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DarkMatter D20: Drunk Southern Girls with Guns ... UPDATED - 8/18/05!

What would you like to see in the DarkMatter campaign?

  • Cthulhu, baby

    Votes: 66 23.7%
  • More anal probing!

    Votes: 66 23.7%
  • Rather less anal probing, thank you.

    Votes: 33 11.9%
  • Deeper Conspiracy theory stuff

    Votes: 84 30.2%
  • More traditional monster/horror tone

    Votes: 29 10.4%


First Post
jonrog1 said:
This was so surreal, Jo felt as if she'd floated away from the world, detached just a bit. "You know how when we investigate UFOS, sometimes cattle, well their ... well the anus thing. Missing. Like surgically removed."

"Yeesssss?" crackled the response.

"What does it mean when it happens to people?"

Well, I'll tell you one thing. It doesn't taste like happy.

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First Post
Jonrog, great storyhour.

I've been meaning to read it for a while--I always thought that the title promised more than it could possibly deliver. I've been pleasantly proven wrong.




Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
John, I just saw The Core. Took longer than I had intended, studying for certification the last few months, its been hard to get out.

Anyway, I loved it. It was exactly what you promised and well worth the time. John, pardon me for saying so , but this movie has your stink all over it. You had me laughing from beginning to end. I loved the ship, Virgil, loved Rat, and I liked who you/they picked for the lead. You write that character to a tee. I loved the "evil" scientist, reminded me a little of Mountheim from your Pulp Spycraft story hour, execentric, spoiled, and all.

The CG was fine. I loved the Golden Gate Bridge. Fun stuff.

The whales were a stretch for me but over all I thought the story was strong. Thanks for a fun couple of hours.

A devoted fan,


P.S. I didn't know where else to write this. So this being my favorite story hour of yours, here you go.


First Post
Well, since I'm a little late to read your story hour (I'm new to ENWorld) I gleefully read the whole thing in one day (here at work...I'm so bad) Now I'm as much a junkie as everyone else and can't wait to find out what's next.

Good work, Jon. I guess I'll have to read your other SH's to get my fix.


First Post
Chapter 7

At the school, Andy and Ross dialed in to the same frequency Jo was reporting to Denis on. "You mean the bodies are incomplete?"

Denis waved them off. "Get Stephen please."

They waited. Through the radiolink they could hear Jo call Stephen over. Finally he hooked in, still spitting a bit and muttering: "Carrots? I haven't eaten carrots, why -- hello?" Stephen let them yell into the comms a while before answering. "Long story short, the bodies are in almost pristine condition, covered with some sort of numbing goo. Their .. ahem ... rectums are cleanly removed, as if by some high-velocity apple corer."

Denis frowned. "This is atypical of most UFO mutilations. They never perform the same type of --"

"Could I just take a moment and freak out here?" Andy smacked Denis on the back of the head. "If this is a new stage in human/UFO relations, I say we put on the iron pants and fire up the space lasers."

Ross as always, was the voice of reason. "Listen, we still have to talk to Eliot and the classmates of the missing boys. That doesn't change. Let Stephen call it in and manage that circus." Stephen agreed.

Ross, Andy and Denis were about to enter the school when the balding, middle-aged Principal Wills intercepted them. "Are you the FBI gentlemen?"

Andy cut in smoothly. "We're on the investigation."

"Something rather odd I thought you should know before you got started." The Principal pointed to a beat-up '73 Plymouth parked in the school lot. "The janitor, Mr. Wynorski, didn't report in today. But his wife's called -- he never came home last night, and his car's right there."

"You think he may have slept at the school?" Ross asked.

"He's never done it before." The Principal wrung his hands. "We checked the storage rooms, thinking perhaps he'd passed out, but ..."

"We're going to check out the basement and boiler room," Denis announced. The three Agents got directions from the Principal and entered the school.

"Why the boiler room?" Andy asked.

"Kids are filling the classrooms, teachers are in the lounges. School's been in session for an hour. Since nobody else has found him ..."

"Go where nobody else would go -- boiler room." Ross nodded. "Nice."

As soon as they through open the door to the stairs, a wave of stench and decay rolled over them. The three Agents subtly drew their guns ...


Andy and Denis stared at the shotgun in Ross's hand. He shrugged. "Am I the only guy thinking 'basement full o' zombies'?"

They reached the basement, moving in two-by-one covering steps. A dense maze of pipes cut all visibility to within just five feet. Steam hissed everywhere, transforming their flashlight beams into long, dramatic shafts of white. There was no noise but the clanking of the furnace, nothing could be seen. They inched through the pipes like jungle explorers weaving their way through thick bamboo.

"Ah great." Andy pointed his flashlight down. A massive, sprawled figure lay before them. "Janitor?"

"Or just somebody who enjoys dingy overalls. " Ross played his light down the corpse. "Bad news."

Denis bent down eagerly. Andy and Ross exchanged concerned looks and raised their weapons. They slid so they could stand back-to-back.

"Yep, his is gone too." Denis started taking shots with his digital camera.

"You didn't take this many pictures when we were in Paris," Andy muttered.

"There weren't any cleanly cored body parts in Paris." From his angle, Denis could see under the next set of pipes. He did a double take. "Guys, we have a third winner in the missing teen trifecta."

The three men had to stoop to slide under the pipes. They'd prepared themselves for the gruesome sight of Darren Vincent's body.

They hadn't prepared themselves enough. For once, after all their missions, the three found themselves speechless.

Darren Vincent's body was propped sitting up. The top of his head was sawed clean off, exposing the bulk of his brain. Long metal needles, knitting needles, and some bent-off bits of coat hangar were plunged into his brain at intervals. These were interspersed with tiny metal shavings, straight pins, some bigger nails ... Some of them were wired together. Some just had wire hanging off them. It was a complex, intricate pattern, all finally tied into one long wire attached to a ... metal pot lid.

The look on the young man's face made it quite clear he'd been awake for all of this.


Hours later, the Agents were gathered outside their motel. Each had taken some private time, showered, pulled themselves together. Jo leaned against Ross. Andy sat on the hood of their rental car. Stephen was going over the preliminary reports from the local M.E. Denis still hadn't returned from his room

"I suppose you're right," Ross said to Andy. "The kids are no longer missing. "

"Job over, and we leave town before whatever does ... that ... finds me sleeping in my motel room." Andy raised his hands. "Hey, don't get me wrong. We've all faced some real nastiness. But whatever did this has the tangy aroma of sadistic glee and technical wizardry, and that is never a fun combination."

"Did I tell you, I saw them?" Jo looked up at Ross again. "I'm not crazy. Im psychic."

"Those are not mutually exclusive," Andy mentioned.

Jo's retort was cut off by Denis's return. He held a fax from the motel office. His expression was ... concerned. "Okay, this just got weirder."

"How. In the name. Of GOD. Could this get weirder?" Andy asked through clenched teeth.

"These are the background checks on Malloy and Sullivan. He's exactly what he seems to be -- a true believer. Investigator of the paranormal"

"What about your girlfriend?" Stephen asked.

"Well, I don't think Malloy knows this, there's no way he could, really ..." Denis flipped over the fax. "Diane Sullivan is a member of Majestic 12."


The EN World kitten
Who says you can't find quality writing for free on the internet? I'm eating this up and I want more!

This is by far the best story in this ongoing saga so far, and that's saying something! John, hats, and yes, even tops of heads, off to you! Especially for that Majestic 12 thing! How on earth do you find out something like that, it shouldnt be that easy! And that she's a member of the highest-ranking part of a huge conspiracy group...unbelieveable! Must have more!

:) :D :cool:
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