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D&D 4E Dark Sun Conversion to 4E

I preffer now, to say that Defilers are Infernal Pact warlocks.
makes a lot of sense, and other warlocks are *banned* from Dark Sun use, they don't make sense except as very are NPCs.

Defilers = more powerful than normwal wizards, hard fact of dark sun life.
Warlocks ar emore powerful, single target, than wizard.
Infernal pact warlocks have lot health drains, bonus hps etc, makes 'em tough.

Add in a deiflign effect when they use thier powers, and it's simple, neat closure ot the issue :)

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As opposed to permenant hitpoint drains (Which don't make a lot of sense in measuring pure physical lifeforce) I'd recommend losing a healing surge.

I'd also recommend a ritual that allows you to restore it, by defiling a truly large area, or by sucking the very life from a powerful creature, killing it, and restoring your own failing vitality.


Different qualities of metals/woods is better modeled using the standard Masterwork Materials from the PHB, and simply renaming them to Iron/Steel, etc.

problem if you make items mastewrowrk etc:

1) Dakrsun materials are usually inferior, thye don't give a bonus, they always give a penalty...except when it's appropriate (wooden club is ok, a wooden sword is not very good, unless i'ts agafari wood)

2) you throw a major problem in making steel = superior, instead of "Normal", you get a bonus that shouldn't exist. Steel = base, nor superior.
Also, nothing says you can't have the masterwork 4th ed materials in DS...very rare, but ok. Also I can imagine superior cloth/leather/hide in Athasian campaigns as gear you could buy, but rare/expensive.

For example, instead of "Feyleather" you could have "Urukleather", made from drake hide or such.

Scale armour and even plate armour made form special hides/chitin etc is possible.

3) Just because Athas is metal poor, doesn't mean you can't have superior materials. All the elemental things that exist, gemstones, and mutant/weird beasties could provide better, unusual materials.
"Hammanu's Blood", a form of psionically tempered obsidian, slightly stonger but much harder than steel it doesn't shatter liek common obsidian.
Edged or pointed weapons do +1 damage. Effects that deal with blood, blood loss also do an extra +1 damage, so a warlock implement with this could be nice.

Obsidian orbs would be perfect as wizard implements ;)


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breschau said:
The easiest way to do psionics at first would be the half-elf multi-class like ability to use an at-will power as a per encounter power. Just give that to everyone. Half-elves get a total of two. Just call that one a 'psionic' power source. You could pick just about any power in the game, I'm sure, and it could work as a mind power. Especially all those push, pull, and slide powers.

Sorry to jump on this so late, but I think this is a good idea. I'd expand it, though: Pick an at will power to use as an encounter power, or choose an encounter power to use as a daily power. That pretty much doubles the options available to the players.

Posted idea on using "obsidian orbs", as that's an icnoic part of Dark Sun lore and paraphenalia.
So, DS preservers and defilers should use such orbs, IMHO :) here's write up of one I thought of

I think special obsidian, psionically treated to remove flaws, would be a great wepaon material (said that ages ago)
But...for implements...

Note cost is GP, but for DS games it would be CP

lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp; lvl 25 +5 625,000gp; lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp
enhancement attack and damage rolls
critical +1d6 damage per plus
Power Daily (free action): If you Defile while using this item you can trigger "Orb Hunger" a close burst 3, Int vs Fort on all creatures. Does 1hp necrotic damage per plus of the orb.
For each plus of the orb, attack of your spell is increased by 1 and does an extra 1hp necrotic damage.

THat would be perfect and logical weapon for Sorceror Kings, eh? ;)


One of the craziest (and most intriguing!) thoughts I've been kicking around lately is to make my personal Dark Sun update classless. Since I'll shove the Divine classes out of the setting and relegate the Arcane power source to rituals alone - more on that below - I'm basically left with the Martial and the eventual Psionic classes. From there it's only a logical (although non-trivial) step to remove the remaining class distinctions and let the players freely choose from Martial and Psi powers as they see fit. This would tie in nicely with the flavor of every Athasian having a natural gift for psionics.

What I'm aiming at is a brutal Sword & Sorcery feel with psychic powers thrown in to spice things up. Magic is rare and mostly the purview of villains. No one lobs around fireballs or magic missiles in combat - sorcery always takes time to perform. Moreover, every sorcerous ritual defiles the land, so good magicians need not apply. The flavor regarding the Sorcerer-Kings and the Dragon is as per the original boxed set; Kalak and Borys are both alive and well.

