Dawn of Defiance

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[OOC: Allright, i'll be skipping ahead a little bit, because this is getting in a slump and having to wait constantly till everybody's posted wears this game down. So we'll be getting to the prison infiltration part...]

After a long chase which seemed to go by in the blink of an eye (think a very fast speeder chase), it was Surussk who eventually managed to jump on the trooper's speeder and simply snapping his neck!

Alder lagged behind a bit, and the chief got up to him. [this'll be continued in a private e-mail]

Soon the whole party got out of the jungle and you could all see...

A relatively squat, two-story building in characteristic Imperial style: gray walls with a slight outward slant, no visible windows, and a plain visage that leaves no room for accoutrements. The second story of the building is visibly smaller than the ground floor, and blinking lights line the top floor’s edges. A large set of blast doors denotes the ground floor entry to
the building, while a single gun turret (which appears to be an E-Web blaster built into the wall) juts out a few meters to the door’s left.

Otherwise, there are no other visible entrances or exits to the facility.
Stormtroopers stand guard at the facility’s blast doors, while the low hum of speeder engines indicates that there might be scout troopers on patrol nearby. Additionally, you hear heavy thudding sounds in the distance, along with the noises of plants being crushed, indicating the presence of a walker of some kind.

Fortunately, the Felucian chief is aware of a secret entrance. He leads you to the northwest corner of the building, where a ventilation grate barely hangs on its bolts... He motions that he'll have to leave you now, to get back to his village.


"I suggest we wait a while to see if any patrols pass here during their round, and then enter right after they've passed the spot," Duela says. "We also want to have the grate back in place once we've crawled inside to avoid suspicion."


First Post
The chief nods, apparently understanding Duella, then leaves.
After a while you can ehar Felucian battle cries...apparently there's a small Felucian army keeping the troopers busy outside the main gate! That should leave you enough time to get in.

[OOC: whos gonna break the grate? Strength check...]


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Well that's as good distraction as any." Alder comments as the fighting begins on the other side. He looks at EF as it starts on the grate and reminds the droid. "Just don't wreck it totally. We need it to look intact."


First Post
It looks to Surussk like the droid can handle the grate, so the Trandoshan keeps his eyes looking around and up for any trouble. He has his carbine ready in case any Imperials stumble across the group.

If EF needs assistance then Surussk will give him a hand.


First Post
Alder's words have a bit of a prophetic ring to them....since EF-8 clearly hasn't fully mastered the control over his Strength yet. WHen he's done there doesn't seem to be a grate left...
Nonetheless, it looks like Imperial patrols'll be busy so everyone can easily sneak inside the base.

Once inside, you see an interior that reminds you of Sel Zonn Station: all clean walls & doors in full, bright Imperial metal. There are several markers with directions pointing out stations: medical bay, defense turret, communications center, prison block. There's also a computer terminal nearby, and there don't seem to be any troopers in this corridor (since most of them are probably busy fighting the Felucian uprising).


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Kered, would you mind taking a look at that console and see if you can find out anything usefull." Alder says and moves a bit further down the corridor and draws the lightsaber, but refrains from igniting it before there's actually any trouble ahead. He looks at the markers. "Well I guess it's the prison block we're going to?"


"Does anyone know how to operate an E-Web?" Duela asks as she looks at the sign for 'defense turret'. "Seriously speaking, we want to shut down their communications before we leave, so they can't send a distress signal."

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