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Dawnforge: Heroes of Legend - Game Restart


Guest 11456

I originally posted this over at: www.pathsoflegend.org

Race and Class choices in Dawnforge:

Elf, Dawn
Elf, Ghost (AoL)
Elf, Moon (AoL)
Elf, Night
Elf, Wood (AoL)
Human, Highlander
Human, Lowlander
Human, Saltblood
Human, Trueborn
Orc, Albino (Forest Wight) (AoL)
Yuan-ti, Thinblood

Disciple - Dawnforge version of the Cleric.
Psychic Warrior
Shaman - Dawnforge version of the Druid.
Shaper - Sort of a Sorcerer style Cleric.
Spirit Adept - Uses connection to the spirit to augment self.

Racial ability changes and racial advancement:

Each race advances like this:

Racial Level / Special
1 / Racial talent, Race traits
2 / Racial Transformation
3 / Racial talent, First ability increase
4 / Racial Transformation
5 / Racial talent, Second ability increase
6 / Racial Transformation
7 / Racial talent, Third ability increase
8 / Racial Transformation
9 / Racial talent, Forth ability increase
10 / Racial Transformation

Each ability increase is +2 to the appropriate ability and is different for each race as shown below.

Race / First level ability changes / Ability increases / Favored Class
Doppleganger / +2 Con, -2 Str / Dex, Cha, Int, Con / Rogue
Dwarf / +2 Con, -2 Dex / Con, Str, Con, Wis / Fighter
Elf, Dawn / +2 Dex, -2 Con / Int, Dex, Cha, Dex / Wizard
Elf, Night / +2 Dex, -2 Con / Int, Dex, Cha, Dex / Rogue
Gnome / +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Str / Con, Wis, Cha, Wis / Shaman
Halfling / +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str, -2 Wis / Con, Cha, Dex, Cha / Bard
Human, Highlander / +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha / Con, Dex, Wis, Dex / Barbarian
Human, Lowlander / +2 Any, -2 Any other / Con, Str, Wis, Con / Any
Human, Saltblood / +2 Dex, -2 Str / Con, Str, Dex, Con / Any
Human, Trueborn / +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Dex / Con Wis, Cha, Str / Any
Lizardfolk / +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha / Con, Wis, Dex, Str / Barbarian
Minotaur / +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis / Str, Con, Str, Wis / Fighter
Ogre / +4 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha / Con, Con, Str, Wis / Fighter or Barbarian
Orc / +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha / Con, Wis, Str, Con / Barbarian
Tiefling / +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Cha, -2 Str, -2 Con / Con, Int, Str, Cha / Wizard
Yuan-ti, Thinblood / +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Str / Con, Wis, Int, Cha / Psion


+2 Con, -2 Str
30 feet
Low-Light Vision
+4 Bluff
+4 Fort vs. poison and disease
Cultural Influence
Alternate Form
Restricted Skills (Decipher Script & Literacy)
Languages: Common, Doppleganger / Any (except secret languages)
Favored Class: Rogue

Racial Talents:
Alternate Form
Form Mastery
Improvised Equipment
Quick Form
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Monstrous Humanoid
Detect Thoughts
Unusual Physiology
Change Shape
Natural Armor
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Con, -2 Str
20 feet
+2 Knowledge (engineering), Craft (relating to machines)
Low-Light Vision
+1 AB with axes & hammers
Weapon Familiarity
+4 dodge vs. giant type
Languages: Common, Dwarven / Anderlar, Clan Speech, Giant, Goblin, Orc, Stone-speak, Terran
Favored Class: Fighter

Racial Talents:
Divine Mastery
Craft Magic Arms and Armor I
Craft Magic Arms and Armor II
Giant Fighter
Identify Magic Arms and Armor
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Damage Reduction
Improved Climber
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Dex, -2 Con
30 feet
Immunity to magic sleep spells & effects
+2 save vs. Enchantment spells & effects
Low-Light Vision
Weapon Familiarity
+1 AB with all longbows and shortbows
+1 Listen, Search, Spot
Spell Immunity
Languages: Common, Elven / Anderlar, Gnome, Sylvan
Favored Class: Wizard