I'll probably roll dwarves and muls (and perhaps even half-giants) into a single race. The idea is to have a strand of tough and strong humans created by thousands of years of selective breeding... Essentially a slave race, which is something that dwarves and particularly muls always were. Elves will probably take a flying leap out of the setting to make room for the slightly larger and renamed halflings (still ferocious and cannibalistic, however!).

I'm still wondering if the aarakocra would be a viable player race in 4E. Perhaps giving them only a single ability score bonus - or none at all - in exchange for (clumsy) flight at 1st level would be an option.


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something else

OK, I know its a leetle premature, but for fun I was working on this and would love some feedback on whether it works or if it sux

Rajaat’s Pact
Through a dark pact binding your soul to that of the Warbringer Rajaat, you have gained ultimate power, but at ultimate cost.

Prerequisite: 21st level, Skill: Arcane, Feat: Ritual Caster
Alignment: Chaotic Evil, Evil, Unaligned Race: Human

Becoming a dragon requires that the human undergo a lengthy metamorphosis as he rises from 20th to 30th level. It’s a 10-step process begun when the character first casts the defiler metamorphosis Ritual upon reaching 20th level.
During each stage, the character’s form changes, soon becoming unrecognizable as human. The figure undergoes tremendous growth and acquires great mass. Scales and wings form, and the dragon undergoes a period of complete savagery before regaining his senses.
The defiler metamorphosis ritual explains the 10-step process. Any interference with its casting or failure to follow exactly the steps outlined by the ritual results in the failure of the ritual and the death of the caster.
As each stage of the metamorphosis is extremely painful, the dragon must pass a Endurance skill check or die in the process.
Once an individual becomes a dragon by reaching 21st level, he is immune to the effects of age and will never die of natural causes, though poison and disease can still kill. The dragon also gains the ability to understand and speak any language.

I am become death, destroyer of worlds…
With the ritual cast, your path into darkness is guaranteed. Moving from the shell of mortality, you now perceive all reality in its most base form. Life force is your meat and drink, and all that consumes you is the need to drink your fill. As you gain more power, and your form contorts further and further into the shape of a dragon, your relation with people around diminishes. Only “higher” beings such as yourself are worthy of respect, and you become anathema to beings of “purity” and “goodness”.
During the Metamorphosis, you will be given opportunities to abandon this dark road, but they will become more and more difficult until you finally cross the threshold and become a true “Dragon”.

The Defiler’s Wake

Draconic Ascension: When you complete your final
quest, your draconic nature yearns to complete your apotheosis. With the final casting of the Metamorphosis ritual, your body leaves any vestiges of your mortal form and takes on the form of a “True Dragon”. Tearing free of the trappings of mortality you rise into the Feywild, passing into the empty Astral Sea. There, your path creates a new conduit for you to move freely from the mortal plane to the Astral.
Forming your own domain out of pure will, you create a place for your “perfect form” to hold audience as the “True Dragon” for eternity.
Soon enough, your transcendent senses discern
mortal prayers directed at you.

