALE! 3/29/05


R-Hero said:
PirateCat, am i reading this right, did you have a hand in writing this module??

Yup, I'm the author. Sorry about the horse phobia. It's wonderful to read this transposed into an Asian setting. You make it sound better than it is.

You know, it's almost disappointing when groups don't give in to temptation and pry off the eyes from that dragon statue. Heh. Hey, Solidsnake, you have a typo in the last line; "the" should be "she."

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First Post
Piratecat said:
Yup, I'm the author. Sorry about the horse phobia. It's wonderful to read this transposed into an Asian setting. You make it sound better than it is.

You know, it's almost disappointing when groups don't give in to temptation and pry off the eyes from that dragon statue. Heh. Hey, Solidsnake, you have a typo in the last line; "the" should be "she."

That was a little embarassing :heh: Thanks for the catch PC! What I love about this adventure is that you have covered all the angles...there is consequence for everything you do, or don't do. A great example is allowing the adventuring party to climb the mountain but get ambushed by a well entrenched superior force. In the game, I had to railroad a bit b/c I didn't want my party to die. Although Akira is higher level than both Yatsen and Saburo, it might have been a bloodbath. You can also tell that I have really softened up the resistance: 1 zombie, a very amicable shaman (I REALLY had hoped they wouldn't fight the Bonetangle and thank goodness they didn't). My group is full of talkers and planners, not fighters. They are afraid of everything, so sometimes it gets a little frustrating when they don't go off exploring randomly...which is why I take great pleasure in turning up the heat on them unexpectedly.

I'm really glad you are enjoying the writeup. It is as fun to write up the events as it was to play them through. I can't wait for the sequel to OSM. If you need a playtester to put the breaks on scary cows, give me a ring;)


First Post
Chapter 9

“Velea…what a beautiful name,” Yatsen droned.

“Yes, as marvelous as the stars of heaven,” Saburo blurted out; eager to outdo his friend.

Velea chuckled at the pair and for an instant glanced over at Akira. The man was staring straight at both men, his hands not far from his blades. The man said nothing.

“You are much more entertaining than previous guests,” Valdea finally pronounced. “They were not as handsome and as brave as you.”

“What is a woman such as you doing here,” Saburo asked with reverence in his voice. “You must be freezing and hungry.”

“A good question Saburo,” Akira muttered from the background.

Velea’s face was marred by a slight frown for only an instant before she responded.

“It is a sad story. One that I have not shared with anyone in quite sometime. I was a free woman once, able to come and go as I pleased until I stumbled upon this place. I was new to the region and did not know that it was ruled by a despicable tyrant…Doushi.”

Akira’s eyes went wide at the mention of the dragon. With a small grin, Velea continued.

“His minions captured me and brought me before him; whereupon he bound me with his vile magics. Since that day, I have been a slave; unable to leave the confines of this mountain…trapped alone in the dark. As long as Doushi lives, I will remain a prisoner of these mines.”

“Doushi is dead,” Akira exclaimed. “The Kamigishu destroyed him more than a century ago! You speak lies.”

“Then ask yourself something…Akira: why is it that I am still here,” Velea retorted.

“How dreadful,” Saburo whispered. “We must do something! I swear on my ancestors that I will not rest until you are freed from the grasp of Doushi. I pledge that I will fight for this until there is no longer breath in my body!”

Desire shone in Saburo’s eyes as he bowed deeply to Velea. Akira could only stand there dumbfounded as Yatsen repeated the same oath, bowing even deeper than Saburo.

“My champions, I bid you the Fortune’s grace,” Velea said as she leaned close to both men and kissed their foreheads. “For luck. Now go.”

Akira wasted no time in securing a grappling hook to the ascending ramp. It was quite an impressive sight as it spiraled upwards hundreds of feet, the waterfall cascading in between the coiled stone pathway. Saburo began to wonder if the mountainside might have been easier as he tired to find perch on the slope. Years of moisture had created a think sheen of moss on already worn granite, making the accent difficult.

“Rope yourselves together,” Akira yelled over the din of the waterfall as Yatsen scrambled onto the first step. “We move slowly and together. We must put distance between ourselves and your new friend.”

“What is the matter with you,” Saburo demanded. “She is a prisoner of Doushi’s evil magic. Trapped forever until he is defeated.”

“And you think you can defeat him,” Akira said in a grave tone.

“Nothing will stop me from saving Ren and Velea,” Saburo replied defiantly.