Racial Talents:
Lesser Spellcasting I
Lesser Spellcasting II
Voice of the Woodlands
Woodland Fighting
Arcane Mastery
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Improved Spell Immunity
Wild Empathy
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Dex, -2 Con
30 feet
Low-Light Vision
+2 save vs. spells & spell-like abilities
Spell Resistance
Languages: Common, Elven / Anderlar, Gnome, Sylvan, Abyssal (disciples of Lathail only)
Favored Class: Rogue

Racial Talents:
Arcane Mastery
Unusual Stealth
Spider's Bite
Shadow Jump
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Full Spell Resistance
Minor Spell Resistance
Moderate Spell Resistance
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Str
20 feet
Low-Light Vision
+2 Handle Animal
+2 Listen
Weapon Familiarity
Do not need to eat or drink
+1 AB with bludgeoning weapons (including slings)
Wild Empathy
Languages: Common, Gnome / Anderlar, Elven, Sylvan

Racial Talents:
Arcane Mastery
Divine Mastery
Fey Gift I
Fey Gift II
Potion Mastery I
Potion Mastery II
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Damage Reduction
Improved Fading
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str, -2 Wis
20 Feet
+2 Bluff, Perform, Sleight of Hand
1 extra feat at first level
+1 AB with all light weapons (including thrown weapons)
Weapon Familiarity
Languages: Common, Halfling / Anderlan, Clan Speech, King's Tongue, Goblin, Orc
Favored Class: Bard

Racial Talents:
Arcane Mastery
Fast Learner
Incredible Luck
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Animal Companion
Good First Impression
Quick Feet
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
30 feet
1 extra feat at first level
4 extra skill points at first level
+2 save vs. Will
Clan Honor Code
Languages: Common, Clan Speech / Anderlar, Giant, Goblin, Highland Runic, King's Tongue, Orc
Favored Class: Barbarian

Racial Talents:
Clan Favored Weapon
Fast Learner
Talent Feats
Voice of the Highlands

Racial Transformations:
Disciplined Mind
Fast Movement
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Any, -2 Any other
30 feet
1 extra feat at first level
4 extra skill points at first level
+2 Bluff, Diplomacy made to influence a transaction or trade
Languages: Common, Anderlar / Any, including Druidic (but not other secret languages)
Favored Class: Any

Racial Talents:
Arcane Mastery
Divine Mastery
Fast Learner
Group Fighter
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Fast Movement
Great Swimmer
Strength of Body, Mind, and Spirit
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Dex, -2 Str
30 feet
1 extra feat at first level
4 extra skill points at first level
+4 Swim
+2 Use Rope
+1 AC when using a buckler (stacks with buckler shield bonus)
Bucklers do not impair swim ability
Languages: Common, Dorlian / Any (except secret languages)
Favored Class: Any

Racial Talents:
Fast Learner
Danger Sense
Ignore Pain
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Hold Breath
Damage Reduction
Natural Swimmer
Perfect Swimmer
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Dex
30 feet
1 extra feat at first level
4 extra skill points at first level
+2 Handle Animal, Ride with horses
Languages: Common, King's Tongue / Anderlar, Celestial, Clan Speech, Valhedrin
Favored Class: Any

Racial Talents:
Divine Mastery
Lesser Spellcasting I
Lesser Spellcasting II
Horse Shield
Natural Rider
Mounted Warrior
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Aura of Good
Natural Armor
Spell Resistance
Angel Wings
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
30 feet, swim 40 feet
+8 Swim to avoid hazards or perform special actions
Can always take 10 on Swim
Can use run action provided movement is in straight line while swimming
+2 Knowledge (nature) & Survival
+1 natural AC
Can hold breath three time Con score
Can never gain proficiency with Heavy Armor
Languages: Common, Draconic / Any (except secret)
Favored Class: Barbarian

Racial Talents:
Natural Weapon Mastery I
Natural Weapon Mastery II
Natural Weapon Mastery III
Primitive Weapon Mastery
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Breath Water
Natural Armor
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, -2 int, -2 Wis
30 feet (when charging move 2.5 times base speed)
Low-Light Vision
+2 Spot
Natural Cunning
Languages: Common, Giant / Anderlar, Clan Speech, Dwarven, Goblin, Orc
Favored Class: Fighter

Racial Talents:
Powerful Charge
Second Wind
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Monstrous Humanoid
Natural Armor
Large Size
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+4 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
40 feet
Low-Light Vision
Languages: Common, Giant / Anderlar, Clan Speech, Dwarven, Goblin, Orc
Favored Class: Fighter

