D&D 5E Dark sun Times of change

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Kanna jumps off the cart and runs into the fray, leading with her turtleshell shield! She slashes viciously at one of the magically outlined creatures with a blade made from the scything curved tooth of some horrible monster!

[roll0] or [roll1] with advantage.

[roll2] slashing damage with scimitar!


OOC: Almost forgot [MENTION=6805410]Fradak[/MENTION] you will probs want to make a DC12 deception check to mask casting arcane magic

Eevuu fires an arrow that strikes the Baazrag right in its mouth as the creature was charging forward the momentum of the creature keeps it moving a few paces until it skids to a hault lying motionless as its blood begins to stain the sand. Chick strides forwards and impales a Baazarg on his gythka practically splitting the scavenger in half. Atrocolos runs over to help Kimet however she has all ready pummeled her target into a fine pulp and instead smushes his own Baazrag into the sa
nd.Kanna dives into the fray leaving a gash in the side of her target, the Baazrag yelps in pain but is undeterred in the defence of its Warren and bites back latching on to Kanna's shield arm refusing to let go. A second Baazrag moves to aid its ally in taking down Kanna using the distraction of its wounded ally hanging off Kanna's arm to its advantage and latches on to her other arm. The remaining surviving Baazrag charges towards Kimet seeing her exposed flesh as an easy target finding it's mark the beast latches onto her leg with its powerful jaws.

OOC: Anyone bit needs to make a DC12 con save or become poisoned

Kanna 7+3=10(con saves X2)
Kimet 7.

Once latched on a Baazarg moves with its target.


Drawing two ankheg-mandible scimitars, Chtckh'Chtckh rushes to stop the unfortunate little dras from being torn limb-from-limb.

[roll0] for [roll1] damage and [roll2] for [roll3] damage.

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