“From the looks of the freshly eaten tasloi bodies at the bottom of her lake, my guess is that she doesn’t need saving from anyone,” Akira countered.

The ranger continued on, ignoring the irate sake-maker. He moved only a few feet before he stopped suddenly and touched his hand to his face in horror. Saburo was about to ask the man what was wrong until a voice filled his mind.

I am alive again, you know. I can smell your mind, sense your thoughts. They taste delicious!

Saburo saw that he was not the only one as Yatsen too looked around in alarm. The voice continued.

You will fail, whatever you want. Will it not be wiser to turn back now? Unless you wish to see my glory, to work my mine? Then come! COME!

“It can’t be,” Akira whispered in horror. “He was killed. He is supposed to be dead!”

Whipping his head about, Akira’s eyes locked with Yatsen’s and Saburo’s.

“Don’t let him get inside your mind. Fight it! Don’t let him steal your will!”

Saburo wasn’t sure if it was the temperature that was making him shiver anymore. We must face Doushi himself? The legend? How can we do this thing? He shook the doubt from his mind as he ascended with his companions. Everyone grimaced as they too battled the voice.

Saburo gasped for breath has he leaned against the wall. They had been climbing for a long time with no rest. It was a painstaking process after Akira had slowed them down even further following a few close calls. Footing was hard to come by and it took all of Saburo’s strength to keep going, but the climb wasn’t the difficult part. Fighting the Voice that stirred in his thoughts took most of his strength. It had thankfully stopped about halfway. He wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. Saburo gazed at the illuminated room that began at the ramp’s end.

“We must keep moving,” Akira said panting as he began to undo the ropes binding the men together. “Think of Ren to give you strength.”

Saburo gritted his teeth and forced his body to move forwards. The climb had forced him to forget about the cold, but it came back to him now as he shifted. The pain lanced through him as he compelled his body towards the threshold. He glanced back to see Akira helping Yatsen when a feeling overcame him. The icy feeling he had felt before was gone and he instinctively licked his lips as he touched his clothes. I am dry. Bone dry! He looked up at his soaked companions as they stumbled into the room. Saburo watched as the water evaporated from their clothes and equipment.


The room had been ravaged by time. Dust and cobwebs covered all available surfaces. Debris lined the floor and a hallway led out through the north. Akira scouted ahead and ushered the men forth when he confirmed that the coast was clear. Saburo wondered in amazement as he walked down the corridor. It was lined with magnificent copper statues, so lifelike that the man wondered how it was possible for any creature to create such detail. They were mostly of soldiers and miners, each holding his chosen tool in hand, an expression of terror etched upon their faces. Akira held up his hand as the reached the end of the passageway. Saburo strained to hear and finally fixed onto what the ranger seemed concerned about. Voices. He could hear the unmistakable chattering of the tasloi filtering through the great stone complex. The hallway spilled into a colossal chamber. The reinforced ceiling towered over them, creating enough space for smaller building to fit inside. The building was only 10’ tall and had no windows or doors, but on the roof Saburo thought he might have seen a handle. Odd. The walls were covered with beautiful gold, copper, and glass mosaics of Doushi in various states of extravagance. In the far corner of the room was a small ramp that seemingly led directly into the wall. Akira led the group up its slope, giving the “house” a wide berth. As the men approached the wall, the image wavered revealing a translucent window.

From his vantage point 20 feet above the floor, Saburo watched as a small band of tasloi flocked around the carcass of a long dead dragon. The lair the Shadowspawn had claimed was easily hundreds of feet in length, lit with incremental braziers placed in strategic locations. The dragon’s maw had been wrenched open with spears to create a narrow crawl space down into its gullet. Sapphire light poured from within the corpse, creating an eerie effect for anyone who stood close by. Could this be Doushi? I thought he was alive…Directly in front of the dragon stood a tasloi dressed in coarse black robes. His head was at least two times the size of any other tasloi’s and atop his brow he wore a copper crown. Raising his hands aloft, he produced a rabid frenzy from the crowd of gathered tasloi. To his immediate right, another tasloi loomed over him. It was more beastial in nature than the rest of the gathered creatures. Its arms were the size of tree trunks and Saburo could see the hilt of some weapon protruding from its back. With a wave, the leader parted the gathered mass so as to create a circle around the mouth of the Dragon. Saburo’s breath caught as he saw both Ren and Kenichi bound and gagged, writhing on the floor in its center.