Racial Talents:
Favored Weapons
Feat of Strength
Intellectual Curiosity
Keep the Distance
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Large Size
Natural Armor
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
40 feet
Low-Light Vision
Cold Tolerance
+2 save vs. Fort
Languages: Common, Orc / Anderlar, Clan Speech, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin
Favored Class: Barbarian

Racial Talents:
Feat of Strength
The Bigger the Wound the Better
Orcish Rage
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Damage Reduction
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Cha, -2 Str, -2 Con
30 feet
+2 Bluff, Diplomacy
Low-Light Vision
Languages: Common, Valhedrin / Anderlar, Infernal, King's Tongue, Sothren
Favored Class: Wizard

Racial Talents:
Arcane Mastery
Infernal Gift I
Infernal Gift II
Demonic Familiar
Infernal Resistance
Talent Feats
Talent Skills

Racial Transformations:
Fire Resistance
Infernal Presence
Natural Armor
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills

+2 int, +2 Wis, -2 Str
30 feet
+2 Diplomacy, Sense Motive
Low-Light Vision
Languages: Common, Yuan-ti / Abyssal, Draconic, Valhedrin
Favored Class: Psion

Racial Talents:
Bite Attack
Poison Bite
Lesser Psionics I
Lesser Psionics II
Psionic Mastery
Invisible Psionics
Talent Feats
Talent Skills
Identify Psionic Item
Craft Power Stone

Racial Transformations:
Natural Armor
Snake Form I
Snake Form II
Snake Form III
Transformation Feats
Transformation Skills


HD: d8
BAB: As Cleric
Saves: As Cleric
Starting Gold: As Cleric
Weapons: Simple
Armor: All including shields except tower shield
Skills: 2 points - As Cleric minus Knowledge (history) plus Listen
Spells: As Druid (choose spells from the cleric list)
1. Divine spells, intercession 1/day
2. Innate spell (0-level)
3. Innate spell (1st)
4. Immortal gift
5. Innate spell (2nd)
7. Innate spell (3rd)
9. Innate spell (4th)
10. Intercession 2/day
11. Innate spell (5th)
13. Innate spell (6th)
15. Innate spell (7th)
17. Innate spell (8th)
19. Innate spell (9th)
20. Intercession 3/day

HD: d8
BAB: As Druid
Saves: As Druid
Starting Gold: As Druid
Weapons: Simple
Armor: Light, medium, and shields
Skills: 4 points - As Druid
Spells: As Druid (choose spells from the druid list)
1. Divine spells, animal companion, nature sense, wild empathy
2. Craft spell fetish
3. Rituals of power I
4. Companion sight
5. Medium elemental form 1/day
6. Trackless step
7. Rituals of power II
8. Treant form 1/day
10. Huge elemental form 1/day
11. Second elemental type
12. Quickened rituals
13. Rituals of power III
14. Improved elemental form 1/day
15. Timeless body
16. Greater elemental form 1/day
17. Third elemental type
18. Rituals of power IV
20. Elder elemental form 1/day

HD: d8
BAB: As Cleric
Saves: As Sorcerer
Starting Gold: As Sorcerer
Weapons: Simple
Armor: Light, medium, and shields
Skills: 4 points - As Cleric minus Heal and Knowledge (history), plus Gather Information, Listen, and Search
Spells: As Sorcerer (choose spells from the cleric list)
1. Divine spells, divine focuses
2. First specialty, enlarge specialty spell
5. Second specialty
8. Empower specialty spell
10. Advanced divine focuses
11. Third specialty
14. Extend specialty spell
17. Maximize specialty spell
18. Fourth specialty

HD: d10
BAB: As Cleric
Saves: As Monk
Starting Gold: As Bard
Weapons: Simple and Martial
Armor: Light including shields except tower shield
Skills: 4 points - As Monk minus Concentration, Craft, Perform, Profession, and Sense Motive
1. Spirit sense I, spirit stength 2, 1 adept power
2. Evasion, spirit stength 4, 1 adept power
3. Spirit stength 6, 2 adept powers
4. Bonus feat, spirit stength 8, 2 adept powers
5. Feather fall, spirit stength 10, 3 adept powers
6. Spirit sense II, spirit stength 15, 3 adept powers
7. Wholeness of body, spirit stength 20, 4 adept powers
8. Bonus feat, spirit stength 25, 4 adept powers
9. Improved evasion, spirit stength 30, 5 adept powers
10. Spirit stength 35, 5 adept powers
11. Spirit sense III, spirit stength 45, 6 adept powers
12. Bonus feat, spirit stength 55, 6 adept powers
13. Spirit stength 65, 7 adept powers
14. Spirit stength 75, 7 adept powers
15. Spirit stength 85, 8 adept powers
16. Bonus feat, spirit stength 95, 8 adept powers
17. Spirit stength 105, 9 adept powers
18. Spirit stength 115, 9 adept powers
19. Spirit stength 125, 10 adept powers
20. Bonus feat, spirit stength 135, 10 adept powers

