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Rystil Arden

First Post
"Why, we ask her to stop, of course."

"Milady, we do not wish to fight, as we mean you no harm. Surely it would be better vengeance for your lost sisters if you were to search as far as you are able for clues and report back?"
Raynard implores, his words holding the power of Suggestion.

(OOC: Seems like a reasonable enough Suggestion, and it is open-ended enough to keep her busy for hours :))

Isida Kep'Tukari

The sundered woman's rampage stops as quickly as it began. She stares at Raynard in utter astonishment as Solara quickly stops Ebony's bleeding. Sir Aravir holds his charge, while Darvekis jumps in to help Hiitar. Haedyn pauses in his leaping down the slope as the woman looks left, then right, then sideways. Finally she turns and begins to run up the opposite slope, running out of sight in a matter of moments.

The group breathes a sigh of relief. Surely that tense moment must have lasted a month! It certainly felt like it. The group joins back together, and with some further effort, manages to move the sundered woman's tree. Haedyn finishes breaking it in half, the "blood" turning into dark sap, now that the crazed fey is parted from her tree. Sir Aravir's horse Shade is hitched to the tree and pulls it aside, then the pair go after the hapless dwarven merchant Dalart. He's found, somewhat worse for the ware, a half-mile down the road. After resting his donkey, he's ready to return and go on his journey.

But here the group must make a desicion. Clearly the threat of the lava children is quite deadly, and to save the Kingsmarch from the Valhedar Dominion only to lose it to the creatures of the earth would be the height of irony. A serious discussion is held, and after much wrangling, a decision is made. Hiitar, Galen, and Ebony will remain here to investigate the threat and warn the surrounding communities. Dalart will warn the dwarves, and hopefully the threat can be turned before it grows. He also promises his silence on the words and sights he saw of your mission, not wanting to cross such a strange and powerful group. A final night is spent with the cocky saltblood, the sly tiefling, and the curious dawn elf wizard before the group parts ways again, perhaps to meet again someday.

With a great sigh, the group turns once again toward Ambria. Pushing on to get out of the last of the mountains, it's only a few more days before you clear the foothills and get into the forested lowlands and plains that characterize Anderland. There is no road where you're going, but there is a path of pounded earth. The last hereabouts is rich, and very occasionally you meet a woodcutter, or hunter, or hermit. But most of these folk live alone by choice, and no more than a courteous greeting and few words about the weather is exchanged.

It takes another week before you manage to get to the Torvun River, the great river that empties into the Goldspring Sea to the east. A bit of investigating reveals a few ways to get over it. It's a massive river, large and not terribly tame. You could ford it... and hope your mules and horses make it across. You're laden with gear for a long journey, and it would be difficult. You could go to the ferryman a bit to the north and pay for the passage there, five silver. It's a popular crossing, and you'd probably be part of a crowd. Or you could go to the Giant's Bridge, a large stone bridge about a day south. It was made by the Mathog dwarven clan as a symbol of goodwill to Anderland some centuries past. There's no toll there, at least not officially. Sometimes something large and nasty takes up residence there, and ambushes have occured there in the past. It's also rumored to be haunted, but those are only ghost stories.

OOC: Stupid monster Will save. Stupid dice. Smart player getting rid of her again. :p

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Yay!--Ssiran would have been upset if he had to kill her. Poor dryad :()

"Perhaps we should take the bridge and thus avoid the suspicious crowds," Raynard suggests.


First Post
Haedyn, Male Lowlander Spirit Adept

*Haedyn nods at Reynard’s suggestion, the hint of a smile showing, but otherwise stays silent on the matter.*


Guest 11456

Jillian, female wood elf rogue

Jillian nods. "I agree. The bridge does seem like the best route. The other two choices have too much potential for disaster."

Voidrunner's Codex

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