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Dark Sun 3E Story Hour: Sands of Blood (updated 9/20)



In the 190th King's Age, in the year of Mountain's Slumber, the grand city-states of Nibenay and Gulg prepared for war. For centuries, these rivals had vied for dominance of the forest that lies between them, one of the few remaining forests in the Tablelands. In that time, there have been battles, there have been wars, and there have been uneasy truces - such as the one that has lasted for the past 35 years.

But several weeks ago, entire logging expeditions from Nibenay began to mysteriously disappear from inside the forest's borders. Suspicions naturally fell on rival Gulg and its bands of elite headhunters, or its Queen's dark and powerful nature magic. The people of Nibenay called for revenge.

And so, sabers have been rattled. Denials have been issued, and ignored. Blood has been spilt in retalitory strikes, and in skirmishes along the border regions. Opportunists have flocked to both cities like vultures, hoping to profit from the imminent bloodshed. The fragile peace that has held for decades will not hold for much longer.

This is not the story of that war. Not yet.


Our heroes (?):
  • Krik, a thri-kreen fighter-in-training, alone and hunting for a new clutch
  • Basal, a female half-elven earth priestess, wastelander healer
  • Karick Reshaw, a male human psion (kineticist), wanderer and guide
  • Aral Karef, a male human psion (kineticist), scion of the merchant houses
  • Kanyth, a male human bard, free-spirited story teller
Rogues Gallery
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Another Darksun Story Hour- Awesome.

Which rules system will you be using? 2.0/3.0,3.5/athas.org or Pazio?

Just asking since I created my own conversion system for Under a Darksun.

oh-yeah- Will the Behir show up? ;)


Session 1, Prologue: Escape

Kanyth was nervous, and perhaps a little frightened. Why is this taking so long? He felt the situation closing in around him, and it made his skin itch. Suppressing the urge to touch his false mustache and reassure himself that it was still in place, he attempted to affect the appearance of a supremely bored caravan guard as Nibenay’s priestesses searched the wagons. After all, that’s what I am, am I not? Kanyth the bored guard, annoyed by the delay but well aware that it can’t be helped.

It’s this damn business with Gulg; the entire bureaucracy has gone crazy. The influx of humanity was beyond the government’s ability to effectively monitor, but the outgoing traffic was still fairly normal, and the templars seemed determined to search every last cart and wagon leaving the city. They’re certainly looking for something… hopefully it’s not me.

A group of drunken sell-swords stumbled across the crowded roadway, singing a drinking song in several different keys, none of them the correct one. Even a tune as poor as that deserves better. Kanyth sighed. A musician as talented as I am could be making a small fortune off of the crowds of bored drunkards streaming into the city, and yet here I am, heading into the wastelands on a caravan bound for Raam. Dragon’s breath, how did it come to this? Why did I agree to that job? How was I to know who that poor fool was?

Finally the templars were satisfied that whatever they were looking for was not present. A signal was given and the soldiers at the gate moved to the side. With cracks of the teamsters’ whips, the kanks began to gradually haul the wagons forward, the caravan guards marching alongside. As he passed in front of the templars, Kanyth caught his hand moving up to touch the hairs fixed onto his upper lip. Rather than suddenly reverse its motion and appear nervous, he took its movement and smoothly continued it past his mustache, to the top of his head, whereupon he ran his fingers through his long blonde hair. The nearest priestess turned her eye towards him, and he looked directly back at her, giving her his most charming grin. With a snort of derision, she focused her attention elsewhere. That’s right, the handsome lout is beneath your notice. Go right ahead and ignore me. The grin had been a gamble, but it was one that paid off. My favorite kind!

The last wagon pulled free of the city-state’s eastern gate and moved past the lines of farmers, merchants, mercenaries, adventure-seekers, scam artists, and assorted others looking to gain entry. There were no shouted commands to stop, no soldiers running to catch up with the caravan, no magical hammer of the Shadow King’s justice coming down to smite Kanyth. After a time he began to relax and started telling jokes with his fellow guards, their laughter turning his former anxiety into a faint memory. The city behind him was yet another potential prison that he had escaped; the open road before him was another day of freedom, to be lived on his own terms. What other way to live is there? None other. None at all.
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megamania said:
Another Darksun Story Hour- Awesome.

Which rules system will you be using? 2.0/3.0,3.5/athas.org or Pazio?
Using my own conversion. Back when I started it (around the time the 3.0 PsiHB came out), the athas.org version was amazingly radical. It had a lot of interesting ideas, but my own philosophy was KISS. And strangely enough, it seems the athas.org staff came around to a similar point of view as time passed. But I still have quibbles with what they've done (my elemental cleric is its own class, for example).