Spirit Strength is what the spirit adept uses to power his spirit powers. There are 10 spirit powers and each power has 3 ability levels. At every odd class level a spirit adept gains a new spirit ability. The spirit adept can use a power that he knows at any ability level, provided he is of the proper spirit adept level. The activation cost of a given power is shown in the following table:

Spirit Sense Level / Adept Power Activation Cost

The level powers and their level 1 abilities are as follows:
Improved Movement - +5 to Climb, Jump, or Swim checks
Smite Enemies - One attack deals +2d6 points of damage as a full round action
Burst of Speed - +20 feet add to movement for one minute
Evasive Action - +2 AC, +4 AC vs. AoO for one minute
Piercing Strike - Strike as a magic weapon for one minute
Purify Self - Slow poison or remove disease (self only)
Heighten Senses - +4 bonus to Listen and Spot for 10 minutes
True Vision - Sense Invisibility (reduces miss chance, can target within 15 feet)
Spirit Warrior - Detect undead and outsiders (those with no connect to the Spirit)
Extreme Focus - +4 to skill used under pressure
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ah ha!

I've got it!

Gnome Shaman :)

That's what I needed to get at least started on the basic basic level, thanks Tailspinner. I think it'll take a week or so for amazon.ca to probably ship me the book no less for it to get here.


A few questions:

Gnome talents, what do they do?

Do shamans follow the same restrictions as druids in regards to armor?

The Druid organization, any advice on being related to this perhaps?

I think that's it...

actually, I was thinking would it be possible to get a small owl instead of a tiny one? It'd be neat to have an owl who is as a big as me.


I'm here. I would have had my character done all ready but I just started a second job (gotta pay the bills :\ ) and I've been busy. It will be very soon, though.



First Post
Hurm - looking over the list, it seems we have plenty of fighter, rogue, and cleric-types, but no arcane guys. I can easily run a wizard/sorcerer/psion instead of a ranger! Let me know, TS!

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Kieran Amblecrown
Male Trueborn Human Brd1; Size M; HD 1d6; hp 6; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather); BAB +0; Grp +0; Atk +0 melee (dagger, 1d4/19-20/x2, or rapier, 1d6/18-20/x2), +1 ranged (dagger, 1d4/19-20/x2/10 ft., or shortbow, 1d6/x3/60 ft.), +2 ranged within 30 ft. (dagger, shortbow, both as above); Full Atk as Atk; SA arcane spells, bardic music; SQ Lesser spellcasting I, trueborn abilities, bard abilities; AL NG; SV Fort +0, Ref +3 (+1 Dex), Will +5 (+3 Wis); Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 18.

Skills, Feats, Languages
Bluff +8 (4 ranks, +4 Cha), Concentration +4 (4 ranks, +0 Con), Decipher Script +7 (4 ranks, +3 Int), Diplomacy +6 (2 ranks, +4 Cha), Handle Animal +8/+10 with horses (4 ranks, +4 Cha), Heal +7 (4 ranks, +3 Wis), Knowledge/Arcana +7 (4 ranks, +3 Int), Knowledge/Nobility and Royalty +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int), Knowledge/History +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int), Listen +3 (0 ranks, +3 Wis), Perform/Stringed Instruments +8 (4 ranks, +4 Cha), Search +3 (0 ranks, +3 Int), Sense Motive +5 (2 ranks, +3 Wis), Spellcraft +7 (4 ranks, +3 Int), Spot +3 (0 ranks, +3 Wis); Innate Talent (Handle Animal, Heal), Point Blank Shot; Anderlar, Celestial, Clan Speech, Common, King's Tongue.

Trueborn Abilities
Base land speed 30 ft., bonus feat at 1st level, 4 extra skill points at 1st level, +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks with horses, favored class: any.