“Congratulations,” the swollen-headed tasloi hissed at Ren, using loud and slow Rokugani as if she and her brother were both idiots. “Today is your lucky day! Soon you’ll have power…or you’ll be dead. Either way, human, your life will be better.” The tasloi gave a glance to the hulking creature next to him and pulled a hammer and what looked like a piece of blue glass from his belt. A few of the gathered tasloi dragged Kenichi away, while the bigger tasloi moved to hold Ren down. Saburo watched in shock as the creature put its filthy claws on her, while the leader positioned the gem on her forehead and raised the mallet...
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Piratecat said:
Yup, I'm the author. Sorry about the horse phobia. It's wonderful to read this transposed into an Asian setting. You make it sound better than it is.

You know, it's almost disappointing when groups don't give in to temptation and pry off the eyes from that dragon statue.

My group had a phobia when they found out it was a psionic based adventure, not the horses. (Although it did widen every ones eyes and began debates of what and why.)
I ran it as 'Psionics are the same as other magic' style.

My groups encounter with the Stone dragon would'nt have dissapointed you. They missed the mirror and the rogue immidiatly went for the eyes. (Think P.B.R. with little cowboys and the rodeo clowns are out of ideas.) The paladin got seperated on the other side of the statue when it settled back down. He wandered into the arms of the danashe and fell in love!! (managed to roll a save of 1.) :]

It was a good work and has led to some very interesting character development in my group.

S.Snake, just cut copy and paste my complements from before..
Thumbs up.


First Post
R-Hero said:
My group had a phobia when they found out it was a psionic based adventure, not the horses. (Although it did widen every ones eyes and began debates of what and why.)
I ran it as 'Psionics are the same as other magic' style.

My groups encounter with the Stone dragon would'nt have dissapointed you. They missed the mirror and the rogue immidiatly went for the eyes. (Think P.B.R. with little cowboys and the rodeo clowns are out of ideas.) The paladin got seperated on the other side of the statue when it settled back down. He wandered into the arms of the danashe and fell in love!! (managed to roll a save of 1.) :]

It was a good work and has led to some very interesting character development in my group.

S.Snake, just cut copy and paste my complements from before..
Thumbs up.

Thanks for the kind words R-Hero. I'm glad both you and PC are still enjoying the writeups!

I was kind of hoping for a little greed to settle in and have Saburo try to snag one of the statue's gems, but Rokugan is a pretty lawful society...even in the remote regions of the Unicorn lands.

Hey, R-Hero, what was your party composition when you ran the module?


SolidSnake said:
Hey, R-Hero, what was your party composition when you ran the module?

One barbarian, Female, typical axe swinging thug

One male paladin. Not much story there either. Died at the end anyway.

One Sorcerer, male, Very proud of his 'dragon blood'. When he has run out of spells, he goes with slinging alchemist fire or bottles of acid. Currently working on a lightning/grenade and frost/grenade type weapons.

One Rogue, male, With a very low charisma. It turns out he is a good suburban pickpocket,(people recoil when he is near=thus no good description when reporting to the law enforcement types) but he can't sneak for crap in the woods. [The dice actually roll in this manner, good in town, no good in the woods] Children are strangly drawn to him..

The leader is a (male) cleric that believes his god created their race first. Racist, sexist, chip on his shouder and a greathammer in his hands.

A male Ranger that is the 'deacon' of the cleric. emphisizes everything the cleric says. This can be aggrivating to the captain of the guard or the Dm.

All the characters were halfling.
My idea when the group wanted something a little different. I had pre-rolled the characters and people drew name out of a hat to see which player got what.

There was also two fighters, (One male, one female) that were the childern of Vonkar, the Nelwyn warrior. (Remember, "Willow"?)
One a big powerhouse, can't wait to cleave fighter and the other a light-on-her-toes-nimble-dodge-alot, fighter.
But they seperated before going into the mountain.
(The players lived on the other side of the state and couldn't come regularly so they were on a side quest. They still haven't made it back yet)


First Post

R-Hero said:
One barbarian, Female, typical axe swinging thug

One male paladin. Not much story there either. Died at the end anyway.

One Sorcerer, male, Very proud of his 'dragon blood'. When he has run out of spells, he goes with slinging alchemist fire or bottles of acid. Currently working on a lightning/grenade and frost/grenade type weapons.