EDIT: But I am using the athas.org monsters... Converting monsters from 2E to 3E is a lot of work. So I am grateful for the work that they have done.
Just asking since I created my own conversion system for Under a Darksun.
Seems just about everyone has their own version... :) Probably has something to do with the contradictory nature of many of the 2E DS supplements and fiction.
oh-yeah- Will the Behir show up? ;)
If I can get my hands on the new behir miniature, you betcha! :)

BTW, Mountain's Slumber is 11 years prior to Priest's Defiance.
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(Psi)SeveredHead said:
A thri-kreen main character? Cool!
And the player is very into it, too. He's got the glossary from Thri-Kreen of Athas printed out to use at the table and everything. :)

(Psi)SeveredHead, I was wondering what your opinion is of the energy missile power (beyond the DC issue, which I understand is being errata'd), since it seems like you've been involved in playtesting pretty much every WOTC & Malhavoc psi book. As you may have noticed, the group has two kineticists. We're starting at 3rd level, and both players took energy missile as one of their 2nd-level powers, and used it it to great effect in the first session (to the point where the duo killed almost everything themselves; they were subsequently dubbed "Shock and Thaw", as one always used electricity and the other used cold). Part of it was my fault for not spreading the enemies out more, but even so, doing 3d6+3 damage at Medium range to 5 targets at 3rd level seems like a lot. And if there was only one kineticist, it probably wouldn't have been as noticeable, but with two... Anyway, I was thinking of changing it to be 2 missiles instead of 5, extra missiles available through augmentation at 2 PP per. Do you have any thoughts on the power as it's written in the XPH?

Without looking up myself- doesn't it work like Magic missle. Several missiles of psychic energy that either can strike one target or divid as you will to strike several?

just a thought. First instalment is good. Curious how everyone will be placed together to form a team.

Spatula said:
And the player is very into it, too. He's got the glossary from Thri-Kreen of Athas printed out to use at the table and everything. :)

Yeah, I have that book too. I lent it out to a thri-kreen player in a campaign I'm not running; now he doesn't want to give it back :D

(Psi)SeveredHead, I was wondering what your opinion is of the energy missile power (beyond the DC issue, which I understand is being errata'd), since it seems like you've been involved in playtesting pretty much every WOTC & Malhavoc psi book. As you may have noticed, the group has two kineticists. We're starting at 3rd level, and both players took energy missile as one of their 2nd-level powers, and used it it to great effect in the first session (to the point where the duo killed almost everything themselves; they were subsequently dubbed "Shock and Thaw", as one always used electricity and the other used cold). Part of it was my fault for not spreading the enemies out more, but even so, doing 3d6+3 damage at Medium range to 5 targets at 3rd level seems like a lot. And if there was only one kineticist, it probably wouldn't have been as noticeable, but with two... Anyway, I was thinking of changing it to be 2 missiles instead of 5, extra missiles available through augmentation at 2 PP per. Do you have any thoughts on the power as it's written in the XPH?

Well, it's new to me too... if I were to look at the various spells at the same level none do the same amount of damage, except possibly scorching ray.

I haven't used this much from a purely flavor issue (I'd rather use spontaneous combustion or a slightly reflavored energy current (fire).

In any event the power starts off saying you fire a missile (as in, a single missile) that does 3d6 damage, yet it can somehow hit multiple targets. I would have liked to see a picture of that. Maybe it bounces from target to target like a glaive wurm.

IMO your suggestion is pretty good; a 2nd-level power shouldn't be able to do that much damage to multiple targets. Of course, in every instance you're only firing one missile; so your house rule is more like you're spending 2 extra power points per additional targets, the same way concussion blast works. This does mean you dish out fewer dice of damage when you spend 5 power points and compare it to fireball, but the ability to choose the energy type and deal wider "dice types" should more than make up for the reduction in power you're looking for.

PS I've only started playtesting since Mindscapes. I wasn't involved in playtesting ITCK or the original PsiH.

The Thri-kreen book was one of my favorites from 2e.

Energy Missile (found my book)

wow- seems a typo or an erratta needs to be done on this VERY powerful ability.
For next to no points (3) it allows 5 targets (no two more than 15ft apart) to be struck at 100+10/lv feet away with 3d6 damage of any energy type you wish for the manifested power. Some damage even has after effects! Then as an Aug you can 1pp=1d6 more damage!

That seems real powerful at first glance.

Closer look- 3-18 pts of damage per normal use
good range
change energy type
secondary effects which range from harder DCs, 3 more points of damage, ignoring hardness or use Fort vs Reflex for Saving Throws.

All together, it does seem powerful.

Has anyone else used this/seen it used in game play yet?


megamania said:
First instalment is good. Curious how everyone will be placed together to form a team.
Well, they're all guards on the same caravan, although they do not know one another. Circumstances will hopefully form them together into a team. This first outing is a modified version of David Noonan's Dark Sun adventure from Dungeon. From there the game will be going off into original adventures.

Thanks for the compliment! I've started reading your own DS story hour and liking it so far. Good stuff. What other Dark Sun story hours are there around here?

Also, thanks to you and Psi for the replies regarding energy missile. It looks like we've settled on 2 missiles + 2 extra PP per extra missile, for now. We'll see how that works out. Sorry about the mistake, Psi, for some reason I thought you were involved in the 3.0 PsiHB and 3.5 XPH playtesting.

Next installment introduces the rest of the cast and covers a huge battle, so it's taken a little bit longer to write. Hopefully it'll be up in the next day or two.

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