Racial Talents and Transformations
Lesser Spellcasting I: cure minor wounds, lesser restoration, both 1/day as a 1st level caster.

Bard Abilities
Weapon proficiencies (simple, longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, whip), armor proficiencies (light, all shields except tower), armored spellcasting (no ASF in light armor), arcane spells, bardic knowledge +4, bardic music (countersong, fascinate, inspire courage).

Spells per day 2/0/0/0/0/0/0
Spells known 4/0/0/0/0/0/0
Bonus spells 0/1/1/1/1/0/0
0-level spells known: detect magic, lullaby, read magic, summon instrument [Save DC 14]

Noble's outfit, studded leather armor, rapier, shortbow, quiver [20 arrows], dagger (in boot), common lute, backpack [bedroll, bottle of Deleune wine from his father's estate, traveler's outfit], spell component pouch, belt pouch.

Physical Description
Tall and lean (6 ft. 2 in., 197 lbs.), Kieran's blonde hair, trim beard, and green eyes clearly mark him as Deluene. A handsome youth (although not as good looking as any of his three brothers), he carries himself well, with the careful deportment and composure of a member of the aristocracy. His clothes are clean and, generally, horribly inappropriate for an adventurer -- being just slightly too formal. He looks far more ready to go off hunting foxes than to explore the unknown parts of the world.

Kieran is the youngest of the three sons of Baron Whitelin Amblecrown, a minor noble in the service of King Enir II. His older brother, Whitelin Amblecrown II, has been trained to follow in their father's footsteps since birth, with his good health, dashing good looks, and wild popularity among the serfs assuring his succession to the title. The twins, Nicolaen and Thomel, have been accorded minor titles in the Barony and have begun careers in the military and clergy, respectively. This, of course, leaves Kieran, an adventurer because there's nothing for him at home now that his education's been finished -- the lands and title will go to his older brothers before they even get close to him and his father frequently treats Kieran like an unexpectedly sharp and favored puppy more than a son. He has since decided that he might as well go out and seek his own fortune. Having never been to Seagarden, he figured that was as good a place as any to start. It's also where he ran out of money. In the meantime, he's been roaming from inn to inn, paying for his lodging by playing his lute.
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Hey, Ferrix. Just got here. Hope this helps.

Gnome talents, what do they do?

Arcane Mastery: +1 known spell (spontaneous casters), +1 spell slot/day of any level the PC can cast [prereq: Arcane spellcaster level 1+]
Divine Mastery: as above, except for divine casters [prereq: Divine spellcaster level 1+]
Fey Gift I: cast one 0-level and one 1st level spell 1/day at character level (pick from Druid spell list)
Fey Gift II: Expands on Fet gift I [Prereq: Fey gift I, character level 7+]
Potion Mastery I: identify potions and oils, all potions function at caster level +1
Potion Mastery II: brew three potions (chosen from the Shaman or Ranger spell lists) even if the character does not have Brew Potion
Talent Feats: pick one of the following feats - any metamagic, any item creation, Alertness, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus
Talent Skills: gain +5 skill points to distribute among a set list of skills

Do shamans follow the same restrictions as druids in regards to armor?

Not as far as I can see.

The Druid organization, any advice on being related to this perhaps?

I'll leave this for Tailspinner to answer.

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Guest 11456

Ferrix said:
Gnome talents, what do they do?

Do shamans follow the same restrictions as druids in regards to armor?

Thanx to Kajamba Lion for the great answers to these.

Ferrix said:
The Druid organization, any advice on being related to this perhaps?

You could be a member if you wish for background purposes but it will have little if any to do with in game stuff.

Ferrix said:
actually, I was thinking would it be possible to get a small owl instead of a tiny one? It'd be neat to have an owl who is as a big as me.

Sorry. Only a regular 1 HD owl will work. A 2 HD owl would be small, but for 3.5e the druid's companion (shaman animal companions work like druid animal companions) is based on the base animal.


Tailspinner said:
Sorry. Only a regular 1 HD owl will work. A 2 HD owl would be small, but for 3.5e the druid's companion (shaman animal companions work like druid animal companions) is based on the base animal.

Alright, I don't entirely understand your logic, but up to you. Seems not all animal companions are created equal, guess a wolf or eagle seems a better choice after all.

Didn't want the HD increase, just a small owl instead of a tiny one, sort of like the size an eagle is which is still 1HD.

The MM also doesn't list advancement sizes for animals.
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