Draconic Features
All Dragons gain the following class features.
21st-Level Dragon: At this level, the individual undergoing dragon metamorphosis enters the first of 10 stages which result in the alteration of his physical form. The humanoid form of the dragon doubles in mass, attaining a weight of 350 pounds. The dragon may gain bulk while retaining its original size, may grow up to 8 feet in height, or may increase in density without apparent changes in size or bulk. These changes are unpredictable and can’t be controlled. While the dragon still retains many humanoid characteristics, it develops a slight elongation to the face and nostrils. A more pronounced spine and rudimentary shoulder and back scales also mark this stage of the metamorphosis process. The character gains +2 to all stats and can never use an ability without defiling* the land around it.
22nd-Level Dragon: This stage involves further alterations to the dragon’s physical form, resulting in an increase in size to as tall as 10 feet and in weight to approximately 450 pounds. Other changes include a more pronounced elongation of the face, the beginnings of scales on the dragon’s now-prominent snout, a further delineation of the spine, and the emergence of a tail stub. The character’s defenses all go up +1 and you gin the trance ability if you don’t have it already.
23rd-Level Dragon: In the third metamorphic stage, the dragon increases in weight to 650 pounds and gains an additional foot in height. A drastic lengthening of all limbs, including fingers and toes, occurs. The neck lengthens dramatically as well, lifting the now-markedly reptilian head and face high above the shoulders. By
this level, body hair has vanished. The characters AC increases by +1 and gains the vulnerability Radiant at this level.
24th-Level Dragon: At this stage, the dragon’s original humanoid form is nearly impossible to distinguish. Weight increases to almost 900 pounds and the dragon may reach 12 feet in length (or height). Full scales cover the dragon except for the underbelly and the underside of its limbs, giving the metamorphosing creature an AC increase of +4. The dragon’s legs lose their human structure, developing huge thighs, sharp-angled, bony calves, and taloned feet. Some dragons also develop a prominent hunch about the shoulders and waist. The dragon can now move at a speed of 15 in both an upright position and on all four limbs. Its taloned fingers allow the dragon two attacks as an at-will basic melee (each 2d10 + STR damage each). The Dragon can no longer wear clothes or Armor at this point.
25th-Level Dragon: In this stage of the metamorphosis, the dragon reaches a full 12 feet from snout to tail and weighs nearly 1,600 pounds. Its hardened scales give it an AC bonus + 2. A magical enchantment now makes the dragon impervious to normal weapons; only magical weapons of +1 or better will inflict damage upon it. The jaws become prominent, endowing the dragon with a bite attack that inflict 4d12+STR points of damage. The tail continues to grow. During this phase, the dragon enters what is known as an “animalistic period” during which its savagery is uncontrollable most of the time. Every time the character enters a combat situation it must roll a STR vs WILL attack against itself. If the Roll succeeds the Character will go on a rampage attacking everything in site for 1d4+Dragon levels in days.
26th-Level Dragon: At this stage, the dragon now weighs 2,000 pounds. Its form is completely hunched into the classic dragon posture, but erect stance is still possible. The dragon’s height can reach 16 feet. The dragon’s scales now afford the bonus of + 2 AC, and the strengthened hind legs allow the dragon a jump bonus of +10. The dragon’s claws now cause 2d10+STR+5 points of damage each. Every time the character enters a combat situation it must roll a STR vs WILL attack against itself. If the Roll succeeds the Character will go on a rampage attacking everything in site for 1d4+Dragon levels in days.
27th-Level Dragon: During this stage, the dragon’s weight doubles to 4,000 pounds and its length increases to 20 feet. Body scales now give the dragon a bonus of + 1. Most importantly, the dragon develops the ability to use its breath weapon, as a range 10 blast 3 4d10+CON, recharge 5,6. Every time the character enters a combat situation it must roll a STR vs WILL attack against itself. If the Roll succeeds the Character will go on a rampage attacking everything in site for 1d4+Dragon levels in days. At this point all equipment must be Large size or becomes to small and delicate for the Dragon to use successfully.
28th-Level Dragon: In this stage, the dragon’s weight again increases, this time to 10,000 pounds. Its now full-grown tail extends the dragon’s length to 25 feet. The dragon develops a tail attack as an encounter which causes 5d10 damage, while damage from each claw attack increases to 2d10+STR+10. The dragon’s tough hide and scales improves its AC by + 1 as well as immunity to weapons with a magical enchantment of less than +2. A natural magic resistance develops during this stage granting it a +2 versus any magical save. As this stage draws to a close, the dragon’s animalistic period also ends; pain-wracked fury once more succumbs to the discipline of cold logic and cunning.
29th-Level Dragon: By this stage, the dragon’s length increases to 30 feet and its weight to 20,000 pounds. The dragon now sprouts wings, although these rudimentary structures only allow it a flying speed of 4 (clumsy flyer). The scaly armor of the dragon affords an Ac increase of +1, while damage from the breath weapon as a range 20 blast 5 4d10+CON, recharge 4,5,6. The dragon’s magic resistance rises to +6 versus magic saves. The Dragon loses the ability to use anything that is not either large size or custom made for its frame.
30th-level dragon: This is the final stage of the dragon metamorphosis. The original humanoid form of the dragon disappears completely, leaving only a pure dragon in its wake. The newly metamorphosed dragon is 40 feet long and weighs 50,000 pounds. Its wings are fully formed, allowing a flying movement of 18 (hover), while its scales offer the dragon an AC bonus of +2. Its magic resistance is now +8 versus magical saves. Damage from each claw attack becomes 2d10+STR+15, and the dragon’s breath weapon attains its maximum damage potential as a range 20 blast 5 4d10+CON, recharge 3,4,5,6

Channeling the Power
Body of the Dragon Draconic Utility 26
By tearing away at the very fabric of the life force around it, the Dragon can regain all its power spent.
Standard Action Personal
Effect: During a short rest (10 minutes or more) the Dragon can cause a lush area to become totally defiled. By defiling this area, the dragon acts as if it had taken a full rest and regains its entire daily and encounter powers and hit points.
Special: This ability cannot be done in any area other than an extremely lush and fertile place. Examples include, a bucolic valley, a lush farmstead in spring, a pure virgin wood. After the ability is enacted, everything in 20 + lvl of the Dragon is reduced to ash. Living creatures are affected by a (CHA + lvl of dragon) vs WILL or take (d10 x lvl) of dragon NECROTIC damage.