One Rogue, male, With a very low charisma. It turns out he is a good suburban pickpocket,(people recoil when he is near=thus no good description when reporting to the law enforcement types) but he can't sneak for crap in the woods. [The dice actually roll in this manner, good in town, no good in the woods] Children are strangly drawn to him..

The leader is a (male) cleric that believes his god created their race first. Racist, sexist, chip on his shouder and a greathammer in his hands.

A male Ranger that is the 'deacon' of the cleric. emphisizes everything the cleric says. This can be aggrivating to the captain of the guard or the Dm.

All the characters were halfling.
My idea when the group wanted something a little different. I had pre-rolled the characters and people drew name out of a hat to see which player got what.

There was also two fighters, (One male, one female) that were the childern of Vonkar, the Nelwyn warrior. (Remember, "Willow"?)
One a big powerhouse, can't wait to cleave fighter and the other a light-on-her-toes-nimble-dodge-alot, fighter.
But they seperated before going into the mountain.
(The players lived on the other side of the state and couldn't come regularly so they were on a side quest. They still haven't made it back yet)

My goodness that is a bunch of people! I only had 2 players which might explain the challenge despite the modifications I made. Your guys must have rolled right over the goblin force;) Although I can see how a few bad saves could really make things difficult. When I updated Thimdrul, it became a little more difficult than I had previously anticipated. That Mind Thrust is no joke...


SolidSnake said:
My goodness that is a bunch of people! I only had 2 players which might explain the challenge despite the modifications I made. Your guys must have rolled right over the goblin force;) Although I can see how a few bad saves could really make things difficult. When I updated Thimdrul, it became a little more difficult than I had previously anticipated. That Mind Thrust is no joke...

To help with the numbers, there was a tribe of amazon types that were contracted by Thimdrul to bring him different types of human/humanoids for his experimentation with the shards. There were amazon barbarians, archers and others peppered in almost every fight.

They had managed to kidnap the cleric and another NPC dwarf that had helped out the party. Once they had been rescued the party was down 75%(+/-) hit points/spells etc.

The cleric being the sexist maniac that he was charged straight into the mountain without a break because of his hurt pride.

The main reason for an entire halfling party is the players wanted a little more role play instead of kick in the door, hack and slash type of game. My original thought was to make them a band of pixies, nixies and sprites. I thought halflings was going to be hard enough for them. They still cleaved through most of it like a hot knife through butter.

Had the stone dragon not stopped after X amount of rounds, they would have had to flee or it would have been a TPK.


First Post
Chapter 10

As the tasloi leader swung the mallet over his head, time stood still for Saburo. No. I won’t let it happen again. I won’t let them take Ren from me! NOT AGAIN!

Without thought, Saburo leapt into the air. Twisting and turning, the young man struggled to orient his body to the fall as he saw the ground rushing up to meet him. The naginata proved to be unbalancing, causing Saburo’s weight to shift too far forward. He hit the ground hard, crumpling into a heap; the breath blasted from his lungs.

Whatever plans Akira had hoped to lay before assaulting his nemesis evaporated the instant Saburo jumped. He had wished to at least school these greenhorns on the fundamentals of a surprise assault given their unique position, but all that was moot now. Acting quickly, the ranger recovered from the surprisingly foolish maneuver by wrapping a rope around his waist and turning towards Yatsen.

“Go! NOW!”

The soldier in training hesitated for a moment before grabbing the end of the rope and jumping after his friend. Using the rope, Yatsen kicked out from the wall incrementally, allowing for a slower and much safer decent. He watched Saburo pick himself off the ground as a band of tasloi began to orient themselves to the newly discovered intruders. Yatsen was not a soldier yet, but he knew that his friend had been hurt from the fall. If he was not allowed to get his bearings before the enemy arrived, they would finish him quickly. Drawing his wakazashi, he ran headlong into the fray yelling at the top of his lungs and swinging his blade in a wide arc.

Saburo winced as he stood up; watching as Yatsen courageously intercepted the now advancing tasloi horde. There were a total of seven, including the leader and his hulking bodyguard. Three of the tasloi had been quick to act and were running across the room to attack the charging Yatsen. The leader said something to his bodyguard and began to drag Ren into the corpse of the dragon, while his bodyguard mobilized the remaining tasloi. If I do not help Yatsen, he will perish.

Before he could even move, his ears caught a faint whistling from above followed by the sight of an arrow blossoming from nearest tasloi’s neck. It went down gurgling as Yatsen collided with the remaining force. Putting his entire momentum into the attack Yatsen swung. He watched in shock as the blade sailed over the tasloi’s tumbling form. Despite their diminutive size, the tasloi were impressively cunning foes. As one of the tasloi rolled past Yatsen, his attention was momentarily distracted from the second. This gave it all the advantage it needed to enter within the reach of Yatsen’s deadly blade and sink its claws into the young man’s leg. Yatsen screamed as he diverted his attention to the enemy that has just ripped a chuck of flesh from his thigh. The tasloi slowly circled, trying to wear down his defenses. He knew that he was clearly outmatched and things were only going to get worse when the second wave hit.

“A little help,” he shouted back at his companions.

Saburo responded to the call by skewering one of the tasloi that had flanked his friend. It screamed in agony as it squirmed on the end of the man’s polearm.

“Sorry I’m late,” Saburo said as he threw the motionless form off the end of his naginata.

The two men had never worked together in battle before, but necessity had made them quick learners. Nodding to each other, both men approached the remaining tasloi from different directions, using their weapons to create a pincer effect from which even the nimble tasloi could not escape. Saburo’s had to suppress his gag reflex as he watched the upper half of the enemy go sailing into the air in front of him. Yatsen wasted no time with such concerns. After finishing the tasloi, he turned his attention on the approaching second wave. The bodyguard stopped a fair distance in front of the men and with bark, sent his men forth. They hadn’t taken but two steps before an arrow slammed into one of the tasloi’s chest, sending it to meet its dark maker.

With a roar of anger, the bodyguard removed the weapon he carried upon his back. It appeared to be nothing more than a very large flat piece of metal that had been narrowed at its base to enable someone to wield it. Jagged shards stuck out from every possible angle. The weapon seemed very dull and that is what terrified Saburo. The hulking tasloi charged as the last foot soldier was run through by Yatsen.

“Saburo,” Yatsen called out as he set himself against the charge of his foe. “Go save Ren, I’ll handle this!”

He barely had enough time to finish his sentence before the bodyguard was upon him. It swung the cleaver down just as Yatsen brought his blade up to block. Sparks flew from the impact and the crash of steel split the air. Yatsen had used two hands for the block, anticipating his opponent’s superior strength but it made no difference. The cleaver momentarily paused over the wakazashi before continuing downwards into his shoulder. Yatsen screamed and collapsed to the ground unmoving.

“YATSEN,” Saburo screamed as he charged the behemoth.

With satisfaction, he watched as he buried the naginata’s blade to the shaft in the tasloi’s flank. It howled in pain, twisting to greet its new foe. Saburo was wrenched to the side by the sudden change in his opponent’s direction. By the Kami it is strong! With a single claw, it reached down and yanked the blade form its side. Saburo tried to remove his weapon from the creature’s grasp but it was impossible. A toothy smile split the creature’s face as it jerked on the other end of Saburo’s naginata. It snarled as the man stumbled towards it, caught off balance by the force of its power. With quick swipe, its fist buried itself into Saburo’s face. His neck whipped back from the blow and sent him sailing backwards into the air. Saburo knew that he had been struck, but the pain didn’t register. He lay on the cold stone floor as the creature towered over him. It reached down to pick up his naginata and slowly positioned the weapon over Saburo’s face.

“You die human,” it said in broken Rokugani.

Saburo’s body began convulsing in uncontrollable laughter, blood oozing down the sides of his mouth. The tasloi hesitated, the rage and confusion evident on its face. The tasloi were cunning, but clearly this one had survived far too long on its brawn alone. The desire to satisfy its bloodlust had overcome its common sense. It had failed to ask a very important question: Why had the barrage of arrows that had killed its men ceased? The realization came far too late. It turned directly into Akira’s waiting blades. The last thing it saw before dying was the cold look of hatred etched on the ranger’s face. The man wiped his blades on the carcass of his slain nemesis before using the strange root Utsuge had given him on Yatsen.

“How are you doing Saburo,” the ranger asked as he applied the substance to Yatsen’s wound.

“Fine,” Saburo lied while struggling to his feet once again.

The sake-maker’s son had been through many strange events over the past few days, but the sight of Yatsen’s flesh knitting itself together was still impressive to him. The man was on the very of death nearly a moment ago, but now he was up completely restored.

“That really hurt,” Yatsen declared as he opened his eyes and stood up.

“The fight isn’t over,” Akira stated. “The leader still has Ren and we don’t know if there are more tasloi out on patrol. Move quickly and stay together.”