Defiler Metamorphosis
By ripping into the life force of the world, you gain the ability to shape your own into that of a greater being.
Level: 20
Category: Creation
Time: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Component Cost: Special
plus 1 healing surge
Market Price: Not For Sale
Key Skill: Arcana

Once cast, the character mutates his physical form drastically, each time becoming less human and more dragon.
The character may begin his preparation time at any point as he approaches his next level, building structures, gathering components, studying, etc. But the ritual cannot be cast before he has earned all the necessary experience points.
Though the experience points have been earned, the character gains no benefits of his new ritual level until after the character metamorphosis ritual is cast.
The exact material components, preparation time, and casting time differ, depending on what level the character is about to achieve, grouped by level into low, middle, high, and final metamorphosis.

Low (21st, 22nd, and 23rd levels): When approaching these levels, the character is merely beginning his metamorphosis toward dragon form. The preparation time at these levels must be at least one year, during which time the caster must have access to a laboratory and temple, in which he or she can gather artifacts of evil. Such materials must be discovered by the character or his minions and each item must be studied for at least eight hours every day for the entire year. Acquisition of such items will usually be a quest in and of itself; once used, these items cannot be used for this ritual again. The material components must include vast riches (at least 10,000 gp worth of jewels, gems, coins, or artistic treasures), a vast structure where the transformation might take place, and no fewer than 1,000 levels worth of living creatures for the life-leeching process. The artifacts dissolve into ash and the living creatures are slain one heartbeat after the character begins casting. The structure, which must cost more than 50,000 gp to build, is not destroyed and may be used again to cast this ritual when attaining all three of the low levels. The ritual is cast from the deep interior of the structure, where the caster will actually transform — no other beings may be present at the instant of casting. The casting time is a full 24 hours; any interruption results in ritual failure.
Middle (24th, 25th, and 26th levels): At the middle levels, the process is similar. The preparation time extends to two years per casting, during which time the caster must befriend and visit a powerful creature from an elemental plane. The caster must visit the planar creature three days of every fifteen for the entire preparation period. The DM must create and role-play the elemental creature — it is likely that it will force the character to perform difficult missions, more often than not for its own amusement, all through the preparation period. The material components include fewer riches (at least 5,000 gp) but more living creatures (no fewer than 2,000 Levels). A new structure must be built, which can be used for all three middle-level transformations, but this structure must be made of stone and obsidian, and must be ornately decorated, costing no less than 125,000 gp. The casting time is three days; any interruption results in ritual failure and death. (no save)
High (27th, 28th, and 29th levels): For the high levels of dragon metamorphosis must take place in a temple created solely of Obsidian with a value of no less than 250,000 gp. Inside the temple the character must bind four 21st lvl or higher Elementals (one of each element). During the binding, the Dragon must eat the creature and absorb their life force energy. The actual casting time is 24 hours, and the caster must have the full cooperation of at least three powerful beings (11th lvl or higher) for the entire time. Locating beings willing to cooperate should be easy, but getting their cooperation requires exchanges of favors, quests, etc.; preparation time is equal to the time it takes to convince the beings to cooperate.
Final (30th level): The final stage of dragon metamorphosis requires no preparation and a single material component; the slain body of a good creature defeated in single combat; the victim must be intelligent, have at least 20 levels, and be capable of casting spells or channeling divine magic. The ritual must be cast over the fallen victim within one hour of his defeat; the casting time is merely one turn. In all cases, the living creatures used as material components must be within one mile of the caster. Once cast, the character must make a STR vs WILL save roll or die in the mutation process. Any interruption or mistake during the casting of the ritual will kill the character character. This ritual can only be cast by characters.

Defiling vs. Preserving.

All right, how about this idea. (forgive me if it's been thought of before)

The key difference is that wizards draw power from the land BEFORE casting a spell. Unlike the rest of D&D worlds where the energy is already considered 'at the ready'.

So make the standard like this: To draw energy takes a free action, but defiles the area.

If you take a feat for preserving, you can use a MOVE action to draw that energy without defiling the area.

If you take an expert preserver feat, you can use a minor action to draw that energy safely.

If you take an elite preserver feat, you can use a free action to draw that energy safely.

This better follows the books, actually, but DOES limit the player heavily. You might see him defile on occasion just to survive in extreme situations.

I would also think that a few feats should be allowed for defilers too, such as 'slow defiling' that offsets the visible effects of defiling for a few minutes after the spell is cast.

And yes, I know that this method eats wizards feats, but the entire point was that "Preserving is a CHOICE."

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