The group gathered itself and quickly ran towards the mouth of the dragon’s remains. As they approached the corpse, Saburo felt his head begin to throb. The pain increased exponentially with every step he took. His skull felt like it was being used as an anvil, nearly driving him to his knees 10 feet from the entrance. He saw Akira poised to rush inside, but watched him call a halt not more than a few feet away. Saburo’s senses were more than a bit preoccupied with the pain and so he didn’t see what the ranger was starring at. It wasn’t until the glow from the inside of the dragon began to flicker did he understand that someone or something was making its way out. The three men waited patiently as the leader of the tasloi exited the throat of the cadaver nonchalantly. If he was concerned that most of his tribe was lying in pools of blood all around the cavern, he gave no sign of it. With a wave of his hand he addressed the gathered men.

“You have done well humans, but you are too late. Your friend has already been Tested. She will join me and the great Doushi as we begin our conquest of the Emerald Empire!”

Without a word, Akira drew the gaijin blades he carried and rushed the regal tasloi. Halfway to his intended target, Saburo saw the air ripple in front of the man. The tasloi’s eyes glowed a malevolent green as it concentrated on the approaching ranger. The blade intended for the leader’s throat stopped a hair away from the creature’s skin, motionless. Akira’s eyes widened as he backed away, dropping his swords to the floor and clutching his head. Blood began to pour from his eyes and nose. He thrashed about from side to side, fighting some unseen demon from within…then just as suddenly he stopped. His hands dropped to his sides and he fell face first into the ground. Sabuoro and Yatsen exchanged glances as they watched blood pool around his head. The legendary Akira, whom even the Himura respected was defeated. Looking up from his vanquished foe, the leader’s eyes locked on both men in turn. Slowly, pain began to flood Saburo’s senses.
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First Post
Chapter 11

I appologize for the delay between posts but finals have consumed my life. Thank goodness its all over! Now I can turn my attentions back towards catching up in my logs! I hope you enjoy.


Yatsen charged the self-proclaimed ruler of the tribe, the pain evident in his eyes as he rushed forth swinging his wakazashi. Unbalanced by the throbbing headache that was consuming his sanity, the lethal blow that he might have dealt became a mere gash. The tasloi screamed in rage as it wrapped its hands around the crimson stain that slowly spread out from his claw. Its green eyes turned towards Yatsen and narrowed dangerously.

“You will pay for that human!”

A wave of power tore the space separating the young man and the tasloi asunder, hurling Yatsen backwards. Saburo watched as his friend lay motionless on the ground, much like Akira. Screaming in anguish, Saburo swung his naginata in a wide arc, hoping to end the fight quickly. The sorcerer-king; however, proved to be more agile than Saburo had originally anticipated. The blade sailed over the tasloi’s head as it dove backwards into the mouth of the dragon’s carcass. Saburo cursed aloud as he realized what the tasloi had done. Fighting with a polearm in such a narrow space would be impossible and give the smaller Shadow-spawned creature the advantage. Saburo quickly discarded the weapon, drew out his dagger and pursued his foe.

“You will never defeat me worm,” a voice called from the narrow tunnel ahead.

Saburo stifled the multitude of responses that came to mind as he crawled through the once great dragon’s gullet towards the soft blue light ahead. The tunnel opened up into the creature’s abdomen approximately ten feet from the mouth. It was barely large enough to stand in the small space and Saburo gasped at what he saw. The sorcerer tasloi hovered over Ren’s still form, his eyes transfixed upon Saburo as he entered. The source of the soft blue light that illuminated Doushi’s carcass was now obvious: a pulsating sapphire. A myriad array of colors danced in its facets and for a moment Saburo forgot where he was and even what he was hoping to do. His headache began to intensify. A familiar voice spoke to him once again:

You are my Chosen one. I will grant you your every wish. Make me proud…my son.

Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to the sorcerer.

“Let her go,” Saburo commanded.

“You are in no position to bargain human. The girl is mine. The power is mine. Soon, the Emperor will bow before me! Now KNEEEEEEL!”

Green electricity shot from the tasloi’s eyes and surrounded Saburo in a maelstrom of power. He fell to the ground, screaming in pain. His vision blurred as he fought to regain his footing. It was then that he noticed it. The pain evaporated for a moment and time seemed to slow. As the energy around him intensified he realized that the blue gem embedded in the decaying flesh flared at the very moment the tasloi conjured his dark magic. Akira was always right. Doushi is dead, but he wouldn’t stay dead. His spirit has not passed beyond the Veil!

“How did you like that human,” the tasloi asked with a sneer.

Saburo just began to become aware of the fact that he was no longer wreathed in green power. He tried to move his body, but he couldn’t; his strength had left him. Smoke rose from the numerous burns that covered his torso. If I don’t do something quickly I’m going to die.

“You were right all along. You are the stronger of us,” Saburo gasped.

“Now was that so hard to admit,” the sorcerer chuckled.

“Maybe one day I will see YOUR power.”

The tasloi’s laughter instantly ceased and his brow furrowed.

“What did you say,” he hissed dangerously while taking a step towards the now smoldering Saburo.

“It’s obvious to anyone that you won only because you were helped. You could never truly claim that this was your victory as it was Doushi’s spirit that enabled you to defeat us,” the young man continued.

Saburo felt the strength return to his hand and he slowly began to palm the dagger he had dropped earlier. The tasloi moved closer to him.

“I am the greatest mahoutsukai the Empire has ever known! The Emerald Magistrates will soon enforce the law of Doushi! I will be his Champion and all the Great Clans will submit to my will! It is the Age of the Tasloi…your kind will be slaves.”

The sorcerer seemed to become aware of the fact that his ranting had drastically diverted his attention from the task at hand. He lowered his raised arms slowly and pointed at Saburo.

“My name is Thimdrul. I want you to remember this name; for you will tell your ancestors it was I alone who sent you to them. Now perish just like the re-“

Saburo didn’t even give Thimdrul time to finish as he closed the distance and planted the dagger under Thimdrul's left arm. The boy’s eyes locked with tasloi’s as he felt the its body go slack. The sorcerer’s eyes widened and blood began to ooze from the side of his mouth.

“No-o…it can’t be…I was promised…I was chosen…”

“What I have done is dishonorable Thimdrul,” Saburo said as he lowered the tasloi to the ground. “I failed to introduce myself before the combat. My name is Saburo. I want you to remember that name. I want you to know that I am a simple sake-maker’s son; not a great samurai or a powerful shugenja. Explain to your ancestors that you; the great Thimdrul, were defeated by a simple distiller.”

Thimdrul’s response was a gurgling sound and the look of despair in his eyes immediately before the breath left his body.

Saburo fought through the pain, forcing his body to obey. Lifting up Ren, he carried her out of Doushi’s corpse into the main Hall. He rummaged through his companion’s packs and could only find two doses remaining of Utsuke’s healing root. Ren deserves the rest, he thought as he gave the plant to Akira and Yatsen.

The revived companions debated long and hard as to what to do next. The sapphire continued its mental assault on everyone’s mind despite their efforts to resist it. Many attempts by Yatsen were made to destroy the gem, but it was harder than steel or stone. It was merely by chance that Saburo remembered the dramatic episode that had embarked him on this path to begin with: the Wyrmcall. He explained that the ringing was enough to shatter porcelain and even kill a man. Akira had his doubts, but agreed that they could not allow Doushi’s spirit to roam free for very much longer. It was clear that the tasloi were not brought by their own volition; but rather engineered to do so by the will of Doushi. As both Ren and her brother Kenichi were in no condition to travel, the men constructed makeshift cots to drag them down the mountain. Everyone was willing to endure the trek, as they knew they had been through the worst of it. The journey was long and arduous, but eventually the companions prevailed against the elements to reach their destination. Winter was upon them, so it was no surprise that they were not greeted with much activity. Akira was; however, worried that no patrols had stopped them by now.

“The first thing I’m going to do is take a long bath,” Yatsen declared as they reached the outskirts of the village.

“Why don’t you take the gem up to the tower Saburo while Yatsen and I carry Ren and Kenichi to Utsuge,” Akira suggested as they walked towards the Wyrmcall. “We can inform the Prefect immediately afterwards; I just want to put this whole affair behi-,” The ranger paused in mid sentence.

The group had reached the cobblestone plaza that housed the Wyrmcall. It had seemed strange that no one was there to greet them, no patrol to interrupt their journey…not even children playing in the streets. They had made nothing of it until now. Standing in a ring around the tower was the entire village. Most of them wore no protective clothing against the weather, but stood immobile and unflinching in the howling winds; bright azure eyes starring vacantly ahead.

“Give us the gem,” they said in unison as they moved to surround the group.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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